HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-04-09, Page 7COSENS & BOOTH
o Farmorff drive
ears j.ess titan city
People. and get
low rates free;Pilot,
Rut farmers do
drive one stain-
eared accident
.could wipe out .
your home or '131,117
savings: 0.11), the
fall protectlon of
Pilot Automobile
Insurafice now.
`7,rhursclaY, April 9th, 1943 WINGHANT ADVANMTIME$
also, The happy couple left on a mot-
or trip to. Toronto and to Camp lior-
den, where the groom will be employs
cd for the neat few weeks. The best
wishes of a host of friends follow them
to their new
,Mrs. Harold Sparling and Douglas'
and Marie, Wingham, are visiting this
week with her parents, Mr,. and Mrs,
Thos, Moore.
Miss Agnes Wilson, Reg. N., left on
Monday for her new position in Mt.
Sinai Hospital, Toronto, "
Mr. Harry MeClenagban and Edith
and Billie, of Belgrave, visited on
Sunday with tSfi. and Mrs. Milian
Mrs, Walter Richardson, of Belmore
is visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs, Eddie Moore.
,Mrs. A. E. Purdon left on Sunday
to visit in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs,
Athol and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pur-
don. • NVo write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary;,
Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance.
Mr. George Ross, of Owen Sound,
spent the week-end at the home of his
-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Ross,
Miss Jean Foster, of Stratford Nor-
Ina' School, is h6lidaying at her home
,Miss Flor'a Coulter, teacher at Wal-
ston, is spending her holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs.„, Robt Hall, Wingham,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Craig.
• Miss Bertha Mackay, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Mackay and two
children arrived here on Thursday
last and will spend the next few weeks
You can help the man in uniform, merely by saving
regularly. Because when you save you increase the
flow of labour and material from civilian to war
And when you lend accumulated savings to the country
in War Savings Certificates and war loans, you help
Canada supply to our fighting men the arms and
equipment they need. Seize this patriotic opportunity)
Pull your full weight! Start saving NOW!
The Misses Melda and Winnie
Lane, teachers at Orilla, are spending
their Easter holidays with their par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Lane, 10th
Miss Jean Nelson, Toronto, spent
the holidays with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs; Robert Nelson, near Kintail.
The Misses Ina Campbell, teacher
near St, Marys and Eileen Campbell,
nurse-in-training, in ,Kitchener, Grace
and Louise', Lucknow, H. S., are with
their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Cyril
Campbell, 10th concession,
Rev. H. C. Wilson of Auburn Unit-
ed Church united in marriage Florence
Martha Jones, of Donnybrook and
Mr. Albert Benson Shackleton, of
The neighborhood around Kings-
bridge were shocked to hear that Joe
Perry, Detroit and grandson of Mr.
and Mrs, Thomas Drennan, was killed
in that city on Saturday, March 28.
He was knocked of his bicycle by a
car driven by'a man under the influ-
ence of liquor.
Mrs. Dunk MacDonald, Flint, Mich.,
(Madeline ialinston) is visiting with
her mother, Mrs. Frank Johnston, 10th
Mr. Allan Grant has purchased the
chopping mill from his father, Mr. R.
A. Grant and will live in Mrs. Dan
Rose's house,
Mrs. Kennie, :Parrish received word
that her son'Gnr.'Jiminie Farrish, Pet-
awawa, is in the hospital there with
scarlet fever.
70—SR/pee k
them when passing, Mrs. Wilson was
was following
aepeedi tertt car, crashed k
hospital for a few hours before she
reeovered. Their car WAS taken to a
St. Thomas garage for repairs and
they returned home by bus, They
got their car Urge on Saturday,
Born—on Sunday, April 5, to Mr,
and Mrs. Edward Moore, of Kinloss,
a daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Moore, of
Preston, spent the week-end with rel.,.
atives Ifere.• Charlie Moore from Kin-
cardine also spent the week-end here.
Miss Doris McClenaghan, of Kin-
cardine, and Eileen, of Tureberry,
spent the week-end at their home here.
.Mr, Joe oLaidlaw was laid up last
week when he hurt himself when he
Jerry Forsythe and Calvin Woods,
of Toronto, are spending their holi-
days with the formers grandparents,
kr. argl s Mrs, j, B. Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs, John Johnston spent
Sunday at the home of their son, Mr.
Gershom Johnston, of E, Wawanosh,
Mrs. John Haggitt, of Blyth, spent
a few, days last week with her mother,
Mrs, A. Emerson,
Miss Beatrice and Miss Teresa Cask-
enette, of Kitchener, spent the week-
end at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Caskenette, of Kinloss.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
sons of Lucknow, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn
and Misses Kathleen and Jean Simp-
son are spending a few days there this
week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Jack Gillespie, of Toronto, spent
the week-end here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie.
Miss June Irwin, of Toronto Bus-
iness College, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berson
The marriage of Miss Elleda Isobel
Hunter, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hunter of Ashfield, and Mr.
Kenneth William Laidlaw, elder son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Laidlaw, of
W. Wawanosh, was solemnized at
high noon on Saturday, at the home of
the bride's parents with Rev, George
Howse, pastor of Ashfield United
Church officiating, The bride looked
lovely with a rose crepe ensemble with
blue accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hunter were their attendants. The
wedding dinner i was served to the im-
mediate relatives, with her grandpar-
ents, and his grandparents as .guests
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Wall from Bel-
grave, have rented Mr, Kenneth Weav-
ers house and moved, in, Mr, Wall is
working at the mill, We welcome
them to this -community,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curran and son
Dick, spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Herb Curran, 'of Ash-
field and Miss Marjorie Purdon and
Archie, spent the day at the home' of
their aunt, Mrs. Irwin Henry, of Bel-
Mr. Robert Laidlaw from Galt,
spent the week-end with his wife and
family here. •
Miss Winnifred Farrier and Miss
Olive, of Toronto are spending their
holidays with their parents, 'Mr, and
Mrs. W. R, :Farrier.
Mr. and Mts. Gordon Rintoul and
baby son, spent Friday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Purdon,
Mrs, Aldin Purdon received word
last week that her brother, Earle
Gypeau, of Detroit had been in a mot-
or accident, and had his leg broken
six inches above the knee, an arm and
several ribs broken, and a possible
concussion in his head,
Mr. Ed. McBurney started plowing
last week on the farm he purchased
from Mr. Robt McBurney.
Mr. -Kenneth Zinn left on Monday
to work at Windsor for Mr. Milton
When Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wilson
were returning from St. Thomas on
their wedding trip, a police car which
Order Bray Chicks now, and be
"lucky” when egg prices climb
next Pall. See me, or phone me,
right away. Personal attention,
prompt delivery.
A. C. Adams, Wingham, or
W. T. &Hick, Teeswater.
lis and Wilmot, of Cherrywood, with
Mr, and Mrs. R. Shaw.
Miss Elizabeth Brewer and Miss;
Cardiff, Brussels, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen.
Miss Fanny Hogg, Brussels, with
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerney.
Miss Martha Kaine with her cousin,
W. H. Fraser and Mrs. Fraser at
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Hemingway,
Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs. L. a
Mrs, M, L. Aitken, Hollan, and Miss
Dorothy Aitken, St. Marys, with Miss
Duff at their home here.
Mr. and ,Mrs. iGcorge Love with Mr.
and Mrs. A, D. Scott, at Seaforth.
Miss Florence Fowler spent Sunday
with. Miss Jean Scott, at Seaforth.
Mrs. Neil MacLean and two sans
Neil and Roderick, Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Marshall, Listowel, with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Thorn-
At the conclusion of the service, the
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
During the Sunday School session,
a group of children of the Junior clas-
ses sang two lovely Easter numbers,
"Easter Song" and "Lily Bells."'
Services at Presbyterian Church
Impressive Easter services were
held at Knox Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. At the morning service Rev,
F. G. Fowler spoke on the subject of
Immortality add Eternal Life. Two
Easter anthems were sung by the
The Y.P.S. had charge of the even-
ing service. The president, Miss Jean
Elliott presided and opened the meet-
ing with a sing song of Easter hymns,
then offered prayer. The scripture
lesson was read and explained by Rev,
F. G. Fowler who pointed out what
a risen Savious had meant to the
An Easter Pageant, "The Way to
the Cross" was presented by a num-
ber of the young people. Cut flowers
and potted plants added to the beauty
of the service.
"Talk about poverty; if you want
to see real poverty you ought to travel
through some of the mountain sections
of the South."
"Terrible conditions ,ellr
"Why, some of those mountaineers
live in shacks so dilapidated that every
time it rains they have to go out and
sit in their .sedan."
Stasia: Ninety-nine women out of
100 are natnrally. generous.
Polly: Yes, where one woman will
keep a secret, 99 will give it away.
The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held in the Church on Sunday ev-
ening with Dick Weatherhead presid-
ing. The worship service was in
keeping with the Easter season, Iso-
bel Miller read the Scripture lesson
and Mrs. W. A. Miller read a poem,
The topic "The Cross and Easter" was
taken by Mrs, Charles McDonald.
W.M.S. Easter Program
The president, Mrs. J. 5. Elliott,
presided at the Easter Thankoffering
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society of Knox Presbyterian church
and carried out an appropriate Easter
program. Those taking part in prayer
and scriptup reading included Mrs.
E. Nichol, Mrs. P, S. MacEwan, Mrs.
A. Lamont, Miss Florence Fowler and
Miss Olive Scott. Mrs. R. Elliott and
Mrs. Lamont rendered a duet. An hn-
pressive part of the program was pre-
sented by Mrs. F. G. Fowler in cost-
ume, representing Africa; Mrs. Burns
Moffat, China, and Mrs. Ewart Mc-
Kercher, India, each giving sonic of
the results toward a universal Christ-
ian church. Mrs, Fowler and Mrs. E.
Nichol were named delegateS to the
annual meeting of the Maitland Pres-
byterial te• be held at Teeswater on
May 5,
Soldier Presented With Wrist Watch
A large number of friends and rel-
atives gathered 'at the Forester's Hall
this week to honor Bert Garniss, son
of Mr. and Mrs, John Garniss, 3rd
concession, Morris, vsho has enlisted
for military service and is training at
During the refreshment hour, Mrs.
Charles Bosnian read an address and
Charles Mathers presented a wrist
watch, Mr. Garniss made a suitable
reply. Dancing was enjoyed, music
being supplied by Messrs R. Cardiff,
J. Thynne and Fischer.
Miss Lillian Garniss and Miss Edith
Garniss from Clinton attended the
• Hydro-Electric
energy, handmaiden of
progress in peacetime,
is indispensable In time
of wad „
y staying at FO
Cosy Parking'
Y, U, Had Meeting
Fleming Johnston had charge of the
opening exercises at the weekly meet-
ing of the Y.P.U. of the 'United church.
George Thomson presided for the lat-
ter part of the program, The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Mrs. Earl
Hamilton, Miss Edna Procter gave a
splendid message. The theme was
"The road of Life — via the straight
and narrow gate," The meeting clos-
ed with the Mizpah Benediction, fol-
lowed by a period of games.
as kV as
no higher
per person
00s MAO Ot
OOLDS01, wetto
Easter Visitors:
Miss Isabel McKinnon and Spence
McKinnon, Waterloo, With their par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs. K. McKinnon.
Miss Rhoda Robertson, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, 'Mil-
ian gobertscin.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Gates, Phil»
per petteni,
No Whorl -11,,
400 lovely room
Explained Good Friday
Mrs. James Peacock was the hostess
on Thursday afternoon for the month-
ly meeting of the Women's Associa-
tion of the United Church. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Earl Hamilton, presided.
Mrs. J. H. Smith read the Easter mes-
sage from the Scripture and Rev. C.
Tavener spoke on the significance of
Good Friday and offered prayer. A
paper on "The Home" was given by
Mrs. S. N. Gallagher and Mrs. Eliza
Fell gave a reading, "Mr. Can and
Mr. Can't," A solo was sung by Mrs.
W. 5. Johnston. Assisting the hostess
were Mrs. Richard Johnston, Mrs. Ar-
thur Shaw and Mrs, William Jeacock,
Community Service Held Sunday
At the Easter Sunday service in the
United Church, Rev. Campbell Tav-
eller delivered his Easter message,
based on Christ's appearance on the
road to Emmans. He chose a his
main theme the words, "and he made
as though he would have gone furth-
er." This "step further", he applied
to our own lives—showing how we
must not be content with present
acsievernents, but go' farther toward
the supreme goal,
A solo "The Man of Galilee" was
sung by Mrs. John Wickstead, Beauti-
ful flowers, swill of which were in
memory of departed friends, enriched
the taster setting.
Mrs. R. J. Woods has returned to
her home here after spending the
winter with members of her family..
Teachers and students home for the
vacation include Mrs. Ramage, of Hol-
stein; Miss W. D. Rutherford, of Kirk-
land Lake; Miss Irene Woods, of
Waterloo; Mrs. Ruth Ramagy, of Ut-
rerscm; Miss Norma Weatherhead, of
Stayner; Misses Jean and Lois Web-
ster, of Clinton; Miss Marie Mc-
Crostie of Stratford; Miss Vera Tay-
lor, of London; Mr. Charles McQuil-
lan, of Clandeboye.
Mrs. John Webster who has spent
the winter in London, is a visitor with
her daughter, Mrs. Will McCrostie.
Visitors for the holiday week-end
include Miss Anna Stuart, of Toronto,
with Mr, and Mrs, George Stuart;
Miss Dorothy Webb and Miss Mc-
Phene, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
McKenzie Webb; Mrs, Archie Mc-
Murachy and her cousin, Mrs. Roy
Merril, of St, Thomas, with Rev. G,
A. and Mrs. Barnard; AC2 Frank Mc-
Quillin of the R,C.A.F,, Manning Pool,
Toronto, at his home here; Murray
Taylor, of the Y.M.C.A.. Port Albert;
Neely Todd and (Gordon Miller, of
Stratford, at' their home..
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Collyer and
Teddy, Westwood, and Miss Jean
Thom, of Toronto are visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, E. J, Thom,
and Mrs. Horace McGuire and
Shirley, of London, were recent visit-
ors with Me, and Mrs. E. J. Thom,
The April meeting of the Women's
Institute was held in the Community
Hall on Thursday with a good attend-
ance and with Mrs. Gordon McPher-
son in the chair. The toll call was
well responded to by the naming of
a household time-saver. It was de-
cided to send a donation of maple
sugar to the Navy League, Mrs.
Archie Aitchison, Mrs. Earl Durnin
and Mrs, Ball were appointed as a
nominating committee and the date of
the. Red. Cross *lilting was set as
Thursday, April 23, Mrs, Webb con-
ducted an interesting contest oil a
"Home Study in Flowers". Mrs. t.
W. Rice gave. a splendid talk on Home
Economies. At the conclusion, lunch
was served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Cranston, Mrs. Ball and Mrs.. Charlie
The following are among those who
have held Victory Nights recently:
W. X. Millets Mrs. Elwood Bar-
bour; Mrs. gait Gaunt; Mrs. George
Stuart; Mrs. Stanley Tad and Mrs.
'Charlie 'McDonald At 'Mrs, Todd's.
Mrs. Stanley Todd spent the week-
end with her 'parents, Mr. And
Young at Carlow,
tools of Victory. In Ontario's chemical industry,
huge plants using over 150,000 Hydro horse.,
power are turning out chemicals and high explo,
saves—and more such plants are being built.
That means greater demands for electrical en,
etgy, demands your Hydra must and will yet.
Here, every citizen can help by conserving
Hydro current, by using it sparingly. That's an
Important way we can till "help to Finish the
lob" . sooner! •
In cooltinoi Otto eluttonatio contrail and watch the lwilch es.
For large quantities of Watt, use top oven element Mill
brolliart pan and tack
%geed of Olsen elements.
Cook templet° "oven"
mecristn range oven,Wlth
bottom elements, Have
your electrical dealer
or local "1-1Vdretei keep
your appliances In Arst
Class order,
In guarded laboratories all over Ontario,
night and day, chemists am seeking out
formulas for ever more powerful explosives
that will help to shorten the war. The chemical
industry and Hydra go hand in hand. Between
thorn they produce explosives far aerial tot-
pedoes, depth bombs, land and sea mines,
Chemicals for flame throwers—and many other
weapons that will hit the enemy hard.
From the day that war was declared Hydres
two electrical horsepower was ready to
be harnessed to the wan elf alt and today more
than half of it Is at work, fashioning the myriad