HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-05-21, Page 8GENERAL REPAIR All types of •Oxy-Acetylene welding, Bronze welding and Hanle cutting done with modern equipment and best of materials., Equipment portable for out of town jobs, You will save money by bring, ill& that repair job here or get- ting in touch with me. Herb. Fuller Residence over Bushfield Law Office EYES EXAMINED— GLASSES FITTED AT MODERATE PRICES. R. A. Reid R. O. Eyesight Specialist Wingham office At Williams' Jewelry store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to noon. • 4'1..1,4t• N mummy .04 4.90110110 N SUMMER HANDBAGS Smart pastels to go with summer outfits in white, rose, beige, blue. $1.19. CHIX i Ever growing in popu- larity are these super- i absorbent, fast-drying El diapers. They're econ- omical too. i $2.95 doz. i WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 21st., 1942 .4.1.11.•••••• Y.P.U. Tod. of China The regular meeting of the United Church Y.P.U. was held in the base- ment of the elnueli with the ship President, Ross Anderson in the chair. Miss Margaret Beatty was 1:110 ;pianist. The scripture was read by George Rev. G. Dunlop led in prayer. A story of China, written by Dr. R. B. McClure, was given by McClenaghan. Next weeks meeting will be in the form of a social. wedding. aniversary at their home At I miximiiiviiiiiiiiiimpiirmilitiomplorpouppumtiommoostuppinploplog Don't Wait! Hanna's Lad Store a N Six children were born to this an- ion; (Hazel), Mrs. Will Kress (de- MI ceased); (Anne) Mrs, Amos Fullar- Miss Nora Mitchell of Rothsay, spent a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Logan and son Bobbie, of Sutherland, Sask., are visiting relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock and family of Lambeth, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. M, Coultes recently, Mrs. Robert Nicholson has moved into her new home in the village, Dr. Weir, M.O.H. of Auburn, was at the Forester's hall Friday adminis- tering toxoid treatment for the pre- vention of diphtheria. A credible number of parents took advantage of this opportunity to hove their children treated. Elwood Nichol of New Market, vis- ited his aunt, Mrs, Robert Owens, who is ill. Mrs. Roy MacSween, of Hamilton, spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Clif- ford Logan. Pte, Gordon Nethery of Camp Bor- den, is enjoying a few days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Nethery. Gordon expects to go overseas shortly. Mrs, Bernard Crellin of London, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Wheler. Mrs. Carl Procter and Mrs. H. Wheeler attended the annual meeting of Huron Presbyterial in Clinton. eRv. G. H. Dunlop and Gilbert Beecroft attended the Presbytery meeting also held in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson of Auburn, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. A, Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Kitchener, spent the week-end with relatives. • Gibson and Jack Armstrong of New Hamburg and Kitchener, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Arm- strong, Mrs. Alex Nethery of Hamilton and son Pte. Alex Nethery of New Bruns- wick, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Logan and Bobbie, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Helm at Grand Bend. Former Resident Passes Elizabeth Geddes, wife of J. C. Johnston, of 212 Ave, G. North, Sask- atoon, Sask., died in a hospital in that city on Tuesday, April 28th, in her 77th year. A former well-known and highly esteemed resident of this locality, she was the daughter of the late William and' Mary Geddes, and was born on the 3rd concession of Morris town- ship, where the early years of her life were spent. About 55 years ago she was married to her now bereaved husband and lived in ,Goderich and Bluevale before going West where the family have since resided. She had been in failing health for some time but was taken suddenly ill and taken to hospital where she died a few hours later. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her passing, one son Frederick; at home and one broth- er, John A. Geddes of Belgrave, Ont. Seven sisters and three brothers pre- deceased her throughout the years. She was a member of the United Church and active in many 'lines of church work. The funeral was held from. her late home on Thursday, April 30th with burial in a Saskatoon Cemetery. Her many friends in this district will learn of her death with sorrow and their sympathy will go out to the re- maining members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. William Peacock of Bluevale, Charles Johnston and Miss Lauretta Johnston of Fergus, with 111r, and Mrs. George Johnston. Miss Kathleen Townetid of London, spent the week-end with Miss Elaine Walsh. VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEK - END FARES Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in the United States. Fare And One-Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets good going Noon Friday, May 22, until 2 p.m., Monday, May 25. RETURN LIMIT to leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, May 26, 1942 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 25c Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific and Friendship readings on the sub- ject were given by Mrs. J. J .Elliott. Miss Duff, Margaret Curtis, Mrs, Love, Mrs. Smith, Dorothy Greenway, Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs. Earl Ham- ilton. The June meeting will be held at the home of Miss Fowler. Refresh- ments were served by the hostess, as- sisted by Jean Elliot and 'Dorothy Greenway. Y.P.U. Had Charge of Service At the morning service in the United Church Rev. C. Tavener used as tilt subject' of his sermon, "The Open Door". The choir sang an anthem. During the Sunday School Flour, Mrs. Earl Hamilton read an article on "Temper- ance". Fleming Johnston, president of the Y.P.U. presided at the evening service. The scripture lesson was read by Helen Thomson and Robert Shaw led in prayer. Miss Margaret Cutris gave a most interesting talk on the topic "What shall• we dd, with the Sabbath?. Rev. C. Tavener closed the meeting. Anniversary Service June 14 Rev. F. G. Fowler conducted the regular service 'in Knox Presbyterian Church. He spoke on the require- ments for the building of strong and beautiful Christian character. Anni- versary services will be held on 'Sun- day, June 14th. Former Bluevale. Couple 50 years Wed Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh were honored on Monday last week, when they quietly celebrated their golden Moleswerth, John McIntosh and...Emma Coultes were married in Bluevale„ May 11, 1892, by the Rev, I. 13. Walwin, min- ister of the Bluevale Methodist church. They lived in Bluevale for three years and then moved to their farm near Molesworth, where they resided until six years. -ago when they retired and moved to the village. Both Mr, and Mrs. McIntosh are enjoying fairly good health and al- ways have a smile and greeting for everyone, ton, Ord line Wallace; (Jessie), Mrs, Stanley Lavery, Brampton; (Gertrude) Mrs, Winston Morphet, Windsor, and Ford and Beatrice, who passed away in childhood, , Many friend called during the after- noon to extend congratulations and god wishes on this occasion, and Mr, and Mrs. IVIcIntosh received many lov- ely gifts and greeting cards from friends and relatives, The Ladies' Aid circle No, 304, of which Mrs. Mc- Intosh is a member, called during the afternoon, A dainty luncheon was served to the visitors during the after- noon and evening. ' Visited Gorrie Group Rev. C. Tavener, Mrs, Tavener ac- companied by members of the Y.P.U. were gtiests of the Y.P.-U, at Gorrie on Friday evening, The Young People from. Bluevale condutced the devotional period. Refreshments were served. Will Not Hold Garden Parties The congregations of Bluevale, Eb- enezer and Salem United Churches and the Bluevale Presbyterian Church that have had an annual garden party for several years are not having one this year owing to thes restrictions on sugar. Suffered Stroke Mrs. William McMichael has suf- fered a stroke of paralysis at her home here. Her son Jack of Listowel spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. David Patton as under the drs. care suffering from an attack of pneumonia, Dr, Bert Hetherington, Mrs. Hether- ington and. daughter Helen, of Bramp- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hetherington. Mr. and Mrs. S, Rolph and daugh- ter, of Detroit, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fryfogle, Detroit, Spent the week-end with relatives and friends here. Mr. and . Mrs. R. F. Garniss, Mac Scott and Miss Olive Scott, spent Sun-, day with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Mc- Eachereat Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. 'R. Hutchison, Toron- to, are at their summer home here and Mr. George Donaldson is spend- ing a few days. Miss Mary Clark, superintendent of Women's Institutes for Ontario, was the .guest of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Shaw and .attended the District An- nual which was, held in Brussels on Tuesday. She will attend a similar meeting in Amherstburg on Wednes- day. Miss Florence Fowler, Mrs. Marg- aret Curtis, Mrs. Earl Hamilton and others attended the East Huron Wo- men's Institute District Annual at Brussels on Tuesday. WESTFIELD N a N N N N U N N N N N N Campbell. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt, on the ar- rival of a baby boy, born May 2nd. The ladies of 'the Westfield Red Cross unit held a quilting in the base- ment of the church on Wednesday afternoon, when three quilts were made. A pot luck dinner was served and during the afternoon thes.W.M.S. meeting was held with Mr.s Marvin McDowell's group in charge. The meeting was led by Mrs. McDowell with Mrs. Wm. Walden at the piano. Mrs. Elwin Taylor read the scripegre lesson. The study book on "Cities of Refuge" was taken by Mrs. Maitland Henry. Mrs. H. C. Wilson led in prayer. The president, Mrs. McVittie PHONE 161 Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 21, 22, 23 BING CROSBY MARY MARTIN .TER""ROCHESR . — In — “BIRTH oF THE BLUES" Bing Crosby at his best in a story of how the blues were born. Also "Puppetoon' and . "News". w Matinee Satirday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. jr •% mock ifA flMilf Nil [t. tRi ‘.. M., Tues., Wed., o n May 25, 26, 27 i ,,., s / No\ • r 1 — Special - „vi 1E4*(Ff A by S'-"'" free°' Directe. a by prthur ia9duce Also "Cartoon" • Dress Up With One of Hanna's Hats A ..,i • . 42, , A.-.0, „a,. . . , .-., We specialize in Stetson, Kensington, and .Acadia lien's Hats in the newest shades—Airforce 'Blue, Browns,, Greens, Sands, Greys. Specially Priced At • :$2.95 - $3.95.- $4.95 . . Hanna's Men's Stote BELGRAVE Camp, Bernard Cummings; Dialogue, The official visit; Vocal duet, Ivy and Cavalcade of Canada -Presented Ronald aCmpbell; Recitation, Charles .$22.00 was made for the Red Cross Wilkinson; Umbrella Song, by the by the pupils of S. S. No. 5, Morris juniors; Dialogue, Jimmy's Unlucky township, when they presented a two- Morning; Songs, by the seniors; Dol- part program in the Forester's hall, ly's Lullaby, Junior girls; Cavalcade .with Cavalcade of Canada, adapted of Canada was presented by the entire from the pageant for schools by G. group and portrayed in song, dance Roy Fenwick, Mus. Bac., under the and story the history of Canada from =direction of Miss Dorothy Galley, the time of the Indians to the present teacher and Mrs. Donald Robertson, day. ranIsic supervisor, as accompanist and A large crowd atended the concert ,conductor. and were well repayed by the fine per- A draw was also made on a quilt formance of the pupils. -ru=de by members of the Junior Red . Cross and won by Mrs. 1G. Nicholson, Red Cross Shipment 46icli. added $20.00 more to the pro- The Red Cross Society packed the 'seeds ,bf the evening. The opening following civilian quota: 20 pair girls address was given by Donna Van- slacks; 40 blouses, 18 year size; 10 -Camp, president of the Junior Red coats and hats; 20 pair knee socks; -Cross; Schol chorus, Our Empire's 20 pantie dresses, 4 year size. There to stay and Thumbs Up; Recita- lion, Audry Anderson; Six hands at Dance Well Attended 'gm piano,, Patsy Anderson„ Glady's A large crowd attended the Red 'Campbell and Donna VanCamp; Dia- Cross dance in the Forester's hall with Logue, Tom Thumbs Wedding; Vocal music by Arthur's Orchestra. A hot ' duet, Keys of .Heaven, Donna Van- Dog booth furnished refreshments. Siecial Selling of Ladies' Hats A .speeial purchase of 150 Ladies New Hats. The latest styles in felts and straws in Rose, Blues, Greens, Browns, Blacks. — Three Day Sale THURSDAY, FRiDAY AND SATURDAY Special Price $1.89 BLUEVALE Appoint 'Delegates For Annaul Mrs. Earl Halniltott was the hostess for the May meeting of the Woman's Institute. Time president, Miss Jean Elliott presided. The Roll Call — Sing, Say or Pay, brooglat a good re- sponse, The treasurer presented the annual statement. Special war 'projects in-, eluded sugar' for overseas jam $4.25; maple sugar for sailors $2.00; blank- ets $26.80; a tea and time sale of tikets on a quilt and a rug $15,171.. The books closed with a balance of $4,54, Miss Jean Elliott, Miss Margaret Curtis, Miss Plorence -Powiet, Miss Olive Scitt, Mrs. J. H. Smith and Mrs. Earl liatitilton were named to attend the District Animal Meeting at tilts- sels. The program was on. Mother's Day 111111,11111111•111111111111.11111111111111111== PATTISON Radio Service Phone 171 . • , Westinghouse RADIO TUBES FOR RADIO AT IT'S BEST H a selgrove's London Style ,Special Pipe Still the Old Price 75c Congratulations are extended to Mr. anad Mrs. Charles Smith on the ar- rival of a baby boy, born at the Alex- andra Hospital, Goderich, on May 12, Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDowell visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney McClinchey of Auburn. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Miller and Ruth of "Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Campbell, Congratulations are extended to Mr, Ray Vincent who is home from Strat- ford Normal, having been successful in passing on his years',„work. Mr. Jasper Mel3rien of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mrs. McBrien who is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gordon Snell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, Miss Jean, Mr, Gordon McDowell, were I Goderich visitors on Sunday, Mr. Alex Nethery, R.C,A.F, Que- bec, and his mother, Mrs. Albert Neth- ery, of Hamilton, visited on 'Wednes- day with Mr. and IVirs. F, j. Cook and Mr, and Mrs. Telford Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Cameron of Lucknow, Me, and Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse and Miss Eva of trucefield, visited on 'Wednesday with Mr. and (Mrs, Wm. McDowell. Mr. Charles Smith and Gordon and Miss Minnie Snell, visited Mrs. C. Smith, a patient of the Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on. Sunday. Mr. Wrn, trench visited tits Sunday, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. A. N N ▪ 1 TUSCAN NET CURTAINS „ $1.19 pr, Remarkable values for thrifty housewives. These Tusep Nets will Make your rooms look like new and give long service. FEATURED VALUES U N NEW 36 INCH CURTAININCS Something different in novelty marquisettes . . 30c, 35c, 45c yd. Frilled Cui-tainings .... , , 33c yd. .11 N U N U U N U U N $3.49 U N N N U U was in charge of the business. The. June meeting is to be a temperance meeting. The roll call to be with ref- erence 'to temperance. The meeting was, closed with prayer. Entrance Exams June 25, 26 Entrance examination dates are Thursday and Friday, June 25 and 26. Upper school examinations run on var- ious dates from June 12 to June 26. The department of education is con- tinuing its policy of granting subjects to students who enlist for active serv- ice or go to work on farms for the summer. The students must get 50 per cent or more and 'be recommended in at least thirteen weeks in farm work. FREE DELIVERY SUMMER COTTON UNDERWEAR ' Clearance of odd lines of women's and child- ren's summer cotton parities and vests. 19c each WHITE WASHABLE WOOLLENS Ideal for making summer suits, skirts, and sport togs. 54 inch wool crepe $1.59 yd. 54 in. "Kooleth” (wool and 'rayon) suiting $1.95 yd. N N N N N N N U 1.11 sionomommminnumeinimosiniummuntmainamantinin COATS — Sharpley Reduced Now is the time to save money on a spring coat. Exceptional value's are offered in ladies' tweeds and polos which you cannot afford to miss. SPECIAL CLEARANCE A few odd coats and suits ,are offered this week-end as a very special bargain. Pric- ed for quick sale at' (No refunds or exchange on these garments) KING'S FOOD!/ latiS T SHOP A Smith's Economy Food Store LYNN VALLEY . AYLMER PORK TOMATOES 2 large tins 27c AND BEANS tin 10c LUSHUS JELLY CHOICE BULK DESSERT 3 pkgs 27c PEANUT BUTTER lb. 19c 111011••• Choice Smoked Back Bacon lb 55c York All Pork Sausage lb. 25c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf lb. 33c Maple Leaf Skinless Weiners lb. 29c E. D. SMITH'S PURE POUR O'CLOCK BLACK TOMATO KETCHUP bot. 18c OR MIXED TEA ...... Vy lb. 45c CROSSE & ELACKWELL'S FRESH GROUND DATE & NUT LOAF 2 tins 29c MELCOURT COFFEE lb. 49.c REDEEM 'YOUR COUPONS FOR LIFEBOY SOAP HERE WITH COUPON 'YOU GET . . 2 cakes for 7c CASTLE BRAND HOUSEHOLD PAPER FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin 29c TOWELS ,. 2 rolls 29c PRINCESS SOAP SAN/-WHITE TOILET FLAKES . ... large pkg 27c TISSUE . . ... ...... . . .. 4 rolls 25c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING ' 32,-oz jar 49c, 16-ozlar 33c, 8-oz jar 19c, 4-oz jar 10c FRESH LEAF " FRESH CRISP LETTUCE — ,„ bch 10c RADISH bch Sc MEET JUICY CALIFORNIA ORANGES dot. 29c CARROTS . . . 2 bchs 19c SEEDLESS WHITE CELERY GRAPE-FRUIT 4 for 35c HEARTS bch 1.0e TWO DELIVER/ES DAILY East side 10.30 amid & 4.30 part.West Side 9.30 a.tn, & 2.30 p.m.