HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-05-28, Page 81 BATTERY RADIO OWNERS Your headquarters for A. B. & C. Batteries, A. B. Power Packs is the Pattison Radio Service WINGHAM Burgess, Everyready and Gener- al Dry Batteries. Monarch Radio Storage . Batteries. Mother: Johnnie, you must go down and see the new nurse. Go and give her a nice kiss. Johnnie:. No fear! I don't want my face slapped like daddy's was. WESTFIELD Miss Elsie Snell of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. L. McLowell. Mr. John Gear of Kitchener, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mrs.' Annie Walper of Auburn, spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. Douglas Campbell. ,Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of Hensal were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walsh. Pte. Ross Taylor of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Ford of Comber, were guests over the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W, F. Campbell and Mr. Campbell, Mrs. J. Fitzgerald of • D'tingannon, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. W. A. Campbell, On Saturday, Mr. Wm. McDowell attended the funeral of Mrs. Wesley Taylor, of Guelph. Mr. L. Jardin of Toronto, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. Thos, jardin. Mrr and Mrs. Bert Vincent, Mr, Harold. Vincent, Mrs. C. Keating of Belgrave, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walden, Misses Norma and Dorothy Neth- ery, of Hamilton, spent -Sunday with Westfield friends. Mrs, Roney of Ayr, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mait- land Henry . Mrs. 5, Brigham, Charlie and Ken- neth, Miss Mae Wightman of Blyth, spent Sundaay with Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Wighttnad Miss Mae Tenney is visiting her cousin, Mrs, W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.,Hoover of Bras sets, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan AileCatlurn of Myth were 'Westfield visitors on Sunday. Messrs Win, and Norman McDowell were London visitors on Thursday. Mr And Mrs. Telford. Nixon, Mr, jitn 81)01 Of Niie, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SHOP .AT Smith's Economy Food Store LYNN VALLEY AYLMER PORK TOMATOES ,.. 2 large tins 27c AND BEANS tin 10c LUSHUS JELLY CHOICE BULK DESSERT 3 pkgs 27c PEANUT BUTTER lb. 19c Choice Smoked Back BaCon . .... ... lb 55c York All Pork Sausage lb. 25c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf ...... lb. 33c Maple Leaf Skinless Weiners .. lb. 29c EYES EXAMINED ,GLASSES PITTED AT MODERATE PRICES. WINGHAM ADVANC-TINIES Thursday, May .28th,, 1942 the .limilialitiliiiisolimilicliminsuipoiciationoluslivoilsolionsmionsovoinamix Suggeste4 For Summer New Wool Sweaters. .Suminer pastels in short sleeves ladies' styles.. Indispensible for use with skirts and slacks on cool summer days. $2.95 Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 28, 29, 30 WALLACE BEERY MARJORIE MAIN. LEWIS STONE — In "The Bugle Sounds" A stirring drama of the American army with Wal- lace Beery in a role that fits him like a glove. Also "News", Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 1, 2, 3 JOAN CARROLL EDMOND IO'BRIEN — In — "Obliging Young Lady The story of a seven-year-old who can out-think and out-talk a battery of lawyers. Also "Ray Whitley Comedy" & "Picture People" They're equally ac- ceptable for strenuous work or idle loafing. Denim Overalls $2.25 1-10psocking Slacks $2.19 Slack Suits . • „ $3.25 a a bell, Mrs. Win. Reed, Wingham and Mrs. Sarah Campbell, sop and daugh- ters of Saskatoon, Sask. Mrs. Mable Hunter of Kinston, Mich., formerly Mable Radway of 'Turnberry Town- ship and Mr. and Mrs. James. Halliday of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Yeo and Marie of Paisley, spent Sunday with friends here , Mr. and Mrs, Edgar McMichael, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wax, Mc- Michael. Miss Ruby G. Duff, Ontario Wom- an's College Hospital, Toronoto, Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Hollen, Miss Dorothy Aitken, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field, Teeswater, were holiday visitors with Miss Mary Duff. A. D. Smith R.C.A,F. Brantford, at his home here. Dress Materials (On Main St) Street Dancing, Bingo — Games Galore. COME, COME, COME All proceeds to Local Branch Can. Red Cross, Toronto, spent the week-end a Sanderson home here, t Mr, and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and g daughter, Patricia, of Byron, were a Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, r Edward Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. A .1D Smith and elan- ghter, Eleanor, spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. H. 1, Berry at Erucefield„ 1 Mr. and. Mrs, George Love and Miss !till Florence Fowler were Sunday visitors P. with friends at Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Isbister, On- I Away, Mich,, and Mrs, E, , Bluevale Road, visited their cousins, r= Miss, Olive Scott and Mrs. R. F, Gar- niss. Visitors with Mrs. Margaret Rolph this week included, Mrs. David Camp - memommasm Lions Eby Frolic Wednesday, June 10 Printed Sheers — 42" wide $1.00 yd. Plain Swantung 42", Rose, Green, Blue,, White, Natural , 89c Gay Printed Cotton Poplins aancl Slubs , 45c White Washable Woollens — 54" wide $1.59, $1.95 ViiMMINSUMEEN, Sport Jackets Windproof & water- proof, made of light- weight poplins and gab- ardine, these jackets are the ideal garments for summer sports. Ladies'—White; Ta$1, B 95 Men's -- Tan, Green and 'Two-Tones' $3.95 up Trousers, Jackets An extra pair or two of these smart trousers is a good investment for. any man's wardrobe. New tropicals, stripes, cords, donegals $3.50 to $5.95 Polo Cloth Lounge Jackets — the smart casual coat for sum- mer $12.50 ST. HELENS a a a a a a a a is a a a a a • a a U a a For Work And Plaay a I ) aa U a a a a a a I a 'yr) Rev. and Mrs. G. 0. Cox and daugh- ters, Donna and Ruth of Conniston, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross on Friday last. Mr. Cox is chaplain with the Canadian Army and has been stationed at Tor- onao, and Mrs. Cox and the children are moving there in the near future, Miss Marlene Matheson of Toronto, accompanied them here. A celebration of interest in this corn munity took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay on Monday evening, when their family, with grand children and great grandchildren to the number of thirty-five gathered to have dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Mackay postponed the celebration of their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary for a month in order that Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mackay returning from India, could be with them all, and. then that evening got word that Mr. and Mrs. Markle of Kennedy, Sask., would be here on Wednesday However , all re- joiced in the pleasure of spending the evening together again. The weekly meeting of the Y. P. U. of the United church was held on Sun- day evening with Mr, Garnet Farrier in charge, and giving the call to worship. Miss Mildred Moore read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Ed, McClenaghan led in prayer. Miss Moore gave a very interesting report of the Y. P. U. con- vention held recently in Goderich. All read a prayer hymn. Florence Bee- croft sang a solo, and tthe meeting was dismissed with the mizpah benediction. The young people of the church are busy this week painting the basement walls and ceiling. The following attended the Women's Institute Convention in Kincardine on Tuesday, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mrs. Jack McIntyre, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Lance Grain. FOR THE HOUSE Summer guests put an extra strain on house- hold supplies, See that your stock is up to strength Linen Teta Towelling—pure linen for the best service ... 45c to 55c Union Tea Towelling—heavy, absorbent .... 29c Bath Towels—full size, extra heavy .. 69c to $1.00 Wabasso Cotton Sheets-81x96 , . $1.59 to $2.75 is • R plette Cotton Bedspreads—assorted colors, $2.50 The teacher, Miss Beatrice Mc- Quillin and pupils of St. Helens school entertained the rate-payers of the sec- tion on Friday, May 22 at a social which was largely attended. The program consisted of choruses, duets, recitations, folk dance and a musical play entitled, "Builders of Canada." Rev. C. H. McDonald spoke on the Empire and Mrs. Rev. Wm. Henderson acted as pianist. The serv- ing of lunch concluded an enjoyable afternoon. Messrs Robert McQuillin of Hamil- ton and Charles McQuillin of Clande- boye, were week-end visitors at their home here. Mrs. Wallace Miller and Miss Laur- ine Miller were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs .N C. James of Windsor. Mrs. Gillies is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. was held at W. I. Millers on 'Monday evening with Mrs. McKenzie Webb in charge. The topic, was taken by Mrs. Lorne Woods. The death, occurred in Gravenhurst on Saturday of Miss Lulu Weather- head, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weatherhead, after an illness of nearly three years. - KING'S = a a a a a a a iiiiiiimaimminuountmeasinHatzionnimimmtialluistainunna WHI TECH URCH AL% Fred Leaver of Toronto, spent fran,:t aveek-end with Mr. Charlie Leaver 0=4 both returned to Toronto on Sun- -day. Miss Amelia Leaver, London, also. spent last week-end with her Arectler here. r. Clifford Purdon who has been lit Galt taking the course in mechanics at the Military School there for the past four months, was home on Thurs- day last, before reporting to \Toronto. Mks Lettie Fox left on Friday to _take a :position in Hamilton. 1,1],pv'£lie in S. S. No. 11, E. Wa- '`Wartosh are holding a euchre and .dice in the school-house on Friday evening, and will have Mrs. Manning Belgrave present to tell of the work of the Red Cross Lunch will be serv- ed and the collection will go to Red -Cross. Their teacher, Miss E. Wil- -Fxrns, spent the week-end at her home air Tilbury. The regular monthly meeting of the "W.M.S. of the United Church was `,held at the home of Mrs. Andrew Po's: on Thursday last. Mrs. Emersoon, president, was %in the chair and gave 'the call to worSitip. Mrs. Milian Moore -a-md the scripture lesson and Mrs. TC.i-Ac led in prayer. Mrs. Jas. Falcon- .eer .gave a very interesting report on Tate W.M.S. Convention at Clinton, tel- ling of the work 'of the missionaries tct' J. L. McDowell Rev.' and Mrs. Robt. • Longley of China were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F Camp- bell, Mrs, Stanley Neale and children of Glencoe, Miss Eva Stackhouse of Brucefield, visited recently with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straughan, On Sunday a large congregation gathered at the Westfield Church to hear a splendid address given by Mrs. R. S. Longley, of West China, Mrs. ,Longely was a former Westfield girt and has been a missionary in West Chinaa for about 35 years. A number of the Westfield W.M.S. Ladies along with members from the Auburn, Crewe, Brick Church and Bel- grave W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Albert Campbell on Thursday after- , noon. The guest speaker was Rev. k: Newman of Dungannon. The pro- gram was given by the various societ- ies. Lunch was served by the Donny- brook W.M.S. The proceeds of the Bazaar which amounted to over $35 went for Red Cross purposes. BLUEVALE Reported On Presbyterial .Meeting Mrs. Arthur Shaw opened her home this week for the monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church, The vice-president, Mrs. Edward Johnston presided and carried out the prescribed programme on the theme 'The Church, the House- hold of Faith". Miss Margaret Curtis gave a paper on the .Chapter from the Study Book, "The Cities of Refuge." It dealt with political and military developments in West China and the effect it had on the work of the mis- sionary and the establishment of the Christain Clfureh, Mrs. W. J. John- ston, delegate to the annual meeting of the Huron W.M.S. Presbyterial at Clinton gave a report, At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Shaw served a cup of tea, PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY mamas H a seigrove's London Style Special Pipe Still the Old Price 75c among the Indian Schools A vote of thanks was tendered her and the meet- ing closed 'with prayer by the Presi- dent. Mr. Jack Gillespie was home from Centralia for the week-end. Mrs. Stewart McBurney and Gladys, Beatrice Beecroft, Mrs. Jack Mason, Mrs. Chas. Shiell and Mrs, L. Wight- man, spent Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Albert Campbell, Donnybrook, where over 100 ladies gathered from Crewe, Auburn, Westfield, Belgrave and Brick United Churches. The Donnybrook ladies held a Bazaar and Baking Sale for the Red ,Cross and made over $40. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by alt. Rev. Mr, Newman, Dungannon, was present and gave the ladies a very interesting talk on the W.M.S. work in Algoma. Mrs, Wesley Lott and daughter, Marie of Waterford, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott, and Mr. Lott and Fred spent the week-end at Water- ford, Mr. Angus Mackay had charge of the service in the United Church here on Sunday and gave a very interesting account of. the evangelistic work in Jhansi, India, and telling of the wond- erful work of several of the Indian men, who, redeemed from a life of sin, were being used to ',bring men to Chirst. Miss Marjorie Purdon, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon. Donald and Betty Gillespie, of Kin- lough, spent Sunday with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie. Mrs. Harold Sperling and Douglas and Marie of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cronin and Jack, of Caledon, spent the week-end with the former's sons, Cecil and James Fal- coner. Miss Laidlaw celebrated her 75th Birthday on Saturday. Her nieces gathered and quilted a Red Cross quilt for her, and all enjoyed the birthday supper, ,Congratulations. Miss Nellie and George McGee, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leask McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee also visit- ed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee, Quite a number attended the Red Cross meeting in the hall last Wed- nesday when this community was org- anized for the campaign and the coll- ectors are busy this week, Mr.. Kenneth Zinn, who has been at Windsor for the past few weeks, spent Lorne McCracken, Seaforth, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCrack- en, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Challicomb and son Allan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Nichol. Mr And Mrs. George Donaldson, Miss Sanderson and W, Thomson, of FOUR O'CLOCK BLACK OR MIXED TEA 1/2 lb. 45c FRESH GROUND MEL- COURT COFFEE 1/2 lb. 25c E. D. SMITH'S PURE TOMATO KETCHUP }tot. 18c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S DATE & NUT LOAF 2 tins 29c REDEEM YOUR COUPONS WITH COUPON YOU uy Your Paper This Week !Last Chance For The Free Draws LAST WEEK WINNERS: Paint—Mr. D. Hamilton, Wingham. Paper—Mrs. Geo. Edgar, R.R. 2, Wingham. CASTLE BRAND HOUSEHOLD PAPER FLOOR WAX ...... 1 lb, tin 29c TOWELS .........,.....—. a rolls 29c PRINCESS SOAP SANT-WHITE TOILET FLAKES ....... ... . .. . . ... large pkg 27c TISSUE .. ...,..—...,,,,,... .... . 4 rolls 25c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 32-oz jar 49c, 16-oz jar 33c, 8-oz jar 19c, 4-oz jar 10c FOR LIFEBOV SOAP HERE GET . . . 2 cakes for 7c the weekend at the home of Mr. John Purdon. Mr. Robt. Laidlaw, Galt, spent the week-end with his wife and family here, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and grandchildren, Donald and Patsy Mal- eolni, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Jos, Thompson and other relatives here Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Henderson and Isabel, Wingham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Airs. Wesley Tiffin. Mr, Albert Coultes left last Wednes,, day to build a cement foundation for a new straw shed, being built by Mr, Elmer Tiffin. for Mr. Alec Lever, B, Wawanosh, Mr.' and Mrs, George Buchlen and Miss Fanny Paterson of Toronto and Miss Helen Patterson,4, Reg, N. of Leamington, spent the week-end at the home of the latter's father, 'Mr. F, McK. Paterson, Scott Paterson and Ralph Myers of Detroit, also spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs. George Broomer, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John 5. McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson of Windsor, spent last week with E. Wa- wanosh relatives. Miss Ruth and Roy Robinson, of Wnidsor, spent this week end with theiir father, Mr, Thos. Rob- inson and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray re- ceived a cable last week form Sergt. MclCenzie Mowbray that he had ar- rived safely in England, flying there by Ferry Bomber plane.. Mr. Jack Norman and Miss Eaton of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home in Culross and with Mrs. Jas. Wilson here, Sergt, Tom Wilson left last Thurs- day. to continue, his studies at Rivers, Military School, Man. Rev. Mr. Wilson will preach anni- versary services in the Presbyterian church here this Sunday. In the even- ing the Male Chorus of twenty voices from the Presbyterian Church, Wing- ham, will supply the music under the direction of H. V. Fyne The service in the United Church will be with- drawn. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church was held on Thursday last with the president, Miss Merle Wilson in charge. Mrs. 'Fred Davidson read the Scripture lesson and gave the medita- tion talk Mrs. Gordon Elliott led in prayer. Mrs: Ross and Mrs: Laidlaw sanng; "Take time to be holy." Mrs. Angus Mackay addressed the meeting telling of the work in the schools at Jhansi and Mr, Mackay told of the Evangelical work there. Miss Agnes Mackay gave a reading, "Builders." The meeting, • was closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served and all enjoyed the social half hour. Miss Bertha Mackay of Toronto is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay and other relatives here. The Whitechurch unit of the Red Cross Society have donated and quilt- ed 113 quilts during the past year. During the past two months, Mrs. George iMcClenaghan donated a quilt and the following donated the tops for quilts: Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mrs. Win, Taylor, Mrs. Miles McMillan, Mrs, R. J. Ross, Miss Mary Laidlaw, Miss Annie Laidlaw, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs. Albert Patterson, Mrs. John Hutchison, Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mrs. Herb Laidlaw, Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mrs, John Par- don, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, Mrs.. J. D. Beecroft and one by the young girls of S. S. No. 14, W Wawanosh and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mr, William Robinson, is recovering from a stroke which affected his left arm and shoulder last week, ' Misses Winnifred and Olive Farrier of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Far- rier and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey arid Mr. and Mrs, Chas. MacDonald and daughter, Joyce, St. Helens, and Mr. and Mrs, Russel Far- rier and baby Marion, of Gait, visited there, Mrs. Jack Currie, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Lance Grain, and Orton, and Miss Margaret Proctor,tWalton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius visit. ed on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Thompson, Belgrave, and Carl Varner, Morris, visited with Mrs. Cornelius. Miss Louise Martin, Wingham spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, 'Chas, Martin, On Tuesday 'evening last the ladies of the Women's Institute held their a nnual At Home with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Robt, Ross and Mr. Robt. Mowbray were the wintiets at euchre, Mr. Athol -Pardon, and Mr. Hector Pqrdon were called to the- front and Mr, Ezra Welwood, for the Patriotic.' Society, Mrs. Garnet Fattier,- for the Women's Institute, and Mrs. Dawson Craig, foe the Red Cross, presented the usual gifts of sweateri sox, and sigarettes. Each thanked the people and spoke of their appreciation for the gifts and these were also sent to Mr.. Clifford Pardon, Lunch was served. and dancing .enjoyed until closing time. R A.Reid R. O. If the sob -is worth doing it is worth doing right. No one was ever sorry that they bought Flo-Glaze. Now is the time to buy that room of Wallpaper. We have bargains galore, Eyesight Specialist Whighatn Office At Williams' Jewelty ttore Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon, The Wallpaper & Gift Sho DAILY 15Et./VtidES East side 1000 a.tti. West tide '•00 ndti, 2 hells. 13e .. clot be IP' for 250 FRESH CR/SP RADISH bch 5c CAL1VORNIA CA/MOTS 2 balls 19c WI rra CELERY HEARTS bch 1.0a FRESH LEA.' LETTUCE SWEET JUICY ORANGES SEEDLESS GRAPE-FRUIT —