HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-07-09, Page 7
THIS year will be a difficult one for your friend, the Duro Dealer.
He is not able to supply the demand for Duro Pumps because
present stocks are limited and shortage of materials curtails produc-
tion. Besides, our factory facilities have been diverted to a great
extent to war production.
Your Duro Dealer may be able to supply a few Duro Pumps to
those whose farm production can be increased with running water
— but he will be mainly interested in servicing pumps now- in use
to keep them in the best possible running condition.
Remember that your Duro Pump brings water, under pressure,
right into your kitchen, bathroom, laun-
dry and barns. It saves many steps, much
time and energy. Keep it in good condi-
tion by having your Duro Dealer check it
over and replace worn parts. He will
gladly estimate the cost of putting it into
first class condition.
EMCO Quality Plumbing Fixtures. are
still available to meet your requirements.
Phone 58, Wingham
London Hamilton Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg
This member of Britain's famed Commandos is shown placing a dagger in a leg sheath. This weapon is invaluable in hand-to-hand fighting.
t! riere es o e ki p.,
0 ARI)itiG
th.,,s legalt"
'Today . -. . when the majority of motorists an't buy any kind of
tire, tube or retread . . . it will pay you well to hoard the miles
in your tires. For your car remains an asset only as long as
your tires are serviceable. Before you drive .
remember how
essential it is for you to conserve your tirs.
When you drive ....
take good care of your tires every mile%
. The only way to properly hoard
If you want your tires to see you
the miles in your tires is to observe through many months of extra service,
the simple, common-sense rules of start now before they are beyond
safe driving and follow the systent- any kind of tire care;
(die plan of skilful tire service pro- Gooayearg /i te.Life Tire-fife
full details
the Goodyear
vide by
Isre-ide Extension
plan from your
Extension Plan.
local Goodyear dealer today%
ldith your co-operation, this well-
it care can extend the life of
you at WW1 KIR of TIRES
your tires thousands
a miles. it may ....here's
our advice to yout
easy-to-follaw program
mean the use of your car for
a year Replace your worn out tires with big-
or even longer.
mileage Goody
and LifeGuards. The
lhis 10W-cost pian of tire care
is a reserve. safety-tire within
an extra-stury tube. Should Casing
eliminates ha aril
hit-or-miss tire- tube
be injure, the LieGuards
r tire
conservation methods by oviding carries you to a safe, easy traight-line
GoodYear tire service, week-to-week, stop.
Gnards not only pre-
for one full year.
It's the only complete vent blowout acmden
• .
plan of tire care being offered Cana- they also enable you to get the last mile out a your tires itaysm
does as much for your tires. N1813
diati motorists . . . no other plan
in complete safety.
d of
'Thursday, July 9th,, 1942 ININGHAIVI ADYANCE-TIME$
during the past week,
Rev, and Mrs. T. Lire Stewart, who
recently moved to Bright, visited one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mae
Mrs. (Rev.) G. 0, Cox and children
are visiting this week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrier and
baby Marion, of Galt, spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R,
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan left qn
Monday as a delegate to= attend the
National Youth Conference beginning
this week, at Belleville, He went as
far as London With Carman Farrier,
who left to take a summer course at
Western University.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw, who
have been at DO 4 eronto for the past
few months, spent a few days last
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Jas. Laidlaw and other Lucknow rel-
atives, and left on Monday to work
at Trenton Camp for the next few
weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tiffin of
Turnberry, visited with them on Sun-
Successful anniversary services were
held at Calvin Presbyterian Church on
Sunday with Rev. Autin Budge as the
special speaker. In the morning an
old time conventicle service was held
with John McGee acting as precentor,
and the choir rendered special anthems
in the evening.
Mrs. Dave Knight, of Marlette,
Mich,, and Mrs. Frank Cole, Luck-
now, visited" an Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Elwood Barbour, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan also visited
there, with Carl staying for a week.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt and
Muriel of Grimsby, A.C. Bob Watt
of Manning Pool, Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Watt, of Toronto, spent
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Milian Moore.
Lott - Ross
A wedding of interest to this com-
munity was solemnized at the home of
Mrs. Nora Ross, Calgary, Alta., on
June 1, when her daughter, Eileen, be-
came the bride of Mr. Robert Lott,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott of
Whitechurch. The ceremony being
performed by Bishop Morgan Pitcher.
The happy couple spent their honey-
moon in Vancouver and other coastal
cities before returning to their home
in Calgary, The grooms many friends
in this community will extend best
wishes for a long and happy wedded
The marriage of Miss Pereira Lion
(Peggy) Rankin, daughter of Mrs.
Blanche Lion and the late Mr. Lion
of Louisville, Kentucky, and.Norman
McMillan Kirk, elder son of Mrs.
Andrew Kirk, ,and the late Mr. Kirk,
was solemnized at their home, 2637
Whittier Ave, Louisville, on Thursday,
July 2 at 8 p.m. The honeymoon trip
was spent in Chicago and Detroit.
Mr, and ,Mrs, Bert Thompson and
Mr. James. Martin spent a few days
last week with their sister, Airs. FaIla:
hen and. other relatives.
Mrs. Ed. Kerschenski and children
of Detroit, visited with Mrs, Gordon
Snell on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Campbell called
on Rev. H, C, and Mrs. Wilson of
Brussels on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Reg. Denning, Bobby and Ron-
ald, of Windsor, are visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walden.
L.A.C. jack Knox of Radio School,
Clinton, and his mother, Mrs, Wm.
Icnox of Limerick, Alt„ Miss Jean
Campbell, oi' Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Campbell and Donald, visited
on Sunday with Mrs. J. Fitzgerald of
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the Memorial Services at Belgrave
and Balls Cemetery, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell
visited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie
Wainer of Auburn.
Mrs. J, E. Ellis spent a few days
with Mrs. Wrn. Fear,
Mrs. Wilson of Clinton, Miss Ella
Mae Wilson R.N., of Hamilton, visited
on Friday with Mrs, Wm, Carter.
Mrs. Tipling of Toronto, Miss June
Buchanan, of Orangeville, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan and other
Master John Wilson of Brussels is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
R. .Vincent.
On Sunday Rev. W. G. Rose, the
new pastor of the Westfield ,Church,
took his text from Ephesians 1-6, tak-
ing as his subject "The Beloved."
The people of the community con-
gratulate Miss Ruth Wilson of Brus-
sels on passing her, 8th grade in music
with honors. She was a pupil of Mr.
A. a Cook.
The farmers are busy at the hay
these days and by all reports is a good
Mrs, Ventham and children of Ayr
are visiting her Sister, Mrs. Maitland
Pte's Sam Thompson and Melvin
Craig are spending a two week's leave
at their homes here.
Miss Margaret Jefefrson is visiting
at the home of her brother, Sam and
Mrs. Jefefrson at Bradford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and
family were Sunday visitors at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Fitzgerald,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potter and
children of Parkhill, visited on Wed- nesday at the homes of her sisters,
Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and daugh-
ter, Joan, of Toronto, spent the holi-
day at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Norman Thompson.
Miss Virginia and Master Billie Bob
Chamney of Windsor, are spending
the summer vacation at the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr). and Mrs. Fred Deacon and
daughter, Gertrude, of Toronto, were
week-end guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Chamney.
Car Went Out Of Control
A car driven by Mrs. Joseph
Holmes, 5th Concession, Morris,
went out of control on highway No. 4
about two miles north of Belgrave and
overturned in a deep ditch. Miss Nora
VanCamp, a passenger in the car re-
ceived severe cuts and bruises on both
knees and above one eye. A badly
wrenched shoulder and severe shaking
up. Mrs. Joseph McGill another pas-
senger received slight injury. Mrs.
Holmes avas uninjured except for
slight bruises and shock. The car es-
caped with slight damage, One, glass
being broken, Provincial officer Gard-
iner of Wingham, and Traffic Officer
Taylor, of Clinton, investigated the
Red Cross Needs Assistance
The cutting committee of the Red
Cross Society are busy every week at
the work room and a large amount
of work is ready for distribution.
Workers to help with the sewing are
badly needed, Members on a few
lines have responded and are doing
a good shre. Many more are requir,
ed if the branch is to keep up its quot-
as as asked for by headquarters.
Decoration Service Held
The Annual Memorial and Dec or-
ti on Service at Brandon Cemetery
was held on Sunday, July 5th, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon, with a large
attendance of friends from near and
far, The service was conducted by
Rev. G. H. Dunlop of the United
Church, Rev. Kenneth MacLean of
Wing gist read the Scripture and Rev.
A. M. Boyle of the Fresbcterian
Church gave the address.
Miss Velma Wheeler was at the
organ and members of the local
choirs led the singing. Hymns used
were, 0 God Our Help in Ages Past;
Blest Be the Tie that Binds, and God
of Our Fathers. Clifton Walsh sang
a solo, The Touch of His Hand on
Mine, and was accompanied by his
sister, Miss Elaine Walsh.
The beautiful flowers decorating the
graves adds a personel touch to this
memorial day and is appreciated by
those in charge of the service. H.
Fryfolgle of Wingham and A. Rann
of Brussels kindly loaned chairs; A
Montgomery, his truck for bringing
the organ and providing the speakers
platform, Directing the traffic were
James Anderson, Richard Procter and
Hermon Nethery. The Women's In-
stitute, the local churches and the
Cemetery Board thank all who con-
tributed to the success of this service.
Mrs. K. M. Johnston of Regina,
who has spent the past week with
Mrs. J. A. Brandon, returned to the
home of her aunt, Miss Susan Alliston
in London.
Miss Martha Armstrong and brother
Lawrence, of Windsor, spentithe week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Arm-
Mr. and Airs, Bernard Crellin, of
London with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mrs. Vern Venthom and two child-
ren, Charles and Joyce of Ayr, are
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Maitland
Mr. and Mrs. W, Smith and baby
Shiella, spent the week-end with Mrs.
'Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William
Cole, Mrs.aSmith and Shiella will re-
main for some time.
Mr, and Mrs. James Bowden and
son Jimmie, and Mrs. Alex Leitch of
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mc-
Guire and Shirley of London, visited
over the week-end with Xar. and Mrs.
James Leitch
Mr. and Mrs, K. Howard of Tor-
onto, Mrs, J. A, Geddes, Mrs. R.
Nicholson, spent last week at Kin:
cardine beach,
Mrs. W. Collutu of New Hamburg,
her daughter Florence and son How-
ard, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
J, A, Geddes.
Mrs, Hugh McLean of Hamilton
and B. McLean of St, Marys, called
on friends.
Air. and Mrs. George Pocock and
family of Lambeth, spent the week-
end with Mr. arid Mrs. J. M, Coultes
and other relatives.
Of Confidence
London, — Prime Minister Church-
ill won an overwhelming vote of con-
fidence from the House of Commons
after he had gravely assessed the Al-
lied position in the Mediterranean and
Middle East war zones as a near-dis-
aster with a hope of victory pinned.
on "very considerable" reinforcements
now in progress. The vote was 475 to.
25. The parliamentary victory came.
at the end of a speech one hour and
20 minutes long in which Mr. Church-
ill staunchly defended his direction of
the war as the best possible under the
-% •
4 Convicted Detroit Man of Treason
Detroit, -- Stolid and as devoid of
expression as he had remained through
three days of trial, Max Stephan, Ger-
man-born Detroit restaurant owners
heard a jury convict him of treason:.
He was charged with assisting a 'Ger-
man Officer who escaped from a Bow.
manville internment canip.
- —
Viscount Bennett Worried
London, — Viscount Bennett, form-
er prime minister of Canada, told the
House of Lords this Dominion Day
that never in his life had he been so.
agitated and concerned about the fun,
tire of the British Empire as in the last
few days. Lord Bennett, joining in.
the Upper Chamber's war debate near
its close, said he could see the Empire.
disintegrating and some of its richest
possessions in the hands of the enemy.
Britain, he said, should have a national
government selected by the prime min-
ister without adjusting and balantinK
claims of parties for positions in or out
of the Cabinet.
Ran Mediterranean Gauntlet
Washington, — The United States
aircraft carrier ,Wasp has run the,
bristling gauntlet of the Mediterrana
can at least twee, delivered plane rein:
forcements at Malta and returned un-
harmed. Oil one trip it arrived just:
in time for the British planes it car-
ried to surprise and inflict considerable
losses upon an attacking enemy •ale
Little Boy (reading item from
paper): What does it mean here by.
"Seasoned troops", dad?
Dad (imtnediately): Mustered by
the officer and peppered by the enemy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre and
Grant and Billie, ,motored to Tober-
mory last week to visit with Mr, and
Mrs. Dan MacDonald and will also
visit with friends on Manitoulin Is-
Mr. Peter Steele of Toronto, is visit-
ing with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Cornel-
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie motor-
ed to Brantford on Sunday. Mrs. Fur-
bur, 'who has been visiting with Mrs.
Gillespie, accompanied them and will
visit with her daughter there.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, and Mrs.
Arthur Cronin and son Jack of Cal-
tdon, attended the Falconer - McInnis
picnic at the home of Mr. Robt Mc-
Innis, Teeswater, on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Lois
also attended this family picnic.
Born—on Sunday, June 28, in God-
erich Marine Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Taylor, of Fordyce, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson and
children of Niagara Falls, are visiting-
this week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. McLean, and on Sunday
they and Mr. and Mrs. McClean mot-
ored to Walkerton to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. S, H. Cross. Mrs. Cross
and children accompanied them home
and will also spend a few days here
this week':'
Miss Mildred McClenaghan is visit-
ing with relatives in Toronto this
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Tuesday, July 14 in the Institute Hall
here, and Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Wing-
ham, will be the special speaker. All
are cordially invited to attend this
meeting and help in the contest.
Mr. George McGee of Toronto visit-
ed recently with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leask McGee.
Master Bob Lever of Toronto has
been visiting with Mr. Chas. Leaver