HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-08-20, Page 24.,1177,7,717, Two totttilitier es to te.CV h rrtoiile kitebent retented preteure C The t ativalin cramt, 40 mina treat intereSt ill .14 St*tial to 5 3'i per person, baoher! 4'00 lovely ill leteelt Dismissed Speeding 'Charge George S. Elliott, Clinton, pleaded at guilty to a charge of speeding on Highway No. :8, in ,Goderich Town- ship, on August 6th. Traffic Officer: Culp stated he bad trailed the ear at, QUEEN ELIZABETH VISITS CANADIAN RED CROSS Thursday, August 20th, 194Z WINGRAM ADVANMTIN1gs Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Teeswater, Ont. Farmers' Central Mutual Fire.Insurance Co., Walkerton, Ont, 'Formosa Mutual Fire Insurance Co, Formosa, Ont. 7.1-Iowick Farmers' lvjutual Fire Insurance Co., Wroxeter, Ont. Every fourth farm chimney is unsafe and liable to start a fire, Practically all farmhouse fires are due to defective chimneys anti faulty heating equipment. Check YOUR chimneys this fall, Get into your attic and inspect the -chimneys for cracks, breaks, rotten "mortar, soft bricks and open joints. Make sure that no joist, beam or other wood is set into the ehimney's brickwork, lehe chimney built with an offset—or within four inches of any wood should be considered safe. Make sure that all unused pipe openings are closed with metut, Ashestoe or cement Clean out your chimneys before 'they burn you out! Every chinmek should extend two feet or more above the Tidee of a peaked roof or three feet or more above a flat roof. A few dollars sPent on your chimneys now ,tray save you ..thoustynds Inter, FIGHT 4 ioutgeod41, Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO Sabstription Rate — One Year $2.00 -Six months, $1.00 in advance 'To U. S. A., $2.50 per year Foreign rat; $3.00 per year. "Advertising rates on application. been removed when the flames broke I out. Although badly scorched it was. ;pulled out of the fire. The Mitchells were milking when the fire started and it swept through the building at such is rate they were unable to get all the livestock outside. A prize bull, some pigs, and a calf perished. The origin of the fire is unknown but it is believed to have started from spontaneous com- bustion. Beautiful Cactus Plant Mrs. George Sharp of town is the owner of a cactus that is well worth seeing,. Mrs. Sharp inherited the plant from her mother, the late Mrs. John Backus, who first owned it about 50 years ago. It is a huge plant, filling and dropping well over a large-size wash tub on Mrs. Sharp's own lawn. It is a June cattus and is therefore still in bloom with at least 125 flowers which are red and have white stream- Binder Used For 4 Decades rd this office an ear of Golden Ilaniant corn on which there was z,r,rowe't different from anything we have ever seen. The entire cob. cotered with a growth of grey fungus which appeared to be something o the te"tnre of a puff-ball. Question. ine several local gardeners, no one scents to have seen thy growth before, and it may be that this is something n ew with which earn growers may t. etimpete.—Southampton Rord From Son In China A letter received this wcek by Mr, and Mrs, Louis S. Diermert Iron their sun, Rev. Father Francis Die- inert, of Peking., China, sets at rest rwuor, current recently re..areling his safety, The war has not reached that section of China, and although mail service is very slow and difficult, as evidenced by the fact that this letter was written April 9th., he is still en- joying good health,--Mildmay Ran Down Fox. Some motorist travelling the high- way between Tct:Swater and Wing- ham, Monday morning ran down a nice red fox on the road, but didn't both.: to stop and pick it up. Mr. Alex, Keir, on his way to deliver the early-morning mail picked up the re- mains of "Reddy" and brought same back to Teeswater with him. It was a nice specimen of this year's litter.— Teeswater News. Fiddler And Carpenter Neil .. McCormick, of Hillsburg, well-known as, an old time fiddler. At the age of 85, he can still weild the bow in an expert manner. He can do much more than that, He is a carpen- ter, and recntly finished shingling a barn and house on an Erin Town- ship farm, A matt who can feel suffic- ently at home on a roof •to complete the task of shingling bOth a house and barn when well past his four score years is certainly remarkable.—Arth- ur Enterprise News. Beast Died Following 'Jump While Mem Black, Bluevale drover, was loading cattle purchased from Sheldon Bricker, last Friday morning, one of the animals jumped over the high rack of the truck and landed heavily on the ground. After a brief interval it got up and docilely permit- ted itself to be reloaded, so it was thou.glkt possible that it had suffered no serious injury, but we learned that it died on the train enroute to Toron- to.—Pordwich Record. Soldier Struck From Behind Struck from behind by an -unknown assailant and later found near hi home in a dazed condition, Private George Grey, Royal Canadian Artil- lery, Terrace, British Columbia, was taken early to Kincardine General Hospital for treatment. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacobs, Camp- bell Ave., while home on furlough, the artilleryman went out Saturday night VARIETY IN . VEGETABLES Harvest season brings a rich profus- ion of vegetables, but whatever the season, Canadian markets are filled with an excellent variety of vegetables. Eat them every day, cooked and raw, two or more kinds daily, Learn to eat new kinds, cooked in new ways.. Why Different Kinds First on the list-dark green leaves, as kale, chard, spinach, beet and tur- nip tops, dandelion and mustard greens- -rich in iron and vitamins. Lighter green leaves- -as lettuce and cabbage eaten raw- - crisp and fresh- good for vitamin C. Yellow vegetables- -as squash, sweet potatoes, yarns, carrots and pumpkin- -fine for vitamin A. Dried peas, beans, lentils- - don't the constable in view all the time. "Thai kind of driving is no good un- less in an urgent case. We hear all kinds of stories from persons who break the. law. This time I will give yeu the benefit of the doubt," the magistrate ruled. forget they contain protein and can be substituted for meat once or twice a week. Other vegetables- -as ,gr n beans, green peas, lima beans, onions and celery -give you less minerals and vitamins hut are good for you and are a change, How To Buy Vegetables Buy vegetables in Cason- -they are cheaper and fresher. Choose bright, firm, well formed vegetables. Buy beets with fresh green tops thus having two' vegetables for the price of one. Buy by the pound rather than by the bunch, as carroots and broccoli; it is less expensive. Vegetables with little waste, as string beans and spinach, are cheaper than green peas or lima beans even thought they may cost a few cents more a pound, How To cook Them Wasp thoroughly, particularly lea fy varieties:, but do not soak hi water eer this ronoviee some of the 'vitamin an d mineral content. cook in the smallest possible amount of boiling salted water, Leafy vegetables 'usually have enough water clinging to them from the washing; for others about one-half inch i n t h e bottom of the kettle is enough. Vegetables are better undercooked than overcooked. Most piiople over- cook, When you get used to ender, coolterl ones you'll prefer them, Whenever possible, cook vegetables in their skins; skin protects the 'min- eral and vitamins. :Never add soda to vegetables; it destroys vitamins. Save the water in which vegetables are coo k e d a s an appetizer mixed with tomato juice, in soups or gravies, It contains much of the vegetable's min- eral and vitamins, particularly the B family and C. A postal request to the Health League of Canada, 111. Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario, will bring you a free vitamin chart and a booklet "Canadian Vegetables for every day." CUT COARSE FOR vor PIPE cur FINE FOR CIGARETTES • .CHIMNEYS., a common cause of Fire eve :es .411100110111.111t.13.1101101111114111411.1M1.0101... $$$ 444444 111. lllll 111111111 NEWS of the DISTRICT 1.11.1rVal I1"1y 011,11.11111111t1M.1131110 lllllll 4.11SY SM.; Your Sons In Army Norman Taylor, Camp Borden, ts IIe fourth son of George Taylor of, Luelenow to serve in the armed forces. Me-Ey are Edwin, . who is overseas; Lewis, Albert and Norman. Their father is a vettra_ of the last war. As MOST COMMON V CAUSES OF FIRE CHIMNys T HRESHIN0 E LECT RIC L I GHT N ING WIRE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION well as having. four sons in the army, A local farmer cut a heavy crop of Mr. Tayier hat a son-in-law with the 1wheat this suinnter with a binder 41 „Provost Corps. .1-le is Garnet Hinder-!years old and used every year. He ..son, husband of Evelyn Taylor, onlyipaid $25 for it at a farmer''s sale, who edanghter of Mr, and Mrs. Taylor. had bought it for $15 from the..oriain- - lal owner, who nazi paid $10 for it when .V.Pleswertis Barn Burned it was new, The second owner said all A barn on t he farm of William the years he hat' it only once was it left outside anti that only for a few bieleeevortit was completely destroyed by fire. Pilled with grain, • xlaYs.—Hanover Post, this was one of the district's finest buildinge. Mr. Mitchell :.ad just Rare Disease On Corn threshed anti the separator had net Mr. S. Pe. Steadman this wcele hand- era, which add to their fine appear and when he had not come home at a ance—Derbaen Chronicle, late hour the object of a search by members of the family. He was found in a semi-conscicus condition stru•g-, _ling up the hill near his home.—Kin- cardine News. Eight Relatives Killed By Bombs When Listowel citizens read a de pateh from London in Wednesday morning papers they little thought that a Listowel home was saddened as the result of that German air raid. Tire report read in part: "Nazi raid- ers flew in low from the sea and dropped high explosives and incend- iaries on a southwest toast town to- 70 or ti0 miles an hour after Fdliott had passed him at the town limits of Clin- ton. Elliott, e veterinary, testified he had received an urgent call te Goder- kh to see a small dog owned by demenant Roberts, which had been hit by a car. He said lie had kept I "Littir" rr..ttch or rut in sideu•414. It ha: harmictt Boa trith heat and ennitar: Axing; it grazes. Ad Now. Avoid The "DEATH SENTENCE" Being Passed On Your Tires night. Eight of the raiders enachitte- gunned the town after dropping the bombs. Some pet sons were buried in to debris. First reports listed eight killed and many persons hurt." The eight that were killed were all relativ- of Q. M. S. Harry Sargent, town, and the sympathy of the entire coin- muuity goes out to him in his mourn- mee His mother, three sisters, one brother, sisterne-daw, a niece And a le phew were all killed, ',mintier niece Va', badly injured. His aged 'ether es- aped injury. Thdr herne was in Bod- min, a southwest country town in Cornwall, about seven miles from the Cattle Shot In. Legs A farmer residing a few miles south- west of Walkerton, complains that he recently found several of his cattle, i;11 were pasturing in a field on his farm, with wounds in their legs and on investigation the injuries were appar- ently inflicted with a 22 rifle. Wheth- er the bombardment was aimed dir- ectly at the cattle or whether the wounds were caused by Stray . shots that went wild while the weapon in the hands of the perpetrator was pois- ed for other game is a conundrum.— Walkerton Herald-Times Lucknow Garage Entered The loot was small in a break-in at Clair Agnew's Supertest Garage, during the early hours of Saturday morning. Entrance by the thief .or thieves was Indeed by prying open the big door at the east side of the build- ing. The "haul" included cigarettes valued at about $5,00 and a quantity of small change of about the same .amount, also $1.70 from the Legion milk bottle for overseas cigarettes— Lucknow Sentinel. Admits Forgery Charge Private Leonard M. Rowe, stationed at London, was remanded for sentence by Magistrate j. A. Makins, in police court at Goderich, after he had plead- ed guilty to charges of forgery and theft of a cheque for $49.40, the prop- erty of the Willow Grove Creamery at Blyth. Near Drowning At Grand Bend Saved front drowning only by the slimmest chance, four-year-old Dean- na McKenna, 23 'Victor Road, Guelph, was under an oxygen tent in St, Jos- eph's Hospital, London. An unindent- ified man was swimming close to the shore at Grand Bend stumbled against the body lying on the bottom of, the lake. He took the unconscious girl to shore where a squad of rescue wor- kers applied artificial respiration for 45 minutes before she showed signs of consciousness. Soldier Charged With Car Theft uegthelj aode- ? "Something told nee I shouldn't have gone near that car," Pte. aVni, Rhodes, Camp Borden, told police, at Hanover, Wednesday night, after he had walked out of a picture show and had seated himself behind the wheel of a late model sedan he was accused of stealing at Goderich in the early morning of the same day. Provincial . and municipal police sat in another ear. across the street from the picture! show. They had removed the distribu- tor cap from the stolen car and had no ' trouble in capturing the soldier. Rhodes also faces a charge of stealing' another ear at Acton. Gipped Lucknow Man Fred Birkmeyer will spend the next two months in country jail. He pleaded guilty to the theft of $16.50, from T. A. Davidson, of Lucknow,: through the sale of some electric bulbs which lie failed to deliver, and made,. iio refund of the money paid him. TRUCK OPERATORS B. P. Gooarlelt"Patio* Planned" lira Serviter is xviartble to track imOtatehi. 33,et Goodrich engin eers have developed it sptetostic inspection pita for truck tires it mhe 0 1 1pOsn to tp hrevfentlroe n nu ti ft r me AsktxunBd F• old iu e Ordr tal &• Ord ism:put/ In Jhart • titre, ?rater, sand, mod trt into tht etri It ' grists, worn, tratis. break deserts—end Trow.c. Sate& sr leiter, ;thug's d sVoe-tra god prphalis the thr is i•eyssal repair. Another 100 or 200 miles and one or more of your tires may be damaged beyond repair .. * it only for salvage. If you are in the same class as most motorists this means not merely the death sentence for your tires, but the laying Up of your car for the duration. You can't afford to delay having your tires inspected ... and when you do, the job must be capably done ...That's why B. P. Goodrich engineers developed the Factory Planned Tire Saving Service, that is being used by all B. F. Goodrich dealers, Join the B. F. Goodrich Tire Saveritlub The many advantages of the B. F. Goodrich. Tire Savers Club are FREF to alt motorists. Ask your B. F. Goodrich dealer for a membership card today... members save money on tire inspections ... and the Club helps you save the tires oti your car. NO CHARGE except for services, If and *heft rendered. There Is nothing to Oil to Wet* to this Tire Savers Mob, Many of the services are tree. •