HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-04-02, Page 8AtuDONALD 7144*AINERNE 101/1( IHROWEN GENE with IAN HUNTER Woollens Are Valuable Do Not Let Moth Proofing have Moth will be glad Be Destruction! Give Let McKibbon's Patriotic FURS Proof to Moths Destroy Your Precious and WOOLLENS , . for also — We From. McKibbon's be your Headquarters Liquids and Crystals — We Bags, Chests and Closets show them to you. — Save Your Woollens Moirs Drug Store Chocolates For Easter. i 'Ic'4 . , skillfully will appreciate! . , 6 .1 Blossom Out In Shoes that Add Charm To keep your feet smart and pleased at the same time, choose these lovely suede and kid shoes, Styled with spirit-lifting Easter distinction! Some have smart contrast notes in patent. Lots of designed comfort features which your feet , - , ,, .... MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black or brown calf, ilar- row or round toe. Here you will findthe newest styles that will give you ‘' real foot comfort. ill's Shoe Store MAKE YOUR CHARMING EASTER COSTUME MORE ALLURING Your Easter outfit can be no smart- er than your shoes - so choose yours from our collection of grand new Spring styles, and you'll be certain that they're a success. Blithe new\pumps, ties and sandals — in a perfect rainbow of lovely new shades as well as black and, brown. Dunlop's Shoe Store "The Home of Gcind Shoes" PHONE 161 PROMPT DELIVERY WE SERVI4CE 7(41, PATTISON Radio Service Phone 171 Westinghouse RADIO TUBES OR RA 1111111L1.11i 11.111111110111111MNIMMIIMMIIIMP H a selgrove's London Style Special Pipe Still the. O1 Price 7ge Candies For Easter Rankins Famous Hand Rolled Chocolates In Easter Packages. Queens Coffee Shop Wednesday afternoon at Miss Jeffrays. The Red Cross suilting Thursday at ;Mrs. Wm. Kings. Next one at Mrs. Flemming Ballaghs. Mr. Pollock occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church Sunday. ThoSe- out of the village the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Press, Bob Wat- son and friend, M. Jeffray with Mrs. Rae McIntyre and Mi*ss Sarah John- son, Gorrie. Mr. Jack Fitch and Mr. Win. Ed- wards had successful wood bees the past week. Mrs. Percy Copeland, Mrs. ' Wm. Merkley, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fitch and children, called on Hannah and Mary Stokes Sunday, Ailing for some time, Mr. John Har- ris of , McIntosh, was taken 'Tuesday to Walkerton Hospital where an op- eration was performed. We hope soon to hear of a complete recovery. A friend of Mrs. Henry iMerkleys is a visitor at the garage. • BELGRAVE Convention Report Given - The monthly business meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the workroom, when Mrsv A. Manning gave a report of the Provincial Annual Convention held recently in Toronto in which she stressed co-operation be- tween branches and the provinical div- ision, also between representatives on the rural concessions with the Mal branch headquarters. If a greater number would make an effort to come to the workrooms where cutting out is done, and finished work always on display, much more satisfactory work could be accomplished. The president C. R. Coultes was in charge of the meeting which was very well attended. Announcement was made of a gen- eral canvass to be made .in the near future also of a Salvage Campaign to be organized in the Belgrave branch. The meeting closed with God Save the King, More Aid For The Red Cross A social evening was held at the home of 'Mr, and ,Mrs, Howard Wilk- inson, 4th line Morris, in aid of the BeigraVe Red Cross, when under the direction of Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, line representative, the 12 quilts made by ladies of the line were. displayed. Progressive euchre was played with prizes being awarded, winners of which were: Mrs. A. Bryatis and Rich- 'ard Procter for high count; consol-' ation, Miss Eliza: Procter and A, J. Mackenzie. A silver collection was taken and lunch served.' *1.1. Mr. and Mrs, R. Y, Yuill of Tees- water, also Mr. and ,Mrs. P.. G. Mac- Kenzie of Bervie, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. R. I. MacKenzie. Miss Edith Wallace visited with Mr, and Mrs, C. Logan, ,Mr. and. Mrs, A. Vincent and Hat- old, Miss it Waitate, Mrs. L. Vin- cent, MN, C. Logan, spent Sunday at Mr, itometh Culottes, t.ttekttow, LARGE 28-OZ, TINS Lynnin Valley Tomatoes clkierw 2 tins 27c With Free Tumbler KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. 27c; E. D, SMITH'S PURE TOMATO KETCHUP 14-0z. Bottle 18c GARDEN PATCH UNGRADED CHOIPE PEAS 2 Tins ..... .............. ..... 25c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S DATE & NUT LOAF 2 tins 29c PICAKE VEGETABLE SHORTENING lb, 18c Large Family Size 69c Gravenstein Apples'auce ... 20.oz. tin 10c Choice Meaty Large Prunes . .... 2 lbs. 25c Tip Top Fancy Tomato Juice 20-oz. tin 10c — Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FRESH. GREEN LEAF GREEN NEW 'FIRM LETTUCE, bunch 10e CAtIBA0E lb. 5c CALIFORNrA NW E CAL/VORNIA NAVEL CARROTS, bunch 100 ORANGES ..... doz, 25e ICEBERG HEAD FRESH CRISP CELERY LETTUCE, head ...... ,„„ iOd STALKS, bunch ..... 1.0e FREE` DELIVERY ON ALL GIRDERS. TWO DELIVERIES DAILY West Sid at 9,80 Alm and 2,80 /last Side at 10,20 aati, and 4.80 ACM TUGHT WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 2nd., 1942 1.11111P, FOR EASTER N N On Friday about noon, a air pilot altimiiiiimcguipolanswatioutotiiiiiimilloilipiiallpiiimiilicilillipiiiiiiiimpionitoximoimpliviiiipotistrimiiiiiiimmilip.u. of the Crumlin R.C.A.F. school, who bad lost • his bearings, made a perfect IN Two Shows Saturday Night MAGIC MUSIC GLOWING TECHNICOLOR —GLORIFY THE IMMORTAL LOVE STORY! Thurs., Fri., Sat. April 2, 3, 4 — Special — Also "Cartoon" and "News", Admission 40c and 20c Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p.m. - Matinee Admission 30c and 18c St. Mario, Mr, John McGee has been progress- ing favourably during the past week, Mrs. Mae Ross, Mrs. John Webb and Mrs. Jas, Cornelius have been on the sick list during the past week, Major Kenneth Weaver, of Paris, spent a few days last week with Mr. Price Scott and his daughter, Mrs. Bert Boyd visited at the home of Ur, and Mrs. Hector Mackay, Mr. Jas. Weir, of London, spent a few days last week with his paretns, Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mr, ,j4s. E. Robinson,. of Wingbam, spent a few days last week at the home of his brothers, Messrs Wm, and Thus. Robinson, of F—Wawanosh. Mr, Rueben Tiffin passed .away on Monday morning at his home in Kin- loss after an illness of two weeks. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Tif- fin, he was in his 71st year and has lived all his life on the 4th Concession, Besides his wife he leaves a fan ily of two daughters, Mrs, Victor Emerson (Valetta) of Langside, and Mrs. Rus- sel Ritchie (Margaret) of Kinlough, and two sons Fred on the next farm, and Charlie at home. Also two broth- ers, Herbert in the States and Elymer, of V,Tingham and one sister, Mrs. Dan MacDonald, of Lucknow. The funeral was held on Wednesday with Rev, G. A, Barnard, pastor of the ...United Church, Whitechurch charge, Interment in Tiffins cem- etery, This community extends symp- athy to the bereaved wife and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. Tony Keiswetter mov- ed to their new home at Formosa on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore and Miss Olive Terriff and Mrs. Lott attended the funeral of the late Donald Finlay- son of Lochalsh on Monday. His wife predeceased him about twenty years- ago. They had twelve children living, all of whom were at home for the fun- eral. He was buried inolluron Cem- etery, with Rev: Matheson of the Free Church, Chesley, in charge of the serv- ices. He was a nephew of Mrs. Mac- Gregor, in the village. When Mr. Malcohn Ross was home from Toronto for the week-end, he cold of his marriage last year on June 5„, in Toronto to Miss Betty Ingram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. In- gram, of Novra, Man,, with his broth- er-in-law, Rev. G. O. Cox, • of Math- eson officiating.. Even though we are a little late, we offer hearty congratu- lations. The following from a distance at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Gaunt on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robb, of Belleville Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robb and spn, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. George Agar and daugh- ter, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Armand Lawson . and sons, Murray of • Strat- ford and John with the R.C.A.F., at Hogersville; Mr. and Mrs, Brewer, Brussels; Mrs. W. F. Forest and Mrs. Chas. Forest, Morris; Mrs. Ernest Tolman, .Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Agar, Morris; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell Mr. and Mrs. An- drew. Turnbull, Gi;37 Twp.; and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Borman from East Wawanosh. The pallbearers were her two sons, Neil and Hari), Robb, and grandsons, Jack Lawson and John and Russel Gaunt, and Miles McMil- lan. The sympathy of a host of friends go out to Mr. Gaunt and the family in their bereavement. WESTFIELD Mrs. W. A. Campbell was a week- end guest at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Arthur Speigeberg of Kitch- ener. Miss Jean McDowell returned home on Saturday, after spending the winter in London. Miss Mae , Mason spent Sunday under the parental roof, Miss Minnie Snell and little George Dawson, of Auburn, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. J. L. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Campbell, Miss Winnifred and Mrs. A, Tyerman visit- ed recently with Mrs. J. Tamblyn of Londesboro. Mrs, Norman, Radford was a Lon- don visitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Miss were Goderich visitors on Monday. Little Rena McClinchey of Auburn, spent last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walden, A crokinole party was held on Fri- day evening under the leadership of Mrs; Norman Radford and Mrs. Wal- ter Cook's W.M.S. groups. Best priz- es were won by Clifford Walsh and Alva McDowell, Booby prizes by Shirley Radford and Jimmy Buchanan, Lunch was served, The Board Meeting was held in the Westfield Church on Monday after- noon with representatives from Au- burn, Donnybrook and Westfield charges. A unanimous invitation was extended to the pastor, Rev. H. C. Wilson to remain' for' another year, which was accepted, ^ On Sunday Rev, H, C. Wilson spoke from St, John IPA taking as his text "Behold the Man," A Sptcial pro- grain was given in the Sunday School. Solos were given b'y Lois Campbell and Ruth Cook. Special Missionary collection was 'Won, N N ST. HELENS N - Shareholders of the Beef Ring please' =j note that the first meat will be avail- able Thursday morning, April 9th. • Miss Margaret McPherson has re- turned home after spending a few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs, Jas, (McFarlene, Jamestown, Mrs. Jas, McFarlene, Jamestown, was a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon McPherson, Messrs Neely Todd and Gordon Miller were borne from .Stratford on Sunday. Rev. G. A. Barnard conducted a special prayer service on Sunday even- ing. MOLESWORTH Robert Mitchell who has been on guard duty at Victoria, B.C. for the past few months is spending some time at. his home here: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and son Charlie, spent Sunday with friends M Belgrave. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Vogan accomp- anied by Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kock, of Gowanstown, spent Tuesday last in Toronto. Mr. Davie Stewart has returned home from Clinton, where he has been working for the past two -months. BELMORE A most ,gracious lady, Miss Laurie, missionary from China, spoke in the United Church on Sunday afternoon. Miss Laurie was the daughter of Mary Ann Barton, and will be remembered by many in the vicinity while here. Miss Laurie was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalf. A little boy has come to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mulvey. Among our visitors was Mrs. Baiers and Murray of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul and children of Wingliam, also Jack Holland of Winghanif ,Mrs. Stevenson and little son, of Toronto, with Mrs. Shurter. The missionarlmeeting .was held BLOUSES GLOVES SCARFS HOSE VALUE COLLARS, SHIRTS. TIES HATS SOCKS STYLE GLOVES SUSPENDERS They're All In Stock To Help You Suit Your Individual Needs And Assemble An Attractive Wardrobe For Spring. KING'S SHOP. AT Smith's Economy Food Store FOUR O'CLOCK BLACK DALTON'S FRENCH DRIP OR MIXED TEA 1/2 lb. 45c COFFEE ........ ... . . .... lb. 57c Photographed in Technicolot Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 6, 7, 8 JOHN BARRYMORE KAY KYSER — IN — "PLAYMATES" When Kay Kyser and John Barrymore get together prepare yourself for laughter. Also "Letter From Home" WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and fam- ily moved on Friday to London where he is working for the next few weeks, before going to Grand Bend for the summer. A W.M.S. tea was held at the home nzof Mrs. Mac Ross on Friday last. The following from a distance at- tended the Wilson - Mowbray nuptials on. Saturday: Mr. Jack Norman from Toronto University; Air Gunner Mc- Kenzie Mowbray, and his pal, Sgt. Scottie Miller, from the Ferry Bomber School at Dorval, Que.; Mr. Tom Wil- son, who is at an Air Bombing School at Mont Joli, Que.; and Miss Agnes Wilson, Reg, N,, who is at home for a week before taking a position in Mount Sinia Hospital, Toronto; also friends from Teeswater, Lucknow and Wingham, and the bride's aunt, Miss Bertha Mackay, of Toronto. Mrs. Fred A. Robinson and son Freddie, who have been visiting with relatives in Goderich, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. landing in the field. west of the barn tat on the farm of Mr, Albert Campbell, boundary line between East and West Wawanosh, On securing his direc- tions an instructor was called from the Goderieh Airport. On his arrival the plane was able to be taken off on its a own power, going to Goderich to be refueled before going back to Grum— lin, W, H, Campbell was a Strat- ford visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mr. Wm, McDowell, were London visitors on Tuesday, ., Mr. Norman Rodger and Mr. Fred Cook, of Cochrane, are spending this week with the former's brother, Mr., Emmerson Rodger and other friends. N N N N U U U U n N U N N N N N N iiimmus1nummitiallt1115-ihessmixans11ssE111111,111SINKIIKIIIIIII•12111111111111111111111,111KINHIKIIKIMIIMINI NI atli LADIES' COATS DRESSES SUITS MEN'S TOPCOATS SUITS QUALITY • • HANDBAGS