The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-09-10, Page 3No is on WilY To LOON AFTER YOUR !DILI IN LAD IP TIRE SAVING PLAN SEE YOUR NEAREST DUNLOP DEALER TODAY! lalaial!d•... World Wide News In Brief Form WOMEN & MEN WANTED An announearnent TO OWNERS OF GASOLINE APPLIANCES (such as stoves, heaters, lamps, irons, etc.) USING The Blue Sunoco Motor Fuel now sold in this community contains tetraethyl lead. We appreciate this will inconvenience our many fri6nds who have been using Blue Sunoco in gasoline-burning appli- ances, because, as you know, gasolines which contain lead should not be used in gasoline stoves, heaters, lamps, irons, blow-torches, etc. Therefore, we advise that Blue Sunoco should not be used in any gasoline-burning appliances and should not be used fot cleaning purposes. It is to be used only as a fuel for automobiles, trucks, tractors, etc. S 11111i O c COMPANYL T cur COARSE PIPS OLD CHUM ClitiliitirOlt CI ARUM We conform with all Orders-hi-Council nommarmamononavaamma respecting Enlistment. 1.••••••••••• GOVERNMENT INSURANCE IN CASE OF WAR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OWNERS OF PROPERTY ARE URGED TO INSURE AGAINST LOSS BY ENEMY ACTION The Government of Canada, by Act of Parliament, has set up a Plan of War Risk Insurance against damage to property caused by enemy action—by countermeasures taken against the enemy—by explosions of war munitions handled by third parties. In terms of general information, it may be stated that the Plan provides a certain limited FREE COMPENSATION for damage to owner-occu- pied homes and to 'chattels, but the main feature of the Plan is that owners of most types of property can protect their property by PUR- CHASE of GOVERNMENT WAR RISK INSURANCE at very moderate rat9s. Thistype of War Risk Insurance is not being sold today by private insurance companies, because of the risk involved. Consequently, the Government has established a national scheme to make it possible for each citizen in Canada to purchase the sense of security that comes from knowing that if his property does suffer war damage (and the war has come much closer to Canada in the last twelve months) he can call on the resources of Canada to help him make good his property loss.. HOW TO OBTAIN GOVERNMENT WAR RISK INSURANCE The Fire Insurance Agents and Companies of Canada have volunteered to the Government the services of their extensive facilities and personnel, on a non-profit basis, thus avoiding the setting up of the large organiza- tion that otherwise would be needed to handle details of this nation-wide Government *War Risk Insurance scheme. YOUR PURE INSURANCE AGENT OR COMPANY WILL GLADLY SUPPLY COMPLETE DETAILS OF THIS GOVERNMENT INSURANCE PLAN. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS PM:MIMED so that the public may have notice of the Government' War Risk Innirance Scheme, The infOrination given above is not Intetwled to he 4 complete resumes of the Scheme. Full information regarding conelitios4 exclusions) etc., is available eltetehere, FULL.DETAILS FROM ANY FIRE INSURANCE AGENT OR-COMPANY by Aia6#1,10, tt, 4# Minister el ?lona TO NOME OWNERS HOUSEHOLDERS and OTHERS Limited free compensation is provided under the Act for War Damage by enemy action to owner-occupied homes up to $5,006. Damage to Route- holder's Chattels, up to $800— for those of his wife, up to $400 —for each child under 16, up to $100--for others, not house- holders, up to $200. NO policies are needed in this classification but insurance addi- tional to the above amounts may be purchased. 44 any Fire insurance .4ent or Company for complete details. .M.1.1••••••••••• WINGHAM ADVANCE-TEVIE$ PAGE THREE Thursday, Sept, 10th 1942 rons will he organized by the end of the year in the United Kingdom, A Canadian fighter group will come lat- er, with an objective of a total of 40 sqbadroas manned by Canadians oper- ating overseas. Mitchell Asks Best From Labour Ottawa—Labor Minister Mitchell in a Labor Day message appealed to the management and workers of Canadian plants for an uninterrupted flow of war materials, - "No difference is so great that there should be silence in the plane factory, in the shipyard, in the gun plant, idle workers outside the gates," he said in referring to "some irritations exper- ienced in our industrial life since the war began." Chinese Doing Well Chungking—Chinese troops have 'en- circled Kinhwa, provisional capital of Chekiang Province and one of the last held by the apanese in that province, and are attacking it from all sides, a field dispatch said, Budapest Bombed Berlin—Budapest, capital of Hun- gary, had its first air attack during the night, the Berlin radio announced. The raid consisted of both 'Russian and British planes. Roosevelt Issues New Orders President Roosevelt issued on Mon- day the most drastic order affecting the everyday life of Americans in the nine and one-half years since he be- came president—a decree limiting all wages, salaiies and farm prices in the United States. Spanish Foreign Minister Ousted Madrid—Ramon Serrano Suner, brother-in-law of Gen. Francisco Franco and avowed admirer of the totalitarian system, was replaced as foreign minister and Falange leader in the greatest Government shakeup since the Spanish Civil War. Be •was suc- ceeded as foreign minister by Count Francisco Gomez Jordana, long-time soldier-statesman who was foreign minister in the old Primo de Rivera dictatorship and held the same post when the United States recognized the Franco regime on April 1st, 1939. Labor Represented On Board Washington—Chairman Donald M. Nelson announced he had • agreed to accept labor's nomination of men for high administrative positions in the United States War Production Board —specifically, posts as high as the rank of vice-chairman. • U. S. Subs Bag 99 Jap Ships Vsiashington—The United States Navy disclosed that a few "small de- tachments" of Japanese troops had landed on islands of the Southeastern Solomon group but that Marines. who wrested that area from , the enemy several weeks ago were hunting down. the groups. The communique report- ing this action followed by a few hours an announcement that United States submarines in the Western Pacific elsewhere than in the Solomon theatre had sunk five eneuty'ships, including a Japanese light cruiser, and damaged three others, This report brought the total of apanese ships stink or damag- ed by American submarines since Dee- ember 7 to J.O. Bombs Germany In Canada 24 Hours Later Ottawa— Five young veterans of the air war are in Canada direct from the skies over Germany, They flew over the fire-lighted German city of Saarbruecken and the electric-lighted cities of Eastern Canada within the space of 24 hours. They left behind the grim rattle of German anti aircraft guns and flew to a welcome from the prime minister of Canada and a rous- ing cheer from the crowd of air force officers, newspaper reporters and photographers. The five modern musketeers of Canada constitute the crew of one of the Wellington bombers which blitzed Saarbrueeken as Cologne. and Rostock were blitzed before. They are one of the crack crews in the famous Canad- ian Moose Squadron,, rated one of the most effective of the R. A. F. arid R. C. A. F. squadrons now scourging Hit- ler's Reich. Five U. N. Sign Agreement Washington—The United States, Great Britain, Australia, New Zeal- and and fighting France concluded a series of reciprocal aid agreements de- signed to clarify the principles of mut- ual assistance in their common strug- gle against the Axis. Hard On Axis Subs London—July and August were re- cord breaking months in the destruc- tion of Axis submarines and more- over, British shipyards have practi- cally made up' Britain's admittedly heavy warship losses, A. V. Alexander, first lord of the Admirality, declared. Yanks In Belgain Congo London—United States troops have arrived in the Belgain Congb, the Bel- gain Government news agency report- ed. The troops were welcomed warm- ly at Leopoldville by the population "who admired the spirit and magnifi- cent equipment," the agency said. Stoned U. S. 'Officer's Car In Belfast The automobile of a United States Army officer was stoned and two Am- erican soldiers in the forbidden streets of Belfast were angrily challenged, "Why don't you go home?" by crowds protesting the hanging of a young Irish outlaw. The situation was generally calm, however, with violence confined to is- olated incidents after the initial up- surge of feeling when notice was post- ed in the prison door that Thomas Williams, 19, had been executed for the murder of a policeman last Easter morn. Goering Worried London—Marshall Hermann Goer- ing was reported to be shaking up the German air force on the Western Front as an aftermath of the Allies' continued successful daylight fighter and bomber sweeps over Occupied France. Engagement Announced . Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. A . Dane, Gorrie, announce the engagement of their duaghter, Evelyn Elizabeth to William A. Wilson, son of Mrs. Wilson and the late Mr. David Wilson of Ford- wich. The Marriage will take place quietly this month. PLAN CAREFULLY SCHOOL LUNCHES Poorly Planned Lunches Handicap Child's Study ty Latira C. Pepper, Chief Consum- er Section, Department of Agriculture, School days are here again and to many mothers, the mention of this fact brings to mind the thought of school lunches to be packed, and what to put in them presents a constantly recur. ring problem front September to June, The role that the school lunch box plays the lives of those children who Mug always take their° noon.day meal to school is an important one, While one poorly-planned lunch may have no very far-reaching or obvious effect, it succession of them through a child's school years may make the dif- ference betWeen a poor scholar and a good one,--(toot= health or good health . in later life. The contents of the - school lunch box should be carefully planned to meet the standards of good nutrition, and be varied froth -day to Dominion - Provincial W A R Training Programme When the whole lunch has to be supplied from home, a thermos bottle is an essential, as some hot food should be included each clay Sand- wiches form the basis of this type of lunch and they should he made from either whole-wheat or Canada approv- ed white bread and there should be two types—one made from eggs, meat, cheese or fish to supply the building or protein requirements of the child, and the other containing raw vege- tables as lettuce, tomato, chopped cel- ery or something to satisfy the sweet tooth. The rest of the lunch can be satisfactorily rounded out with a simp- le dessert—fresh fruit, peaches, grapes, Newsmen Visit R. C. A. F. Squadron Somewhere in England—The Can- adian fighter squadron under Sqdra- Ldr. Keith Hodson, of London, went through its paces over its station while visiting Canadian newspapermen• look- ed on. This squadron has 40 enemy planes destroyed to its credit, 30 pro- babies, 63 damaged and 7 'destroyed but shared with other squadrons. Suggests No Gas For Speeders Toronto—A provision enabling courts to order the return of gasoline ration books to the oil controller when a motorist is convicted of exceeding the 40-mile speed limit would be "very helpful," Attorney-General Gordon D. Conant of Ontario announced. Italy's Sea Losses Great With the British Fleet In The Med- iterranean—More than two-thirds of Jtaly's merchant fleet has been sunk or damaged and 'about 50 per cent of Italy's naval striking power lies at the bottom of the Mediterranean after 26 months of war with Britain. Named Deputy Defense Minister Ottawa—Defense Minister Ralston announced that Col. Henri DesRosiers, D, S. 0., had been appointed a deputy minister of national defence, and that Lt.-Col. George S. Currie, D. S. 0,, M. C., has been appointed an additional deputy minister. 20 From Canadian Bomber Group Ottawa, Sept. 4th—Canada, which has concentrated on training tens of thousands of airmen for the United Nations, is to appear in the aerial front line With her own air fleets, striking first with a bOmber group and following through with fighters. Air minister Power, just back from a visit to the United Kingdom, said at a press conference that a Canadian bomber group of from 10 to 20 squad- day. If facilities arc available at school for the heating of food brought from home, or for serving of one hot dish prepared at the school, the mother's work is simplified. Creamed eggs, meat, fish, vegetables, stew, or meat and vegetable broth or a cream soup can be carried from home to be heated at school and served as the main lunch dish, this together with whole wheat bread and butter, a generous serving of fruit, a cookie for dessert and milk to drink, makes a lunch which is ac- ceptable alike to its small consumer and to the exacting standards of the nutritionists. Subsistence Paid Free Training Job Assured on successful graduation. Good Wages paid to workers when, transferred to Job. Apply now for training for work in your District. Enrolment permitted under Se- lective Service Act. Province of Ontario For SPECIAL COURSES Apply to T. H. SCOTT, Field Rep. Hotel London, London, Ontario oranges, apples or perhaps a cap-cus- tard, blanc mange or fruit jelly, Stew- ed fruit will carry well in small screw- top jars, and milk, cocoa or a cream soup in the thermos, with 'a cookie, bran or wheat germ muffin to top off with torn complete the menu. In districts w1 ere no facilities are yet available for the serving of a simple hot dish at school, Women's Institutes and Home and School. Clubs have a ready made project for faa work. It is surprising how little is needed in the way of equipment, and the resulting benefits to the children, through better lunches will be- well • worthwhile, cOURSES .80; Work Available— In — Aircraft Woodwork and Frame Assembly Welding, Machine Shop and Draft., log inspection.' Apply direct tP; Mr. W. M. Prudham, Director Owen Sound Vocational School. Mr. W. A. McWilliams, Director Beal Technical School, London, Mr. .Frederick H. Pugh, Director K-W Vocational School, Kitchener, Qnt. SPECIAL FRivxAL INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN COURSE must have Junior Matricula- tion or higher qualification. 6 months Course. (Chemicals .4 Synthetics) Apply direct to' Dr. J. A. Gunton, Professor of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario,. London, Ontario. Machines are waiting for your guiding hand DO IT NOW!- • aa.tE.,telta.