HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-09-17, Page 2wItt;re the saint,. is Row shouted.
Kincardine News,
pport the Army of Mercy!
1 cup g?ated horseradish, (opt-
2 cups %inegar
1 teaspoon salt
Written f:, tae NratrifLin Services of
the 1)el..,tert.7.aeot ',Pensions, and
the$e reasms the strplt- oi Duro Plumping Systems will be
pet a: tins year.
kiea'jers with Inntr meir PzmPs nnterl-
airs nnd NirE: perr.Tit-Iput if you a:ready bare
Dzro Pun-:::). we suggest *al you ask yi)=1- D:n-o de .sit to check
ro lt ever and reis.`,a,•:e. wor,z parts,
2&ke pun-.p sin :first eass running order to 4.,:asr.re
tz,,ntinuar.c.e zas Sat3SiaZt)ry D1.1.70 vuzzapizg- se.,--vice to which
rou have become az•zustornel
:rot': haven% ru=ing w.ater 7.otn. home, ;:ro=1. D=ro 48ealer
=ay a!-"le Se.'sr.I.I.t a Thr.-%.-) Purnp .W47 especialay if it 11-21
inzrease farzn pro.-lutti.on. and ,7,-;‘ur efficIenty.
'The Dam -.1, b...., penr..-.,s 25111
lxis 25 galvanized tat....k.
',Q‘za31.3.-. t7:zoz,n1Fixt-tv...s. and 'Fit-
avr,i1a1..e in a good range ,of sty:es
tn0 palyz:zr.r.g fixtures
Z.7.4 wt ail 44~`J
iozik .47c47. 41.” EMCO They '41;i:if,eaSt TOIL
Phone Winthatin
, Sep 1942
ikiLti. to itsad attol?awi' %-o:ttiamtv14,‘;.16.1t
tP.../n the Municiral .00ttet:tuitts.
1.;:s and tai toter stated tat h
,tr.'n$4..• was at'ooPted Inemb4:12. was
'., Lad twt in..tto. that
?,lest son klad ta..; rnone:t.
a!, had s,iid
la's. r Ile:4rd t la .r:se and wann,../
••,, 37,1;,:';1 3, :41 t:::/%4s
rots Het.: S;n:^%-,n rIsn'
0.1.411t in.
tic tec‘e accsIt.'.1 the .;:r.
Vitighavn AdvaTme.Times µ lkccx ,c .14,:nws„-n ont his
Published at
qtatne Worn ',oath Atnetiea
tZe:lo,y. a f..;.ratier englreel
tie Great Late s, many :ivars
the .";.;:ati.p. it, at !wan
triN:'41.vering front an at:act:
- - .st tualatia fever c..mtracted in Solve"
where spend-
„nit his third scas.,11. C!tatle sprut
of the ,,nue time the hosl,ital in Pritisit
i.iniana, on the newt:IC.1g .`.•2•4 of
Anztrizza,. and ‘1,-as• i:own to DISTRICT
Morida, and thence ht. train
ottokkotol.onoedatotiV*40610004110111,411044f104.140j wherehe !ris at'a Tht'ullF011441:alt" Was
ICI-V.31021 %lit Wednesday everdurg tnilltit
'olat to' be a qot".141Y 'n'e a'il4 '011" 11:1 2son would arcive on the n,,%.-tt train —
4`.7't'''''.;".' S7:141";11 .,,""..'lell",1 41% wr'tt,,ell front olerseas a lluttlk: of eitirens ;Left Tools In Tire
ret5gt:a"kM.,11.° 4"."1'1%. V ..4':14.1.4Ing% "q"' 4,‘coulpankil by 47,:le Pipe Ittand were' 4 commercial traveller. who called, goes torth at this tin.le to escape the
1 '..:114.'It "''''' was ta"T1 '.1 "... "'‘``In'i at the station to greet bun, Mrs. at Ibis office :46't Friday te3d to of an hay fever Seasont nni had his hoIldaY i =1.. . _
1 Thompson who had gone to London h oda experienze be !tad that day. In a cut short by Ins nus..ap. He was ac- 1
4.1 the last nultirk..; Reeve Simpson .t..., rk,,,0.1 the ?1t ,or as raved .,au the train I nearby town, he had his anto tire re-, companied by his grandson, Toe Ag-
,itiNe'cted to the passing of au account oviem him T,,,, .,-x were pip eat up to the •i paired and then proceeded on his new,—LuCknow Sentinel.
fin far . or.of t7ort.r.c.inor i;rabh for work :.1, Town Han by 11,,, ban 4 ,,,,-here Mayor 1 r.,,ute. 'He notioe,l sOmething unusual
ttone at the now. town ..aifice. Thie l m,,..mm.ray gar, au ao,a ress .,,,f Neel,• i ab,,...ut tllis T-.zTaired tire, ,,,,0 lie ;.;topped i Goes To Reformatory
Ommell4 Zeziki.0,1 1,, writv isle' litmieil'al , coati. and 24.4,...ir Illoraps,cm spoke rat the text service station to have it Appearing hefor,e Magistrate E W. i
'World 'for' a rang on this and tile to- . briefly ill repty4.44.1. maj,,.,r 'ir,.„.-„mtr,..j1.,.oked over. InveAig.ati,sn sh,....,weds• Walker at Walkerton. ,-,tt .Barges of ,
ply was read by the clerk taSt 11'41t.,,i,,,vre$; plans are at ii‘ri•„%erit traeertain.--'1 that the firs: sarageman had left •-two, the theft of two cars, Kenneth Hamil-
It stated tltat :kir. 'Grabb wou:d be die-lcunt „n xel..,..„„Rez,(4.4‘ Israel tool.: in the cash of his tire, ; ton was convicted and sentenced to
natal fed if he aocC.pted INarneut. As 1 one year •deteranirtate and three months
`,the money had not bt.en. ram his star i4 -
Ins 'was not „tifecU.,d and Mr. Gmbh •
-stiggr.-sne.i that the ,$8::: he turned over.
10. the British War Victims' Fund.
The council felt - that this cou'id not be
Go,lerich Sian". Star. 4 taken to the Lon!se lio,"shall Hospital 2.4`'stowil ReeVe ge$ig33.$
1:11"4-41'14" 1`.'w-11 'Clinton Doctor Home From Overseas can be expected.—Mount Forest Con-
, tIn 'hearin that PT. F. G. ish.omp- federate,
lir 25 Point 3cientilie Examia,
ation eltable$ tzar giv;
eicar4 ComlortAble Vi
Phone 118 Ha.rriston
on Friday, Roy hiker. had his left
:and caught in a machine and all the
*7'.113g‘NrS. ZtVt 113C, veception of
T 1,1 New York, Toronto and Godetiz.b. fit,: iingcr I.st the capper,
,r1.2 z.resentrd it t., C
I clss.7k, Ile left the tneetin but INturn-
0.13 the h
L'4"CT`knit a eiti.:o.2.--13.4.-4w ,
pet persok,
No h.igher,!
400 k eiy teems with radial
he is netting along as well as
Suffering' From blood Poisoning
ar,:s so- 7y to r.:port that Mr.1
Itioar,ge Radford is a 1•aVent Victor-I
,ia Hospital, London, w'tere he is un-
dergoing treatment for blood poison-
' ing. The, inf:ction started from a
small scratch on the Ctumb knuckle.
Spent Sumnicr Sailing
Jae!: :11.nvhray of I nekniety and:
Rodney McI..,-tunan of ochalsh, who
.4.ent the Lolidays Cn a paaactel
plyini...; as fa.. as :szewi'mna- land, con,Itutell 3,,b, Luck-
iloW Sentinel.
Suffered Arm Fracture
Joseph Agnew had the misfortune,
to suffer the fracture a brine in his
left arm while holidaying at his cottage
ar Sprucedale. Mr, Agnew annually
Clergymen Cut- Winter Fuel
1:1-e Elora Express says, 'If you
?war a aortal s:yaid KiNi3v,, and of
tree idling in the general direction ni
Alma, you will Imo* that three of our
lora' clergy, R:-Fv. Walter McCleary,
Wakie and area-. E. L. Sint-
monds, are at work ,on their witner's
sappily of fuel. These enterprising!
dergYmen have bought a number of
marked trees in the woo,Wt of the
Nesbitt farm ha the Alma district, and?
are cutting and splittin,;- their winter.
firewood and, we ankierstaud, have
oast to be three wry creditable
Myth Standard.
:vivo."' word recerey that her ltushand More Cabins For Kincardine
1:+tvalortnaster-Sergeartt Wilsert, 'was. Ki=traire toW•21 C'olnzz:711 is one
Inissin.„t after the Commando raid on !group which ayes not think the future
dOno, the Crerman-held French port 'of 1,; of the tourist business is going to be,
40z-nnoillor Grabb thin stated that , Neppe. Mrs. Wilson was formerly ,' as black as sonte prophets would have '
'cril .1:::`ebtuar,k,. ',',.' the reeve had rented Agnes Wornall of Teeswater, sister of Ith z,se interested i n toli fist, promotion
.for fht 1:""ra anl that he thelv....t-ei
1 las 11.01-,,,,te ;,,,,, Harry Dixs.on to sio work .1, The News &Eton—Tees-water News, believe. At the rega",!zar rae miug, ,of the • Tires. Stolen From Crasher
1 arta didn't th4 make a mess of both '
Atissing After Dieppe Raid - and1 • 4 4 - a,,,e crag ;'o.c111a,
pi's. 'Clark W ikon of Loudon, te- t
indeterminate on each to ran concur-
rently. For the theft of a tire and
money from his foster -father, James,
Hamilton, of Carzick Township, he
was given four months for each of;
fence concurrent in the Ontatio Re-
This work of ,
must go on
Thousands Depend on
the Army of Mercy
in Time of Need
A war for democracy places unusual burdens
on all of us. Rut we cannot overlook the needy
at home. That would be treason to democracy.
There are many with whom life has dealt
harshly. Human weakness, failure of relatives,
unfortunate circumstances—one or all of these
may have put them in dire need.
Long experience in dealing with
human weakness and want qualifies
The Salvation Army to be YOUR.
agent in this work of brotherhood.
That is the reason for this Home Font
'Appeal. Money is needed. The work
MUST go on. With YOUR help,
it WILL!
Wingham District — Headquarters, S. A. Citadel.
R. H. Lloyd, Chairman; Frank Howson, Vice Chairman
G. E. Northwood, Treasurer.
14 cup mixed whole spice (tied in
cheesecloth bag)
• WARTIME MEALS'', salted Dip 'a
Select small beets, cook in slightly . se.al.
watts rural tender. 'into
I cold water and remove skins, Pack
Mix all together, put into jars and.
teaspoon pepper
icouneil on Frilly tight approval was' 'William Jennison, wen-known farm-
tad 4ta,c4.epted that money indirectly t Zingers Cut Off given for the ply, chase materials er and gravel contractor on the Line
Via was ;.Fisque.lifi.ed. Be ss'la' the W:Ldlc at work at the casket factory build allitinal cabins at Landsowne Water Highway, senth of St. fosePh,
.marred a heavy loss when theives
' stole four tires .attached to his stone
crusher locatO near K:maka., where
..e had been ent-gaced. roarl work for Pickled beets add colour, zest and into sterlized ,fiar'S; cover with syrup '
part of 'the summer, They also took illtrest Economical and made from 7lbove. ingredients boiled
the inner tubes, aeares)lbyestprieoprarth:e ea,puy:onsg.e.,, tender beets for five mmutcs. Seal jars tightly and
Istor. in a cool place.
"6.4Scription. Rate — Out Year •V.2,00
Six luontlis advance
To S. A., per year
Voreign rate, 443.00- per year.
.advertisiug rates on apOication.
The follow7nr,, recipe suggested by !. Won Valuable ScholarsTip
--Shortage of Materials
--Reduced Production
Factor3r Facilities
devoted to war work
Beet Relish
Consumer 'tie-tion Department of Ag-l• 2 quarts beets, cooked and claop-, Though the army they la
se,0.01 has er:ce •
calture arid tested an their experi-1 ped Would 'have been better fed i ntizire, shown itself to be a.z..ademically t; ' t menu' 1:31C11.11, ,,ave excellent results: 1 raw cabbage finely shredded. If they'd known of the fine food—
liero.ind to none in the Province 'of Ont- "`„ ,quart eider vmegar
pups Water
1 cup -white sugar
Harniston High School. Eric is the teaspoon salt
winner of the most valuable scho'lar-
s'hip, the Province of Ontario Scholar-
ship. St.R. He also won the'
Williamson Scholatships in pla.1..sies
,and .x.herri...,;try, an! ...Knight Soholar-'
ship in bioltcr and the Bell t.'s`cholar-
.. ship 2µ chemistry. but as nio student is '
1..an .vm:d rezeix-e tallie than one
srholarship, the last threes-Pile given
ito other odents who were text is
ike= Into Sep to
TiVe..ates:hs afternoon whit e thresh-
" f ang operations tre en procress au the
• farm of EL 2_.ntr, Nelson Con= ;rho
Ivras 11,-er.fr:ze, arid workin'g at the separ-
alor, had his Tieit arm tiraWra B3to
i the ularhitte. with the ^reset that it
rut rir!. torn.
pneal Tat Overrannea Car
11-....-....1-.vraz.„ about i',-in.t. an des a trig zi. his amphibious tractor contains sl group of the Guadalcanal island. WaShing,on reported that Zs 1Seez,rth. IL.rts, .C;indrse, had taken her : tam= Z.S,. ruarliam: who are thiMil as 'they appronth L S forces are Well tablisited in six of the, SOtornon the ,m trance to the Tit% dap army camp encountered Islands. v Ca 1 --1 a •ti-zah''"•Th . r.te'r lir a.' '1 241:'..- '-:r3:'-- `` — .,- 4.-- by the 3entherneeks in their offensh,e Push Into rtzer treatmest, arts VT= :return-
.; int. .hrime bad taken her. aig,in 'Erma
',fa 114.* Wheel ....if the ear tr,dea:,e the.
by's head.
'Th.e =.1. waitriametts.ri.Iy .-tut of
izzetrol 01::1 .in htIngin it 'ha at into
1 171111,,. it ZI.IteMea t.".1 the ,npp!asIte sitle of 1
ithe na,".1 an 3:1;r:., the ,Filth., where it
i rta.i.lva 1-,=....ion into a ly.)dro. Atiri!n,-.
sra.ping t t off. 'The Ca Itirritql :fre.'.. . . 4 nur,r....4.Leing the tv.Ither ran:2 zi.14,1.6. '
• . A 1-a.it..6.2y;.,Trza„oris.,,, v..lbose name
1•Mt-ks, ,t7-3h1.;:irun Zit) nneitvartt„ surrazAel)
re7t.t.sing 7".V.T and the bah:,,,:r, and a
r.t..rintes "Ale- 1.3t7;:zu I"- irkev.,1 ra'ne ,
. i tom; -z,ti2. In-52,t31.1 iht .it'artra vonanu 1
itn ,C,Ii.=:.‘ut, libers 'rt.. W.. A. OnknO,
1.•;rztv..;:l her injt.'tes... Vh::.rin trAnsistet11
•. '0i .Kt'L°i.rnti rns nra lot...nis.1?.s.. 'to the left
-'!).tkg =A ?et ;fora, anill ,!...;:kt..k..frot-,, the
istve-e Shalt..ur... tip, 'Tile 1::i,-.:::.• fszeited
.:iti?.1. s41-Ssr.'..'ntLtil.., -t..."3 %:A1 =4 iate.
.a.Sr..t.C.....fr, 14471:zit;."'antrzeitzt-..
!ttoy Pitottt..;A:i.t4—. i. 1. 'Ilaan, ".E121,
la ter .)ate Itif •
itttNIt iltSt a r '1=r7 ativtr.tis...
ario. In the schz,:arship lists just pub-
:ishea by the Senate of sZtneen's Uni-
versity, first on the list Eric Inamel,
Mn.s.. loln (.7^:1 -''II sustained
panortil trlorn she last contr.r.4 1
the .rar she -was dpi ',t, .031
yeimiteg in,vbet,* Shp nit*hine.gan ism1514k0,11, anett the trot that Ave, the invading lothOneNti'
stuih U.no13,:in #n their ttinoattt Of Guadaleanel Wend
tht Soloman rrtii la. :Stole* teleANNA lay the nAlly
l,,Plhet Val% iiiantat lea 10* II* 3111thates.,..„, tonva anAtuitt Itmq d,..3\vv4 The ,110e 14 quiet 4-au kloknder$,
"We niust" said a fellow named Cat*
-Wipe Carthage right off of the slate