HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-07-09, Page 5WEDDINGS
Russell Graham
A lovely wedding was held at the
home of the groom's sister, Mrs. W.
A. ,McKibbon, Wingham, at 4 o'clock,
on Tuesday afternoon, June 30th,
when Miss Mary Graham, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Graham of
Estevan, Saslc., became the bride. of
Sergeant Observer James Russell, R.
C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Russell, Wingham. Rev. C. H. Mc-
Donald of Lucknow officiated assisted
by Rev. Kenneth MacLean of Wing-
hard. The ceremony had a garden
setting with the wedding party stand-
ing in front of a rose arbour between
tall standards of blue delphinium,
white lilies and red roses. The bride,
given in marriage by her father, was
very beautiful in a large white hat,,
heaven blue silk suit with applique
on jacket of the same material. Her
corsage was Dream roses. Miss Pat-
ricia Graham was her sister's brides-
maid. She wore a small pale blue
hat to harmonize with her two-piece
dress, the jacket embroidered in pastel
tones. Her corsage was Talisman
roses. The best man was Mr. Ed-
ward Graham, brother of the bride.
Miss Marion McDonald, Lucknow,
played the wedding march from
Lohengrin and Miss Helen McDonald
sang "Loves Coronation" while the
register was being signed.
• A reception was held following the
ceremony. The bride's mother wore
a gow.n of rose sheer with large white
hat. The groom's mother wore a rid-
ingote of powder blue sheer with
flowered hat 'in harmonizing tones.
Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, and Mrs. J.
W. McKibbon poured tea. The re-
ception ' table 'Was very attractive
centred with the bride's cake set in a
bed of pale pink 'roses.
• For travelling. the bride donned a
flowered green and white silk jersey
dress with matching accessories. Mr.
and Mrs. Russell are -spending their
Take advantage of this very special offer
when you still have many more weeks ahead to
wear them.
$3.50 to $4.98 Values for
$2.50 to $2.98 Values for
$1.98 Values for
• $1.39
}pelts and Straws
$1.49 to $1.59 Values for $1.00
"The Store Where, Lower Prices-Prevail"
Telephone 36 Wingham, Ont.
Jeffery Hendry
(Teeswater News)
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mrs. B, Hendry, Teeswater,
on Monday, June 29th, when Jean
Fraser, daughter of Mrs. B. Hendry
and the late Mr. Hendry, was' united
in marriage to Stephen E, Jeffrey, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Jeffrey
of Teeswater.
Rev. R ,N. Stewart perfornied the
ceremony in a setting of delphinium
and Madonna lillies and summer flow-
The bride wore a strect-length dress
of pastel blue crepe with corsage of
Johanna Hill roses.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey left for
a Georgian' Bay boat trip. They will
reside in Virginiatown, Northern
Bushell - Cameron
A pretty summer wedding was sol-
emnized in the Lucknow United
Church when Pearl Arabelle Cameron,
only daugper of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Cameron, of Lucknow, became the
bride of Nelson E. Bushell, of Luck-
now. Rev. J. W. Stewart officiated.
The wedding music was played by
Mrs. G. A. Newton, and Mrs. J. W.
Joynt was soloist. The bride wore a
floor-length gown of rose leaf pattern-
ed lace over satin, with white tulle
illusion veil falling from a tiara of
seed pearls to the waistline. She car-
ried a bouquet of white Killarney
roses and stephenotis. Mrs. Harold
Lottan, of Appin, matron of honor,
was gowned in floor-length pale green
moire. The' bridesmaids, Miss Lela
Leggatt, of Wingham, and Miss Helen
McKellar, of Alvinston, wore gowns
of pale mauve and pale blue net.
Harold Lottan, of Appin, was
groomsman, and the ushers were Bert
Mathers, .of Wingham, and Stewart
Taylor, of Clinton.
A reception was held in the I. 0.
0. F. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bushell left for Tor-
onto. From there they go by plane to
Montreal and Quebec. For traveling,
the bride wore a navy sheer ensemble.
They will make their home in Luck-
Mr. Lewis Jewitt
The death Of Mr. Lewis Jewitt oc-
curred early Wednesday morning,
June 30th, at his late residence on
Frances Street, following a lingering
illness. The deceased was confined
to his bed for the last four weeks.
Excepting for the past five years in
Wingham, Mr. Dewitt lived on conces-
sion 2, Morris township, on the farm
cleared by his grandfather and father.
He was a member of Ebenezer Meth-
odist Church for over fifty years and
later a member of Wingham United
Church. He served in the work of
the Sunday School, the church and
the choir from early manhood until
he retired to Wingham.
The late Mr. Jewitt VAS in his
seventy-fourth year. He was a son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt, form-
erly of Brussels. One brother, Rev.
George Jewitt, and four sisters, Maria
(Mrs. John Wilkinson); Caroline
(Mrs. Ross Stubbs); Clara (Mrs.
William Hall) and Alice, predeceased
him, One brother, Reuben of Kin-
caid, Sask„ survives.
Besides his wife, the former Eliza-
beth Robinson, he leaves one daughter,
Mildred (Mrs. Thomas Waddell) of
Newton, Ont, His soon Harold Lew-
is passed away eighteen years ago,
November 15, 1924. There are six
grandchildren, Sergeant Charles Jew-
itt of the c.m.s.c. who accompanied
the Canadian contingent to Hong
Kong; Staff-Sergeant William Jewitt
of the C.M.S.C4 Arlene and Norali,
of London, Ont, and. Wilfred and
Viviat Waddell.
The funeral was held from the resi-
dence on Friday afternoon, July 3r'cl.
Rev. W. A. Beecroft assisted by Rev.
E. 0. Gallagher conducted the sere-.
ices at the home and the graVeSide,
Interment was in the Wingham Cern.:
etery. The pall bearers were six
nephews: Rev, M. C. Parr; Elgin
Johnston, William Dewitt, Wilbur Jew,
itt, Roy Hall and Stanley Hall.
Mrs. Sohn Connell
Mrs, Jennie Brown ,Counell, Clifford,
widow of the late John Connell,
pssed away in her 86th year. She
w ,iborn viii tholonse where she died,
Her father, 'the We Francis Brown,
Was the first settler iii Clifford in
OA He established the first post
be in distress, but also practically the
entire cast.
Helping With The Haying
The Businessmen in Gorrie have
rallied to the call for help with the
farmers and each one who can reason-
able leave his shop has taken his •fork
and is away. There are a few more
who are willing to go if the need
Fell Off Wagon Injured
We ,are sorry to report the accident
of Mr. Percy Ashton who fell back
of the wagon when the trip rope broke
while taking off a load of hay in his
barn 'last Monday evening. Mr. Ash-
ton lit on his head knocking him un-
conscious. He is confined to his home
with a slight concussion, broken
shoulder, a couple of cracked ribs and
badly shaken tip. We trust he will
soon be feeling much easier.
The Women's Institute will be held
at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hutchison's
on Wednesday, June 15. Please note
the change in date. As their guests
they will have the girls of the com-
munity for which a special program
is being planned. Roll Call - My
worse baking failure.
/Mrs. R. H. Stephens is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stephensat Mid-
Mrs. Stanley, Ripley is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. L. N. Whitley and Dr.
Pte. Jack Musgrove, London, and
Pte, Joe Tarngey, Chatham, spent the
week-end with their mothers here.
Williard Michel who is with the R.
C.N.V,R,, in Toronto, spent the week-
end with his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Cloyne Michel.
Mr. Brown Sr., Elora, is visiting his
son, Mr. Gordon Brown and Mrs.
Mr. Mervin Stephens is attending
Summer School in Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King, Toronto,
spent the holiday with his mother,
Mrs, Chas. King.
Master .Ronald Short Iyho,has spent
the past two weeks 'with his gratid-
mother, Mrs. Aatng0.ati Other rel-
atives, returned to his home in Fergus,
Miss Smith, Brussels; and Miss Dor-
is Sample, visited on Monday with
Saturday Shopping Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.
Walker Stores, Limited
"The Store Where Lower Prices Prevail"
Telephone 36. Wingham, Ont.
We were very fortunate in being able to
secure another shipment of these full-fashioned
rayon hose, seconds of one of our most popular
lines, priced at a saving to you. The imperfections
are carefully repaired. New summery shades from
which to choose-sizes 9 to 10y2.
59c Pair
2 pairs $1.15
Extra Values
There is a War Job Waiting for You in LONDON-KITCHENER
Write or Call: Mr, W. A. McWilliams, Director War Training
Classes, Beal Technical School, London,
or Mr. Prederick Pugh, Director K-W Vocation-
al School, Kitchener, Ont,, for Immediate
or •for Special Coures write to Mr. T. H. Scott,
Field Representative, Hotel London, London,
We conform to Orders-in-Council respecting age and military
The Dominion. Provincial War.
Training Program
Pi ovinco of Ontorl0
Thursday:. July 9th„ 1942. WINGHAm ' ADVANCE.,TIME$ PAGE VIVO:
carried a bouquet of pink roses and
p miniature camellias, She was attended
by her cousin, Mrs. Frank Yeo, wear-
ing a beige gown with snatching bat
and carrying a bouquet of yellow
roses, Mr. Stanley Todd was grooms-
man .for his brother. Miss Eileen
Bogie presided at the organ.
Following a reception and wedding
breakfast, at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
William Jewell, the couple left for
Northern Ontario, the bride travelling
in a British tan ensemble with brown
felt hat and ran accessories, Upon
their, return, Mr, and Mrs, Todd will
live in Stratford,
wedding holiday at Bruce Beach.
Guests from a distance were Dr. and
Mrs. F. R. Graham, who motored
East from Saskatchewan for the wed-
ding, bringing Mrs. C. B. Jack, sister
of the bride, of Moose Jaw, Sask.;
Miss Rita Bernier, Toronto, and Miss
Isabel Russell, Victor, B. C., sister of
the groom.
Griffith - Robertson
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse,
Atwood, at 3 o'clock, Wednesday, July
1st, when Jean Lauretta, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. N. Robert-
son of Thluevale, was united in mar-
riage with George Allan Griffith, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith,
of Wroxeter. Rev. J. R. Greig, At-
wood, officiated.
The bride was beautifully gowned in
petal pink jersey, with white acces-
sories, and carried a shower bouquet
of Sweetheart roses, orange blossoms,
and maiden-hair fern, and wore a gift
from the groom, a gold wrist watch.
They were unattended.
Following the ceremony the bridal
couple returned to the bride's home
were a dainty tea was served to im-
mediate relatives. Roses, delphiniums,
and orange 'blossoms decorated the
dining-room with streamers of pint?
and white. The table being centred
with the bride's cake, ,which was on
the same plate her grandmother
Abram's wedding cake was on seventy
years ago.
Mid showers of confetti, Mr. and
Mrs. Griffith left on a motor trip, the
bride travelling in a blue floral crepe
dress with white accessories. On their
return they will reside on the groom's
farm on the 6th of Howick.
Casemore MacCallum
,Parker Street United Church was
the setting Tuesday .afternoon, June
30th for the marriage of Miss Marg-
aret Lindsaw MatCalluni, St. Marys,
daughter of Mrs. MacCallum and the
late Rev. R. MacCallum, Lucknow, to
Mr. George Oscar Casernore, Strat-
ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Case-
more, Wingham. Rev. J. N. Gould
officiated, and Mr. Douglas Richard-
son, Sarnia, presided at the organ. The
bride wore a princess gown of Aqua
Blue Crepe and carried Roses, For-
get-me-nots' and white heather. Miss
Helen Whetstone, her attendant, wore
navy crepe and carried yellow roses
and forget-me-nots. Mr. Arthur
Sweeney, Hamilton, was the grooms-
Later the bride and groom left for
a trip to Muskoka. Upon their return
they will reside at Stratford where Mr.
Casemore has been employed as super-
intendent of SilverWoodis Creamery.
Todd Hogarth
The marriage •of Miss Effie Bernice
Hogarth, daughter of Mrs, Effie Ho-
gartli, Godorich, to Mr, Arnold Neely
Todd, Stratford, son of Mr, and Mrs.
David Todd, St. Helens, was solemn-
ized on Tuesday morning June Nth,
at 10.00 o'clock in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich, by Rev. D. J. Lane.
Escorted to' the altar 10,,ber
Mr. William 'Jewell, the,,bilde worn a
graCert# r kg,roito,n blue frock of silk
jersey;small frtieihat with veil and'
At the request of the Minister of
Finance the Hon, J, Ilsleh Mr. Mc-
Murray has been appointed Chairman
of the National War Finance Commit-
tee of the CoUnty of Haron. This
Committee has the very important
task of securing the financial require-
ments of the Government in our war
effort through the sale of War Sav-
ings Stamps and Certificates, as well
as Victory .Bonds,
Mayor A. J. McM'urray
Clinton, Ontario
Mr. McMurray, besides being May-
or of Clinton, has just completed a
most successful Red Cross campaign
in his own Town. He is Chairman of
Clinton's Salvage Committee and is
Treasurer and General Manager of the
Clinton Spring Show. After twenty-
eight years' service with the Inter-
national Harvester Company he is
quite conversant , with the work of
organization. At present he is busily
engaged in organizing the various
municipalities of Huron for this very
important work.
Headquarters for the Huron County
Campaign have been opened in Clin-
Mr. H. C. MacJ.ean is Chairman of
this devision and Mr. Frank R. How-
son is Chairman for Wingham,
office, hotel and sawmill.
The deceased who was quite active
tip until death could still vividly re-
call the early pioneer days of Clifford.
She is survived by three sons and two
daughters, Frank, of Brandon, Man.,
John and Harvey, of Toronto, Mi.s. R.
E. Davis, of Clifford, and Mrs. James
Hamilton, of Alberta, one brother,
Harvey, of New Liskeard, and one
sister, Miss P. Brown, of Clifford. The
funeral was held from the home of her
son-in-law, R. E. Davis, with inter-
ment in the family plot, Clifford. Serv-
ices were conducted by Rev. W. Hig-
ginson, of the Anglican Church of
which the deceased was a charter
Mrs. Wm. S. King ,
Following an illness of about four
months, early Thursday morning, July
2nd, Mrs. Wm. S. King passed away
at her home 12th Concession of Turn-
berry. She was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKinney,
of Bluevale. She was the last surviv-
ing member of the family. She was
in her 82nd year. In 1888' she was mar-
ried to Win. S. King who predeceased
her June 23rd 1941. During her ill-
ness she was cheerful and always try-
ing to do kindness to others. Her
disposition was admired during her
suffering and she will be greatly mis-
sed as a loving mother and kind neigh-
bour. She has lived in the community
almost 50 years.
She leaves to mourn her passing
'two sons and three daughters and
seven grandchildren, Ross of Turn-
berry; Percy, of the hoMestead; Stella
(Mrs. Wm, R. Davidson), ' Hensall;
Sadie (Mrs. Stuart McBurney), and
Lavina (Mrs. Alex Leaver) of Wa-
The funeral services were conduc-
ted by Rev. W. A, Beecroft of the
United Church of which Mrs. King
was a member, on Saturday, July 4th,
from the residence of her son Percy.
Burial took place in Wingham Cem-
The pallbearers were five nephews,
Harvey Messer, Gordon Messer, El-
don 'McKinney, Win. McKinney, Rus-
sel McKinney and a grandson Allan
Davidson, Flower bearers, all neph-
ews, Lyle McKinney, Archie McKin-
neY, Charlie Messer, Frank Sharpe,
Charlie Borman, Raymond Elliott.
Friends who attended the funeral
from a distance; Mr. and Mrs. John
Xing, Ethel and Mr. and Mrs, Eldon
McKinney and Mr. and Mrs, Prank
Sharpe, Mrs. Sarah McKinney, Rus-
sel ,:MeKirincy, Charlie Messer 'and
Harvey Messer ,all of Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Archie McKinney, Mt; and
Mrs, Lyle McKinney of Leamington;
Mrs, Ceeil Griffith, Brampton; Mr.
and Mrs. Allan gersey, SeafOrth;
and Mrs. Horace nedwell, of Atwood;
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Davidson, of Lou.
1,,"-ItIro•0,1,111,4 10,t111411,
Mrs Martin 'Qraeby
The death occurred on Sunday, July
5th, of Mrs, Martin Grasby, at her
hone in Morris Towitship in her
year. The deceased, whose maiden
name was Catharine A, Dunbar, was
the daughter of the late David A, Dun-
bar and Agnes Halliday of East Wa-
wa-nosh, Following her marriage $0
yea7rs ago she came with her husband
to. Morris where she has since resided.:
She was a faithful member of Knox
United Church, Belgrave.
Besides her husband she leaves to
mourn three daughters, Helen, Mrs.
George. Martin, Morris; Anna, Mrs.
Cecil Armstrong; Kitchener; and Marj-
orie, Mrs, Jas, R. Coultes„ Belgrave,
also one brother Joseph, of East Wa-
wanosh, One brother William prede-
ceased her two years ago.
The funeral was held from her late
residence on Tuesday afternoon, July
7th to Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave,
Rev, Geo. H. Dunlop officiating. The
pallbearers were Herb, Wheeler, Jas.
Michie, Norman Walsh, Gordon
Walsh, Wm. Nethery anu Hugh
Mrs. John E. Swartz
A former Wingham resident, Mrs.
Sarah Louise Knox Swartz, widow of
the late John E. Swartz of Wingham,
passed on in Toronto on Wednesday
morning, July 1st. Mrs, Swartz was
well known here as for many years
Mr. Swartz operated the Queens
Hotel. The sympathy of this com-
munity goes out to the bereaved
She is survived by four daughters,
Mrs. Maye Johnston of Toronto; Mrs.
A. J. Busch of Evanston, Ill.; Mrs. G.
M. Counter of Clinton, and Mrs. R.
H. King of Montreal.
The funeral service was held in St.
Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on
Friday afternoon and burial took place
in Wingham Cemetery.
Red Cross Shipment
The Red Cross parcels packed July
3rd included-Seamen's comforts: 6
T-neck sweaters, 4 V-neck sweaters,
8 T-neck tuckins, 21 pr. mitt's, 3 rib-
bed helmets, 1 scarf, 4 pr. socks, 1 pr.
seaboots, 4 pr. seamen's stockings and
1 pr. 18" socks. Hospital supplies:
7 pr. pyjamas, 1 extra coat, 2 pr. extra
pants, 72 gauze It' dkfs., 4 personal pro-
perty bags, 1 wash cloth. Army and
Airforce: 85 khaki h'dkfs., 1 V-neck
sweater, 6 pr. socks, 4 scarfs. Br.
Civilian comforts: 15 quilts, 20 diapers,
25 sanitary pads, 1 child's dress, 2
child's gowns, 1 mother's gown, 1 girls
pyjamas, 12 boys shirts and 1 com-
plete layette.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hutchison and
sons Hugh and Mack, attended the
campbell Re-union in Moorefield Park
on Thursday last.
Mr. Michel of Goderich spent a few
days last week with his son, Mr. and
Mrs. Cloyne
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mundell and lit-
tle son Dan, spent a couple of days
last week in London visiting relatives.
Miss Bessie Wylie, Toronto, is
spending her vacation with her mother,
Mrs. John Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, Clare and
Maxine, London, spent a couple of
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill, Alex and
Maxine of Moorefield, spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Shera.
Little Miss Jean Hobbs, Preston is
spending this week with her grand-
father, Mr, Jesse Harrison.
Several were priviledged to hear
Sgt. Jack Newton over the Beaver
Club Broadcast on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller, Detroit,
spent the week-end with his mother,
Mrs. A, Miller.
Sgt. 1. L. Cooper, Tugaska and Sgt.
J. Reiger, Regina, who are training at
Port Albert with the R.C.A.F., spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Vic-
tor Shera.
Miss Ruth Fydell, Galt, was a week-
end guest of her friend, Miss Dorothy
Bridge Needs Repair
Last week another piece of the
cement floor in the Gorrie Bridge
dropped out which makes the third
time this has happened within a short
time, and which indicates the cement
Must be rotten. We trust the Road
Shpt, Goderich will make an efort
to have a new floor laid before it
causes any serious accident.
Successful Garden Party
The Garden party held on Tuesday
night last lit the school rooms of the
United Church was again a success.
The tables were nicely decorated and
well laden with foods, The play -
Damsel's in Distress, which followed
was held in the hall, and presented by
the Londesboro' "bun People, was
well received and each one in the play
did a fine lob. The play which has
many a laugh is fun from Start to
finish and tot only .6 the batntela
Western Ontario Motor-
ways, Ltd.
Bus Service
Change of Schedule June 27, 42
Leave Wingham
Dly Ex. Sun. & Hol.
7.25 a.m., 12.10 p.m., 3.55 p.m.
Sun & Hol.
3.55 p.m. 7.30 p.m.
To Owen Sound Via Kintardine
Dly. Ex. Sun & Hol.
3.10 p.m, 9.30 pan,-B
Sun. & Hol.
3.10 p.m, 1
Via Tees
0.40 p.m.-B
To Owen Sound rter
and Walkerton, Pt, Elgin
Dly. Ex. Sun, &
9.30 p.m.
Sun. & Hol. - 10.40' p.m.
B.-Indicates to Kincardine WAY.
P6i further information• call
your local Agent, M Johnston
Service Station, PhOne, 42.
Mrs. J. Armstrong.
Mr. Reginald Taylor, Kitchener,
visited a couple of days this week with
his aunts, Mrs. ihnowlson and Miss.
Nora Taylor.
Mitchell - Ritchie
Pink and white peonies., orange-
blossonis, and other beautiful spring
flowers formed a lovely setting at St.
Stephens Church on Saturday, June
20th for the marriage of Edith Wilma
Ritchie, daughter of Mrs. Clara Ritelir-
ie ,to Robert George Mitchell, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mitchell of
Molesworth. Rev. J. E. Caldwd/ of-
ficiated, with Mrs. R. P. Nash, Toron-
to, aunt of the bride, presiding at the
organ. During the signing of the
register, Miss Jean Campbell, Moles--
worth sang, "Because."
The 'bride, given in marriage bz5
uncle, Lieut. R., P. Nash, Nortfil
wore a lovely gown of white. el-foliatea
taffeta with sweetheart neckline,,.
bishop sleeves and a long full skirt....
The bridal veil of silk- net, finger-tip .
length fell from a halo Readdress. And"
for "something borrowed", the bride-
wore a string of pearls her only arm-
ament. Red roses with bouvardia-
formed her arm, bouquet.
,Miss Alice Ritchie, Toronto). as-fierr
sister's bridesmaid, was gowned,' lir
turquoise blue chenille taffetta Trade
on the same lines as the brides with
hat to match. She carried talisman.
roses. Mr. Bert Elliott, MoleswortIn
was best man and the ushers were
Bertram Ashton and Donald Camp-
The reception was held at the bri'd'es)
home, where Mrs. Ritchie, mother of
the bride and Mrs. T. Nash, grand-
mother of the bride, received the
guests. Five girl friends of the bride,,
Misses Eleanor Carson, Reita 'Galla-
way, Blythe Underwood, Gorrie, Miss
Helen Ditchie, Harriston and Miss
Georgina McMichael, Wroxeter, serv-
ed the guests at the attractively dec-
orated tables.
The bridal couple left on at motor-
trip to Northern Ontario. The bride
wore a white crepe tailored frock Witir •
beige coat, white hat and aecesories..
They will reside in Molesworth.. Am--
ong the„ gifts received was a cable-.
gram from the bride's brother,. Sgt.,
1', J. Ritchie in England, extending
congratulations and best wishes: