HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-04-09, Page 4NI/ROUTER
Miss Beatrice Howe, Learningtbn, is,
holidaying with her sister, Miss Mary
Mr. and Mrs, Laurie Vanvelsior„,
Hamilton, also Miss Rona Vanvelsior,
Weston, spent the holiday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs W. E. Vanvel-
Caster Billy Sherman, Toronto, is
spending a few days with ,Master
Jimmy Allen,.
Mrs, Leckie, of Hershel, Sas,„ left
on Monday for her home, after a six
weeks holiday with her .sister's, Miss
Mary and Miss cassie Harris,
Mrs. B, Martin spent the•past week
visiting in Hamilton.
Mr, and -Mrs, J, .L. MacEwen and
family were:Goderich visitors on Fri-.
day of last week.
Mr, and -Mrs. John Adams spent 4
few days in Toronto last week,
Miss Gertrude Sangster, Detroit,
was a holiday guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster.
Engagement announced — Mr, and
Mrs. I. J. Gamble, Fordwich, announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Evelyn A, to Mr. Edward Harris, of
Brownsville, the marriage to take
place April 8th at Trinity Church,
Fordwich. Miss Gamble was formerly
on the staff of the C, S. here,
Mr, Cliff Denny also Miss Marg-
aret Chaplain, both of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Denny in town.
Mrs. Lloyd Mayce and baby son,
London, were holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Thos Brown.
Guests from a distance attending
the Barlow-Sangster wedding were;
Mrs. Allen Mitchell, Mr. Kenneth
Mitchell, Mrs. Clifford Pitt and son
David, Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Brown,
Miss Ruby Fields, Miss Doris Mc-
Allister all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Richaed Farnsworth, Guelph; Miss
Gertrude Sangster, Detroit, -
Miss Viola Thacker is spending the
Easter vacation with her family . at
Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Waller were: Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard ' Hayes and son, Miss Marjorie
Waller and Miss Cecely West, all of.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Isabella Carolyn Taylor
late of the Village of Gorrie in the
County of Huron, Married Woman,
who died on or about the twenty-first
day of February, A.D., 1942, are noti-
fied to send to J. H. Crawford, Wing-
ham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-
fifth day of April, A.D., 1942, full
particulars ,of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said twenty-
fifth day of April, the assets of the
said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard. only to claims of which
the administrator - shall then have
DATED this fourth day of April,
A.D., 1942,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator,
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
William Elliott, late of the Town
of Wingham in the County of Hur-
on, Retired Farmer, deceased:
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late William
Elliott, are required to send particu-
lars of their claims, duly verified, to
J. W. Bushfield ,the solicitor for the
Executors of the said estate, on or be-
fore the eleventh day of April, A.D.,
1942, and that after such date the ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
said Estate, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then have
had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
23rd. day of March, A.D., 1942
'Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Albert Edward Lloyd
late of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Manufacturer, who
died on or about the nineteenth day
of January, A,D. 1942, are notified to
send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the eighteenth
day of April, A.D. 1942, full partic-
ulars of their claims in writing. Im-4
mediately after the said eighteenth
day of April, the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to claims of which the ex-
ecutors shall then have notice,
DATED this thirtieth day of,March,
A,D. 1942.
gingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
IN' THE MATTER of the Estate
of Ellen Cummins, late of the Town-
ship of West Wawanosh in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Widow, deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others, having claims
against the Estate of the late Ellen
Cummitiso are required to send part-
iculars of their claims, duly verified,
to 3, 13ushfield, the solicitor for
the Administrator of the said estate,
bn or before the eighteenth day of
April, A,D„ 1942,t and that after such
date, the Administrator will proceed
to distribute the said Estate, having
regard only to the claims .of which he
shall then have had netite.
DATED at Winglimn, Ontario, this
27th, day of March A.D. 1942. J. W. EiJSIIPiELD,
"WingliaM, Ontario,•
Solicitor for the Administrator,
enia And Boys'
AT —
Special Purchase this week of two pant
double breasted suits also top coats.
It will pay you to buy your clothing as soon
as possible while present stock is complete.
Shop At
Hanna's Men's Store.
Shirts, New Windbreakers, New Hats,
New Ties.
A special purchase makes
this event possible, Casual long-
er jackets, jaunty separate skirts,
a few two-piece suits, spring
coats and tailored dresses are
available, at a real saving.
Limited number
in each style
Ladies' Wear Stoie
BROOMS 5 string
Top Quality .. . .
CLEANSER tin 10c
BON. AMI....... ._..... . _ 2 for 25c pkg. 39c (cake or Powder)
- HAWES 6-oz. 12-oz.
lb. 29c LEMON OIL 15c 23c
JAVEL WATER, 3 qts. 25c gal. 29c
JAVEX Concentrate btl, 15c
P & G SOAP ...... . bar 5c
CLEANSER, Classic .„... 3 tins 14c
GILLETT'S LYE ..... ...... ,.„. tin 11c
SOAP FLAKES lge, pkg. 25c
BISCUITS, 4 varieties ..... lb 19c
SIMMER'S SEEDS 6 pkg. 52c
ORANGES s weet Juicy Navels Doz. 29c
GRAPEFRUIT Texas Seedless 4 for 19C
NEW TEXAS I WHITE FLORIDA Beets . . bunch 6c I Celery . stalk 7c
CARROTS' California Large Bunches
§pinach . . 2 lbs. for 15c I Tomatoes . lb. 19c
2 nude' 15c
SOAP FLAKES pkg. 25c
MOP STICKS ... ea. 19c
PASTE WAX ..... 1 lb. tin 59c
GLO-COAT ..... pint 59c qt, 98c
CARNU pint tin 85c
FOR SALE — Driving mare, buggy,
cutter and harness, Alex Rintoul,
Wingham, Ont., R. R. No. 3.
FOR SALE — Well bred Yorkshire
boar, 2 year old, my Sr. Herd Sire:
Best of quality and breeding. Wm.
Nichel, R. R. No. 1, Wroxeter, Ont.
(Phone Wroxeter).
FOR SALE — modern dining room
suite in perfect condition also comp-
lete bed outfit and walnut high chair.
Very reasonably priced. Apply Ad-
FOR SALE — Six roomed house,
small barn, two acres and a half of
good land or will lease for 5 or7
years. Small down payment and
monthly installments. Apply F. J.
FOR RENT — Half double house on
Victoria Street. Comfortable and
warm. Immediate possession. Ap-
ply F. J. Mooney.
FOR SALE — 30 gallon milk can in
good shape. Apply Thos. Burke.
Phone 185.
FOR SALE — Four roomed house;
small barn, two acres and a half of
good land or will lease for 5 or '7
years. Small down payment and
monthly installments. Apply Ad-
FOR RENT grass farm, well wat-
ered, 41/2 miles from Wingham.
Apply to George Baird, town plot,
GIRL WANTED—Appy Mrs. Harry
assist with housecleaning for two
weeks, sleep out. Apply -Advance-
LADY CLERK — for store work,
with or without experience. Apply
Box P, Advance-Times.
LOST — parts of new Case Mower,
Pitman, seat, grass board, levers. G.
E. Nurse, Brussels or Advance-
NOTICE — In order that the estate
of the late Gordon Machan may be
settled, all accounts owing Machan
Bros. must be paid on or before
Saturday, April 18, .1942. Machan,
Bros. Phone 58.
PIANO TUNING — tuning price
$3.00, repairs extra. By Wingham
Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. 'Must
leave orders at Advance-Times.
and effective. $1.00 two weeks sup-
ply. At McKibbon's Drug Store.
WANTED — Reliable woman to
look after two elderly people on
farm. near Wingham. Apply Box M,1
:Mrs. Hugh Tucker and daughter
Grace are sincerely appreciative of the
kindness extended and sympathy
shown them -By their neighbors and
friends in their recent bereavement.
I take this opportunity of expressing
my sincere thanks to my many friends
for the gifts they so kindly presented
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Furniture, At Lot 28, con.
5, Morris Tp., 134 miles north ,and
mile west of Brussels, on Tuesday,
April 14, at 1 p,m,
Cattle-1 red cowl, 7 years old,
fresh; 1 roan cow, 8 yeari old, fresh;
1 white cow, 5 years old, fresh; 2
Durham yearling heifers; 5 Derhant
yearling steers; 4 calves.
5 chunks pigs, 125 lbs.
Poultry---30 hens
8 geese, 1 gander.
Harness-1 breeehing set of barn-
egg; 1 plow harness; 8 horse collars,
Implements-1 set of stock sealed,
2009 lbs.; 1 set of sloop sleighs and
flat rack 1 wagon, like new; wag-
on box, and stock, rack; 16' ft. hay
rack; 1 MeCormicli Deering hay load-
tr, new; 1 McCormiek Deering side
rack; 1 Clinton fanning mill; 1 Deer-
ing moWer, 6 ft.; q quantity of lumber
and plank; 6 new tongues; 2 wheel
barrows. 1 Cooksbutt manure spread-,
er; 1 6 ft. binder; 1 Cockshutt
seed drill, 18 disc; 1-8-drum steel
roller; 1 spring tooth etiItivator;
walking plows; 1 riding plow; 1 disc
harrow; 1 log boat; 1 stone koat; 1
slush scraper; 4'section diamond har-
rows; 2 hand scufflers; 4 steel wagon
wheels; 1 light wagon; 1 buggy; 1
cutter; 2 ladders; 1 grindstone; 1 De-
Laval cream separator. Whiffletrees,
neckycikes, forks, shovels, 2 lawn
mowers, other articles.
Gxain-800 bus. of mixed grain;
100 bus, of wheat.
House furnishings: 1--3-burner coal
oil stove; 1 daisy churn; 1 hand wash-
ing machine; 1 cook stove; 1 dining
room table; 8 dining room chairs,
number of odd chairs; 5 kitchen
chairs; 1 glass cupboard; 1 studio
couch; 1 gramophone; 2 sewing mach-
ines; .3 couches; 3 rocking chairs; 4
small tables; 2 'fall leaf tables; 1 rug
12x15; 1 rug 10x14; 2 bedroom suites;
2 mattresses; 2. sets of springs; dishes,
kitchen utensils, sealers.
Terms cash.
Estate of Albert Crooks, P'rop.
Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Auct.
Executors' And
Administrators' Sale
Of 'Village of Country Property, and
Household Furniture and Effects
To close the Estates of the late
Mary Clegg and Richard S. Clegg,
there will be offered for sale by Pub-
lic Auction at the residence of the late
Richard S. Clegg, Gorrie, on Satur-
day, April 18th, 1942, at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon, the following real
1. Village Lots 180, 181, 191 and
192 in the Village of Gorrie, according
to plan made by William Rath.
2. Lot 6 in the 12th Concession of
Howick Township and the south half
of Lot 6 in the 13th Concession of the
Township of Howick.
On the firstly described property is
a 7-roomed brick house with wood-
shed addition and a frame barn about
20 ft by 25 ft.
On the secondly described property
is a brick house and a frame barn on
stone foundation about 52 feet square
and an implement shed, pigpen and
The land is mostly clay loam and
there is about 5 acres of bush on the
property. About 7 acres is sown in
fall wheat.
This property is well .located 21/2
miles from Gorrie and about 1Y4 miles
from school. The property is watered
by a drilled well and windmill,
The above properties will be offer-
ed subject to a reserved bid.
Terms of Sale: Ten per cent cash
on the day of sale, the balance within
30 days thereafter. Further particu-
lars and conditions of sale will be
made known on the day of sale or
may be obtained upon application to
the Undersigned.
At the same time and place there
Will ,he offered for sale the following:
1 parlour suite (5 pieces); 1 organ;
1 extension table and 6 chairs; 4
..rocking chairs; 2 dressers; 4 bed-
steads; 2 couches; 2 hallracks; 4 small
tables; 1 dropleaf table; 1 kitchen cab-
inet; 1 cupboard; 1 phonograph with
records; 2 cooking ranges; 1 beater;
1 washing machine; 1 churn; 2 rugs
and several ,pieces -of carpet; 1 toilet
set; 1 mantel .clodlOci set scales; some
dishes .and kitchen utensils; 1 hang-
ing larhp; rn salnamps; 1 cutter; 1
buggy; 1 at.. siiilre harness; 1 set
light hames ,and collar; 1 light wagon;
1 ton hay (more or less); 15 cord of
dry wood; tool, etc.
Terms of sale: Cash.
DATED this seventh day of April,
A.D., 1942
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors and
All persons having claims against
the estate of George Wraith lat of the
Town of Wingham in the County of
Huron, Carpenter, who died on or
about the first day of February, A.D.
1942, are notified to send to J. II,
Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or
before the eighteenth day of April,, A.
D. 1942,, full particulars of their claims
in writing, Immediately after the,
eighteenth day of April, the assets of
the said testator Will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executors shall then have notice,
DATED this thirtieth day of March,
A,D, 1942, J. H CROVACI413,
Whighatu,' Ontario;
Solicitor for the Executors, •
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
Arthur Shaw, late of the Village of
Bluevale in the County of Huron,.
Retired 'Farmer, deceased,.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late .Arthur
Shaw,. are required to send particulars
of their claims, duly verified, to. J. W.
131101404 the solicitor'for the Execu-
tors of the said Estate, on or before
the eleventh day of April, A.D., 1942,
and that after such date the executors
will proceed to .distribute, the said
Estate, hing regard only to the claims
of which they' shall then have had
DATED at Wingham, Ontario this
twenty-third day of ,March, A,D., 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Gordon Charles Machan
late of the Town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Merclignt, who died
on or about the tenth day of March,
A.D. 1942, are notified to send to J.
H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on
or before the eighteenth day of April,
A. D. 1942, full particulars of their
claims in writing. Immediately after
the said eighteenth day of April, the
assets of the said testator will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executrix shall then have
DATED this thirtieth day of March,
A.D. 1942.
Wingharn, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Thomas Henderson Wal-
lace late of the Township of Turnberry
in the County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the second day of
February, A.D, 1942, are notified to
send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the eighteenth
day of April, A.D. 1942, full Partic-
ulars of their claims in writing. Im-
mediately after the said eighteenth day
of April, the assets of the said intest-
ate will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the adminis-
tratrix shall then have notice.
DATED this thirtieth day of March,
A.D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Adniinistratrix.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of Edward Well-
ington Dow late of the Township of
East Wawanosh in the County of
Huron, Farmer, who died on or about
the sixth day of February, A.D. 1942,
are notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Wingharn, Ontario, on or before the
eighteenth day of April, A.D. 1942,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said eight-
eenth day of April, the assets of the
said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard, only to claims of which
the administratrix shall then have
DATED this 28th day of March,
A.D. 1942,
Wingham, Ontario,
,Solicitor for the Administratrix.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of Alexander
Adams, late of the Township of How-
ick in the County of Huron, Farmer,
who died on or about the fifth day
of February, A.D. 1942, are notified
to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the eighteenth
day of April A.D. 1942, full particulars
of their claims in writing. Immediate-
ly after the said eighteenth day of
April, the assets of the said testatrix
will be distributed amongst the part-
ies entitled thereto, having regard only
to claims of which the executors shall
then have notice.
DATED this 28th day of March,
A,D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of Agnes Austin,
late of the Township of Turnberry in
the County of Huron, Married Wo-
man, who died on or about the thirt-
eenth day of March, A.D., 1942, are
notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
eighteenth day of April, A,D, 1942,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said eight-
eenth day of April, the assets of the
said testatrix will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executors shall then have' notice.
DATED this 28th day of March, A,
D. 1942,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors,
IN THE 111ATTER of the Estate
of Martin Cummins, late of the Town-
ship of West Wawanosh in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Labourer, deceased,
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Martin
Cummins, are required to send partic-
ulars of their claims, duly verified, to
5. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the
Administrator of the said estate, on
or before the eighteenth day of April,
A,D., 19421 and that after such date
the Administrator will proceed to dis-
tribute the said Estate, having regard
only to the claims of which Ite shall
then have had notice.
DATED at Wingharn, Ontario, this
27th. day of March A.D., 1942, IthsnnEt,D,
Whighairt, Ontario,
S9lieltot fgr tlio Administrator.
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs,. Neil Cart, of
Miss Jeanette Adams, *Kitchener,
spent the week-end with friends here,
Robert McMichael is spending
a few days with Toronto friends,
Mr. Jack Durst, Stratford, spent the
holiday in town.
John Earner Passes.
Friends here of the late John Earn-
er learned with regret of his death in
a Toronto hospital early Saturday
morning. Mr. Earner following some
months illness was removed to Tor-
onto hospital where amputation of his
leg took place in order to prolong his
life, but 'the shock proved too much
for him. Deep sympathy is extended
to his wife and other friends here.
St. James Easter Service
Rey, E, 0. Gallagher of Wingham,
took charge of the Easter Service in
St. James Anglican Church, which was
decorated for the occasion with bright
spring flowers, During the service, a
collection plate, a gift of 'Captain, the
Rev, John and Mrs. Ball was dedicat-
United Church Easter Service
Bright Spring flowers attractively
arranged made a fine setting for the
Easter Service on Sunday morning
last in United Church. The pastor,
Rev. J. L, Foster took charge and
spoke on the words "For Now is
Christ Risen from the Dead and Be-
come the First Fruits of Them that
Slept." The choir under the direction
of Mr. G. A. Wearring with Miss
Mary Gibson as organist contributed
two anthems. Come Thou Fount of
Every Blessing, -and God so Loved
the World.
Easter Thankoffering Service
The Women's Missionary Society
will hold their annual Easter Thank-
offering service in the church school
roon Thursday evening of this week.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton is in charge,
Mrs. Gilbert Howes will speak. mem-
bers of the C.G.I.T. will contribute
two numbers, Mrs. Chas, McCutch-
eon will be soloist. All are' invited
to attend this special service.
Good' Friday Service
Service was held in United Church
on Friday morning with the pastor,
Rev. -J. L. Foster in charge. The
choir contributed an Anthem.
Communion SundaY •
F011owing morning service on Sun-
day next, April 12th, the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper ;will be held.
On Friday evening previous prepar-
atory service will be held in the
church school roo mat 8 p.m.
Young People's Union
Gladys Weir presided over the
weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. and
opened by 'the singing of the hymn,
Softly and Tenderly. Margaret Mof-
fat led in prayer, followed by the
Lord's .Prayer in unison. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by the leader
who chose St. Matthew 27th chapter.
More love to Thee, was the second
hymn chosen. Rev. Foster gave an
address on the preparation 'of the
young people for church membership.
During the business period plans were
made for a social to be held on April
13th, Abide With Me, was the clos-
ing hymn, all repeating the Mizpah
Benediction. A period of games was
Barlow - Sangster
A lovely Easter wedding was sol-
emnized on Saturday, April 4th at 1.30
p.m. at the home of the bride's par-
ents, when Jean, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster, of
Wroxeter, became the bride of John
Douglas Barlow, Toronto, son of Cap-
tain and Mrs. John Barlow, Ruther-
ford, New Jersey. The Rev. J. A.
Brown of Toronto officiating,
The ceremony took place in the liv-
ing room. Spring flowers and ferns
formed the setting. Given in marriage
by her father the bride wore a becom-
ing street length dress in burnt gold
shade with matching headress and
shoulder length veil wearing a corsage
of Talisman roses. Her bridesmaid
was Miss . Dorothy Edwards, Gorrie,
whose costume was sunset blue with
matching headress and veil, a corsage
of yellow roses was worn. Little
Mary MacDonald was flower girl and
very dainty in a poudre ;blue dress
and carried an old fashioned nosegay
of roses and for-get-me-nots. The
groom was attended by Mr, Kennth
Mitchell, Toronto, cousin of the bride
and the wedding music was played by
Mrs. Clifford Pitt, of Toronto, cousin
of the bride. Following-the ceremony
luncheon was served to forty. guests,
Later Mr. and Mrs, Barlow left for
a short honeymoon, the bride travel-
ling in a tailored dress of navy with
matching hat and accessories, over
which she wore a coat in a lighter
blue shade. On their return Mrs, Bar ,
low will continue to live in Toronto.
Mr. Barlow having enlisted with the
Canadian Air Force,
Red Cross Notes
The Red Cross Society held a very
successful supper bn Wedndtty of last
week 'in -their roans. Small tables
Were very attractive each being cen-
tred with spring floWers, Mrs. Denny,
Mrs, Adams, Mrs. Douglas• and Mrs,
Brown, converters of the various corn-
mittees are to be congratulated on
their effort,. The, sum of $91:68 was
Thursday, April 96, 194Z
The local Red Cross Society grate-
fully acknowledge a donation of $10.00
in cash also 6 lovely quilts from the
Willing Workers group north of
The Institute meeting will be held
this Wednesday at Mrs, Arthur Fitch.
Red Cross quilting at Mrs. Fleming
Easter visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Reid and family of Waterloo at Neil
McNeil's; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc-
Neil and Melvin of Acton at James
Austin's; Bob Curie of Toronto with
his parents. Out of the village: Mr.
and Mrs, Hunkin at Cromatary; The
Watson family at Shelbourne.
'Those attending the wedding of
Miss Jean Lane Saturday: Mac
Johann, Myrtle Ballagh, Grace and
Jean Inglis, Mrs. Hunkin and Mrs.
Fred Doubledee,
We were sorry to hear Mr. Hector
McLean is a patient in the Hospital,
Mrs. McLean is also quite poorly.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Edwards have
moved into the village and will oc-
cupy the home owned by Mrs. Lane,
Donald Sinclair, student, will speak
in the Presbyterian' church next Sab-
Miss Edna Johann, Myrtle Lane,
Stewart Jeffray, spent Easter with
their parents.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Bain, Wingham, Nel-
son Reid and family, called at the
McNeil home Sunday,
Many were delighted to hear the
Rev. W. D. Clark over CKNX Easter
morning. His own choir accompanied_
him. Miss Mildred Ballagh and Vel-
ma sang, a duet.
A gathering was held Monday even-
ing in Culross school house in honor
of John and Mrs. Wocks and family.
(Too late for last week)
A very happy event took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Met-
calf, March 23, when they- with their
family all home but Maggie, of Lions.
Head, celebrated their 50th anniver-
sary. They were presented with a'
radio and other gifts. The singing of
,hymns that were sang 50 years ago•
brought a pleasant afternoon and ev-
ening to a close. We all join in wish-
ing this worthy couple many more
years of happy wedded life. •
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. J.
Henderson District President of the-
Women's Institute, gave a very fine
address and conducted the election of
officers for the ensuing year.
A meeting of all the churches will
be held Sunday evening in the Angli-
can church, as this is the annual Bible,
Society meeting. A good attendance
is requested.
Mr, John and Patsy Wilfred of Tor-
onto, spent Easter with friends and
ably assisted in the services in United
Mr, Reg. Arjent, of Welland, is
spending the school holidays with his.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arjent.
Misses Jessie and Doreen Phillips,-
of Brampton, spent over Sunday re-
newing acquaintances in Blyth.