HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-06-11, Page 4Miss K. Nicklin spent the week-end
at her home at Milverton,
Miss Marjorie Foster is spending
A week with her parents before return-
big to Carinth.
An enjoyable social evening was
held on Friday evening last in Doug-
las School, Turnberry, S. S. No, 1.
%Correspondence Courtship is the
title of the play to be put on by local
talent, Keep Friday open for a date
at the Town Hall, Proceeds for local
Red Cross,
New 'Rector Preached
Rev, Mr. Caldwell took charge of
the Sunday . evening service in St.
James Church. Mr. Caldwell and
family moved to their residence in
Gorrie last week, coming from Dun-
Rev, J. L, and Mrs, Foster had for
their guests this week, their neice, Mrs.
Lorne Watson and Mr. Watson of
Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Watson are on
their honeymoon having been married
on Saturday.
Miss Jeanette Adams, of Stayner,
spent the week-end with friends here,
Red Cross Notes
The canvass for the Red Crois
drive has been completed, The morn-
ing the campaign opened the secretary,
Mr. W. A, Sawtell received a cheque
from the Huron County for $600.00.
$578.00 was turned in from the col-
lectors making a total contribution of
$1178.00. $900.00 was the objective
for this district. Local funds were
collected by: Mrs, Walter Woods, Mrs.
George Lane, Mrs. Ken Bennett, Mrs.
H. Mulvey, Mrs. Hunkin, ,Mrs. Leslie
Bolt, Mrs. B. Martin, Mrs. H. Waller,
Mrs. W .T. Maclean, Mrs. W. Durst,
Mrs. 5. H. Wylie, Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton, Mrs. E. Nichol, Mr's. Harry
Adams, Mrs. Leslie' Douglas, Mrs. W.
G. Gibson, Mrs:-Vern Denny.
Nursing Course in Autumn
At the Red Cross meeting on Wed-
nesday of last week, it was decided to
carry out the Home Nursing Course
later in the season probably in Sept-
ember or October. Particulars will be
given to anyone interested by the local
Red Cross president, Mrs. Sawtell.
Special Fathers Service
Sunday next June 14th will be ob-
served as Fathers Day and special
services at United Church will be in
charge of the pastor, Rev. J. L. Foster.
A Men's Choir will contribute special
Women's Association
The Women's Association held their
monthly quilting in the church 'school
room on Wednesday of last week. Mrs.
MacDonald Sr., Land Mrs. Wm. Hart
were in charge. Pot luck supper was
enjoyed by the workers at the close.
Choir Of 40 June 28th
Th morning service in the United
Church June 28th will be of special
interest when a choir of 40 'school
children under the direction of their
music instructor, Mr. Earls of Ethel,
will have charge of he music. Rev.
J. L. Foster will have charge of the
service. A cordial invitation is extend-
ed• to everyone in the community to
join 'in this service.
Women's Missionary Society'
The W.M.S. will hold their June
meeting at the Manse, the home of
Mrs. J. L. Foster, on Thursday of
this, week, June 11th, 3 p.m. Mrs.
Sawtell is in charge of the meeting, the
roll call will be answered by a verse
containing the word "Rejoice". Mrs.
Gilbert Howes will continue her talks
on China. The W.M.S. Bale will be
sent in a few days. Anyone having
donations of new or good used cloth-
ing please leave at Mr. R. J. Rann's
Women's Institute
Mrs. 5, Sangster opened her home
for the June meeting of the W. I.
on Thursday afternoon of last week.
The meeting was opened by the sing-
ing of the Ode and repeating of the
Lord's Prayer. Current events were
given by Mrs. V. Denny who brought
out many points of interest. Roll Call
--the exchange of roots and plants
brittght a liberal response which should
be of value to the Home Gardens,
Two topics were giv.en "School 13eauti-
fication" by Mrs. Adams, in which she
spoke of the duty of school boards,
rate payers and teachers in seeing that
the school and its grounds were made
beautiful with trees, shrubs and flow-
ers, suggesting starting on a small
scale and gradually adding to it as a
meafis of hAding the interest rather
than 'doing all at once. .Mrs. Waller
gave a paper on "Flowers in Spite of
War" in which she brought out the
point that never were flowers 'more
needed than in the time of' War, also
giving many suggestions on what var-
ieties to grow for' best results. Miss
Thelma Denny who was guest soloist
sang, "The Shrine of St. Ceeelia",
Mrs, 0, A. Wearring gave a short
resume of the District Arninal held in
Erussels redently—saute of the high-
lights were! The value of Canadian,.
12ation in War Time; The necessity
of keeping the institute which Must
Cotton lace or net frocks—so
dainty and femine, and made
with all the fine detailing that
you usually find only in far more
expensive dresses. Lots of styles
to choose from!
$2.95 to $5.95
Airily cool cdtton voiles in
light and dark color harm-
onies,. Some have hand-
smocking or lace trim-
Thursday, June 11th., 19447
Invitations to a
Cooler Summer
Our fabric, cotton, is the coolest material under a
summer's sun! And this is the year when it goes
everywhere smartly—in dresses for town or coun-
try and for the dress-up occasions on your calendar.
Patriotic, practical, and so coal and charming —
these cotton dresses have simply everything!
ISARD'S Ladies' Wear 161=01=0=101===010=0=0 o=ot(
1%2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 51 O
„ . roll $1.75
2 ply . roll $1.98
Ridge Pole 7c ft.
Valley Iron 7c it.
Ivory Finishing ea_
Utli,1 fa; Lime, bag
Spray gal 15 Stockaid Fly
Mason's Lime
bag ..„. 5
Ever-Jet Black akk
Paint, gal ..... ZPUbP
Screen Wire Cidth For
Rescreening Doors and
per yd. per yd.
18"-22c 20"-25c
24"-33c 28"-35c
30"-35c 32"-40c
36"-45c 40"-50c
Make your own screens.
100 Lbs .... 9.00 Sorghum
C. V. House
You Can pay more—but you can't
Buy better.
Gallon $3.95 % Gal. $2.15
Quart $1.15 Pints ... . 65c
Richmond. Porch and Floor Enamel
Pints 50c - Quarts 85c - % Gal. $1.50
Quick and Sure Bug Finish 65c bag
King Bug Killer 70c bag
Bordeaux Mixture 1 lb. 27c
Arsenate of Lead 1 lb. 22c
5 lbs. 75c
4 x 8 .... $1.28 4 x 10 ... . $1.60
4 x 8 .... .88 4 x 10 $1.10
Turnip seed - Canadian
Gem, Perfect Model,
Jumbo, Purple King
lb.. . , . „ 75c
Rape seed - Dwarf Essex
lb . 33c
Biddick Hybrid =fa
Corn, per bus. ... 0•0 44'
Viceroy Motor Oil
1 gal. can 74c
In bulk per gal .., 49c
Repair that leaky Roof
1 gal. roof coating 79 c
5 gals. roof coat 02 v",
ing s
4" galv. Eave: M 7c Ft.
15c, 35c, 55; $4.75
Red Barn Paint
J )
gal , U0
275 - 3.60
Combination 50 7 Doors ....._______ _ • _
Sudan Grass 1000 100 Lbs .
FOR SALE — Chesterfield and two
odd chairs. Apply Mrs. T. Fells.
FOR SALE — Used pine and hem-
lock lumber at reasonable prices.
Apply to David Hutcheson after
six o'clock, phone 124.
FOR SALE -- One mare 11 years
old, sound; 1 binder tongue, new.
Apply to Charles Potter, Town Plot.
FOR SALE — 6-roomed house, three
acres of land, stall barn. Small
down payment and easy install-
ments, also parlor suite and china
cabinet. Apply F. J, Mooney.
FOR SALE — Six-roomed house on
the edge of Wingham, barn, 1 acre
of land also chesterfield table. Ap-
ply Lawrence McLean.
FOR RENT — Furnished cottages at
Amberley Beach, 25 miles from
Wingham, 10 from Kincardine, good
beach, very accessible. Apply K. J.
Hueston, Gorrie.
FOR. SALE — Hereford Heifer and
calf. Apply Gordon McBurney.
Phone 620R22.
FOR SALE — 100 acre farm of Lewis
Russell, being the north half of Lot
26, Concession 5, Morris Township;
about 30 acres mixed bush, good
gravel pit and balance good tillable
soil'and pasture. Submit any offers
to S. E. Weir, K.C., Canadian Bank
of Commerce Building, London,
LAWN MOWERS — Scissors, shears
etc., sharpened by electric machine.
Apply to Leslie McDougall, Lower
established Watkins Route. Steady
Customers^. Must be honest and
reliable have travel outfit or means
of getting one. No capital or ex-
t. perience requited. Write The J. R.
!, Watkins Company Dept,, 0-W-2,
2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que.
2TOTICE — All outstanding accounts
owing Mattison Radio Service,
Wingham, most be paid on or be-
fore June 15th, 1942.
PIANO TUNING — tuning price
$3.00, repairs extra, 13y Wingham
Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must
leave orders at Advance-Times,
TEACHER WANTED — Protestant,
for S, S. N.O. 8, East Wawanosh.
First Class Certificate, personel ap-
plications preferred. ercy McLean,
Sec'y, R. R. 1, 13elgrave.
TENDERS will be received up to
June 20th, for the painting of the
interior of S,S. No. 6, Turnberry.
Midi-ter information may be had
from Elgin Johnston, Sec'y, R. R, 2,
Wingham. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted,
No. 12, East and. West WawanoSh.
Duties to commence September 1st.
Apply statingsalary and qualifica-
tions to. Roy 111Vih, secly-tteas.,
R. No. 2, Ltreknow, Ont,
ENDERS wilt be received by the
thifertigned,uu 40" tanda54. June
18th, for the painting and decoration
of the exterior and interior of U.S.S.
No. 8, Turnberry (Wingham Junc-
tion). Information may be had from
the trustees, Alec Elliott, Thomas
Walker or Russell Henderson. W.
J. Henderson, sec'y*, Box 55, Wing-
No. 8, Turnberry (Wingham Junc-
tion) duties to commence in Sep-
tember. Applications will be receiv-
ed up to Monday, June 15th by W.
J. Henderson, sec'y, Box 55, Wing-
TENDERS — will be received by the
undersigned for cleaning and paint-
ing walls and ceiling, varnishing
woodwork (except seats) of S. S.
No. 10, Morris, Work to be finish-
ed by August 15th, 1942. Lowest
or any tnder not necessarily aaccept-
ed. Robt. J. Forrest, Sec'y.-Treas.,
R.R. 2, Bluevale.
TO YOU, — Madam or Miss: If you
can spare a few hours each week
and would like to make a few dollars
extra easily selling Rawleigh Pro-
ducts, apply: Rawleigh's Dept. ML-
453-311-F, Montreal.
USED Singer Sewing Machine, Write
Box T. Advance-Times.
WANTED — Girl for work in restau-
rant, One with experience prefer-
red. Williams Restaurant.
erly repaired to perfect sewing at
your home. Phone 227.
The family of the late John Shiell
take this opportunity of expressing
their appreciation to their neighbors
and friends for the kindness and
sympathy extended to then' in their
recent bereavement,
CROWSTON — In loving memory
of Mrs Hannah Crowston.
In our book of precious memory
there are pages set apart for you,
words and smiles and smiles dear
mother deeply cherished in our hearts,
Though God called' you home to
Heaven one year ago this week your
deeds of love and kindness are treas-
ured more and more and on every page
is written "Our Ibve for you Our
mother dear,"
Sadly missed by husband, family
and grandchildret,
Executor's And
Administrator's Sale
Of Earrn Lands; Stock, Implements,
Furniture, Etc,
TEE LIMITED1 as Executor of the
Estate of Frederick Hardie, deceased,
and John B. Hardie, as Administrator
of the . Estate of Elizabeth Hardie, de-
ceased, will offer the following for
sale by Public Auction by Thomas
Veils, Auctioneer, on the farm prods-
es, Thursday, June 18,, 1942, at 1
o'clock park (Daylight Saving TirritY;
FARM LANDS: The'West half
of Lot 24 and, the North half of Lot
25, .both in the 1st COticosaieri of the
Township of Cutross, in the County
of Bruce, containing 121 acres more
or less, situate on a good road 4 miles
from the Town of Wingham, and is
watered by a drilled well. On the
property is said to be a good frame
barn 66 ft. by 56 ft. and straw shed
42 ft, by 55 ft. on stone foundation,
small. driving and implement shed and
a frame dwelling house containing
eight rooms and woodshed in good re-
pair. There is also said to be on this
property a considerable quantity of
timber consisting of three acres of
hardwood bush and 37 acres of pine,
tamarack, elm, birch and cedar. This
bush has not -been culled for years
and is said to contain a quantity of
timber suitable for cutting into logs.
A gasoline engine used to pump water
from the well will be sofa with the
STOCK: 1 (aged) driving horse.
IMPLEMENTS: 1 rubber-tired
buggy; 1 cutter; 1 set, single harness.
radio, standard wave 4-tube battery
set (almost new); 1 McLary Royal-
Escort Range (almost new) 1 Hudson
Seal Coat (good as new); 1 piece Rek-
oleum floor covering 2 yds. by 4 yds.;
1 Edison Diamond-Disc Phonograph
and records; 1 Auto Harp; 1 writing
desk; 1 New Williams Sewing Mach-'
ire; 1 Washing Machine and wringer;
1 lawn mower; 3 mirrors; 8 rocking
chairs; 8 kitchen chairs; 3 couches;
9 cane-bottom chairs; 4 bedsteads; 4
dressers; 2 wash stands; 4 mattresses;
5 feather ticks; 5 small tables; 2
pantry tables with compartments; 4
wooden chests; 2 wood boxes; 1 kitch-
en range; 1 round box stove; 1 square
box stove; 2 cords split wood( soft
maple and elm); Other articles too
numerous to mention,
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent
of the amount of the purchase price
of the farm lands and premises at the
time of sale, and the balance in thirty
days. The farm lands and premises
will be offered subject to a reserve
Purchasers of the other assets which
are being sold shall pay cash at the
time of sale.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale with respect to all assets will
be made known at the time of sale, or
may be had on application to the
DATED this 2nd day of June, A.D.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor .for the Executor and
• Winghatn, Ontario,
All persons liaving claims against
the estate of Elizabeth Hardie late of
the Township of Cuirass in the
County of 4rude, Spinster, deceased,
who died on or about the tenth day
of April, A. D. 1942, are notified to
send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the thirteenth
clay of June, A, D. 1942, full particu-
lars of their claims in writing. Im-
mediately after the said thirteenth day
of June, the assets of the said intest-
ate will be distributed amorigst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to ,claims of which the adminis-
trator shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-sixth day of
May, A. D. 1942.
Wingliam, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Mary Montgomery late
of the Township of. Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Spinster, who died
on or about the first day of May, A.
D. 1942, are notified tia.sehd to J. H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the thirteenth day of June,, A,
D.1942, full particulars of their dams
Writing. Immediately after the said
thirteenth day of june, the assets of
(Continued, from page one)
President, Mrs. Graham, Bayfield;
1st vice-president, Mrs, Streeter, of
Blyth; 2nd vice-president, • Mrs, R.
'Homes, Gorrie;, secretary, Mrs, J,
Middleton; girls secretary, Mrs. R.
Hurforcl ,Seaforth; C,13,C, Mrs. A.
Palmer, Goderich; Dorcas Society,
Mrs, W. M. Connell, Wingham; Little
Helper's secretary, Mrs. George Walk-
er, Clinton.
Miss M. Watts gave a splendid re-
port of her work in Honan, China, of
the eagerness of the children to learn
to read and hear the gospel and of
the terrible sufferings of the Chinese
people who are still seeking to find
a safer place to live, of the gracious-
ness and Christian fortitude of Mad-
am Chiang Kai-Shek, "We read of
cities falling and being destroyed by
bombs, but no noe can realize what
that is like until one comes through
it," she said. She also told of the
terrible suffering and lack of food.
Rev. H. H. Jennings, B.A., mission-
ary to Fort Norman spoke of his work
among the Indians in that part of the
country, of the eagerness of the Indian
children to learn. A fine hospital has
been built in that district. Mail is
brought in by plane. Mr. Jennings
is a native of Exeter and was ordain-
ed in 1936. Illustrated views were
shown of Fort Norman which were
quite interesting.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rae and family,
Waterlo, spent the week-end here. On
their return they were accompanied by
the former's mother, Mrs. D. W, Rae,
who will spend a week with her son
and family.
Mr. Jno. L. MacEwen was a God-
erich visitor on Thursday'of last week.
On Tuesday of last week a very
successful Auction Sale was held at
Mr. Alex Wrights.. Mr. Wright has
disposed of his farm and he and Mrs.
Wright will retire to the village.
Mr. Clifford Denny of Toronto, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny of town,
has enlisted with the R.C.A.F. and will
be stationed at iManning Pool.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade, Ford-
wich, were Sunday guests of D. S.
and Mrs. 1VIacNaughton.
Rev. J. L. Foster also Mr. R. J.
Rann were in London last week at-
tending the Conference in Centennial
United Church.
Miss Margaret Chaplin also Mr.
Cliff Denny, Toronto, were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Denny.
Friends here regret to know A.
Roberts of Fordwich, editor of the
Fordwich Record, is ill with a type
of fever. It will be Asome weeks be-
fore he will be able to again take up
his work.
Mr. Harvey Bryans, Walton, who
was formerly on the public school
staff here and now at Goderich, has
resigned his position having enlisted
with the R.C.A.F.
Dr. Robert Montgomery, formerly of
Wroxeter, now of California and Dr.
Fred Bryans of Toronto, were recent
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Gallagher and other friends.
.Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann also Dr.
W. A. and Mrs. Spence, were in Lon-
don on Sunday to say goodbye to Jack
Rann of the R.C.N., who has been
home on furlough and left Monday
morning for duty.
the said testatrix will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executor shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-sixth day of
May, A. D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Hugh Cameron late of the
Township of Turnberry in the County
of Huron, Farmer, who died on or
about the 22nd day of April, A, D.,
1942, are notified to send to 5. H.
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the thirteenth day of June, A.
D, 1942, full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the
said thirteenth day of June, 1942, the
assets of the said testator will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executor shall then have
DATED this twenty-sixth day of
May, A. D. 1942
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of Edward J. Fitapatriek,
late of the Town of Wifighana in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer,
who died on or about the sixteenth
day of April, A, D. 1942, are notified
to send to J, H, Crawford, 'Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the thirteenth
day of June, A, D. 1942, full particu-
lars of their claims in Writing. Im-
mediately after the said thirteenth day
of June, the assets of the said testator
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the executrix shall
then, have notice..
DATED this twenty-sixth day of
May, A. D. 1942.
• ;Wingham, OntatiO,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
be worth while having continued
through times of war and peace dur-
ing its 45 years; The fine results
from garden seeds sent by Ontario
Institutes to Britain.
During the business session, Mrs.
Denny and Mrs. Martin were appoint-
ed as local leaders for the project,
"Making the Most of Vegetables"
which will be carried on at Fordwich
during the Autumn. Mrs. Wearring,
Mrs. Wylie, and Mrs. MacNaughton
were named as a committee for the
July picnic when we expect to have
as our guests members of the Rutumn
Institute of Fordwich and also the
District president Mrs. F. Dem-
0 Canada and the National Anthem
was sung and a social 'hour enjoyed
when the hostess was assisted' by her
daughter, Miss Eta Sangster and Mrs.
Vern Denny.
The council met at the hall on Mon-
day, June 8th., with all the members
present, The Reeve presided.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Cecil Wheeler and Harvey Johnston.
Moved by C. R, Coultes, seconded
by Jas. Michie that the Road Liability
Insurance be taken out with the Gen-
eral Accident Itt'Surarice ' Company.
Moved by Harvey Johnston, second-
ed by Cecil ,Wheeler that the Work-
men's Compensation be renewed with
Lloyd's Insurance Company through
A. E. Wilson and Company. Carried.
Moved by C. R. Coultes, seconded
by Jas. Michie that $300 be 'deducted
from the assessment of George Cald-
beck. •
An amendment was moved by Cecil
Wheeler and seconded by Harvey
Johnston that $200 be deducted from
the assessment of George Caldbeck;
3's Lot 24, Con. 3.
The motion carried,
It was decided to deduct $300 from
the assessment of the Richard jacklin
Estate N. IA 20, Con, 8, as the build-
ings have been sold off the place,
Movd by Harvey Johnston, second-
ed by Jas, Michie that the Court of
Revision be closed, Carried.
Moved by C. R. Coultes, seconded
by Harvey Johnston that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on July 14,
1942 at 1 p.m. Carried, ,
The following accounts were paid:
A. E. Wilson and Co, (Workmen's
Compensation) $30.00; General Acci-
dent, Ins. Co. (Road Liability Insut-
ante) $140.83; Dr. Crawford '(11/4i.010
H.) $20.00; F. Duncan (B.O.H.)
$3,00; G. Martin (B.O.H.) $3.00; W.
A. Galbraith (relief for W. J. Parish)
$40.43; Victoria Hospital London (in-
digent fee) $15.75; C. R. Coultes (ex-
penses) $3.00; F. Duncan (expenses)
$4.80; Earl Anderson( salary) $100.00;
A, H, Erskine (taxes) 288.75; N.
Higgins (supplies) $10.00; Fred Log-
an (aftercare) $7.00; Mrs. Nellie Log-
an (relief) $8.00; Mrs. Geo, 'Gross (re-
lief) $15.00; P. McNab (B.O.H.) $3.00.
Geo. C, Martin, Clerk.
Valuable Wartime Publication Issued
By Ont. Dept. Of AgricUlture Pre-
pared By Dr. F. N. Marcellus
of O.A.C.
One of the most valuable of the
wartime handbooks issued by the Ont-
drio Dept, of Agriculture is just off the*
press. It is a 20 page handbook on
"Feeding and Management of Poultry"
prepared by Dr. F. N. Marcellus, Pro-1
fessor of Poultry Husbandry, Ont.
Agricultural College Guelph, This
"A B C" of Poultry is free, and 'can,
be obtained from Agricultural Repre-
sentatives or by writing the Poultry
Dept., 0.A,.C,, Guelph, or the Statis-
tics and Publications 13ranch,. Ont.
Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto.
Ontario farmers are paying more at-
tention to farm poultry flocks since
the war and are doing much to in-
crease egg shipments to Great Britain.
This latest poultry handbook goes into
detail on feeding and management, It
outlines three feeding Mashes that are
giving good results. It gives scratch
mixtures, hatching rations and devotes
a page to breeding pen management,
eggs for hatching and chick rations.
Another page contains chick starter
mashes and two others list vitamins
and their sources of special value in
poultry nutrition.
Marcellus' booklet also outlines
rearing of chicks and gives much val-
uable information regarding feeding
arrangements and temperatures front
the time chicks are hatched until they
Mt ready for Market or the laying
Altogether, the handbook on feed-
ing and management of poultry is one
that should be'in very farm home, I:16
not delay in getting your ropy. It
*ill mean there money' for you and
more ego for Pritein,