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Thursday, August 20th, 1942 WINGITAM ADVANCTIME$ PAGE THREE
Employers and 'Post Offices
have been requested to dis-
play in a prominent place
the official Table of Tax
Forms TD-1 may be secured
from 'your employer, Post
Offices, or local Income Tax
Even with the highest income tax in history, 52% only of the
money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The rest will have to be
borrowed by means of War Savings Stamps, Certificates and Victory
Starting with the first pay period in September representing Sep—
tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your
income tax from your wages or salary, and send it promptly to the
Government. Everybody will pay his share as he goes along.
It's going to be tough . . . but not too tough! Here are
some good features:
Income Tax is Fair to All
In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion
dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 from every man, woman
and child in the country.
Bracken Hints Retirement
Winnipeg,---John 1.3racken's recent
suggestion that it is time for his fol-
lowers to look around for a likely sue-
cessor to him as Premier of Manitoba,
caught the political quarterbacks by
surprise, They apparently had thought
this veteran of 20 years' continuous
premiership would go on indefinitely.
Political obserVers agree almost un-
animously that i'Mr. Bracken's interest
in his government and his province
will not permit him to retire for some
time yet,
/1arrmilton Man Stabbed
Hamilton-35 year old John Fair-
child, Hamilton rooming house propri-
etor, was in a serious condition in the
hospital here suffering 'from 'six stab
wounds in the back inflicted br a per-
son he refused to name.
Canadian Warships Fights Sups.
A British Port—Two little boats de-
stined to join the Royal Navy put into
this British base fresh from' the ship-
yards of Canada's east coast and re-
ported bruShes en route with Nazi U-
boats. They were the first of new
Canadian-built warships making the
Atlantic crossing direct to the United
Kingdom. They hunted a submarine
within two days of their sendoff from
the small New Brunswick towns whose
names they bear,
Battle In Mediterranean
London—British Convoy defied
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Various ' C:M;1,,,t;s
sritisout:' olONa'fi.ons
swarms of Axis warplanes, submarin-
es and torpedo boats and fought its
way through bomb-splasbed seas to
deliver supplies to the embattled mid-
Mediterranean fortress of Malta at the
cost of the cruiser, Manchester and
the air-craft carrier Eagle, the Admir-
alty announced, Two enemy submar-
ines were sunk and two cruisers tor-
pedoed, the Admiralty said in its in-
complete account of damage to the at-
U, S. Supplies Sent N. Africa
Washington—The United States Of-
fice of War Information announced
that two French merchant vessels had
been permitted to sail for Vichy-gov-
erned North Africa carrying American
goods said to be in "great need" there.
The ships left the United States on
August 9th. exchange two vessels
sailed from Casablanca on August 11.,
with goods destined for the United
Flying Doctor Crashed
Huntsville—Dr, Walter H, Wood-
row, of Orillia, flying his own airplane,
crashed in the wilds of Haliburton
County,. Ont,, Wednesday afternoon.
Dr. Woodrow and a passenger, Mrs,
Marion Ruggles, of Toronto, were in-
jured. Mrs. Ruggles is a sister-in-law
of the owner of Haliburton Lodge.
Signs Of Ontario Election
Toronto—A. Toronto paper said in
a dispatch from Niagara Falls, Ont.,
that "indications" of an, impending
general election in Ontario were seen
by political observers here with the
announcement that Premier Hepburn
(of Ontario) would make speeches at
Sault Ste, Marie, Port Arthur and Fort
William 'late this week.
Recapture Escaped Nazi
Fredericton—The two German pris-
oners who escaped from a New Bruns-
wick interment camp on Tuesday af-
ternoon, have been recaptured. Heinz
Wirtz, 22, Nazi merchant seaman,
and Gerhagd discovered 21, civilian in-
ternee, were discovered within a radius
of five miles from the camp by mem-
bers of the Veteran's Guard participat-
ing in the Widespread hunt.
Poles Form New Corps
London,. Gcn. Wladyslaw Si.kor-
ski, premier of the Polish Government
in London announced the formation
of a Polish armoured motor corps for
a "future offensive on the continent"
as the spirit of rebellion appeared to
be on the rise. in Nazi-trampled Europe
despite executions and reprisals.
Aussie Bombers Sink Supply Ships
Cairo, — Light bombers of the
Australian Air Fprce attacked enemy
motor lighters used to suPply German
Marshall Erwin Rommel's. army and
sank two in an action several hOurs
after mediurd R. A. F. bonibers car-
ried out a .series of attacks on the Axis
Island of Rhodes.
Lignite Ready in Five Months.
Toronto, — Premier Mitchell. Hep-
burn announced following a Cabinet
meeting that steam-dried lignite from
Northern Ontario will be available for
domestic and commercial use within
five months. Premier Hepburn. said
the province will spend an estimated
$337,000 as an initial outlay and this
will bring the lignite fields in the
Moosonee area into production,
'Saw, Nazis Can't Beat Reds
New York, — Russia has the re-
sources, the men and the grand strat-
egy to defeat Germany, Sir Walter
Monckton, former director-general of
the British Ministry of Information
said. And, no matter what happens
on the military front, the Soviets never
will give way to the panic that doom-
ed other states overrun by the Nazis,
said Sir Walter,
Naais Threaten The Dutch
London, The German-Controlled
Netherlands radio threatened the
people of Holland with widespread
bombing ,devastation and starvation in
the event of a United Nations invasion
to open 'a second front.
Hit 3 Italian Cruisers
Cairo, — United States bombers
have serevely damaged three Italian
cruisers at Pylos, Greek harbor on the
Ionian Sea at cautious distance from
a convoy battle which was raging in
the Mediterranean.
New Quebec Parties Hinted
Montreal, — Rene .Chaloult, Liberal
member of the Quebec Legislative As-
sembly for Lotbiniere, outlined his
conception of a political program for
Quebec here, Such an organization
was also hinted by Maxime Raymond,
Liberal member of Parliament, who
suggested getting rid of the party
spirit. Mr. Chaloult suggested, "A
Government of patriots able to enforce
resolutely, although not in any pro-
vocative way, a French Canadian
policy which would not hesitate to ,rid
us of foreign trusts that have been en-
slaving us.
Nazi Eastern. Prisoners Here
Ottawa, — Nearly 800 German
prisoners of war,.,all merchant seamen
from Axis vessels immobilized in Far
Eastern ports after the outbreak of war
in 1939, arrived in Canada recently
and were whisked to internment
camps in central parts of the Domin-
ion. The men were interned in India,
many of them for two and two and a
half years,
Threaten to Wipe Out Serbia
London, — The Yugoslav Goven-
ment in London announced that the
Germans have threatened to wipe out
all of Serbia if continuing disorders
in that Balkan land forces them to in-
crease the size of their occupation
army. Several hundred Serb boys
have been sent to concentration tamps
or deported to prevent them from join-
ing guerrilla bands, the Yugoslays said.
Air Minister Power in England
London, — Canada's air minister,
Hon. C. G. Power, paying his second
visit to Britain within a year, arrived
in London for a fortnight's inspection
of units of the expanding Royal Cans
adian Air Force which is playing a
major role in Britain's fighter and
bomber offensive against Germany.
The air minister stepped lightly
from a twin-engined transport plane
at an airport in the London area after
a short hop from a trans-Atlantic air
terminal "somewhere in England"
where he had arrived earlier at the end
1. You will pay as you earn, so that you
will not be faced with a large lump sum
payment next year.
2. The National Defence Tax already de-
ducted during the first 8 months of this year
has been taken into account in the Table of
Tax Deductions.
3. Though the income tax rates show a sharp
increase over last year, a large portion of this
increase is actually savings, to be paid back to
you with interest after the war.
4. The money you are paying for life insur-
ance premiums, annuities, principal repay-
ments on your home, or into a pension fund
may be deducted (up to a certain maximum)
from the savings portion of your income tax.
In many cases this may be sufficient to make
payment of the savings portion of the tax
two .. .„,:,,,
tow: wa-a,"
swoo: IVIOn
- J,..,,:.:roililt •
,ii illool .FIXED TAX
' so '.I•,.'' .1. 1 • • 1541 TAX V. 1
'1000 1505 . 0.2500'3O00%0O`408ASOO'SDOOVOIADOO 6900'7d09 00 8000
World Wido News In Brief Form
Unless you are single, without dependents, and not making payments of the
types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should file Form TD-1 with your
employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the credits to which you are
entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD-1 with your employer at once so
that you may get the full allowances from the start.
Three of the six bifida% who will lead the first
detathinent of the 1st Canadian Parachute &Mallon
ore Shown ABOVE. LEFT to BIGHT'1 area Millet,
r, Routh, 28, of IViontreal, second in eoramanri;
Major it D. Proctor, 81, of Ottawa, to:tit:ander.
leet, and tadat. Thomas W. It Brier. 28, a St. Jai%
Ouebee, A fourth officer has already been ehoSen.
Ire is Lieut, IL X, Robinson,. 28, of Montreal, but hat
does,not appear in the picture, TWO Mort officers
are d be teleethd to head the instructional unit
which will go to Pert Limning, titogiN for training.
Minister of National Revenue.
Commissioner of Income Tax.
of an ocean flight in a Liberator
Investigated Quebec Shooting
Ottawa, Two shooting incidents
in Quebec Province which may have
'been connected with Royal Canadian
Mounted Police enforcement of the
Military call-up regulations have been
investigated, Commissioner S. T.
Wood, of the R.C.M.P„ said.
Not For India's Protection
Washington, — American armed
forces are in India solely to prosecute
the war against. the AXis, and have
been warned to avoid scrupulously any
participation in internal troubles there,
the State Department said. The pres-
ence of American forces in India, the
department revealed, is primarily to
aid China,
",Mother," asked little Peter, when
the family had guests for dinner, "is
the dessert too rich for ine, or is there
enough to go around?"
* * *
Hope Forsaken
It was Murphy's first trip across the
Atlantic, and he felt awful. He failed
to connbet the fact of his being on the
briny ocean for the first time with his
agony. The doctor came to him as
he tossed about in his berth,
"Cheer, Man," he said heartily, "I
know you're feeling bad, but you're
not going to die."
Murphy ope'ied horrified eyes.
"Not going to die?" he wailed.
"Faith, doctor, I thought I was! That
was the only thing that kept me alive!"
By Harry J. Boyle
Well there isn't a great deal of time
these days to think up something for
the column, so we'll just ramble along.
Mrs. Phil is busy preserving. It seems
these nights that the house liar the.
armAna of chile sauce or cucumber
pickles . some kind -I canned
fruit all the time,
can always. dell when PI it
it preserving by the amottit fres
that cluster on the ;metes') ,I,Not Every
ton ,! you come hear thu (1,:ar she
,lilt ; ready %it'll I fol del newvaper
.hrush them out. Then after yen
'Aisne there's bound to be
the .(vla WIC 0%) by time guard .
;,-um have to hunt the culpri.,.s .down
and otcrminate t',ein. When the final
one has been »tangled by the swatter
you, feel a quiet glow of satisfaction
and forget about the flies , that
is until you get the newspaper out
.and try reading. They seen to head
right out of 'their hiding place then.
Have you ever felt anything indite
maddening than a' fly skidding to a
stop on your nose when you have just
settled down to a quiet evening of
reading. He'll be off at the first
twitch , but comes back repeatedly
to itch around above your collar and
tantalise you until finally you keep
swatting tip vainly in the air, all the
while, trying to concentrate On she
war news. Plies are about the most
persistent, maddening things to be
found anywhere.
We're busy at the harvest• these
days. Some of the fellows from the
village have come out and they certain-
ly do help a lot. This week we had
a couple of our former hired men
come back in air force blue and khaki
to help for a couple of days. They
were on leave and just itching to get
stooking sheaves again for awhile.
We had two city cousins out last
evening at milking time. They fussed
around and first of all wanted to get
the. cows, Back to. the pasture they
went and after an hour of baffling
foxiness on the part of the cows man-
aged to get them imp to the barn. Time
strange part of it all is that when Mrs.
Phil or I go for the cows they come
up quiet peacefully and never attempt
to play games in. the back pasture.
The two cousins wanted to milk I
let them pick out the cows they Want-
ed and Mary took Brindle, our red
eyed wonder-tow who should have ,
beet; sold years ago because of her
desire at times to place both feet inr.
the milk-pail and Tommy picked Blur •
Star, a recent addition to the hermit
I didn't say anything but Brindle eyed'..
Mary and then proceeded to squeeze
her gently against the stall, Hall,
smothered the girl finally gave 'min.
Blue Star was more direct. She sistms4
refused to give any milk. Tomwrasx.,
pulled and squeezed and tugged at the!
udder and Blue Star went on chewing
her cud quite placidly. ars. Phil and.
I finally had to take over.„
Patricia Ann came out to the oat.
field this morning with her mother
who brought me out a jug of cold
water about ten o'clock. We were: •
talking amid the first thing we knew
she was gone. She had disappearcdi
completely, Getting panic-stricketa
meant that we couldn't find a trace.
of her, She was out in the oatfieht
somewhere and when we called she
didn't answer, This went on Tor
half hour and finally Suchamisuch the-
collie came. bounding down from the,.
lmill where he was Tooting over thtl-
groundhog situation. 'He wcnt dastt-
ing into the ,vats and we followeil .
him . on a blind chance. There-
she was curled tip asleep in the oats._
These are the little, daily doings at
Lazy Meadows, I guess they're much,
the same as what's going on at tr*
majority of homes these days — at:
least the most of .the ..farm homes titt:.
our Concession,