HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-05-21, Page 4FREE FREE A room of wallpaper and a can of paint each week for the nest 2 weeks. LAST WEEK WINNERS; Paint—Mrs. C. Young, RA. No. 3, Tees- water, Paper—Mrs. Con. Coll, R.R. N • 4, Wing- ham. WALLPAPER BARGAINS Heavy Embossed living wide , ,••„ Kitchen paper , . Bedroom papers room papers 30 inch ..... . . 19c per roll 12172c per roll . 10c per roll See our large assortment of wallpaper. We have a complete line of Flo-Gaze paint The Wallpaper & Gift Shop New Location Opposite The Queen's "Hotel 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. O 10=0=0=0) 1:0=01:===0=01==101C'i011 40=0 10=0) OX=10) < • O1C Or O r 0=the O U ALL OSSA nits AMMO, WPM CONTACT Wile TOPS, FRESH SUPPLIES DAILY AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES GRAPEFRUIT. Seedless California .... 3 for 20c NEW WHITE. NO. 1 1 FANCY RIPE POTATOES .... lb. 5c TOMATOES, lb. 20c JUICY LEMONS 6 for 17 c.. PICNIC BRAND TEXAS COOKING Juicy Valencia ONIONS ORANGES 2 lbs. 13c d". 29c PICKLES Saur st Mixed, . 27d oz 2r5c ,$uit .Yourelf. For Spring Tweeds, Worsteds All the latest colors and des- igns done up in first quality fabric to give you the best dollar for dollar suit values we've had in years. They'll go like "hot cakes"— get in early. .$19.50 to $29.50 Isard sMen'sWear AUCTION SALE — of household effects will be held at 2 p.m., Satur- day, May 23rd, at the residence of Miss Margaret Anderson, Catharine St., Wingham. The following is for sale: 3 bedroom suites, mattress and springs; 4 couches; sideboard; cup- board; dining room suite; drop leaf table; 3 kitchen chairs; arm chair; kitchen range; wood heater; 2-burn- er perfection oil stove with oven; 2-burner hot plate; 3 small tables; 3 rocking chairs; Royal vacuum cleaner; numerous other articles. Terms: Cash. Wellington Hender- son, Auctioneer. FOR SALE — Comfortable frame house on Scott St. To close an es- state this property is offered at a reduced rate. Apply to J. H. Craw- ford. FOR SALE — Dark grey man's tweed suit, two paiar of pants, nearly new, size 40 or 42, also gas table lamp good as new. Phone 614R5, Wing- ham. FOR SALE — Driving mare, buggy, cutter and harness. Alex Rintoul, Wingharn, Ont., R. R. No, 3. FOR SALE — Six roomed house, small barn, two acres and a half of good land or will lease for 5 or 7 years. Small down payment and monthly installments, also parlour suite, almost new, and high class china cabinet. Apply F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE — House on Centre St, good cellar cement floors, garage, three piece bath. W. R. Birtch. FOR SALE — Six-roomed house on the edge of Wingham, barn, 1 acre of land also chesterfield table. Ap- ply Lawrence McLean. GET YOUR — Certified Seed Pota- toes now. They are very scarce, We have certified Katandins and- Cobblers and a few Green Mount- aim. Also all kinds of certified Seed Corn. For the next ten days we will give special prices on all the differ- ent kinds of flour we have on hand. Canada Packers, Wingham, Phone 142. GIRLS WANTED — to learn glove making. Apply W. H, Gurney & Son. HOUSE FOR SALE 16 x 24 feet, suitable for garage or summer kitch- en. Apply Advance-Times. HOUSE FOR RENT Pour acres of land, stable, chicken house, suit- able for hatchery. Ideally located on edge of Wingham, Apply Mrs. R. J, LADY married or Single, wishing to increase her income working for herself selling Rawleigh Products, in her spare time, may apply: Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML-453-808-E. MALE PRINCIPAL — far 8 roomed school, Manual. Training preferred, for duration -Of war, State qualifica- tions, salary and experience. Appli4 cations received to Saturday, June 16th.. Duties to commence Septerns her 8th. Miss A. Walker, Sec'y- treas., Wirigharn, Ont. NOTICE — All slides left before April 1st for repairs at the Willis Shoe Store must be called for by May 28 or they will be disposed of, No Credit. REAL ESTATE FOR, SALE Beautiful • 2 storey cement block house, 9 rooms, 3-piece bath, full basement,furnace, verandah, _ Victoria Street, Wingham, Ont, Will sell or trade for house in Lon- don. Apply Arnold Edgar , 846 DOrincia S '10OndOrt Ont. RENT est, Ap TENDERS will be received up to Sat- urday, May 30th, on the building and grounds of the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society. Will be sold sep- arately or together. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I. J. Wright, Chairman of the Com- mittee. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Sat- urday, June 6th, 1942, for lunches for plowmen and helpers to be delivered to the field each day of the Interna- tional match (approximately 300). Lunch to consist of two sandwiches, ham or beef, 2 kinds of cake or cookies and pie, tea, coffee or milk. For fur- ther particulars apply to R. Williams, R.R. 3, Exeter; C. Rowe, R.R, 1, Ex- eter; Wm, Etherington, R.R. 1, Hen- sail, NOTICE A Court of Revision on the assess- ment roll of the Town of Wingham for the year 1942 will be held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 26th, at 8 o'clock. W. A. GALBRAITH, Town Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP EAST WAWANOSH Ntoce is hereby given that Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the Township of East Wawanosh 1942, will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday, June 2nd, at one o'clock p.m. Parties having business at the said Court will attend at the said time and place without further notice. A. PORTERFIELD, Twp. Clerk, COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TURNBEHRY NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the Township of Turnberry, 1942, will be held in the Orange Hall, Bluevale, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, June 1st., 1942, W. R. Cruickshank, Twp, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. H. Christie and family 'take this opportunity, of expressing their sincere appreciation to their friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended dur- ing their recent bereavement„ CARD' OP THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bateman wish to thank all their friends and neighbors arid CKNX for their assistance in the search for their little boy. WROXETER Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mealier' were, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Furtney and children of London. Miss Isobel Milligan returned from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday last and is improving nicely following an operation. Dr, John Munroe, Strathroy, also Donald 'Munroe of Sudbury, were cal- led home 'last week owing to the ser- ious illness of their mother, Mrs. Janet Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, also- Mrs. M, Sellers who has ecu IC Toronto with her husband, who is ill, spent the week-end here. Starry Rann, London, OW Week-ehd with his grandparents, and. Mrs. R. Rahn, Miss Elitiord Douglas, Toronto, is itikt friotttli town. Mr, and Mrs. John Adams spent a day last week in London. Mr. Mex Wright _has purchased the cottage now occupied by Mr, George Newton and will retire to the village 'having sold his farm to Mr. Frank Green, Mr. Newton and family will rtg)veA into the house vacated by Mr. I, Durst. Mrs, J. MacNaughton, Mrs, A. B. Wearring and daughter Eleanor, Iilso Mr. M. S. Aikenhead, all of London, spent Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton, Mr. and Mrs, A. Gold, Toronto, Were week-end guests of Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs, Harry Edwards and daughter Mary Lou were week-end d o vvrn Ed- wards, Mr. and Mrs. G. Davidson, who ors with Mr, and Mrs. George re- turned Ed- to their home in Oshawa Tues- day. ,Miss Edith Weir of Oshawa attend- ed the funeral of her grandmother, the late f have spent the last ten days here John Bush, returning home IQnay, Mrs. . ens' Missionary Society The May meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Thursday of this week May 21st, 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. G. A. Wearring, Mrs. A. 3. Sander- son will be in charge of the meeting. Rural Life Sunday A special service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. 3. L. Foster in the United 'Church on Sunday last. Known as Rural Life Sunday, special order of service was followed. The choir asisting with an anthem, The pastor spoke on the blessings of country life. • . W.M,S. Hear Returned Missionary Mrs. A. Meaheri opened her home on Thursday last to the members of the W.M.S. Presbyterian Church and their associated group from Molesworth, also their guests members of the W. M.S. Wroxeter W.C. group. In the absence of the president, 'Mrs. J. Rob- inson took charge or the meeting open- ing with the Call to Worship, all join- ed in singing the Doxology. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Margaret Mit.hell of Molesworth and Mrs. G. A. Wearring led in prayer, The guest speaker, Mrs.. McKay, was introduced by Mrs. Aitcheson. Mrs. McKay with Rev. Mr. McKay has re- cently returned from 'Central India, where they have labored as -Mission- aries since 1930. Mrs. McKay in a very interesting address, told of the country, the natives and the progress of their work as well as the methods with which they reach and win for Christ the people of India, .She had with her a fine collection of work, made by the natives including wood carving, embroidery, weaving, Quary carving. She also exhibited a Sari costume worn by an Indian girl which in its pastel shades was most beauti- ful. A 10 foot snake skin which rep- tile had been shot in their compound, was also shown. Mrs. McKay was a very able speaker and her address was much enjoyed. Mrs, Wearring expres- sed the appreciation of the W. M. S. for United Church group which was seconded by a member of the Moles- worth group. Following the closing hymn and prayer by Miss Aitcheson, tea was served and a social hour en- joyed over the teacups. Business. Disposed Of Last week a businessman, Mr. Rob- ert Stocks who since about 1920 has conducted Undertaking Business and also a furniture store and enjoyed the high esteem of everyone through these years, disposed of the Undertaking Business to Mr. M. Irvin of Gorrie, While the building and stock of furn- iture was purchased by Mr. Alvin Mof- fat. Mr. Stocks who has not been in the best of health was advised by his physcian to take a complete rest His many friends wish him a speedy re- turn to good health. j. J. Allen Passes A gloom was cast Over this whole community when word was received early Monday morning of the death of one of its well-know and highly es- teemed young businessmen, Mr. J. J. Allen, Mr. Allen had not been feeling in his usual good health for several days but had been at business as us- nail, Somewhat alarming symptoms developed Thursday night, his friend. Dr, I. P. Campbell of Durham, was called and took him by ambulance 'to Walkerton then later to Owen Sound Hospital, where an operation for Sinus condition was performed. Men, ingites developed, causing his death early Monday his wife, the former Mable .Ross of Gorrie was with him. Mr, Allen who had lived all his life in Wroxeter was a 'sort of Mr. and Mrs. J. N, WIIITECHURCI1 Mr. and Arthur lOoyeat of Detroit, spent a few days last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, and orr 'Sunday they and his raotlier, Mrs, .0oyeatt froth Leamington, 'who had, been visiting here, arid Mts. Ptiedott left for LeitningtOn. Me. jack Inglis, who had ',been lift SPRING ROUND TRIP FARES TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA 00iNG DATES MAY 22 to 31, 1.942 RETURN LIMIT: 45 Days TICKETS 000D TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Tickets good in. Tourist, Parlor' and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car acconiodation. ROUTES—Tickets good going and returning via same Canadian routes and line. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERS—will he allowed at any point in Canada on the going or re- turn trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conduc- tor, Full particular from any agent. Canadian Pacific the Hospital, Toronto, for a week, is spending some time with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Inglis. Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and baby, Betty ann, of Wingham, spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mrs. Straughan, who has been here With her daughter, Mrs. Jas, Laidlaw for some months, returned last week to her home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John Haggitt of Blyth spent a day last week with her mother, Mrs. Emerson. Mrs. John Craig visited a day last week with her sister, Mrs. Thom, Au- burn. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mackay will be the special 'speakers at the regular meeting of the W.M.S. being held this Thursday with, the Home Helpers in charge of the meeting. Rev. Mr. Wil- son will preach anniversary services here on Sunday, May 31. Little Miss Helen Cross of Walk- erton, is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mc- Lean. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and family, visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Dick Martin of Ripley. Sergt. Observer Tom Wilson, who has spent almost a year at Military Schools at Quebec, is spending a ten- day leave with' his mother here, and leaves this Thursday for Rivers, Man, Miss Agnes Wilson, Reg. N,, of Tor- onto, Also spent the wek-end at her home here. A meting of the Red, Cross Society is called for this Wednesday evening to organize. Mr. Gibson Gil'espie has charge of this territory and his books arrived on Saturday. The Women's Institute held an At Home in the hall on Tuesday evening, Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. Watt, of Grims- by and her sons`, George and pob of Toronto University, and Miss Verna Game of Toronto, spent a few days last week at the home of the formers daughter, Mrs. Milian Moore. Bob leaves on May 20 to join the R.C.A.F. and george leaves shortly to join the R.C.A.F. also, Mr. Jack Gillespie who has been running a clam, on a new run-way at Centralia airport, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie here. Miss Mildred McClenaghan spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pollock, Fordwich. Rev. J. Stewart of Lucknow will preach Anniversary services in the United Church here on Sunday, June 14. Mr. Elmer Wilkinson and his men have been redecorating and paint- ing the church during the` past week. Mr, Carl Vander, Bluevale, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Mrs. Bernard Hall and Marguerite and Rhea and her brother, Mr. Bailie Parrott, Blyth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs. W. J. Watt and George and Bob and Mrs. Milian Moore and Miss Verna Game, all visited with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt of Port Eight last Thursday. Mr. Angus Mackay will have charge of the Service in the United ChUrch here on 'Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m, Mrs. Thos. Morrison and Marilyn, Wool Growers' Organization StI/P COLLECT TO Our Registered WatehOuse No. 1 WESTON) ONTARIO P'nllsettlernent (maximutri prices) paid grotver immediately ott receipt and grading of clip. Obtain sacks and hi/hie front Ceo. Haldentty,11-101yro6c1 BtOW11, Bros, Whighatn br direct from t ARAM/kg CO-OPERATIV't WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 BA Street* 'TOOlit„6; spent last week at the home of her Ioy I. sister, Mrs, -Gibson Hamilton, Luck- now, family of ,Mr. and Mrs,. A.. E. Pardon met on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Those presentavere, Mr, and Mrs. Athol Pur- don and Betty Ann, and Miss Clara Pardon, Wingham; Mr, and Mrs. Hec- tor Purdon, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, George Tiffin and daughter, and Mr, and Mrs. John McIntyre and sons. Mr, Athol Pardon reports at Tor- onto Military school on Thursday and Mr. Hector Purdon reports in June. The weekly meeting of the young people of the Presbyterian Church was held on Monday night with the presi- dent, Mr. James Wilson in the chair, and giving the call to worship. Bob Ross read the scripture lesson and Mitchell Elliott led in prayer. The meditation period was taken by Mrs., Cecil Falconer, who spoke on the dif- ferent ways of making this society a success, stressing attendance, helping in the meetings, and prayers, The top- ic was taken by Dawson Craig, on the mission work of Val D'Or in North- ern Ontario. The meeting was closed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church, was held on Sunday evening with Mr. Jas. Falconer in the chair and giving the call to worship.' Miss Louise Martin read the scripture lesson and Carman Farriier led in prayer. Mrs. Jas. Fal- coner had charge of the meditation period, telling the story of the need for men in Isaiah's time and Mildred McClenaghan gave a reading. Miss Myrtle Yuill gave a very interesting talk on the Sky Pilots of the church and the work of the young missionary probationers in Western provinces; stressing the need for young men in the church work in pioneer districts. Mr. and Mrs. (Garnet Farrier sang, I need Thee every hour, and the meeting closed by the Mizpah benediction. Mr. Jas. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald and family of Kin- lough visited recently with Miss Cath- arine Ross. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the hall last Tues- day with Mrs. Garin, president, in charge. After the opening exercises, Mrs. G. J. Gillespie was appointed to take the chair for the election of of- ficers with Mrs. Victor Emerson as secretary. The following slate of of- ficers were duly installed for the next years work: Pres., Mrs. L. Grain; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Emerson; 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. Ross King; sec'y-treas., Mrs. John McIntyre; branch directors, Mrs. G. E. Farrier, Mrs, J. Burehill, Mrs: E. Caslick, Mildred McClenag- han, Mrs. McInnis, Mrs. E. Welwood; Press reporters, Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Beecroft; Pianists, Miss Merle Wil- son, Mrs, G. Farrier; Auditors, Mrs. Thos. Morrison, Mrs. Ab, Coultes; Flower Corns Mrs. Lott; Program Corn., Mrs. Jas, Falconer, Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Mrs. Rhys Pollock,' Mrs. Mac Ross, Mrs. E. Casemore, Mrs. Cecil Falconer; District director, Mrs. Robt Mowbray. The following were ap- pointed to keep track of the papers: Education, Mrs. Russel Gaunt; Home Economics, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. J. G. Gill- espie; Historical, Grace Richardson; Community work, Mrs. Walters; Agri- culture, Mrs. Ab, McQuillan; Canad- ization, Mrs. W. R. Farrier; Peace, Mrs. Thos. Moore. Those who we're appointed to attend the district annual were: Miss Richardson, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Grain. This meeting will be held in Kincardine, Twenty- five members answered the, roll call by paying their fees. Mrs. Duffy gave a reading, "The old oak barn," and Mrs. Lott also read, "Friendship Corner". A very interesting letter from Nat Thomson, a former Whitechurch man, whp is now in. England, was read and all were pleased to hear from him. The meeting ,closed by singing the National Anthem. The ladies decided to hold an At Home on Tuesday even- ing in the" Hall for the members and their families, with euchre and dancing the music being supplied by home tal- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson and family, Detroit, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. F. Melt, Pater- son. BELMORE The Official Board of the Belmore 1Vfildmay charge of the United Church has accepted with .regret the resigna- tion of its minister, the Rev. W. D. Clark. Mr, Clark has accepted a call to become minister of the Cargill charge at the end of June, Mr, Bob Watson and friend visited in Mildmay Saturday evening. Mr.- and Mrs. Holmes of Duncan, visited Mr. and ,Mrs. Press Sunday. The basement of the Presbyterian Church was chosen for the gathering of the Red. Cross groups, McIntosh, Salem, Glettarition, the 'Boundary Lint, those with the institute members made a large gathering they putting on the program. Mrs. 1Geo. Inglis acted as President; Mrs, Xorrnatt Newarts, pianist, Opening numbers, The "Ode, 0 Canada• and Coming thfough the Rye, Each group of the Red Cross gave a report of their work which showed that the ladies have not been idle, Mrs. Elmer Zinn had the topic, A trip to Japan; Mrs. Plater, a reading; Jeffray, recitation, "the Old Time Thrice"; community songs, God Save the King. A beautiful lunch was served. Miss Mary Gorle left for her home in Toronto Tuesday, . Mrs. Robt. Scott of Wawanosh is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil and Shirley from the West, are visiting at the McNeil home. They • were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Balers of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mulvey and family, visited in Wingham Sunday. The Preibyterian church grounds will be a beauty spot some day. Maple trees and evergreens having been planted, Mr. Jack Holland of Belmore, is now a trainman running from London to Windsor, ST. HELENS Friends here were thrilled to hear the voice of Leading Aircraftman Arthur. McMurachy, son-in-law of Rev. and Mrs. Barnard on the radio pro- gram "Letters From Britain," on Sat- urday evening. - Tic monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Missionary Society was held at Mrs. Wallace Miller's with 20 ladies present. Mrs. W. I. Miller presided and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Webb took part in the worship service of which the theme was "The Church, the Household of Faith." The chapter from the study book was tak- en by Mrs, W, I. Miller, Frank McQuillen, Royal Canadian Air Force, has returned to Toronto. Rev. Mr. Bremner, Seaforth, occu- pied the pulpit in. the United churclu, on Sunday morning in the interests of: the Ontario Temperance Federation. A .cable received from. Pilot-Officer George McQuillen, announced his safe arrival in England. Frank McQuillen of the R. C. A. F. " returned to Toronto on Saturday after spending a 80-day farm leave at his; home here, He was accompanied by, Mr. and Mrs, Fred McQuillin, Ivan/ and Barry and Mr. McKenzie Webb who spent the week-end in Toronto. The regular meeting of the Y, P. U. was held on Monday evening at Wal- lace Miller's with Mrs, Rice in charge-. 'Mrs. Tom Todd read a poem and the topic in the form of a skit "Famous. Epistles" was taken by Russel Webb and Allan Miller, Miss Dorothy Webb is home front. Toronto. BLYTH The school concert held on Fridays evening was well patronized. The. pupils under the supervision of their teachers put on a splendid program of, drills, choruses, a canata, "Builders of. Canada." Mr, Leslie Hilburn, chair- man of School Board presented certif— icates to a large number of pupils Rev. Arthur Sinclair was in Sarnia on Sunday and took , charge of the anniversary iervices of a former con- gregation. Mr. Douglas Morrison has purchas- ed the residence of the late Mrs. Nath- aniel Johnston. Frank Gong, a celestial, front Tor- onto, has opened a restaurant in Blyth and seems to be receiving a good pat- ronage, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Master John, spent over the week-end with Goderich relatives. 17 c 2, for 15c 47-oz. tin 20.oz. tin 24-lb bag 67c odimiainolms. CLARK'S TOMATO Ketchup, 2.12-oz. btls. 25c PEANUT' Butter . „ 24.oz; jar 25c Btiztt Thinner „ 16.oz. tin 190 somwtat Spreads, 14s tilny 3 for 25c OUR WINGHAM AbATAMa-PM/MS Thursclay, May 2 Is 1.942 PASTRY FLOUR , HELLMANN'S SALAD Dressing, 8-oz. jar 19c SANDWICH Spread 8-oz. jar 22c BULK Soap Chips ... 3 lb. 25c SIMMERS Seeds . . 6 pkg. 25c SOLEX 25, 40, 50, 100 watt Lamps ea 20c KELLOGG'S OR QUAKER CORNFLAKES .... . .. . 3 8-oz. pkg. 25c CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE . „ TOMATOES LY4b Vall4Y or Mountain View 28i-OZ flirt e SOUP, Clark's ' egetabe 3 104:4, tins 20c