HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-02-19, Page 4FOR SALE - Good eight room house and lot known as Lot Number Three on the north side of . Howick Street in th,. Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, belonging to the estate of the late John Ben- neberg, Apply to A. H. ,McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario; Solicitor for the Executors. FOR SALE - Double house on John Street. Nicely situated. Price $1465 for cash. Apply F. J. Mooney. HOUSE FOR 4SALE - formerly Davis home, good cellar, furnace, garage, newly decorated. Apply on premises. LOST - Black Cocker Spaniel, ans- wers to "Tag." Reward. Phone 91 Mrs. J. H. Crawford, Wingham. WANTED - Capable girl as cook- general for family of two adults, and two school girls. Permanent position. In answering please state age, salary expected and what ex- perience you have had. Mrs. Gerald Walker, 179 Douglas Drive, Tor- onto. WANTED - Man with car Route experience preferred but not neces- sary to start. Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-453-M-B, Montreal, Canadi., CARD OF OPPRECIATION Mrs, Wesley Underwood desires to thank all those who so kindly remem- bered her during her long illness in the Listowel Hospital, Gifts of flowers, frnit and cards were very much ap- preciated. CEDAR POLES WANTED - 30 feet by 7 inch top; 35 feet by 7 inch top; 40 .feet by 7 inch top. Apply to H. Campbell, Wingham Utilities Commission, Hydro Shop, Wing- ham. FEMALE'llELP WANTED - Din- ing-room girl; apply Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph, Ontario. FOR SALE - Pure bred Hereford bull, serviceable age, grandson of famous Gay Monk, also some young Boars of serviceable age. Apply to Frank Thompson, R. R. No. 5, Wingham, 620R34. FOR SALE-- A number of calves. George H. Tervit, Phone 632R3. FOR SALE - Two geese and one gander. Apply James R. Cothes, 629R11, R. R..5, Wingham. . FOR SALE - Good 1* storey brick house, Howick St„ Wroxeter, 1/5 acre of land, frame garage and .stab- le. Apply H. J. Wylie, Wroxeter. entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this third day of February, A. D. 1942. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of Alexander Bruce late of the. Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, retired Farmer, who died on or about the 4th day of July, A. D. 1941, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 7th day of March, A. D. 1942, full particulars of their claims in .writing. Immediately after the said 7tli day of March, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then, have notice.. DATED this 17th day of February, A. D. 1942. J. H, CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Executor WROXETER WALKERTON TOOK INDIANS 8 - 7 Bee-Gees Pulled a Surprise When `They Took First Game of Series It was a surprise to local fans when Walkerton Bee-Gees set 'the Indians back `on their heels in the Bruce County town, Thursday evening. They did not have a big margin as the score was 8-7 but so confident were the Wingham supporters that they could not understand how the Walkerton club did it. Walkerton played a much improved game scoring 5 goals in the first period. The fans here are still confident that the Indians will• take the round. (goals to count). McCarter of Walkerton pulled the hat trick in the first period with three goals and an assist. Doughty and Schnurr got the other tallies, For Wingham Foster, Ronal& and Proc- tor beat Caruso. Ronalds, centre man of the Hanover 'Transports played for the Indians under the soldier replace- ment rule taking the place of Iva Bird. He played a swell game an should be a valuable addition to th club, Before the Indians could get an other counter Walkerton scored tw more in the second to make it 7-3 The Indians kept right in there, an notched two goals before the patio ended, one by Proctor and a nice pla with Mated and Cordick; the other b Small on a combined effort with W Johnston and Rortaids. When the third period.was slightly mote than half over the game 'was all tied tip IA Johnston and Poster doin the trick with ttonalds getting an as sist in eacit ease. Dudgeon too d e o d y Thursday, February 19, 104Z 'AG 1- OUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES • FOR SALE - 100 acres clay loam.- soil, good buildings, 'crater syStem in stable, about five acres hard maple bush, five acres fall wheat, one mile from pavement, town two Miles, school half mile, hydro available: Box M. Advance-Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons 'having claims against the estate of Alexander MacEwen late of the Township of Morris , in the County of Huron, 'Farmer, who died on or about the sikth day of January, alter). 1342, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, "Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-first day of Feb- ruaty ' A. D. 1942, full particulars of their claims itt writing. Immediately After the said twenty-first day of Feb- WOrnen'S Missionary Soddy tolls the assets of the said testator , , Will be distributed antOrlast the Patties The February meeting W.M. PLAN FOR YOUR Poultry Needs NOW! We are in a positiOU to serve you with your poultry requirements but act now while stocks are at hand. BROODER STOVES Coal, burning (complete with hood) . , $12.00 Jamesway oil burning . . $24.50 Brooder stove pipe 5 inch - 30 inch length ... 33c Poultry feeders .... , , . 30c, 55c, $1.25, $2.35 Water fountains . 55c, 75c, $2.25, $4.45 CROSS CUT SAWS Pioneer or Keystone . .. Improved Racer or Simonds STAINTON Hardware Mr. Will Scott of Charlton, New Ontario was a visitor last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Elliott. Mr. Will. Cameron of Arcola. Sask., was a -visitor with Mr. George and Miss Ellen MacEwen part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams are s,pending, a, few days with friends in Detroit. Mrs. B. Martin spent a few days last week with London friends. Miss Gladys Weir spent the week- end with her parents at Salem. Dr. I. P. and Mrs. Campbell, of Durham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. J ,Allen on Sunday, Friends here will learn with regret that Mr. Murray, C. P. R. agent and Mrs. Murray are leaving town having secured a position in the Barrie dis- trict, Mr, Bill Martin, Hamilton, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. B. Martin. Rev. J. L. Foster, United Church, had charge of morning devotions over 'CltNX Monday morning of last week. He was assisted by Mrs. Charles Mc- Cutcheon as soloist. Mrs, Eldred Nichol, 4th line Turn- berry, was hostess to the war workers group of the 4th line on Wednesday of last week. The afternon was spent quilting. S. S. No. 1, Turnberry, Douglas SciMol, held a very successful dance and social evening on Friday last. Pro- ceeds were for patriotic purposes. Now An. Army Chaplain The congregation of St. James Anglican Church gathered at Sunday evening service to bid farewell io their Rector, Rev. J. L. Ball, who is leaving to take up duties as a chaplain,,in the Army and will be stationed at Tor- onto for the present, Mr. Ball who has been granted leave of absence, in his address told of the need of chaplains in the army and asked his congrega- tion to be loyal to their church, ex pressing his appreciatics of their kindness and co-operation2Daring the : service, a collection plate placed in: e.church by Miss Margaret Grif- itli in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith, was dedicated. Day of Prayer Friday be women of this community are invited to attend the prayer service on Friday afternoon of this week, Feb- ruary 20th at 3 p.m., in the United Church School Room. The meeting is divided in four parts the leaders being, Mrs. Sherk representing the Anglican Church; Mrs. Sanderson, the Presby- terian; Mts. Gowdy, Salem and Mrs. Wearring, the tufted Church. $4.95 $7:95 S. was held. on Thursday, February 32.,, at the home .)f Mrs,. G. A, Wearring, Mrs. Gilbert Howes was in charge and opened by iepeating a poem followed by the hymn, Standing at the Portal,. Psalm 729-was repeated responsively. Savious lige. a Shepherd Lead Us, was the second hymn. Mrs, Howes led in prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, The Missionary hymn, In Christ there is _no East or West, was sung, Mrs. I-Ioaves gave a very inter- esting resume of the first chapter of the Study Book ,adding interest by conducting a qitiz on China, which brought a Instructive discussion by the .xuernb'ers, The Morning Light is Breaking, was sung, The Roll Call was a Verse of a faverite'hymn. The presis tient took charge of the business per- kid., suggestio not way and means to help the Temperance cause was dis- cussed. A. letter of appreciation for donations to the Mission Band from their secretary, Gilberta Howes, was read. An invitation to hbld the March meeting at the home of Mrs. Knight was accepted. Saviour Breathe an ev- ening Blessing was the closing hymn followed by the Mizpah Benediction. when they had the advantage were successful in, keeping the Indians off the score sheet. wALKEIvrox-pal, Caruso; de- fence,, Grant and Paddon; eentre, Doughty; wings, Schrum and Duos. eon; alternatives, McCarter, *orthing- too, Craig, Trushinski, Richaedson, WINGRAM - goal, •Riggins; de- fence, Small and English; centre, Proctor; wings, Nichol, Greer; altern- atives, Ronalds ,Foster, W. Johnston, G, Johnson, Cordick, Referee, E, Brill, Guelph. 1st Period No Score, Penalties-Ronalds, .Craig, Proctor. 2nd Period No score Penalties-Craig. 3rd Period /No score Penalties,,English, W. Johnston, BANTAMS LOST - TO LUCKNOW Lost 4-1 Here And 4-0 In The Sepoy Town sons, spent Sunday :afternoon with her parentsAfr. and Mrs. Edward Barn- ard. • Mr. Melville Mathers was sick with the flu last week and getting better again, Miss Isabel McKinnon, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McKinnon, Bluevale Mr.1George Wheeler .of the air force- has been visiting with his father and aunt and uncle on the first line and with other friends, We were sorry to hear Mr. Arthur Wheeler has not been very well. We hope he will soon be better again, GLENANNAN Miss Annie Campbell of thost - River, is at present spending a few days with her father, Mr, W. 5, Camp- bell. Bdr. Stewart Jeff ray, of Camp Bor.; den, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Jeffray. Mr, Bill Tiffin of Grand Bend, was a week-end guest with his wife, Mrs. Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stokes: Mrs,. Mulvey who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dave Eadie for the past couple of weeks has returned to her home. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos.'Stok$ and little daughte„r spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Anson Thorn- ton, Gorrie. Mr, .Donald Fortune, R,C.A.F., of Paulson, Man., is spending a few days leave at his home here. Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe was a week-end guest with her mother, Mrs. T. R. Bennett, Wingham. BORN MERKLEY - In Wingham, on Sun- day, February 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merkley, of Wingham, a son. MIDGETS STOPPED - MILVERTON TEAM Local Lads Won 11-7 ,On The Round Behind the swell goal tending ,of Pete McLeod the Midgets again took the Milverton team this time by a 6-4 score, 6Having won in Milverton this puts the local lads in the lead by 11-7 on the round. They will now ad- vance out of the group. The game here on Wednesday was a big surprise to many fans as they did not expect to see such a fast ex- hibition of hockey and it was just that., Milverton have a fast skating outfit, but Wingham had a stout defence and know what to do with the puck when the opportunity was presented. MILVERTON - goal, Toinan; de- fence, C. Kipfer, Yost; centre, Zim- merman; wings, Baires, Romney; al- ternates R. Kipfer, Palmer, Barker, Schenk. WINGHAM - Goal, McLeod; de- fence, Bud Lockridge, Edgar; centre, Hilbert; wings, Templeman, Bell; al- ternates, Ernest, Lloyd, Yoeman, Hoffman, Walker, Ohm. Referee, Geo. Shuman, ,Milverton. INDIANS PASS OUT OF THE PICTURE (Continued from page one) defensive game but their star perform- er was Caruso. Mel. Riggins of Kincardine was in front of the twine for the Indians and he made no mistakes as the score would indicate. He did not have as many shots to stop as Caruso but he handled most difficult ones with the ease of a veteran. Heaslip who has been in the net all season has a very bad leg. During the past number of years we have written many obituaries and the feeling that we have is like that when we think of the loss of this game. It is hard to tell of the sparkling plays that were made when one is in that frame of mind, but there were many of them. The fani nearly -went wild during the first, as the Indians literally stormed the Walkerton end of the rink. They had a good 75 per cent of the play in this period. Walkerton in the first minute of play appeared very confident and started right to work but the Indians soon took over and they did everything but put the old boot heel in the twine. The Indians worked like trojans and every man on the team except the goalie were in scoring position but were beaten by Caruso or the sticky ice held them to long in their play. In the second period the Indians again dominated the play probably not as tau& as in the first canto but they were on top most of the way but again they failed to btildge the net. It seem- ed just a matter of time when the break would tome but the period went by and no dice. The 13ee Gets had more play in the last period than they had at any other time during the game but at that the Indians ,dornitated the play by a mar- gin that should have spelled goals but the period wore on and it apparently Was not in the bnokt for the team to get a break and Walkerton playing defence. and only taking the offensive BE • • Let's "We we more and to pay the only to borrow borrow New said; the . THE JOB MUST As Winston Churchill out of the savage We can't beat better weapons. And the only ons is to raise Other than by this money is , way for. Canada EVERYBODY So-lend your VICTORY Hanna Men's Store DONE BONDS! Co. Liintted do it! can beat the life have more and , better weap- for them.. , . way to raise it. 'The only enough, is for Ladies' Store Buy Nazis", them unless way to get the money taxation, for Canada to to lend. share and , & . .. - a ---.-.. Doughty's pass and put the Bee-Gees one up and for the eight' minutes of the game there was no' more scoring. "Chesty" Evan BrillEof Guelph was the referee and he appears to be making quite a hit in this group. ' • WALKERTON - Goal, Caruso; defence, Paddon and Grant; centre, Doughty; wings, Dudgeon and Worth- ington; subs, Schnurr, Craig, McCar- ter and Schmaltz. WINGHAM - Goal, Heaslip; de- fence, English and Small; centre, Nichol; wings, Proctor and Cordick; subs, W. Johnston, Foster, Greer, Ronalds and G. Johnson. . Referee - E. Brill, Guelph. * * * * 1st Period 1. Walkerton, Doughty (Dudgeon) ------------- .50 2. Walkerton, McCarter (Craig) -----_____-_-. 8.20 3. Wingham, Foster (Ronalds)...11.05 4. Wingham, Ronalds (W. Johnston) ..12.05 5. Walkerton, McCarter 15.35 6. Wingham, Proctor (Nichol) -15.55 7. Walkerton, S. Walkerton, Penalties 9, Walkerton, don) ' 10, Walkerton, (Dudgeon) 11. Wingham, ol, Cordick) 12. Wingham, Johnston, Penalties geon, McCarter. 13. Wingham, 14. Wingham, 15. Walkerton, (Doughty) Penalties Small. All good taught, or and human Baker Eddy. Carter) (:Schnurr)'' (Ronalds) .Schnurr (Mc- .16.55 McCarter . - Foster, Padden. 2nd Period ' ' Dudgeon (Pad- 4.4C Doughty ..--...-------..- 9.4C Proctor (Nich- ______-_. 9.45 Small (W. Ronalds) ------...13.35 - Cordick, Doughty, Dud. 3rd Period W. Johnston . 5.16 Foster (Ronalds) _12.56 Dudgeon ....--__________13.20 - Schnurr, G. Johnston, that ever was written, wrought comes from "God faith in the right.-Mary i„ic) daelo , 11P07411114 . c-'.410Pt•--- .: W otko, A _ „,....-- ---1__ - iviii 7 6cfcii NEW CANADIAN tl CHEESE lb. 32c CLOVER LEAF COHOE SALMON (tall tin) ... 29 C 1/2 lb. ..-.... 17c MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag 85c. 7 lb......-..... 29C ' CATELLI'S PRODUCTS PORK AND BEANS 3 20-oz. tins 25c cooKgp 3 15-oz. tins 25c BROAD OR FINE Noodles 2 8-oz. pkgs. 19c GOLDEN TIP ‘ TEA Spaghetti 89c (in handy canister) FRY'S Cocoa 4-oz. 8-oz. 16-oz. 11,i 19c '31c -McCormick's Bingo Cookies Lb. . . -. -......- 17c Soda ....... Pk. lec OLD COLONY Maple Syrup 16-oz bit 32-oz. btl. 32.c 59c Aylmer Choice . TOMATOES 2 26-oz. tins - 23c Bulk Rice, - lb. 9c Ready Cut Macaroni ... 4 lb 19c Tin KETaH SALMONA0 Clover T ening 0 i A im Leaf Curried Salmon, tall tin 29c Domestic Short- 1 lb. pkg. 19c Organdie Toilet Tissue ...,,,..- roll 5c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES (sweet ANOp.p1ler .7. !N.G.. . TEXAS Grapefruit 5c FRESH 2 lbs. Rhubarb . . 23c 4 lbs 25c I NEW Cabbage NEW Carrots and juicy) LLAeRttGuEceRE" lb. 7c 2 bunches. . . : 17c doz. 25c 2. for 19c FRESH Spinach 2 lb 10c WAXED Turnips 2%c lb. DUE TO WAR TIME, CONDITIONS NO ORDERS UNDER* $1.00 WILL B1 DELIVERED e l I 1 NV AI CI:AO R 1r GE's CAOSmTEA ON BUY VICTOItY BONDS' AUCTION SALE To close the estate of the late Alex- ander Bruce, his house in the Village of Belgrave will be offered for sale by Public auction subject to a reserved bid, on. Friday, February 27th, 1942, at 2 p.m., at the premises in Belgrave. This property is described as Park Lot 62, McCrea's Survey and contains 11/5 acres. On the property is a stuc- coed house with kitchen and woodshed addition. There is also a henllouse on the property. TERMS: 10% cash on day of sale and balance within 30 days thereafter. Further particulars will be made !mown on the day of sale or may be bad upon application to the under- signed, DATED this 17th day of February, 1942. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Executo THOS. FELLS, Wingbann Ontario, Auctionee • Winston Churchill Topic Miss Kay Nicklin presided over the weekly meeting of the Y. P. U. and opened with the hymn, Land of our Birth. Jean Gowdy led in the General Confession followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture read- ing was given by Gladys Weir who chose Romans, chapter 13 verses 1-9. Doris Galbraith gave the Topic "Our Great Empire Leader. Bishop Heliers, hymn, From Greenlands Icy Mount- ains followed. Plans were made for a skating party and an invitation exten- ded to members of the Gorrie Y. P. U, to be guests. Committees in charge of arrangements are as follows: pro- gram Committee, Jack Maclean, Craw- ford Gibson,. Jack IMeighen, Kay Nick- lin; lunch. committee, Mildred Hem- ing, Norma Brown, Isabel McMichael, Gladys Weir. The singing of the hymn, 'The Day Thou Gavesn'and the Mizpah Benediction brought the meet- ing to a close: • RED CROSS NOTES Successful R. C. Supper Much appreciation is due Mrs. J. Sangster and Mrs. V. Denny and their committee on the success of the sup- per given on Wednesday evening last in the Red Cross Rooms. $40.00 was taken at the door and during° the sup- per hour a draw was made on the turkey donated 'by Miss Nellie Ball, $23.25 was realized by the sale of the tickets. Edith MacDonald ,,made the draw, Mrs. Chapman of Gorrie being the lucky prize winner. The executive of the local Red Cross wish to thank all those who assisted in any way to make the evening a success. , Donations Received The executive of Wroxeter Red Cross branch wish to acknowledge a gift of $25.00 from the group of work- ers on the 6th line of Turnberry, This group also recently donated $20.00 to British War Victims. Enjoy Skating Party Members of the and their leaders enjoyed a skating party on Thursday night last. The party return- ed to the home of Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foster where refreshments were en- joyed and a social hour spent. MORRIS Social Evening Held by War Workers A very successful Valentine Social evening for the Red Cross, under the auspices of the Ladies Patriotic Circle of the second line of Morris, East, was held at the home of Graham Campbell, Friday evening the'13th of February. The evening -Was spent in progres- sive euchre and other games. The win- ners for the euchre were Helen Turvey' and Earl Sellers; for the games Helen Sellers and Wm. Balfour for the high- est points. Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Jno. MacDonald, consolation prizes. After lunch a sing-song was enjoy- ed with Miss Jessie Strachan at the piano. ,Solos were contributed by Ross Smith accompanied by Mrs. M. Smith, An old time custom was revived by the guests coming in sleigh loads. Dave MacLennan had the largest load and came the farthest, seven miles with twenty-two passengers. Proceeds amounted to $21:15. The ladies of the second line, East, Patriotic Circle, were 'the first in the tomniuttity to orgaliize for war work commencing with the homes on their telephone Circuit, early last spring, and have done good work throughout the year. tater these small groups have commenced in surrounding ,districts, The contributions are sent to the Jamestown war 'workers to be sent on the Salvation Army for distribu. • The ladies wish to thank those Who came and made the evening a utcess. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton and n Wilson and Mrs. Jack Wickstead ttended the funeral of a relative at ardint on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and HOCKEY NOTES Durham defeated Owen Sound Mon- day night at Durham 7-5 but lost the round 17-9 as the Orphans won 12-2 in the first of the home and home series. • * * * Walkerton and Oxen Sound will now battle it out for the group championship. Walkerton are an im- proved team with.the addition of Craig but we call the Orphans to top the series. * * * * * Lloyd R.onalds of Hanover who played with he Indians in the series against Walkerton was a very useful player. * * * * The Midgets are the only team that we have left in the running. Turn out and give them your support. * * * * The Indians certainly pUt their ef- fort into the game Monday evening but that ice condition was too much for them, Bantam Hockey W. L. T. Pts. Lucknow Clinton 2 2 0 4 Wingham 1 3' 0 2 Final Standing The Bamtain Lions lost two 'games to Lucknow laSt week and this put them in the cellar of the group. On Wednesday night they went down here by a 4-1 score and-at the Sepoy town on. Friday lost 4-0. They were better than the score indicated and never gave up trying. They were the lighter of the teams in their group and the, experience this year should stand them in good stead for next year. Lucknow have a nice skating outfit and their greatest threat are the two chinese Chin boys. Wingham - Goal, Ross Johnston; defence, M. Brown, C. Lee; centre, W. Kress; wings, Seli, Edgar; alternates, Templernan, Lockridge, Stainton, Towne, Sibthorpe, Ernest. LucknoW - Goal, B. Johnston; de- fence, Joe Agnew, W. Johnston; cen- tre, G. Chin; wings, A. Chin, Gordon Miller; alternates, Jack Forrest, .H. Culbert, B. Allen, K. McLellan, H. Ross. B5MTSIIMI:mtvun