The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-06-25, Page 2e-Time;
ti tied at
.Subscription Rate One Year $2. 0
Sts. months, $1.00 in advance
To U, S, A., $2,50 per year
Vorcipi n rate, $8.00 per year,
Advertising Taws t i ntlilication•
of the
villittM141%11,11g4 tl,ttillIttlAIMItI{Milti I 0111.11111H111110,11.
Goderich jail Gets
New Lock System .„„
As a costa of tots attempted jail
!males gat Huron County (sharing
the !last ',year, a new loch- sy!stem, has
been installed rail eel! blocks, The iu.
taittition was visited by Reeve T. '
1Vilson and his property committee
and the working of the new lochs dem. onstoixd. ,the QotnInittet approved
'of the partitioning let one Qe1i block
as a fire precaution and the construe-
Von of a um porch and repairing: of
.Concrete. sidewalks to the governor's
,Boy .Actidentally Shot
Last ...ittatiay ofternowl, Roy Hill,
szu of Mt, and ?sirs, Alfred Hill, of
the 11%11 ,ceneessiot 1-10-vviok, was
tam victim of a ,'trims shooting ae•-
vadent, Rey Vivirks at Belhwre, and
on this afternma l e took t3aea rifle
to pick tiff a few grottmiitAcs.
later,n>e home some time later, he left
title on the table, and 'omitted to
take out the bullet. His youne'er
picked or, the fir.eartn; pulied the
Vtigger, and t erifle .lischarged, the
iwnl et enterir.g. Roy's .7•!...ead at the base
tat the bra: .a. Dr.. )1ildtnay
Was: ,z.a7e,,1„ ana he to,)1z,
the Warsettou
&.etit rettlzmie the
butZ4e. a. stt, a..▪ n ethotet the r,=ng,
toan as it; a 47.7i:i.4 ^,:: ere.
.ttrz 'heti rretver:y.. 3.1fIkaay
"41e,ar-Zit'a P,one.t. Lays, g'4*
*71 tintNVenightYt Powtt4-.
Z:1?:41-,t,t1 Set has
zver-4.',nt.1 et:tich ekette
eta• hens n a':-ltg..rt they
we'te n•CLItet":.• :1`...irr tens. This
4avok %az, fr.r.n A!flan
74,141,one.:1".r, A-0,:hzelz
4.nre htl it is
all e.e *laid 1,
tkte., so.~..!!n!.1. ntrasursr4
otti...e. a eVi•
• itvo • t. 4,1 tr+
the= the!,
• 11,171tartzen
Corn it .one of the tallest and most ) , '%,`"-s;,,'21xIlLs of the annual grasses, accord
lug to its botanical deseription. It is a native of the Westin
1 Reritishere, bur where and when it
I was first cultivated ot from what wild
.;p"latit it devel.Ted is not &f ink* i
A fltraltett Zi.ater %till be held ha
iniackett's 11.trtr,./ Chttrel. Tuesass-
' evning.
g 4e,..1 Mrs, Glen CATteltez mt.!
sens.. sent weep-ertil
wit% ti,:avatti.„ Mr. awlsMrs, T. A.
ainS Mrs. IC,ltael'it t
$7417:t the week-end with his.
Members of the B. F. Goodrich
Tire-Savers' Club will have the
serial numbers of their tires
registered free of charge. This
is another protection in case
of theft.
You will be reminded by your
B. F. Goodrich dealer when
I, your tires should be checked.
A ctimplete record will be kept
of your tires. No need to rely
on your own memory,
The B. F. Goodrich booklet
"Tire Health Rules" is free to
all club members. It will help
you to get maximum mileage
from your tiles.
of wtr., to tIsttt an! olf send-
parres 4!atirrg Attroy Week,
• Dztthr::',zz Par„ :Per Est tart in tbie`
week .and itt.t.- 'ooth Cr,„:,,tfederatoor4„. tt us tittIttg
the malotity tnv.nsattz,t yint.ges
C-1..tada .1116 taintittg., a stlIab"e, cell
Ibt.Atiot* itzat ere .4t..1.1
TeeSwater Pair Celebrate'
Date Of Anniversary
and Mvs. 1.1Ni Rib celebrated
t!he fiftieth anniversary of their wed-
:hug quietly at their home in Tees-
voter. 11 r. and0Mts. 1'Tb farmed on
he 3.2th 1:011.1:est•itM of Culross Totvn-
ship during the half .century, Ano‘ing
to Tecswater a few months aka, ,Mrs,
Erb, who nas tortnerly ',1114q. Atmeline
:tier, was- retred on the 14th conees-
si,ot of the same township, There are
iiree ilaughters, Mrs. bl'e'd ticddes, rf
\\ Mrs. Pepper, of Hanover
aod 'NUN!, Ntaroaret at home,
Trailer Becomes Loose,
Hiks Girl ,
When. trailer btwanie loose from
car proce.....liug along Sotdh. :Main
Street -early Monday morniag, it ran
:rosy the road and onto the side-
wall, where it struck Marion Ibbot.
on. Miss ibhoston suffered from
bruises ;old shock. According to con-
stable Plot ir'ununito:L.,,.s, who investi-
gated, the car was in charge of Mer-
itslane of l'nekersinith. Seaforth.
Boy Is Honoured At Teeswater
The presettc,.! 6f mind of Arthur
I-althea who rescued his companion
front possible drowning in the mill
pond last sluing, was recognized dur-
ing a fitting ceremony at the Tees.
water Public School. Arthur was pre-
tsmted with a suitably inscribed and
)Quad testimonial prepared by the
village council and presented. by Reeve
mimes Ross on behalf of the.
athers. Principal H. J. 'West arrang-
ed the occasion and representatives 0.,
Board of Education, the local
orgy and the members of the
council mended While the scholars as-
sembled in a body to do honour to
one of their untuber. It was during.
e spring freshet that Kenneth Cer-
while playing on the dam which
crosses tln> tat pond accidently fell
he raging waters and was ear-
led through the sluiceways. It was
y through the timely efforts of
l'ahhee that Kenneth was
eht, safely to shore by means of
rope hurriedly secured.
§ptc- Raising Litter of 1$
the farm 4.4 'John \f eQtiillin.
- %Vest Wawanosh, there is a sow that
is doing her SIlare suq pfy. baco
tor Britain. Mrs. Big recently gave
birth to a. litter of 3.5. little ,).'onkers.
*MI is raising them all. The young
viz...; are now nearly two weeks old and pcanes will be used foT the training c.
a Are .,11,44; 'sent.' fighting pilots at the school, which is
one of the largest air training stations
Hof the British Commonwealth Air
Training Plan, This is in line With an,
touncetnent dur tine R.C.A,F. recent-
to the effect that several 'operationa •
cito,)Is would be established -1n Can,'
ads, Operational traittio..1.,, is the final
training undergone by aircrew before
'actual entering a theatre cat war.
Sorr?„.. to hear teltat Ur. ..igm
west ofr 11,zokoz-Av.,
tis as veil o; 3: tins- Mts."
rar.t Satatoszt came
cote to 'he txiith het. 6"athet
!,!-.ZAT brtter revs
Tate tott..lver'41.11,; serv;iat
Thursday, June 25t14, 194Z
'Court Hearing Dispute
Over Seaftarth Will
tlearing of a Surrogate Court ae-
V8a, in which Thomas and ..Nfary O'-
Reilly, Segorth, nephew and niece
-of the late Mary O'Reilly, urn seeking
Kati upset the wilt of their aunt, was
(Co nuneueed in tioderich on Friday
*dose judge t •costolo but not
leomplefed. The lair o'Reinn
Vito died its March of 1141 at the age
aaf SI, left au qistate of $1,St10, $1.00
being left to artin Ryan and six.
other nephews and the balance ti: S
James .Rootart C.:atholie Church, Sea
forth, It is claimed that the testatrix.
Ineked testatuentary capacit.- at the
time the will 'was unde on .aarell 3.4,
1941, and that um.luelitilatuce was ex-
ercised. ,••••••••••••••••••••
ntralia Airport May Be Used
y Royal Air Force
The $f1,000,000 R, C, A, F. Airport
at Centralia may assume the role of
operational training school for the
Royal Air Force upon it completioo,
indicated„Farthermore, it is
moved that Canadian-built Hurri
tn.,,fter. 12m. 'Sam Sheilar.uoil.
Itis,s jest Xels:t. :r eta,
it %e etees....e.mS et to :tee paTettS,
.;.ter:!1 hSss, RA:It theta.
Mpg. Muriel Fattish. Cioder-
rarriY±1. 34**,'•k‘i
W.s.$ ata Z.,iavesm. tracne!!..
• Warctirt2Ab. vreel.-ettl
!vial: Mr, ar$ T.'detes. Car.,trha
4ezz., Kt & reiag..
Vv..= wetter. Vliatite- I
tpett vetIr-dr..3 vilat blits
Er' t'.!ta .Ali t.
B. Gerd rich '"F3c-toey
Plancrea" Tire Saving. Semite
is availabl e -to truck operators,
B. F. Goodrich enf.-Ineers have
lion plan fc)r truck
helps to prevezt- pr rear
failizre and prolongs the life of
your present tires. Ask your
Goodrich dealer for derails.
Now tire restrictions are &Vat its sta Canadians,
vial few esceptions, -sal Not be able to bu.y new or
tires or tubes till the scar is o-ver.
No doubt you7ve t
ackdown. yoat
at-lying aireaay.
lioing to S yoos car up in the poi for the
- of one tire or tube
theta deliver
COOS 1101100 10
100 100 DOE OW
USES 01%, S011..1006 00111S
10 100 10.0 UK
duration, lust for la
So give your tires the care they need. Viahe
every last suite la them. Do as thousattas of other motor-
ists are aoing. pin the B„ V. Gooarich
of Club.
it doesn't cost you a cent. You enloy definite privileges,
and the courtesies of the Nsitale .
V. Goodrich deaf
organization. Dotit trust your own luagraent about
your tires. Get the aavice of mtpets. lientember---yonr
tires are ricetess----monbership 151 the B. V. Gooaricb,
lire-Saves' Club is free.
: \
Factory Platoed" 'Tire
s.t fire inspeCtIOn will belt) to
reeterlelki iucrose tile life of your tires
ra ire
rut car to a
Goodrich (leder for this service, it
vial be systerneticsily clorte sccordiug
Factory Zan developea by B. V.
Goodrich tire engineers.
pr-ces--to raembers
of tile . . oari• io-SVere Cl1313
----ou can, essily ora to a -e yofes busarea ..s
it Pala autborities
that this OW idea ig a
roi brip in checking tbefi s of
tires or gasoline. Yoti dispiaY
ibis rard
igside your car
window -when you lor your
or. Ask' year E,- F. rirb
rkafer for oue.
,N.t the s
7frOt $0 bare the tireS iospected e
lea civet
done -irdailope to
opecate rur
the darcttlotl.
• 7a-m it-vm czast
Se.4,4*.r,, by tile entIttes= a7tes:Iy!
z.7.tieeTs. thtzzi.,hzint
ttryz.:,)s, Every community,.
tlarge, and small, at toss Canada win
ave. a a:...rert in this spontaterms dem-
cnstration. C"..nrches, ciG,ie groupie
i:ndr.stries„ :elan stz,..rts,, clers
and. Ta,"Ltrlett'S argfanitatims
lalez la lb :UN-V.6 VA =whit= Vat-
P.72bIt oitt pratzte k.0&.Ings o. ny
zglIgni the pth-
entettairbrg wed hormar. Imtr-Csza= tied impetus to Acmy Week and to art.
notelt and restaurants serve
/ztt.2.3., based A.7.1-43.- rations and
1.!•-..tho''...iers are do likewise
on one day of the week. Members;
the Reserve Amy Will take part Su'
-parades and twill wear thrir uniform
tort (day an the $11;.!)ttzs pee-; parades ands drornhcadl '2.,,awe their part -on :Ix.
Tr`:1):ett: vr,M paid to the'
the deep-seated desire to honour the MeanwhileCana p both in boys in khaki, Engiansi and in otniaion are
This is a eitia-ne shov. lint only training tireless lves for ;ea it. prove to the soldiers that they, the supreme struggle that lies ahead.
have not Nen forgotten by the public., In training centres, school and carn 0 bet it will go far towards trallghtening , fto-ra one end of Canada to the other,
...atn,lians more intimately concerning they are undergoing strenuous pbYsial
Czyn1.14...s Atin.Y amid Me training and instrnctita in niOderri
manner in whi;;n the troops are cared methods and weapons of war so that m for and traza. tatil the present they ma not he found Wanting ben
ALLA', ,nYt ....4f A , , ..
,oversoas lads will not be forgot-:
ArZtir 1.3:1 ritS] t -- ,ttit ciRitter, ate at,Itez1 mak
tii.:7t'aZ:' ',.rillaar!r tor4.-Zn' retires anl
„ e a
anz the end at tall re4aite tarn invatitt Tate days «\ *r ;eneWith 1° f.`1 !the ErZ4seln !!.. Vntt .5"th should 4.n.t.Iminato it: the most the
Ilitteriszt. Then the memorable exhibition of patri:;tio f'eo Arelair vehla be tallteet uou to ear its loose in Catales
.oversaadowed by, the sterling pecji Canada has an sirmy •tar Irbiett -16
fronts vo..4e the Army las retrained strate their tnte ablate-'aorta of the
in!tative so far as actual cztubat eon- men who are miloing the gretest seined. cannot forgotten that sacrifice in the battle to preserve ate
'Navy. Whioh ha.Ve s.eert action on many', chance during Army Wek. to dentO
orntat.,e Of tAnadas Ale Force azIrai'bz 'proud and Canadians will have tb6
s Winghatn
tFn Zizni C.1,:ziNgh ,Stn,1!as*' Ir";:t11 -47"1' =IA* a
• ever.;!r4zy t1t-st, vt.:th Rev.
Lan f4k ,tra 11.7etei
! a$, svtaket. T?:!,e.-te teat
tew VA.ti
6er:1:n:cc Cattadia.!m It
set as'.de., ot......opz,tx..t%c to
clettar...1 ifzt. the vrnp:!,-se
the in khaki tar)
kotTered :1.77:ve. ehr-,;:t art.A. !if net.,
tIre aggries,..z-trfs =4 to to attend !'pen. tes4-ei-kitt :suds artiNe service. time the Army has beerq ,,Kt,tilturhat t ho ret,„ tottztt. ,T,ttstra ,=7;_::!T !I:Kt:1'z=
SIP 1-4'. tt, Ig. litteatt i r":11::,!ti; 2,110,'::,y Wez:4:. to Craralliat I.!--..z..t, -.I .V,:.., A....!.. on tlzir 1:...tnes and 4 -`-• ' --
E,,.e..-ive., lit-i.bk.':!te van be. ipall '*rgier..z."...r *31 !,':lav ..,.-..n ...r.7.V.r!Itt.'..1y t.olat .-11."nte'S aLt.1! e.onterts... &t.tznir...e e.,7.....-
:/' 0.:!!'!...:tr !sots dr4t.1t t1.; Atr&T) S'hntv t.1,:tf.:1.15-..',;'iatizTn ,..E eras 11i-1)...':m.s. vco. be c!...!.spla3:o.1 !-:n lt,'.J.tarst,
21.:inr.c. 4:M *t.. Sely Zi‘."'..4..„ an ectettl,f,,::.zt. rzir *1.413 ri.:',-.,v C'Aizzzr!..t.' 4C,'-'11,',ie•7•,ttratt's ati $ng.:71.1-S .17.,ZZStS, ee.I'Z't
ii al 16:1 Iv islitie.,.5. tuarkel its tt*tslotAtre $ixt ttgur..4 at ti..ietcta. otainjittrat .,;1s *II lii - .elit?
arra. I
0 fall-V I.:4 Stt AVIA Vzor This', sztzr-mzz,1 el rt., ,,,,,,,t.,i,,,,,,,, ,ti ,,,,,,,-12,,,, ::,-...' 7,-..i:itrIs- u"' w• m.enda t..,. vaith Ile
Pattoft , .., Lte .1.,::,-.5 tee' z,i,i-,..,...z7.‘t:,...7( :11.1.1 1:beit 1] t17- :In!! 7.',:'.:7; T,ZT,r1:::3 r.--1 C,.,...-,t.t :14At 5, f,...._!‘j1,-:.,....,,
e ones 7-4 cot.ler to si,ttze thrir ,z,,:;:att z.zr„ ,-2:1:trycri'l htve fiz ,i!..a.r.:et ,..., erzettait