HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-09-10, Page 4 orgo 1;IXlp oglo==c01;:zo 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. re.a1=40111 • • OWN U O 0 ol 0 O O O Air Minister Power Inspects Vverseas Guard . Air Minister, Major the Iron. C, O. Power, 1W,C., lospeets the guard of honor from aver " ea headquarters. In: the background, firma,. catety behind Maior, Power, is Air MarShal, Breathier, Chief of Air Staff, who With the minister roaldrig a tour of R.C.A,P. Stationi ft Air, Oft tht elate:rid left Ogb J' in, of titiotvot *ho Stl itsistont diebuyititsitthilhainit* • 410111.110.1•01.11WWW011 . With that School Girl Perfection $9.95 • h& ...i a "'1 a4,a avi , to , , , '‘'' . , a $13.95 "Make 'ern casual cried the Co-eds . .. and we did. Coats as handsome as the boy-friend's . and just as neat. Straight classic lines, with plenty of room to wear over sweaters and suits. A hardy herring- bone weave that laughs at raindrops. In tan, red, brown, green, or gray salt and pepper. Sizes 10 to 18. Don't miss 'em! ISARD'S Ready-to-Wear RUBBER . RINGS doz. 6c CERTO 8-oz btl. 25c AYLMER (20-oz. tin) Tomato Juice 3 - 25c RICHMELLO Coffee, 1/2-lb. bag 20c 1-lb. bag 39c DOMINION (1-113. tin) Baking Powder .. 17c MAPLE LEAF (lb. prints). LARD 2 - 29c RINSO Large pkg. 24c WOODRURY'S SOAP DEAL 4 cake bundle 24c NEWPORT FLUFFS 3 qt.= pkg. 2 for 15c 8 tit. pkg. 25c 13 qt. pkg , 39c CROWN FRUIT JARS Medium doz. .. $1.10 Large doz. .... $1.49 AYLMER (tasty cuts, 12-oz. tin) ASPARAGUS 2 - 25c MONARCH- FLOUR 7-1b. bag 29c 24-1b. bag 84c AYLMER NO. 4 AND 5 PEAS ..... , 16-oz, tin 10c BROOKFIELD CHEESE .. 1,6-lb. pkg. 19c Dr. Ballard's (16-oz. pkg.) DOG FOODS 2 - 25c Meaties, Terrier Cakes and Nibbled Biscuits DOMINION, 'VINEGAR , „ gal. jugs 43c PERFECTION FLOOR WAX, 1-1b. tin 29c *0 BOY HAND CLEANER . tin 3 - 25c SOLEX (25 - 40 60 watt LAMPS .......... each 15c Fruits and Vegetables STI LL AVAILAt , FREESTONE ux PEACHES ARRIVING DAILY . ......i............i.,......ai.4....,,,,-.......,,..ii...., . . ,.. .. LARGE IVICY LEMONS ...... dot 29c ONTARIO POTATOES peck 09c. SWEET JUICE 'ORANGES .......... doz, 20c DOMINION TOPES • LIMITED ft FOR SALE — EleCtric Floor Lamp and 2 burner Electric plate. Apply at Advance Times. FOR SALE — Young Pig, 9 weeks old, also beatuiful golden and white Cocker 'Spaniel Pup, thoroughbred and can be registered reasonable, P. Biggs, R. Re No. 2, Wingham. FOR SALE Turnip pulper, Apply George Baird, Wingham Town Plot. FOR SALE—Year-old Barred Rocks and Leghorn hens. Priced at Rocks, $1.00, Leghorns, 85 cents each. 'Geo. Kennedy, R. R. No. 1, Lucknow, 13 miles, west of Whitechurch. Phone, Lucknow 43 R 11, FOUND — A Sum of Money a couple of weeks ago. Apply Advance- Times. HOUSE FOR RENT — Lower Wingham. Recently remodelled. Apply to Lee Orvis. LOST— A Hub Cap for Dodge Car between Wingham and Lucknow. Please leave at Advance-Times. LOST — Rural Mail plate for car be- tween Wingham and Wroxeter. Please leave at Advance-Times. MUSIC LESSONS — To those who contemplate having their children take music lessons. Bandmaster Wright wishes to interview any -person who is clesirious of having their children learn music, theory, instrumentation of all kinds and violin. Lessons to those 9 years and up. Leave names at Advance-Times for appointment. PIANO LESSONS — John Thomp- -son's modern graded course, excel- lent for young children, Apply Mrs. Jack Ernest, Frances St. PILES — Sufferers of bleeding and protruding Piles should know Bun- ker's Herbal Pills treats the cause at its source. Money back if not satisfied at better Drug Stores. ROOMERS WANTED — Centrally located. Apply at Advance-Times. "SLENDOR TABLETS"—Harmless and effective. $1.00 two weeks sup- ply. At McKibbon's Drug Store. TENDERS—For the digging of a ditch at 5, S, No. 7, Morris will be received by the undersigned up to Sept, 15th., 1942. Particulars from the undersigned, James M. Camp- bell, Secretary, R. R. No. 4, Wing- ham. 22 RECONDITIONED PIANOS— at Sehuett's Furniture Store at Mildmay. Also new pianos, new and used furniture. J. F. Scliuett Sons, Mildmay and Mt. Forest, TENDERS WANTED —Tenders are asked by S, S, No, 8, Morris, for the construction of a new school, Build- ing to be of frame structure on con- crete foundation, For plans and specifications apply to R. S. Shaw, Bluevale, WANTED — Girl for Housework in Toronto home, two children. Apply at Advance-Times, WANTED —A girl for general house- work. Apply to Mrs. W. W, (JIM) Gurney. Phone 362. WANTED—Music Teacher for S. S. No. 7, Morris. Apply to James M. Campbell, Secretary, R. R. No. 4,. Wingham. CARD OF THANKS Mr. J. F, McLean and family of Whitechurch, take this opportunity of expressing their sincere appreciation to their neighbours and friends for the kindness and-sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement. For the floral tributes and the loan of cars we also express sinscere thanks. IN MEMORIAM SHOWERS — In loving memory of one who passed away one year ago, September 5th., 1941. • "He lives with us in memory still, Not just to-day but always will." Ever remembered by wife and family. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voter's Lists, 1942, Municipality of Township of Morris, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8, of the VoterS' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at R. R. No. 4, Brussels, on the 1st. day of September, 1942, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proCeedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day. for 'appeal being the 1st. day of October, 1942. Dated this 1st. day of September, 1942. George C. Martin, Clerk of the Township of Morris REAL THRILLS FROM A. R. P. TRAINING On a recent Thursday night at North Vancouver, B. C., the District A. R. P. Warden and his helpers had turned out for practice. Squads of, auxiliary fire fighters, engineers, pol- ice, ambulance sections and stretcher- bearers were all set for a training de- monstration when suddenly a violent storm broke. Lightning flashed and fires were started. Reports of these fires came in im- mediately to A. R. P. headquarters and to the Fire Hall from wardens scattered all aver the city and district. A. R. P. squads already assembled in Lynn Valley swung into action, man- ned the fire truck and in a few minutes were on the scene of the first fire at a sawmill on Seymour Pipeline Road. It was soon under control, Lightning started two small fires up Mountain Highway and these were successfully dealt with by Forestry and A, R, P. workers. The next move was to Sey- mour River where lightning had struck a tree and started a 'fire that appeared likely tO' cause serious trouble. The Greater Vaancouver Water District squads had this well in hand,. Although primarily a wartime ex- pedient, A, R, P. training thus proved that the service can be adapted to cope with emergeneies that would not ord- inarily come within its province, "The training these men have had in recent months stood them in good stead in this emergency" said Chief Warden Capt. G. R. Bates. "All of the squads acted ' like veteran fire fighters." "You're in love. You don't even know what love is," "Sure I do. Love is the only game that is not postponed on account of darkness," * * "Zoup, sir?" asked the waiter, "I don't know what you're talking about," said the diner. "You know 'what hash is? Well zoup is looser." EAST WAWANOSH Brick' Church W. M. S. The Mision Band and the Baby Band of Brick Church, met in the school room of S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh on Thursday, September 3. It being a Birthday Party and graduation of two members, Joyce Robinson and Ivan Dow, from the Baby Band into the Mission Band. Lantern slides were shown on the "Seven Little Travellers." The W. M. S. Held their meeting afterwards with Mrs. Dow's group in charge. The theme of the meeting was, "The Church in My Community." The ladies then served lunch. Mrs. Pattison's group is to take charge of the October meeting. WROXETER Red Cross Notes The Red Cross Rooms will be open for work each Wednesday dfternoon from now on, During the summer season many quilts have been made. Now the available patches for making tops are about exhausted and the com- mittee are asking that every woman the community would be responsible for the making or procuring of a top .The batting and lining to be provided by the Society. Will you help, so that the quilts needed so much will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. L, P. McLaughlin, Oshawa, spent the past week with Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Mrs. Stocks is spending a few days with her daughter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, are holidaying with friends here. Mr. arid Mrs. J. H. Wade, Fordwich, were Sunday guests of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. Mr. McIntosh, Kincardine, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol. Mr. Alex Wright has purchased the home of Mrs. Robert Stocks. Mrs. Stocks will leave shortly to take -up residence in Toronto. Mrs. Harvey Timm and children re- turned from London Friday, where they had spent the past week, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. G. Hemphill spent the week-end at Dyers Bay, The Misses Gilmour from near Wingham, spent a few days last week with Mr. anti Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wright have purchased the Newton house and will shortly move there. • Miss Betty Hupher, Windsor, spent the week-end with her father, Mr, John Hupheta Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold and baby, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. Geo. Paulin, Miss Elva Reipler returned Mon- day to her home in Sudbury after spending the summer vacation at her home here, Miss Evelyn Montgomery, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Motgomery. Mr. and Mrs, G. Davidson-, spent last week at their home in Oshawa, Gordon Gregg of the Canadian Mil- itary Police and Mrs. Gregg (nee Vera Wright), Woodstock, are spending a few days with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wright. Plying Officer M. L, Poster of New- foundland, and Mrs, Poster and baby, T..earnington, were guests for a few days with the forniter's parents, Rev. ,T, L, and Mrs. Poster, The Manse. Guests front a distance at the Travis-Poster wedding weret Mr, and Mrs. Earl Travis and daughter Helen, Cornith, Miss Smith of Watford, Miss MacKenzie of Stratford, Mr. and. Mrs, McDonough of Grand tend. Mrs. George Paulin jr., is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr, and MO, .tloyd MeMiehaelv of TOtotifo, were Week-end gist Of Mr, and Mrs, Robert MoMlehael, Mr, Alvin Moffat was a Toronto vis- itor last week, Miss Gertrude Sangster, Detroit, spent the week-end with her parents, J Mr, and Mrs. J. Sangster. Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Miss Helen Arkell, Teeswater, was a guest of Mrs, Sanderson Thursday of last week, Miss Mildred Griffith, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her parents here, ••••,,•••••••••• Women's Institute Mrs. J. H, Wylie opened her home on Thursday last for the September meeting of -the W, I. The opening exercises were conducted by the presi. dent. The Roll Call, a Quotation from a famous writer, brought a choice re- sponse. Mrs, Russel Rae was in charge of Current Events and touched on many interesting subjects including "Progress made through the'' Horti- culture in beautifying Country Schools, Tea Rationing, British Women saving the fruit crop through the Institute canning stations, The Memorial Tow- er built by the Legion in memory of the Heroes of Dunkirk." Miss Marg- aret Wearrmg was a guest and con- tributed two piano solos. 'The -Swal- low, by F. Burgmuller, Dance of the Rosebuds, by Frederick Keats, which were very much enjoyed, The guest speaker was Miss Helen Arkell, R.- N., of Teeswater, whose subject was "First Aid". The speaker discussed very clearly and in an interesting way, the care of cuts, burns, wounds, what to do and what not to do in case -of fainting, shock and hemorrhage, ac-. cidents and fractures. Words of ap- preciation were expressed to Miss Ar- kell for her fine address. The hostess presenting her with a lovely bouquet of Sweet Peas, Tea was served at the close, Mrs. Sherk assisting the hostess and a social hour enjoyed. S. S. No. 1, Turnberry Dance A -social evening and dance will be held in S. S. No. 1, Turnberry "Doug- las School" on Friday of this week, September 11th. Good music will be provided. Ladies bring lunch. Pro- ceeds for war work, Women's Missionary Society , The September meeting of the W. A. will be held in the church school-room on Thursday of this week, September 10th, 3 p.m. It is expected members of Bluevale 'W. M. S. of United Church will be guests. Mrs. Howes will be the speaker. W. I. Hold -Special Meeting A special evening meeting of the members of the Women's Institute, will be held on the evening of Sep- teluber 17th, at the home of Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton, when Mrs. Denny and Mrs, Martin, local project leaders, will have charge of 'the program, and making the most of Vegetables will be the subject under discussion. Mr. H. Wailer, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wray and Miss Joyce Wray, were week-end guests of their mother in town. Miss Lueelle White, Toronto, was a holiday guest at her home here. Mr, anti Mrs, Elmer Gallagher, To- ronto, visited the former's parents over the weeklenda Miss Jessie Paulin, Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Messrs J. H. Wylie, Phil, Durst anal • Bill Martin, returned from two weeks at camp, Thames Valley, on Sunday. GORRIE To Display Red Cross Work The Red. Cross Executive met on Tuesday evening with a goodly attend- ance, Several items of business were attended to. A committee of Messrs. Spatting, Strong and Whitfield, were appointed to attend to the sale of tic- kets on a lamb donated by Mr. Thompson, 'The matter of a display of sewing and knitting at Howick Fall Fair in Fordwich on October 3, was left to the Women's work com- mittee., Motion was made for the treasurer to forward 70 per cent. of cash to headquarters. The Secretary is to write a letter of thanks to County Council for its donation of $600,00 to otir work. The president has received forms Whereby parents can send cab- les to prisoners -of war through the Red Cross, Red Cross Shipment On Wednesday, Sept. 2nd., the Women's committee packed what was considered a good shipment for the busy season, British civilian comforts, 3 quilts, 12 boys' shirts, 4 girls' dress- es, I woman's dress, 1 girl's pyjamas; Army and Airforce-40 khaki hand- kerchiefs, 1 pr, socks; Stencil's Com- forts-3 pr. 26 inch stockings, 8 pair 26 inch seaboots, 1 pair is inch socks, 1.6 pair whole mitts, 6 'ribbed helmets, 11 alternate caps, 6 turtle-neck fuel:- ins, 8 V neck sweaters, - 1 T neck sweater; Hospital-6 pair pyjamas, 35 gauze- handkerchiefs, 67 triangular bandages, 6 Sheets, '20 abdominal bandages, 60 pillowslips, The Com- rtatte decided to try to make.an hibit again this year at the Pat Pair. • Presentation At Sunday School in the 'United Church on Sunday morning, Mr. Hec- tor Hamilton, who for a number of years has been secretary and who has joined the Ground Force in the R. C. A. F., was presented with a fountain pen. The following -address was read by Miss Eleanor Carson and the pres- entation made by E . J. Farrish. Dear Hec:— On behalf of the members of the Sunday school we ask you to accept this gifi in token of our appreciation for the help you .have so cheerfully and -unselfishly given to our Sunday -school, We are proud -of the decision you. have made to join His Majesties' Forces. The wish of each and every- one is "God be with You" and "The Best of Duck." Hec, taken completely by surprise thanked his friends in a few words. Recent guests of Mrs, Susan Munro were; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rowe and children, Eleanor and Allan, Mr. Ralph Rowe, Misss Nancy Paddon of Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Liazie Rowe, who had spent a couple of weeks with her' cous- in returned home with her sons. Miss Isabel Watson, Hamilton, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Avery spent a few days last week with relatives in Monkton and Mitchell, Miss Bessie Wylie has returned to Toronto after spending her summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Rev. George Wylie returned to Oakdale on Friday after spending his holidays with his mother and sis- ter, His mother returned with him ain't will visit with him fOt a couple of weeks. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson, Brus- sels, visited on Wednesday with Rev. Geo. Wylie and his mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Mt, and Mrs. Lawrence Short and Ronald, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Earngey and his parents, Mt, and Mrs. Thos. Short. Pte. Jack Musgrove, Petawawa, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs, Jas, Musgrove. Mr. J. EL King, Toronto, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. CharleS King. E. Magrath; Toronto, syent the week-end with his brother, Joel Magtath, Mr, Willard Michel R. C. N, V. R,, Toronto, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Mr, and Mrs, Percy Colorer, Toton- to, spent the Nveek-end with her par.: ems Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kitty. Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Whitfield and little son, Douglas, are visiting with' relatives in Corbettville and Toronto, this week. Mrs. Grainger and Mr. Lloyd liod. ktidge visited the latter's Sisttry, hiss Marjorie Hockeidge it 'Guelph on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Poster and and Miss Cross spent a few clays in this week. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Cathets and daughters 'of Hamilton, were week. end guests 'Of Mr, and ,Mrs. Robert Cathers, OLT R WINGHAM 'ADVANCE-TIMES- Thqrsday, Sept, 19thi 19 42 AUCTION SALE—Of farm stock and implements and household furniture, be held on Lot 14, concession ,7, Turnberry, at 1,30 p. m., Friday,. September 11th, Terms, Cash. Matt Gaynor, „auctioneer; Elliott, proprietor. ,AUCTION SALE—Farm, farm stock . and implements will be held at Lot .31, concession 12, Turnberry, at 1 p. an., on -Thursday, September 17th. Terms of chattels cash. No Reserve, Farm 100 acres, 50 acres of soft- wood bush offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. 10 percent down at time of sale of sale, balance with- in 30 days thereafter, Matt Gaynor, auctioneer; Phil. Dawson, proprietor. Miss. Eleanor Edgar, Gorrie South, arisitel her cousin, Miss Janice Strong last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and their daughter, Shirley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits at Bel- more. On Road To Recovery Doran Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton, who is a patient at Listowel Memorial Hospital, fol- lowing a fall of a-bout 40 feet in his uncle's John. Cathers barn, Eighteen days , after the accident was the first time he spoke to anyone, while he has for the past week being doing as he was asked by his nurse and taking liquids but he did not speak until last Friday when he. spoke to his grand- parentS and his .mother, -Since that time he has been talking. His doctor, Dr. Eraser, Fordwich, is well satisfied with his patient and big friends here trust his recovery will be rapid, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Grinrod, Mount Forest, were guests of her mother, Mrs. R. A. Ashton over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane' Toronto,. were guests of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mupzlemara and family, Waterloo, spent Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel, Mr. and Mrs. William Stinson and family, Detroit, spent the hoiday with his sister, Miss J. Pearl Stinson. Miss Fear, of Brussels, took oevr her duties as teacher in, the Junior- room at the Gorrie School on Tues- day morning. Mr. J. G. Mundell is teaching the Senior room. Recent guests at Dr. and Mrs. Arm- strong's were: Mr. and. Mrs. Colin. Campbell, and children, John, Carroll,. and Donald; also Mrs. Dr. Armstrong of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Caude- Horner, Mr. and Mrs, E. Houghton of London. Gorrie Women's Institute are spon- soring a dance in the Gorrie Town- ship Hall -on Monday night, Septem- ber 14th, and have engaged Carruthers five-piece orchestra of Lucknow. The-, proceeds will go towards the Soldiers Christmas boxes.