HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-02-12, Page 6*au Thureclay, February 12, 194Z WTNGI-TAU Ain ANm-Tams ada, for it le one of Donald Gordon's outstanding qualities that he can in, spire others with his own feelings and aspirations and lead them along with him in whatever must be undertaken. No defeatism, no faltering of faith in the ultimate outcome is found, The faith is simple and inspiring. As ,Gore don himself has said: can give you 50 reasons why this polieY Will not work. But, outweighing all these, is one imperative and impelling rear son why it must and will be ruede to work, The reason is necessity -- nat- ional necessity, urgent, dire, undeni- able •-•-; for the, survival of this coon. try and your homes and your families,. This 'confidence ,is strengthened by a knowledge of the Board's organize ation. The Board proper includes re- presentatives of Agriculture, Finance, Labour, Munitions & Supply, National evenueR and Trade .4 Commerce, Representatives of Business And Industry However in the application of the Board's policy it representatives of business' and industry who act; men who know the problems of the busin- ess or industry affected. For example, Hon. Gordon Taggart, Minister of Agriculture for Alberta,eheads up the foods division; E. G. Burton, a well- known retail executive, is Retail Ad- ministrator; a, baker heads up , the bakeries section of the food division; textile men apply the price ceilings to the textile industry; shoe men take, care of boot and shoe problems, etc. Practically all these Administrators and Coordinators are serving volun- tarily and thus business enforces the' price ceiling upon, itself, As Donald Gordon. has said, it is a great under- taking in self regulation by business. In my opinion it is the greatest under- taking of this kind that has as yet been attempted. . Rely, Upon Citizens' Loyality The Board's chief reliance for ob- servation of the price ceiling law is not so much upon any "machinery" of enforcement hut upon'the human` elee, went; upon the loyalty of .,‘Canadiera. Seed Rolls with a soapy cloth dipped in kerosene. 4. Powdered graphite is better for eylindricel 'Leeks than oil. Make graphite by reducing the lead frOni Pencil to powder. Atoi; papeT fun tie, then sift lead into loele end blow carefully. Pepper 1 cup finely grated carrot Gate the carrot and Add Onion and cooks together in the milk for ae to 1.0, minutes, Melt the butter in the top part of a double boiler and stir in the flour smooth. Stir into this .the heated milk. with carrot, and season, ings. and .cooic double boiler, stirring constantly until thick. Then :add ,grated cheese, Allow to .heat through for a minute or two and then serve, Cream of Onion Soup 4,4 medium sized. onions sliced and boiled in enough water to cover, Cook until soft, Drain and save any water that is, left over, Force the onion pU1P through the sieve, Add the ;onion puree (pulp) and water to cream soUp base Made from the following ingredients: 2 'talilespOons butter or other fat 2 tablespoons flour 4 ,cups milk • % teaspoon salt Melt butter, 'add flour and blend. Add milk and salt and cook in. top Of double boiler until slightly thielc. Corn Chowder 1 small onion sliced 3 tablespoons butter or - 3 slices fat bacon .chopped 2 tablespoons fItiur 3 cups cooked potatoes, cubed 2 cups canned corn 4 cups milk and potato•water Salt and pepper Chopped - parsley. Cook the sliced onion in the butter or with the bacon until slightly brown- ed. Then acid floirr and blend well. Add milk, potatoes, corn and potato water, Season to taste. Cook- 3 to 5- minutes. Garnish with chopped parsley just 'before serving. our Child Catches Cold Listen- Is . Your ois nin Liver ou? Sweetheart Cakes Cranberried. Pears Lunch. Scam Cheese Crunipete Red Raspberry Sherbet Love Birds * * RECIPES; •Cranherried Pears 6 winter pears 1 cup cranberries 14 cup brown sugar Ur cup water Peel and quarter the pears; arrange, in a baking dish. Wash and Pick over cranberries; pour over pears and sprinkle with the brown sugar, Add water, Cover and bake in an electric oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serve hot or cold. Serve with tinted-red whipped cream. Serves 6. Scam 5pieees of veal (breast) 2% cups tomatoes 1 cup uncooked rice • 1.1 cup chopped parsnips Salt and pepper Brown the pieces of meat in a skil- let pan. Combine rice, tomatoes and parsnips; season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour over the meat placed in a greased casserole or baking dish. Cover. Bake in an electric oven at 350 degrees for -V* hours, Serves 6. Sweetheart Cakes 2 tbs. baking fat 2tbs. butter 2e3 cup sugar 1 egg 1% cups flour 2 tsps. baking powder tsp, salt W cup milk % tsp, vanilla Cream fat; blend in segar and beat in egg. Add dry ingredients alternately with milk and -vanilla. Stir quickly-but do not beat 'after flour has been added. Drop by spoonfuls into greased drop cake tins. Bake in an electric oven at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. Yield 27 small, fluted cakes, Cut a heart-shap- ed bole from. the centre of a piece of writing paper, place it over a cake, spread with soft pink confectioners' icing, lift the paper and have the sten- cilled design on the cake, Red Raspberry Sherbet', 1pkg. raspberry jelly powder 2 cups 'water 2 cups red raspberries, canned or preserved. 1 cup fine sugar Juice of 1/2 orange Juice of 1 lemon Cook sugar and'water together for 5 minutes..Cool slightly and add the raspberry jelly powder, Dissolve thor- oughly. Cool until it begins to thick- en. Add berries (put through a sieve), orange and lemon juice. Blend thor- oughly, -Pour into...freezing tray and freeze until firm. Remove to a chilled bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Pour back into tray and freeze in the electric refrigerator'until firm. Serve in sherbet glasses and decorate with a white cocoanut strip moistened and shaped into a lover's knot. * * * Take a Tip: 1. To remove gum from carpet, hold a piece of ice over gum until it is hard enough to remove. Then loosen gum with dull edge of a knife. 2. When you wash hardwood floors, add 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. furniture polish to the water. Soap makes varnish surfaces and hardwood cloudy. 3. Marks. made by moving' heavy furniture can be removed by rubbing * * * QUESTION BOX Mrs, M. C. askse "Why do boiled onions look grey instead of white, even when they are just Cooked" Answer: Probably you cook them too long or too• Overcooking makes most white vegetables turn dark and lose their fresh flavour. Drop. onions into boiling salted water. Add a tablespoon of cooking fat. Turn tic,. rent to medium, Cook them until they are just tender, Miss J. D.. writes; "What does Tidied' flour eneen? Would you advo- cate using it for everything?" Answer; The' new flour is an lit- proved' flour, It contains two vitamins, Thiamine and Nicatinic acid and one mineral -- iron. It may also contain Vitamins B2 and D, and calcium and phosphorus, at the miller's option. Read label. Use for baking. • Mrs. B. N. C. writes: "Please send chart and description of named cuts, naming the various cooking methods." Answer; We trust that you have re- ceived these charts 1VIrs. C. Would homemakers making similar .inquiries please sign their name in full. • * * * * Anne Allen invites you to write to her c/o The Advance-Times, Just send in your questions on homemaking problems and watch this little corner of the coltunn for replies: Are you siCksrsd tired out every Morn-. al way constipated can't eat without Pain end distress? Your liver Is poisoning your system-permanent $11 health may be the multi ES Your liver is the largest organ in your body ' and most important to your health. It supplies energy To muscles, tissues and glands. If unhealthy, your body lacks this energy and becomes enfeebled-youthful vim disappears. Again your liver pours out bile to digest food, get rid of waste and allow proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order proper digestion and nourishment stop-you're poisoned with the waste that decomposes in your intestines. Nervous troubles and rheumatic pains arise from this poison. 'You become constipated, stomach and ithle4s can't' work properly. The whole system is affected and ypu feel rettent" head- achyt backachy, dirty, tired out-a ready prey for sickness and disease. Thousands of people are never sick, and have won prompt relief from these miseries with "Improved Fruit-a.tives Liver Tablets." The liver is toned up, the other organs function normally and lasting good health results. Today "Improved rrilit.a.tives" are Canada's largest selling liver tablets. They must be good! Try them yourself NOW' Let "Frint.a.tives" put you back on the road to lasting health-feel like a new person. 25c, 50c. MOP It Always flue New" since I was twelve 4,5r. I suffered from constipation and never felt well. I started rtaking and .can only say they gove Me wonderful relief. Every one Should try ,,Fruit-a- elves" and etiroy Ilfe as I do now.. I never been sick for years. Mrs. PTorence Williamson.. • Montreal, Que.. . -lister, millions of experienced mothers and relieve miseries with the IMPROVED Vicks treatment that takes only 3 minuted and makes good old Wks VapoRub give BETTER THAN EVER RESULTS! IT ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief. %les.VS AT ONCE 01.6 * PENETRATES to upper breathing passages I with soothing me, dielnal vapors. STIMULATES chest and %„ back surfaces like a 'A...Warming poultice, 7° "MG RUMP !IMO FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and. Iningreal,honeSt-to-goodnesscomfort. To get this improved treatment ... just massage Vapoltub for 3 minutes ON BACK as well as throat and chest, For Better Results then spread thick layer on chest and VICKS cover With warmed VAPOR cloth.,Try it! The Improved Way "Roe Down For Yon, Has Perfect I was badly 'run, down and terribly nervous.Mytligeti-tion was poor and. I was always con-stipated. "Fruit-. a- tivos" boons made me better* and there Is. nothing like it for' 110.ti• malting you welt • and giving you. new Pep and energy. After years. of bad health ""Truit-a-tives" made me feel line. • Mr. Roy Pailneut4Citathawit Ont. • VienIMIII=111.00•01o.M*11111.001111•11111INIMIIIIINIIIIN•••••=1011•101 citizens who •have always been ready to do their part in any undertaking that is necessary for a successful pros- ecution of the war effort. It was for this reason that the Board called upon the women of Canada whoI do 80% of all the consumer buying, to police themselves by keeping records of all the prices that they pay so that they will not pay , more than the ceiling Pried-the ceiling price is the highest, price that' •a merchant charged during the basic period of September 15th to October 11th. Emphasis is laid on breaks the law by the fact that the buyer who knowingly paying more than the ceiling price is just as guilty as the seller who charges more than his ceiling price and is equally. subject ; to fine and imprisonmerre.„ Enforcement of the "'price ceiling law will be in the bands oft. A. Mc,: Gregor, whose record as a 'commis- 'sioner under the Combines Investiga- tion Act ensures fair, judicialand ef- fective action. Each regional repree sentative will have an eriforeetn:ent of--" ficer, while the Weights and Measures inspectors across Canada willeaseist fel any, necessary investigations but Mr. McGregor prefers the word "confer- ence" to the word "investigation" and 'will urge that every effort be made to adjust complaints by cons,ultation. Two methods of enforcement are at hand for persistent offenders. One is prosecution in an 'established court. The other is suspension of the seller's licence-all .business has been place& under a blanket license by the Board: and specific licensing, will shortly be completed. Cancellation or suspension, of a licence is a swift, effective weapon because without licence 'no one may carry on business. However Mr, Me- Gregor does not contemplate much need for• such drastic action. Rather he relies upon the loyalty of Canadians for compliance-with the law. ''HE MIXING BOWL TESTED, RECIPES SOUPS THAT SATISFY My AMMII AUMIO NON News lloossoutsit VALENTINE GREETINGS! Hello Homemakers! It's February-' the shortest and often the chilliest mouth of the year, But it brings us St. Valentine's Day and we may comfort ourselves and our guests with a Val- entine party which calls for a "dress- up" frame of mind, and an evening of indoor games. . * * * * * Hearts set the theme, and red the colour scheme. Refreshments served on tables gaily decorated with red ,centrepieces and amusing, favours will please your guests. Your menu, too, can be planned to carry out the Val- entine spirit. e * Here are two menus we think you will like. The dishes are quite easy to prepare and good to eat--they will „make• your party complete. Luncheon Wedge'Salad with Pineapple Dressing WAR ON THE HOME FRONT, This is the fifth and final article of a series dealing with the Opera- ations of the, new price ceiling legis- lation and operations of the WarL time Prices and Trade Board, Writ- ten by Bruce, M. Pearce for the weekly press of Canada. One ends a sojourn with the War- time Prices and Trade BOard at Ot- tawa with a sense of having taken part in a great adventure: certainly with a sense .of having watched an ;ex- periment •on a stupendous scale,, of having witnessed the breaking of vir- gin, ground in an attempt to control a force - inflation - that has hitherto successfully defied the genius of every nation that has attempted to control it,, There is, no illusion among those who are setting and administrating the policy of the Board `as• to the nature of their undertaking. They' know that inflation has developed in every country that ever fought a major war; they' also know how ruinous its re- sults have been and they have set their teeth and toil at their desks from early morning until late at night; de- termined and confident. It is a quiet confidence, tinged with patience and good humour, and spiced by what the Chairman, Donald Gordon, calls "spontaneous ingenuity". It permeates the entire Birks Building in which the Board hag its head offices and extends through the Administrators' offices and regional offices throughout Can- Heads' S. B. Telephone South Bruce Telephone Company held their Annual' Meeting in Tees- water Town Hall. R. P. Scott of Cul- ress ToWnship was returned to the president's chair for his second term. Other -, officers for. '1942 are: Vice- Presa J. A: Johnston, Mildmay; See'y- Treas:,. S'chefter, Mildmay; Dir- ectors, Clark Renwick„ Henry, Lantz,. and Dave McDonald. .- Teeswater News. What could be more satisfying on these crisp, cold days, than a steam- ing bowl of rich cream soup? Combinations of Canadian vege- tables, fish or meat with all milk or milk and stock bases can form the main dish for a luncheon or supper. Cream soups are ideal for the children and present a simple way to include some of their daily milk quota. The Consumer Section, Marketing. Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture recommends the following recipes for cream soups and chowders. Cream of Lima Bean Soup 1 cup dried lima beans 3 cups water 2 tablespoons minced•oaion 1 stalk celery 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon butter or other fat Salt, pepper and any other des- ired seasoning. • Soak lima beans in water overnight. Add onion and celery and soak until soft. This takes from 1/2 to % of an hour. Heat milk in double boiler, add butter, salt, pepper and any other sea- soning desired. Force the beans, on- ions and celery through the sieve and add to the hot milk, Stir until thor- oughly heated and well blended. Garn- ish with chopped parsley or croutons. Cheese Soup with, Grated Carrot: 4 cups milk 2 or 3 slices onion 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoo'ns grated cheese 1 teaspoon salt MONUMENTS at First cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe- cution of high-class, work,, we ask you to see the largest display: of moms- tuents of any retail factory in Ontario. MI finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites, from the . Old Country quarries direct, in the, rough. You can save all local deal- ers', agents' and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & at West End Bridge-WALKERTON A. H. McTAVISH, B.A. I Teeswater, Ontario Business and Professional Directory • Barriste., Solicitor, Notary 'Public and Conveyancer Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120J. 1 WELLINGTON FIRE !insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policyhOld. ers for over a century. Head Office Toronto COSENS & BOOTH, Agents Wingham J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Money To Loan. Office - Meyer Block, Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Successor to J. M. McKague PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario. !SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of 'the late Dr. 3. P. Kennedy. Phone 150 Wingham By J, SCO i • J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Bonds, 'Investments & Mortgages Wingharn Ontario DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 11.00.4 U I Paihi 04e . SW C50111 LT ET E LA L E'-T\ A.DS C E 5 tmugiE NT C EK E 1:25 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 6. Chinese 25. Brazilian 1. Vase 5 P7s.7 E 1 E L E P I N L'E A 14 D I A N 111111a=.0.11.114011.1.41•••••=1 L money coin 4. Lizard 7. Vehicle t7. Paddle T. Light boat 8. Babylonian 29. Decode 9. Watered god 32. Demands silk 10. Border payment 12. Handles 11, Compass 36, Exist 13, Seat of eon- point (abbr.) 38. Otte who faits to Win 39. Before (naut.) 40. Padding far hair 41, Female sheep 42. Woven strip ' J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY , RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 Wirighs.m HARRY FRYF OGLE Licensed Embalmer and ° Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance'.'Service. • Phones: Day 109W. Night 1091 G CT E E R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Office Morton. Block. Telephone 60 OR N F T A A S t }r III III Mige . 17.1;14t. eoreeeera 14 N S 14 A -r C A N G A S seentsness • 15. Offers 14. European 17. Samarium coal district (eyrie.) 1.5. To be suit. 18. Forward able to 19, White oak 16. Court 21, Doleful cession 22, Concur IA. Noah's ship 23. Plural 'of !O. Cutting tool this 21. Coin of • - Latvia 24. White with age 20. Marshy plate 2S. •Subsided 3b. `Tidal flood 31. United 33. Regrets 34. English river 35. Youngbear 87. Insect 38, Threadlike Tops'4O again ,43. One invoked I with fee simple 46. Washed by waves tot tight 48, Indian tent 49. Buret 50, To go astray 51, BOIrltiti money trOVVW 8tbadikee!P 2. Belie** 8. Born , 4. APpreprliti drithetlettlY i'004704 A 5 S p A -r 5 R A kr IS KO Sf.d11.1.4" 411.4.-r dill 11.S . ttisNY is Buyisig 1.044.q e. Fikilto i. 14.1.P.SAIPS, 246 V e..1.-r l.oH4 0 756. Et.1. WIDE, 504tticif SPUD, 2g 000 mil.E.S dn.11151it4 PilittiE ‘.- .4.40,(Al. cl.V.Vr o 48 #404itrPS HAs DIU #.1111(ottiZSO A E 44. Poisonous snake 45. Soak flax 47. lrgeaciow Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham arid Main St., Listowel. Lisirowel Days: Tuesdays and Fri- days. Osteopathic and Eleatic Treat- ments. Foot Teehnique. Phone 272 Winghatn For Life Insurance and Pension Plans consult GEORGE R. MASON reProsentative Canada Life Assurance Co. THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER SEAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Firm Stock. Phone 231, Vifirigharn. I ' N it 10 7 ",,,y/i i $0.A.,KEA .1511t. virtt1 dritt10. rot OPt.g .• . Kim Alum. traote, / 13 12 0031 CV' AN.Ouisleit W•••••.i.e.1 . e 1- .• is `MUGGS AND SKEETER 21 22 23 (z, i-te,'111iNArr kcici<li tit>si* 'emit THAT 01 -rtras. yaget ...you'rke Ast.t., -1„..tAittc:intdll CANtt 1-4(:)e:yr A Pttrukt. itel0H-r tio•Pc• St.irs GOT 'To Oftyr Ar El•Adtt. TO' Navy, te-veer tes-rere..R .rtes :ca,semeee, •tz,t4AS"..,.,,t4C5Vvi S44001'11 3z ///'/ 5- 34 74. 4 44 jka%Weleae, /44 4.5" 44 41 42 ezi-j rr 4r4 4ki