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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-09-17, Page 6
EGGS - WHITE OR BROWN This Morning On Millions Of -Breakfast Tables Eggs help to get the families off to a good start for the day, and in mil- lions of other homes eggs will con- tinue the good • work at hutch and dinner, In varied dress - as golden scrambled, poached on toast, hard or soft in their shells, "sunnYside up" With ham; or hidden away in . muffins or dessert - - eggs are good for u$ at any meal, A "Must" Food Eggs are one of the "must" foodS. Even when budgets are limited, at least three or four eggs a' week are needed for each person, If possible, one egg a tier for each child and each grown-up is recommended and some- times two. What's In An Egg? Eggs are rich in: Iron-One of the minerals our bod- ies_ need, • Vitamins A and. G. Good quality .protein-important for' children. They contain. also some vitamiateen, Styles In Eggs Some people like white shelled eggs while others prefer them brown. The color of the shell is related only to the kind of hen. Leghorns lay white. eggs; most Other hens lay brown eggs., SALLY'S. SALLIES J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money To Loan. Office - Meyer Block, Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr, J. P. Kennedy. Phone 150 Wingham J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS - THERAPY RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 Wingham 4 HARRY FRYFOGLE Incensed Embalmer and Funeral Director furniture and Funeral Service Atnintlance Service. Phones: Do 109W. Night 109)' THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A ThoroUgh Enowlcdge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham For Life Insurance and Pension Plans toristilt GEORGE R. MASON representative Canada Life Assurance Co. 1 3 3 1.1 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK f3E23rTowttiz.6 LoNfloti 4EN4LAHD, WALKED 22 M1LE,SAitti( A. -HEAVY th14 i4EAO tte kke..t.- 40 4 BaisilEs water' wEst.E... USED ;=0.2. p(Axi met rr.• Wits-Cc4t SPAutets itt EAlwt atakraties. meet ills • - By R.J.SCOTT Res,31. 31cycl.2 I.MLWAY C014PAMY WAS ost4ARtzED • D4 1892.-to BUILD, WA'S' WAS, ‘Knosi,Itt As lit!. liatic410SS RA ILvo,Y " KEW tiErt5E1 ..440 W4A-r-rid4 teA). ts APPLito /it kr t• 'S 15,4,1x1< fi bE4-0krickng 1•41. raw Erewitiod1.44 Fd‘lketal &to Iowa WINGHAM ADVANCE-TTIVMS- Thursday, Sept, 17th, 1942 Minister to Canada fully dehydrated for shipment abroad under the Lend-Lease, and for other war purposes. Through dehydration the fine], 'product occupies roughly About one-half of the volume and weighs about one-fourth as much as raw lean meat, Research has shown that dehydrated beef after being soak- ed in water can be made into croquet-, tes, meat loaves and. meat pies, A coarse grinding gives a product suit- able for stews. Dried whole eggs are, adapted for use in cakes, doughnuts, pancake flours, and noodles. They can be whipped into an omelette or even scrambled. TESTED .RECIPES 'sprinkle with % cup salt and. leave ov.ereignt in a crock, The next morn- GREEN TOMATOES big drain off the brine, Put in a pre- As the chilly fall winds usher in thoughts of winter, the Canadian Homemaker looks for Ways and means of using the many snrpins products found in her leitcnen garden. The large quantities of green tom- atoes left on the vines, have always presented a problem to her, and have too often been allowed to waste. The Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Ag- riculture,,, suggests the following methods of storing and preserving these nutritious fruits:- xs teaspoon cloves 3, teaspoon salt 3. teaspoon soda a fbao:ling water 4 cup corn syrup 3.11 cup molasses 2 eggs Sift together flour, spices, salt and soda. Add boiling water to fat, corn syrup and molasses, blend, Add this liquid gradually to half of the sifted dry ingredients. Beat eggs, stir into the batter. Add remainder of dry in- gredients and mix, Half-fill muffin tins, well-greased, and bake in a mod- erate oven (M. degrees F,) for 25,30 minutes, or pour into a well-greased shallow pan 12x8 and bake in ,a mod- crate oven (350 degrees F.,). for 45 minutes, If desifed, half this recipe may be made and baked in a greased pan .8"x$" in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 25 minutes. Oatmeal Drop Cookies cup fatr cupi. towll sugar ae„ cup corn syrup cup milk 2 cups rolled oats % cup raisins 1% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoonful salt a teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon cloves teaspoon nutmeg 21 teaspoons baking powder Cream fat, add brown sugar and corn, blending together thoroughly. Stir in milk, add rolled oats and rais- ins, mix well. Mix, and sift flour, salt, spices andd baking. powder, add to first mixture and beat thoroughly, Drop by teaspoonfuls on a greased baking sheet nand bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 15-20 mins. Makes four dozen medium sized cook- ies. Wheat Germ Muffins 1% cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt 3 cup wheat germ 1 egg 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons melted fat Mix and sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, then add. wheat germ. To this add the melted fat, then the beaten egg and milk. Stir only enough to combine. Bake in greased muffin tins for 20 minutes at 400 de- grees R. Yield: 20 small muffins. Eduardo Grove, new Chilean min- ister to Canada, is shown arriving by clipper in Miami, Fla., on his way to his tee:* post. serving kettle 1 quart of vinegar-, 1 level teaspoon. each of black pepper, mustard 'seed, celery seed, cloves, all- spice and cinnamon and put in a bag spice and cinnamon and cup sugar Bring to a boil and add the prepared tomatoes, onions and peppers. Cook slowly for thirty minutes. Fill jars and seal, Green Tomatoes Pickled Whole 1 peck of small green tomatoes 1 quart boiling water % cup of pickling salt 1 quart vinegar 3 pounds of brown sugar 14 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon mixed spice 1 teaspoon celery seed 10 whole cloves Dissolve salt in boiling water, put in a few tomatoes at a time and boil for 12 minutes, remove each tomato carefully with, a wooden spoon to pre- vent spoiling shape, drain thoroughly and pack in lass. Tie spices in a muslin bag, put in vinegar, add sugar, and boil until slightly thickened, re- move spice bag, pour liquid over tom- atoes, filling sealers full, and seal tightly. Rhubarb in season or soaked driecl-' fruit can replace apples in Brown - Bety? (T.ry it with prunes Os" apri-" cots,) Best apple sauce is make from un- pared apples?. (Better flavour and better colour) * FAVORITE RECIPES Apple Brown Betty 9 % inch thick slices bread 3 tablespoons butter 3 cups thinly sliced apples (4 to Sr apples) 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon Remove crusts from bread, cut small cubes and saute in hatter, until evenly browned, Mix apples with sugar and cinnnamon. Arrange al- ternate layers of bread and apples in greased pudding dish. Cover and`.-. bake in moderate oven (375°) 30 min-• utes Uncover and bake, until brown . about 15 minutes longer. Serve hot with top milk or sauce, Yield: 6 ser- vings, Stewed Dried Apricots Wash dried, apricots and soak unfit, plump in just enough water to cover.. Cover and simmer in same water about 20 minutes, until fruit is soft,. Add sugar to taste and stir until dis--1111 solved, Cool covered„to obtain thick syrup. Address postal card to Health Leag-- ue of Candacla, 111 Avenue Road.., Toronto, for free vitamin chart giv- ing exact details of vitamin sources, FRUITS-GOOD TO EAT AND GOOD FUR YOU We are lucky people in his country, W4 have fruit to eat the year around, fresh, canned cg • dried. All fruits give Ps minerals and vitamins. The high ranks for Vitamin C. Some fruits have more vitamin C. than others. They rank: First-Oran- ges and grapefruit; Second-Canned or fresh tomatoes; Third-'Canned pineapple. Note;-Canned 'Grapefruit and the juice have almost, as much 'vitamin C. as the fresh fruit and at, times are cheaper. How much fruit do we need?-Eat one high ranker every day, plus one other kind of fruit. For example, add apples, prunes, or figs. Your money goes farther if . you buy-Small "juice" oranges instead of bigger ones, Canned grapefruit or grapefruit juice instead of fresh. Tomato juice in large .cans. Small prunes instead of big ones. • - Fruits will taste better 'and be 'safer if you-Keep all fruit and.fruit juices in a cold place and cover the fruit juices. Wash fresh fruits before eat- ing. Wash dried fruits, soak, and cook in same water, Do you know that-Dried fruits in bulk age cheaper and taste just as good as paclAged fruit? (sweet prun- es do - not need extra sugar.) Mixed dried fruits can be bought in bulk. (Smaller pieces but as good flavour.) Jam Pockets' 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour S% teaspoons balding _powder 2/2 teaspoonful salt % tablespoon sugar 1 egg 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons melted fat Jam - Mix and sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Beat egg, add milk. Make a depression in the flour mix- ture, pour in the milk and egg, then Melted fat. Stir as little as possible in mixing. Turn half the required amount of baiter into well-greased muffin tins, add 1, teaspoon of jam to each muffin and cover with the re- maining batter, Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees to 375 degrees d.) 25 minutes. Yield: 24 small muffins. The color of shell has nothing to do with age, condition or flavour of eggs. Flavour depends mostly on what the bens cat. Grade for grade, white eggs and brown eggs are the same. Yolks-Light Or Dark, . Many people think the colour of the yolk indicates its "freshness"-the orange ones being older. This is not true for 'colour depends on the hen's food and may vary from light yellow to' deep orange and the egg still be of excellent quality, Coolness Preferred Once a good egg, not always a good egg - unless properly cared for. Eggs, like milk, are perishable, and should be kept in a cool place - - in your refrigerator, if possible. DEHYDRATION SAVES SHIPPING SPACE In the conservation of shipping space, food dehydration (extraction of water and moisture) processes are playing an important part. Thirty dozen eggs in, shell require 21 cubic feet of shipping space, whereas the same quantity of powdered eggs takes only one-half a cubic foot. Eleven pounds of whole milk make one pound of dried milk. One pdund of dried vegetables equals 10 pounds - of the fresh product. Concentrated orange juice is one-sixth to one-tenth the yol- tan '6."of natural fruit juice, Meat has now 'been added to the U. S. food products which can be success- Business and Professional Directory Storage Tomatoes picked in a mature green condition will keep for a relatively long period under satisfactory storage conditions. Such green tomatoes must be sound and free from growth cracks, skin punctures, insect and freezing injury. Each green tomato should be in- dividually wrapped in paper (news- paper will do) and placed in a closed box or drawer. Another method is to pull the vine before any signs of frost injury are apparent, and suspend the entire vine from the ceiling of the storeroom. Tomatoes stored in the above-men- tioned manner should be maintained at a temperature of about 50°, and under favourable conditions will con- tinue to ripen until Christmas. Green Tomato Sauce 2 dozen large tomatoes 1% dozen apples 14 lb. salt 4 large green sweet peppers 1 red pepper 2 pounds brown sugar 2 ounces mustard 2 tablespoons ground ginger 2 pints vinegar 6 large onions Wash and slice tomatoes and onions, pare, core and slice apples, slice pep- pers and take out seeds. Mix spices with sugar and salt and add vinegar. Place on heat until sugar is dissolved and add to other ingredients. Boil „tor noursi then pour into sterilized jars and seal, Green Tomato Mincemeat .1 peck green tomatoes 1 peck apples 6 pounds brown sugar 2 pounds currants 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 pounds raisins 2 teaspoons cloves 2 teaspoons allspice Wash and slice tomatoes, Pare, core and chop apples. Mix and add other ingredients. Bring gradually to boiling point and cook for three hours. Pack in sterlized jars and seal while hot. a Green Tomato Pickles ;Tr- 4 quarts green tomatoes 4 small onions 4 green peppers Slice the tomatoes and onions, WELLINGTON FIRE , Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy hold- ers for over"' a century. Head Office - Toronto COSENS & BOOTH, Agents Wingham MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped-with the most modern machinery for the ere cution of high-class work, we ask yeti, to see the largest display of monu- ments of any retail factory in Ontario All finished by sand blast machines. We import our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal• era mem' and middleman profits b3 seeing trs, • • E. J. Skelton & 'Son at West End Bridge-WALKERTOI K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Successor to J. M. McKague PHONE 196 Wingham, -:- Ontario The Art Of Cooking Eggs High temperatures make egg white. tough, To-day, the best cook doesn't boil eggs. Instead she puts the egg in cold water, brings it to a boil,. covers, and turns off the heat. The: egg should stand in the -water for . three minutes (soft cooked) and 20-25- minutes (hard cooked). Scrambled eggs are best cooked in. a double boiler, instead of directly- over the heat, A moderate oven. should be used for such dishes as cus- tards, souffles, and cakes. On the vitamin chart, free on postal card request :o the Health League of Canada, 111 Avenue Road, Toronto., you can further explore the import-. ance of eggs in your diet. SUGAR ECONOMY Less sugar to eat, less sugar with which to cook. What does this mean to Canadian women? Every one Will now have another opportunity to help. the war effort, -knowing that she is being trusted personally to ration her family's sugar supply. Most Canadian diets contain too much sugar. Homemakers will be assisting thier families as well as their countiy when they use these recipes suggested by the Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture. Honey Cake % cup butter % cup honey 2/2 cup sugar 2 eggs % cup null: % teaspoon vanilla 2 cups cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon salt Sift the dry ingredients. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, creaming it thoroughly with the fat, Add honey gradually and blend with butter and sugar. Beat egg yolks and add to first mix- ture. Add vanilla to milk. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk, beating just enough to mix the ingredients. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites, Pour into a tin eight inches square and hake in a moderate oven, shout 850° P. Spice Cake 8% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon DR. R. L. STEWART' PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 CROSSWORD PUZZLE L, grasel $.Sprea s 130 dry 41-. Batt!, stopperA $, Russian A. H. McTAVISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer , Office: Goftou House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment, Phone Teeawater '1201. nurnberor „ 8, Pad to pk,Ot, 314_For&) 1xi,4201q41 3-4t-9.1.°11 AMU_ • 4,1.13 A.E./Tung", . 3. Native of 27. Coat. Den r - honaiire , river, ei •„4„Foxyd 2$. 4,bsolv d 10. Bakingr..„:„,,,„ Tints .A„ 0 ,1 29. King chamber. Molding 2.1. Great Split 30. Mende ,ICE1111. „1:11M11 EKIE1011gt MORIN DRUMM UMW VIONCINIM ARM Min U1SplINUI W11011013 „ 12C113[4 --'1314111 brpm ERAMICIEI Off ©G 21111 11111 E4121fil - DOA OSIZI EifYIECICIII1 MINIMA 101Wkifflig piii11111111 IMOLAI 12. Solitary. IV,. teat kneel onward 13. Ponder 13, Bulk r., Az, Made of 14. "Unstitched 14. Quick steel booklet! 15, Butts %,:t 34. Jumped 16. Malt 1,7, Long i,00th. 36. Coarse cot.,. beverage 20. Ache I ton fabric 17. dame of! 41 30, StOrtaA ;do:Cavern , 12. Pull throng' water, Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Itiettric Treat. meats. Foot TechniqUe, Phone 272, Winghant. 10 d By WALLY B(SHOP 11-6 'TH./kill • MUGGS AND KEET1R ts A CCMAIAANDO TouGH AS O A MGI-A As . A PRIZE. 4:)01'13/5\t-A. k 1 GI-ME Pl-i4YER? TOUGH AS A GIANT chance efeta: 18, Father 19. Outdo 2t To trowel 22.. steamship (abbe) 23, insteet L "eeet 24. tonriderg 25. False hair; 26. Period of time 1:;-{- 27. Setutiniaii, .120, Total r: 30.)3tialtel i ' ; (abbr4,1 32„ Like. ale 43, Piece of,c;,. teedieworIT ,35.1stortourt 38. Part Of a, Cheek 81.(:)vurn 38, package 40, Enclooure, 41.. Infrequent " '42, Bark Of itia. berry tree.` 41, 'Wicked '44,,AcrOtte".) 45'.. A alto of paler IA, Martial" CIO YOU PXTHER ci\-ro-t 'YOU PL YIN' HOOKY I=g0t4 )))1r •