HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-05-28, Page 3There's only one way to keep your tires working for you . . • longer! That's by using Goodyear's low-cost, systematic, skilful!, tire service which extracts more miles from your tires than you ever thought were in them. See us for details now . . . learn how this Goodyear plan saves you money ... remember that every day you delay you throw rubber away. DRIVE IN! SEE US TODAY! MURRAY JOHNSON World Wide News In Brief Form 4.1.110011.11 1111.1, S., British ,Legislators May Confer Washington — Congressional lead- ers had under consideration a proposal that a bi-partisan group of 10 senators and representatives be chosen to con- fer in Great Britain with Parliament members on the conduct of the war and plans for the subsequent peace.. Proposals for such a visit were report- ed to have been advanced tentatively and informally by a representative of the British Government in a secret meeting with Republican and Demo- cratic leaders of both Houses at the Capitol. •••••••••••••,.... Unit of R,A.F, Reaches China London, — The News News Chron- icle in a dispatch dated "Somewhere in China" reported an R.A,F. unit had reached the "heart" of China after traveling under continuous enemy fire along the Burma Road. None of its huge convoy of equipment was lost, Famous. Exeter Cathedral Damaged London, — Exeter's famous 800- year-old cathedral was badly damaged in one of the Nazi's recent "Baedeker" raids. The censor permitted the news to be published for the first time. The blast of bombs shattered nearly every window in the stately building and a direct hit was scored on the south choir aisle. 41•••••••••••••••••• Thinks Tip Given U-Boat New Orleans, — Capt. A. Henry RoWe expressed belief that two tor- pedoes which sank his medium-sized United States cargo ship in 90 sec- onds were fired by a submarine crew tipped in advance on the vessel's movements, Says Foreign Agents Landed In Maine Augusta, — Francis H. Farnum, state director of civilian defence, said that "accurate information is in the possession of police and army author- ities to show that foreign agents have recently been landed on the coast of Maine." Others have come into the state over the Canadian border or from other parts of the United States. Raps Politicians Stirring Quebec Quebec, — Brig.-IGen. Georges P. Vanier, officer commanding Military District No. 5, called on "all my French-speaking compatriots to speak up now before it is too late, in order to avert the disaster which will _come, surely, if we allow a few anti-British French Canadians to interpret our sentiments to the rest of Canada," Re,,organize M. & S. Department Ottawa, — The .fast-expanding munitions and Supply Department, purchasing agent for the armed forces and largest spender of all Government departments, has been r eor ga n iz ed by a series of appointments designed to "expedite and coordinate" the various phases of its actiyities, Munitions Minister Howe ,announced, Three as- sistant deputy ministers of munitions and supply, each with distinct duties, have been named to assist the deputy minister, G. K, 'Shells, Cruiser, Two Cargo Vessels Torpedoed Australia, — Allied submarines have sunk a 7,100-ton Japanese cruiser of the Kako class and two Japanese car- go vessels, of 9,000 and 6,000 tons, it was announced. To Curtail Oil Heating Ottawa, May 20 — Munitions Min- ister Howe Announced in the House of Commons that "there will be no heating by oil next winter in homes or factories anywhere in Canada." He later said efforts would be made to "protect" those whose heating equip- ment is oil burning and not convertible to the use of other fuel. China Battles New Invasion Chungking, — The Japanese, appar- ently intent on knocking China out of the war or at least seizing forward areas which some day might cradle direct attacks on Japan, have supple- mented their broad offensive in Che- kiang Province with a landing in force near Foochow, Fukien Province. Mexico May Declare War Mexico City, — The Foreign Office announced the Axis nations had rejec- ted Mexico's note of protest and de- mand for "complete satisfaction" over the submarine sinking of a Mexican ship. "Therefore," the announcement added pointedly, "President Avila Camacho will decide what steps the honor and dignity of the country de- mand." Named Divisional Commanders Ottawa, Two veteran officers, risen from the ranks and seasoned by over- seas .e:Xperienee in two wars were pro- moted to the command of two of Can- ada's three newest army divisions, Brig, A. ;v. Potts, 51, of Saskatoon, goes to the 6th Division and Brig, P Leclerc, 49, of Montreal, to the 7th, both with the rank of major-gen- eral, Quebec Legislature Oppoess Conscription Quebec, — A motion urging the Federal Government to retain its vol. untary enlistment policy and not im- pose conscription for overseas service was adopted early by the Quebec Leg- islative Assembly after a debate in which Premier Adelard Godbout said he was opposed to conscription for overseas service because he does not believe "it is the best way to win the war," The motion, adopted by a 61-7 vote. Plan to Attack Nazi Europe London, — Britain intends to make "a carefully planned attack" on the Nazi-held continent, the House of Commons was told by Sir Stafford Cripps, but until such an attack can be prepared Britain's leaders believe the continued heavy bombing of Ger- many is the best contribution to the common war effort. IMPROVE VISION WITH VITAMIN A REGISTRATION OF UNEMPLOYED MEN • WHO MUST REGISTER Every man between the ages of 16 and 69 who is unemployed or who will not be gainfully occupied after May 31, 1942, must reg- ister. The following are excepted: Full; time students, or those confined in an asylum, or a prison, or hoipital or home for the aged and infirm, or are subject to the provisions of the Essential Work (Scientific and Technical Personnel) Regulations, 1942. • WHEN TO REGISTER If you have not already registered at an Employment and Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission within the last two weeks, or have not obtained work, you are required to register within the week of June 1st, 1942, or within one week .after be- coming unemployed or not gainfully occupied at any time after May 31st, 1942. WHERE TO REGISTER 1. At an Employment and Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission, if you live in, or within five miles of, a city or town in which there is such an office; or ' 2, At the nearest Post Office, it you do not live in, or within five miles of, a city or town in which there is an Employment and Claims Office. RENEWAL You must renew your registration at least every two weeks if you remain unemployed. ' By Authority of Order-in-Council P.C.1445 of March 2nd, 1942. HUMPHREY MITCHELL Ifinister di /About: Wingham Post .Office, Josephine St. THE RIGHT NUMBER CONSULT THE DIRECTORY Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION, Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needless delays holdup messages on which production efficiency may depend.. OTHER 'WARTIME TELEPHONE TACTICS" co to 0 SPEAK distinctly, directly into the mouthpiece. ANSWER promptly when the bell rings. BE BRIEF. Clear your line for the next call. tin OFF-PEAK hours for your 0 Long. Distance Calls. tbete Wogs' otay look trilling, but ors 6,500,000 doily utep000r calls,tbey ad vtry Warily% Os de 4:4, tektiottuf e/04%, 0440 6 114441fr t.. Thursday, May 28th,, 1942 WINGHAM ADVANC-TIMES Remember green is the color signal for vitamin A, necessary for good vision among other health factors. Yellow vegetables and fruits such as carrots, squash, apricots and peaches also contain this important vitamin. Leaf lettuce is one, but just a leaf under a salad isn't going to provide the day's requirements. It must be eaten in quantity, including the outer dark leaves which are highest in food value. In buying either leaf or head lettuce watch for fresh, crisp tender leaves. Spinach and wild green "lamb's quarters," are early green vegetables. Cook for the shortest time necessary and with little water. That which clings to the leaves after washing is sufficient. Avoid using soda to retain color since it destroys vitamins A and C, advises 'Nutrition Services, Depart- ment of Pensions and National Health. Onions add flavour to spring menus. Use the green tops finely chopped in salads. WHOLESOME MEAT DISHES FOR ALL the •order must register within one week after May 31, and must contin- ue to register once every two weeks, 1 t t iI 0 ough dressing liquid to moisten. Roll and fasten with skewers. Place in hot oven (450 degrees F.) to brown for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate (350 degrees F.), add 4' cups boiling water, cover and cook for 3 hours, basting every half hour and turning two or three times to cook evenly on all sides. Braised Short Ribs of Beef ' Place short ribs of beef in a roast- ing pan. Season with salt and pepper. Brown in hot oven (400 degrees F., for 20 minutes. Add 1/2 cup boiling water and cover closely. Reduce temperature to slow (300 degrees F.) and cook slowly until tender, about 11/2 hours. New England Boiled Dinner Two lbs. corned beef plate, 1 small head young cabbage, 6 small turnips, 6 small carrots, 6 small beets, pota- toes. Wipe meat and tie securely in shape. Place in kettle and cover with cold water. Bring slowly to boiling point, boil for a few minutes and remove film. Finish cooking at lower temp- erature. When tender, remove plate from water and keep warm. Cook the vege- tables in water the meat was cooked in. If too salty, add boiling water. Cook beets separately or use canned beets. This vegetable and meat, liquid makes an excellent soup if not too salty. To serve, place hot meat in centre of large platter and arrange the vegetables attractively around it. The cabbage should be cut into eighths, Stuffed Flank Steak (Serves 4 to '6) Two cups boiled rice, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, paprika, 11/ lbs. flank steak, 1 teaspoon onion juice. Combine rice and seasonings. Pound flank steak until thin. Sprinkle with salt, spread with layer of rice stuffing 4i-inch thick. Roll and shape. Place in deep oven dish, Add enough boil- ing water to come up % inch in pan. Cover and cook in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 2 hours. Remove the cover to brown. Thicken stock and serve as gravy. Another way of flavoring flank steak, is to spread with strips of bacon, strips of green pepper and Bermuda onion. Roll and tie, brown in fat, add hot water with a little lemon juice in it, and simmer until meat is tender, Thicken gravy, Serve with a large dish of fluffy mashed potatoes. Beefsteak Pie Two poimds rump, pie paste, chop- ped onion, salt and pepper, sliced po- tatoes, butter or other fat, flour, egg. Cut meat into strips 2 inches by 1 nch, Place in saucepan with bone and ust cover with water, Simmer about hour. Line sides of baking dish with )astry. Put in layer of rump strips with few very thin slices of onion; eason, Add a layer of sliced raw pa• atoes dotted with bits of butter, Al- ernate these steak and potato layers ntil dish is full. Thicken gravy in aueepan with browned flour and pour Ito pie, Put on top pastry covering, rush with beaten egg. Bake in hot veil (450 degrees P.) about 80 min., tes or until quite brown. Beef Liver With Vegetables (4 to 6 servings) One and one-half pounds beef liver, pound salt pork, 1 onion, 4 carrots, Cheap cuts of meat need careful cooking and delicate spicing to pro- duce best results. "Simmer and spice" is a good rule to follow. Here are two "simmer and spice" recipes for beef chuck. No one will ever guess from the taste and sense of satisfaction how inexpensive the meat used is. Spicy Beef (Serves 12) Five pounds beef chuck, 2 cups I water, 2 cups vinegar, 2 tablespoons salt, 6 onions, sliced, 8 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon pepper corns, 2 teaspoons allspice, 1 table- spoon prepared mustard, 16 ginger- snaps. Wipe meat with cloth. Place in saucepan and add water and vinegar. Add salt, onions, bay leaves and spices. Let stand 24 hours. Place on the stove and simmer gently until the meat is tender, about 31/2 hours. Take meat from broth and brown. Strain broth, return to fire and let come to a boil. Add gingersnaps which have been softened to a paste in cold water —this thickens time broth so that it will have to be stirred about three minutes. Put the meat back in the broth and simmer gently about 15 minutes. Barbecued Beef Cubes (Serves 12) Five pounds arm of beef or beef chuck cut in 2-inch cubes, 1 medium sized onion, 4 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons brown sugar; 4 tablespoon lemon Wee, 1 small bottle Catsup, 3 tablespoons meat sauce, 2 teaspoons prepared mustard, 1 cup water, 1 cup chopped celery, salt and pepper. Brown beef cubes in heavy skillet. Brown olden in butter. Add remain- ing ingredients, mix well, and simmer until slightly thickened, about 30 min- utes. Pour sauce over beef cuh6s, cover, and cook in a slaw oven (300 degrees P.) until bed cubes are ten- der, abort 2 hours. , Stuffed and Braised Beef Plate Four lbs. fresh bed plate, 1 small onion, chopped fine, 2 cups bread crumbs, 1 green pepper, chopped fine, salt, pepper. u Wipe meat with damp cloth, lay out flat in baking dish, spread with dress. lug made of bread dieing :0, seasoninm onions and green pepper, 'WC en* 99 Per Cent ..Ships Gross Safely Ialifax, — Ninety-nine per cent of the ships leaving North America. shores for Britain are getting through ; safely, Navy Minister Macdonald told members of a Halifax service club, saying that only one per cent of the merchant vessels traveling in convoy across the Atlantic have been lost. To. See Jap War Prisoners' Buenos Aires, — The Argentine Foreign Offiee announced. that Japan had agreed to permit an International Red Cross representative to visit Hong Kong to inspect the treatment of Brit- ish and Canadian prisoners, but had rejected a proposal for sending a Red Cross supply ship, First Bomber From Ford Plant Detroit,— The first of the big will bombers which soon will be put into mass production based on automobile' manufacturing methods has rolled off the new half-mile long as- sembly line of the 37-acre Willow Run plant, the Ford Motor Company an- nounced, The bomber program we are now beginning is equivalent to the whole motor car business, Charles. E. Sorensen, vice-president, declared. Australia Drafts For Labor Australia, — Amid indications that the Japanese are striving to conserve their bomber forces for a large-scale attack in the future, Australia moved to draft an additional 35,000 men into the Civil Construction Corps which is preparing this country as a base for a great Allied offensive, 22,000,000 of U. K. Population Employed London, — Labor Minister Ernest Bevin told the House of Commons that 22,000,000 of the United Kindom's 33,300,000 population between the ages of 14 and 65 are employed in the arm- ed forces, civil defence or industry. Asked To Close Consular Offices Ottawa, Prime Minister King told the ,House of Commons the Govern- ment had requested that French con- sular offices and agencies in Canada be closed. There are four of them, Unemployed To Register Ottawa, — Compulsory registration of practically all men between the ag- es of 16 and 70 who are not gainfully employed has been ordered, Elliott M. Little, director of National Selective Service, announced. Men affected by 2 stalks celery, 1 cup sour cream, salt, paprika, pepper, flour. Slice beef lives into 6 pieces for servings. Wash and remove all mem- branes. Stand in salted cold water for 20 minutes. Drain and dry. Dust lightly with flour, season delicately and then brown lightly in bacon drip- pings. Arrange pieces in baking dish. Slice pork into thin strips, chop onion, carrot and celery coarsely. Sprinkle chopped vegetables over liver, dust with flour. Cover with boiling vege- table stock. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 11/2 hours. Re- move, add 1 cup sour cream, stir it in carefully, and return to oven for an other 12 minutes. Inexpensive and flavorful, this is a health-guaranttee dish. Braised Beef Heart With Vegetables (Serves 4 to 6) Two beef hearts, 2 teaspoons salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1 bay leaf, celery leaves or parsley, 1% cup diced celery, 1 onion, chopped, 1 carrot, chopped. Wash hearts, cover with cold water, add remaining ingredients, Simmer slowly for 11/4 hours, or until meat is tender. Remove hearts and cook liquid hour longer, strain. Slice the following vegetables: 4 carrots, 4 onions, 4 potatoes. Place layer of sliced vegetables on bottom of baking dish, add hearts which have been sasew• ed, cover with remaining vegetable& Pour over the broth and bake in a. moderate oven (375 degrees F.) for 1 hour. Pot Roast (Serves 6 to 8)) Four pounds chuck roast, 3 tabke- spoons meat drippings, 2 tablespoon. onion, chopped; 1 tablespoon salt, 3A; teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1 cup water,. 2 tablespoon flour, carrots. Wipe meat with damp cloth, rub with salt and pepper, and dredge to flour. Place meat in kettle with hot drippings, and brown on all sides. Brown chopped onion slightly and add. water and remaining' seasonings. Let mixture simmer for required. length.o* time, or until tender. Turn meat occasionally. The carrot' may be perpared and added to meat: a half hour before meat is done. When meat and vegetables are done, remove from pan. Skim off excess fat front stock and measure remainder, For • each cup of gravy desired, measure 2.i tablespoons fat and return to kart' add 11/ tablespoons of flour for each' 2 tablespoons of fat and stir until smooth and slightly brown. Then add one cup of meat stock and stir, sea— son and serve with meat. WINGHAM - ow ONTARIO