HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-02-12, Page 8of the topic:, and gave a talk on Bun-
' yan Pilgrims Progress,. Mr, and
Mrs. Garnet Farrier sang a duet, and
the meeting was Closed with the Miz-
pall Benediction, Carman Farrier was
in charge of the recreation period that
To Attend Meeting in Blyth
Mrs. A, Porterfield entertained the
Women's, Missionary Society of Knox
Presbyterian Church on the occasion
of their February meeting. There was
a good attendance, The president, Mrs..
J ,Scott presided.
.Mrs, 5. Dunbar read the Scripture,
Mrs, W. 3. Geddes and Mrs. Porter-
field led in prayer. The Roll Call was
answered with a verse on 'Service,"
Mrs, Dunbar read clippings from the
Glad Tidings Paper. Mrs. A. Young
and Mrs, Porterfield were appointed to
meet with committees from the oother
local churches to arrange for Day of
Prayer, Allocation for bale was ac-
cepted, to consist of clothing for a girl.
The Auxiliary will attend a meeting
at Blyth in April to hear Miss Pelton,
Field Secretary, The hostess served
Trinity Elects Officers
The February meeting of Trinity
Anglican Guild was held Thursday
afternoon at the home of Miss Eliza
Procter. tat‘
The rector, Rev. P, H. Streeter op-
ened the meeting with a short devot-
ional service, 'Mrs. John McGill con-
ducted the business. Reports were
given, the treasurer's report showing
receipts of $137.53 for 1941. Fifteen
quilts were quilted during the year.
Mrs. R. Procter and Mrs. Wade were
appointed to meet with committees to
arrange for Day of Prayer.
Officers elected: Honorary Pres.,
Mrs..P. H. Streeter; Pres, Mrs. J.
McGill; Sec'v., Mrs. R. Procter; Treas,
Mrs. C. McCrea; Convener of Flower
Fund, Mrs. Thomas Shoebottom;
Quilt Committee, .Mrs. D. Armstrong,
Mrs. R. McCrea; Visiting Committee,
Miss Eliza Procter, Mrs. R. McCrea;
Auditors, Mrs. C. Nethery,. Mrs. W.
A special activity for 1942 will be
a Birthday Copper Contest.
The March meeting will be at Mrs.
D. Armstrong's when there will be a
Penny Auction Sale. Mr. Streeter
closed the meeting after which lunch
was served by the hostess and asocial
hour enjoyed.
Women's Groups Held Joint Meeting
A joint meeting of the Women's
Missionary Society and Women's As-
sociation of Knox United Church was
held in, the basement of the church.
Mrs. John Anderson was in charge of
the.• Worship Service, based on the
theme, The Bible, Our Guide to
Christian Faith and Conduct. The
hymn Lord, Thy Word Abideth, was
sung. The nineteenth psalm was read
responsively and prayer of Thanks-
giving for the Bible was given by Mrs.
H. Campbell. Scripture reading was
taken by Mrs. S. Procter. Mrs. G.
Martin, Mrs. C. Procter, Mrs. N.
Keating, Mrs. R. Chamney led in pray-
er. Mrs. j, Miller gave a paper entit-
led, The _Chinase People Rise, from the
study book. The president, Mrs. J.
Wheeler conducted the business. Mrs.
H. Campbell and Mrs. N. Keating
were appointed to conduct worship
service and take study book at March
meeting. Mrs. J. Wheeler and Mrs. iL
Miller were appointed to meet with
Anglican and Presbyterian ladies to
arrange for Day of Prayer. Quilt
blocks were brought in. It was decid-
ed to subscribe for additional copies
of World Friends for Mission Band.
The meeting was given over to the
president of Women's Association,
Mrs. S. Procter who asked all to re-
peat the Lord's Prayer in unison, Re-
ports were given. Holiday Bells are
completed and distribution almost
completed. It was' decided to have a
shower .of salt and pepper shakers for
use at Church Supper, brought to the
March meeting. The meeting closed
with a hymn and the Mizpah Bane-
When Mrs. Gordon Elliott Ind
Mitchell, were returning home from
church on Sunday morning with the
cutter and team, Elliott got out to help
a neighbour who was stalled with his
car near the village, Mrs. Elliott said
she would drive on home, and, Mitchell
could follow when they got the car
started. When turing the corner onto
the Division Line, a car came up from
behind her, and ran into the cutter.
shoving it along the road, the tongue
broke off, and the team ran for home.
Mrs.,Elliott received a bad shaking up
but is recovering from the shock.
The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
Church are holding their meeting on
Thursday, February 12, and the Day
of Prayer will be held there on Friday,
Here's News About
Battery Radios
Your Last Chance On
These Sets
We still have a few
General Electric and
Marconi Battery radios.
This is your last chance
to procure one of these
fine sets as they are not
being manufactured at
Priced $33.95 up
complete with batteries
Also featuring a few
Westinghouse Electric
n personal sets.
WH E N you buy Victoiy Bonds you are lending
money to Canada to provide weapons for the' men who
are doing the actual fighting.
LET us make possible, by lending our money, weapons
that are equal or superior to those of the enemy . . .
"Given equal weapons" said Mr. Churchill, "we can beat
the,life out of the enemy!"
O U R fighting men can do it! And we at home can
help . . . But only if each of us does our share by lending
our dollars to Canada to the very limit of our ability.
That means that we must buy as many Victory Bonds
as each of us can—not next month, next year,. but Ncv!
Woman's Association, George Thorn-
ton for stewards of the church and
the session report was given by Rev.
C. Tavener, Miss Emma Johnston for
the Y.P.U. The play which was pre-
sented with so much success, realized
$175.30. The treasurer, Charles John-
son, reported the finances. Receipts
were $1,884.50. Contributions to the-
Missionary and Maintenance fund'were
The congregation voted to have ser-
vice at 11.00 a.m. Robert Shaw gave
an address of'appreciation of the work
of Mr. and Mrs. Tavener and the org-
anist, Mrs. W. 3. Johnston.
The February meeting of the St,
Helens Women's Institute was held in
the CorTnunity Hall with an attend-
ance of 30. Mrs. Ball presided and
the Roll Call was responded to by a
Valentine verse. The. completed auto-
graph quilt 'was displayed and it was
decided to sell tickets in" the com-
munity and to make the draw at
Progressive Euchre party on Feb-
ruary 27. Letters of thanks for .boxes
received for Christmas were read from
Alex. Phrves, Ed. Martin and Harold
Humphrey. Mrs. Stanley Todd gave a
very fine talk on Peace Echication.
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour" was
the titlte of an article read by Mrs. i
W. A. Miller and "My Son" by ,Mrs.
McKenzie Webb. A musical 'contest
was followed by lunch with Mrs. Gor-
don and Mrs. W. I. Miller as host-
Service will be held in' the United
Church next Sunday at 12 a.m.
H a selgrove's
London Style
Special Pipe
Still the Old Price
hi In .1
Smith's Economy Food Store
Thursday) FObruary12, 1942
Show Starts at 8,00 p.m., Except Saturday
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 12, 13, 14
— In
"Hold Back the Dawn /7
-Also "News', —
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2,30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 16, 17, 18
— Double Bill —
"Henry Aldrich for President"
— And —
Thurs. - Sat., Feb. 26 - 28
The Marx Brothers
— In —
"Go West"
Mon. - Wed., March 2 - 4
Robert Young Hedy Larnarr
— In --
"H. M. Pulham Esq."
February 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay re-
ceived a telegram on Saturday stating
that their son, Angus and his wife and
two children, Ian Donald and six
months old baby daughter were leav-
ing Bombay for home on Furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Mackay were home on
furlough seven years ago. This com-
munity will await their arrival here
with interest, and the hope for a safe
passage over the troubled seas.
Mr. Harold Goyeau of Windsor,
who was making a trip to Owen Sound
with a big truck load of cars, visited
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Aldin
Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw of Grand Bend
spent the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Clifford Farrier, who is attend-
ing military school at Galt, spent a
short week-end leave at his home here.
Douglas and Marie Sparling of
Wingham, spent the week end with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Beecroft of
Otterville, spent the week-end with
his father, Mr. John Beecroft.
Mrs. John Kennedy has been under
the Doctors care during the past week.
Arthur Laidlaw, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Robt. Laidlaw, has been laid up
with an attack of measles.
The W. M. S. of the United Church
held a tea at the home of Mrs. Russel
Gaunt on Wednesday last.
A fire-alarm was sent in from here
last Tuesday night, when a coal-oil
stove exploded at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Rhys Pollock. By the use
of fire extinguishers, it was put tinder
control, and the stove itself was re-
moved outdoors.
The regular weekly meeting of the
• Y.P.U. of the 'United Church, was
held on Wednesday last with Minn
Moore in the chair and giving the call
to worship. Miss Myrtle Yuill read
the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Duffy
led in prayer. The theme. of the meet-
ing was "Faith" and Mrs. Jas, Fal-
coner gave a reading; on Faith. Miss
Mildred lleClenaghan was in charge
Hanna & Co., Limited
Closing Dates February Sale
Feb. 12, 13, 14
gave on Men's Suits, Overcoats,
Boys' Clothing and Furnishings
Final Day, Sat. Feb. 14th
Miss Mina Bryan's, Miss Edith \Val-.
lace, Miss Dorothy Golley and Miss •
Margaret Coulter, Two Delgrave girls
attending the School took special part, •
Miss Barbara Miehie was on the re-
ception committee and Miss Edith
McClenaghan took part in a dance put
on by the Glee Club. ,
Daylight Saving Time was adopted!.
Sunday night with very little opposi-
tion throughout the conmmity. Some
schools appear' undecided as to wheth-
er to adopt it or not, which is making
it very confusing for music super-
visor's and parents as well,
A social gathering was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter
in aid of the Junior Red Cross of the
Stone School. The groups numbering
about fatuity enjoyed games and a
sh9rt program. A collection.was taken
which realized $3.90 for the Society.
Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Powell of
Stratford, Mr, and Mas. Robert Powell
and ' Beth .of Blyth, visited recently
with Mr, and Mrs, A. Porterfield.
Mr. A. Porterfield spent Tuesday
in London. "
,Mrs. Murray Johnston and Mrs. A,
Taylor, Wingham, visited relatives.
here. •
Mrs, Victor Aitcheson and twin
boys Dick atfd Douglas, of Sudbury,
are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Aitch-
eson and family are moving to Wind-
sor in the near future.
Missionary . Group Met Thursday
Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen opened her
home on Thursday afternoon for the
monthly meeting of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of Knox Presbyterian
Church. The president, Mrs.-James El-
liott presided. The scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. Andrew Lamont and
Mrs. P. S. MacEwen led in prayer.
Mrs. F. G. Fowler conducted an im-
pressive installation service for the
1942 officers An appropriate reading,
"New 'Year Wishes" was given by
Miss Florence Fowler and Mrs. R. F.
Garniss read the Glad Tidings prayer.
Mrs. Ewart McKercher prepared the
topic from the study book "That to
which we are committed" which was
read by Mrs. Raymond Elliot, The
supply allocation was presented. Mon-
ey in place of supplies is asked for this
year, The president closed the meet-
Young People Met
The regular meeting of the Y. P.
U. of the United Church was held on
Thursday evening with 'the president
laetning Johnston in the chair. After
ill opening exercises, Helen Thomson
took charge of the meeting. George
Thomson read the scripture lesson.
Mrs. Earl Hamilton gave a fine paper
on "The Mennionites in Western Can-
ada" their habits, customs and relig-
ion. Repeating the Mizpah Benediction
brought the meeting to a close.
Church Services
At the morning service at the United
Church Rev. C. Tavener spoke from
the 23rd Psalm, Thou preparest a table
before Me in the presence of mine
Group Semi- Finals .
Monday, February 16th
Thurs. - Sat., Feb. 19 - 21
Pat O'Brien
Constance Bennett
-- In —
"Submarine Zone"
Mon. - Wed., Feb. 23 - 25
Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth
— In
`You'll Never Get Rich' _
Thursday Evenings
Saturday Afternoons
$ Saturday Evenings
R. A Reid R. O. Eyesight Specialist
Wingharn Office
At Williams' jewelry Store
tVery Wednesday Morning
9 to tgiton,
Communion service was observed in
Knox Presbyterian Church when Rev.
F. G. Fowler spoke on The signifi-
cance of the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper .
Two new members were received on
Profession of Faith.
The service next Sunday in both
churches will commence at 11.00
. The Woman's Association of the
United Church held the monthly meet-
ing in the Sunday School room. on
Thursday afternoon.
A short devotional and business
meeting was presided over by the
During the afternoon two Red Cross
quilts were quilted,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Greenway have
moved into, W. .5, Johnston's house on
the Wingham Road, lately vacated by
Bert Mann and family who have mov-
ed to Fordwich. Mr. Greenway will
continue in the employ of Lloyd and
Son, at Wingham.
Thomas Stevens of the mechanical
staff at Mahon is to be married on
February 14th to Marguerite Smale.
The reception will be held at Malton
Air Port. Mr. Stevens spent several
summers' in Bluogale at the home of
.Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke and bad
many friends.
Church Received Splendid Reports
The annual meeting -of the congre-
gation of Blueval'e and Ebenezer Unit-
ed church was held in the school
room on Wednesday night. After a hot
supper prepared by the Women's As-
sociation, proceedings opened with a
memorial service for departed mem-
bets, In 1041 eight -members died.
They were Susan, little daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, John
Perdue, William Holmes, William
Thornton, George Mathers, Joseph
Curtis, Thomas Stew-art, Mrs, Robert
Musgrove and since the beginning. of
this year, joint Mustard, Alexander
MacEwen and Mrs, Susan Morrison,
late of Lucknow.
The minister, Rev, 'Cannibal Tay-
elle, presided and Mrs, Edward John-
ston was secretary. Herbert Sheill was
elected to the board of trustees in
place of Alexander MacEwen.
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Bone -and
Charles Mallets reported for Ebenez-
er which -received •for all purposes
$559.95 -and has a. balance of -$20,98.
Reports, were brought in from all
departments, Mrs. W.- I. Johnston re-
ported for the choir, Mrs, S. N. Gall,
alter for the Baby Band, Helen Thom-
, son for the 'Sunday School, Muriel
• Smith for Mission Band, Mr's. J, Cur,:
tis for, the Wornart's, Missionary So.,
• ciety, Mrs, George ThOrnSon for the
COHOE SALMON tall tin 32c RAISINS ..... ..........., ..... .... 2 lbs. 27c
TOMATOES ..... ,....- ..... 2 tins 27c BULK RICE ,...... .. , . .......... ...... .. 10c
Peter Pan No. 3 Peas. 2 tins 25c
Tumbler Free ! ! Kellogg's Corn Flakes . . 3 for 27c
MACARONI 0. .. . .. -.. 5 lbs. 25c I APRICOTS .......... .. , .. . . ... ... lb. 43c
Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, family size , . a a . . . , 69c
Palmolive Toilet Soap 3 cakes 21c
CHEESE ....„, .....
.. -,—.... lb. 89c TOMATO EETCHUP bt. 18c
SHORTENING ............. lb. 18c WWII SPREADS
York Good Quality Bologna — . — — .
Maple Leaf Choice Head Cheese . . . . _ , . a
Maple Leaf Skinless Weiners . ,. . . , .. a a . _
. head 3.0e
ING APPLES 0 for 10c
GRAPE•PRUIT 5 for 25c
ONIONS ....—..,...‘ 4 lbs. 25e
ORANGES ._.........., dozen 25c
TURNIPS ................, each /c
tin 10c
lb. 21c
lb. 21c
lb. 29c,
Young People Held Social
A progressive crokinole social was
held in the United Church basement,
Wednesday night, arranged by the
Young Peoples Union, Eleven tables
were played. Prizes going to Mr, and
Mrs. A. Vencent, Mrs, Keating and
Kenneth Dunbar, Lunch was Served,
One verse of Blest Be the Tie That
Binds, and-prayer by Mr. Dunlop clos-
ed the meeting.
New Red Cross Quota
The Red Cross Society have accep.,
ted their new sewing quota consisting
of 20 pairs of stocks, 40 blouses for
girls 18 years, 20 pantie dresses, 10
coats, 10 hats, 20 pairs -of knee socks
for girls 4 years. The garments are
being cut out and sewing is ready fat:.
.Attended Nottnal "At 'Home"
Local school teachers attending the
annual "At' Home" eof the Stratford
Normal School rriday night include: