The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-01-29, Page 8Irish Linen
Ordered months ago,
this shipment of Irish
Linen has finally arrived
for our stock,
Pure Linen, with bor-
ders of green, red, blue,
or gold, this towelling
will prove a boon to
45c. - 49c yd,
other linen towellings up
to 55c yd.
Separate towels in ab-
sorbent,. striped Turkish
Towelling, are useful in
many different ways.
Three sizes
19c - 25c - 39c each
What's Left For February
Last Clearing Sale
Starting Satur., Jan. 31st
Following list of sizes of Winter Overcoats, Suits
and Riding Breeches.
WINTER OVERCOATS — 54 to clear
4 Overcoats size 33, sale t 10.75 and $14.75
2 Overcoats, size 34, sale $10.75 and $14.75
5 Overcoats, size 35, sale .. $12.75 and $15.95
6 Overcoats, size 36, sale' $12.75 and $15.95
9 Overcoats, size 37, sale $14.5t and $17.75
10 Overcoats, size 38, sale $14.50 and $17.75
7 Overcoats, size 39, sale .. $16.50 and $20.75
2 Overcoats, size 40, sale $16.50 and $22.75,
2 Overcoats, size 42, sale $16.50 and $22.75.
3 Overcoats, size 44, sale $16.50 and $22.75,
2 Overcoats, size 46, sal% $16.50 and $22.75
In dark patterns, Fleeces, Tweeds and Meltons.
R. A. Reid R. 0.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office
At Williams' Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
Smith's Economy Food Store
BLACK TEA 1/2 lb. 45c COFFEE lb. 57c
SANDWICH SPREAD, tin 10d KILL tin 35c •
Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup . • , tin 10c
Picake Vegetable Shortening lb. 18c
far Men
V. Meeting
"rho Citizenship meeting of the Uni-
ted Church young people's union was
held Wednesday night, Miss Thelma
McGuire presiding, Russell Kelly read
the lesson, Rev, G, Dunlop led in pray-
= Miss Mina Bryans gave a paper
entitled "How we Live," The hymn
Liveth Long who Liveth Well;"
and the Mizpah Benediction repeated
in unison, closed the meeting.
A reerestionah period was conduct-
ed by the president, Ross Anderson,
Special February clear-
ance of good quality
men's felt fiats.. Assorted
sizes and stytes.
Outstanding value at
69 c ea.
Show Starts at 8.00 pan., Except Saturday
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 29, 30) 31
"Look Who's Laughing"
rent famous radio stars on the screen in a riotous
Also "Cartoon" & "News"
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 2, 3, 4
— In
iThat Money Can Buy'
An unusual drama.
Also "Canada Carries On"
Young People Make Church Grant
The Y. P. U. of the United Chtu4ch
held the regular weekly meeting on
Friday evening with the president,
Fleming Johnston presiding. After the.
Opening exercises, singing, scripture
lesson and prayer, business items were
discussed, The society voted the sum
of Ten Dollars ,to the church funds,
W, J. Peacock had charge of the last
part of the meeting when Mrs, Will
;Peacock gave, a well prepared paper
on "Galilee,"
borne Of Mrs. Rolit; Mowbray,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moss of Glen-
coe, and Miss Doris McClenaghan of
Kincardine, spent the week-end at the
home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
aghan,e eclen
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of the United Church was held
on Wednesday last at the home of
Mrs, George MeClensghun, with an
attendance of 16. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie
was in the chair. The roll call was
answered by the payment of fees for
1942, The Chapter in the Study Book,
Serving with the Sons of Shnh, was
ably taken by Mrs. G. E. Farrier,
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz and Mrs. Herb..
Laidlaw sang a duet, Mrs, Gillespie
led in prayer for the missionaries and
closed the meeting with prayer, after
inviting the ladies to hold their Feb-
ruary meeting at her home, Mrs.
Schultz, president of the W, A, led in
the discussion of local church work
interests for this year, and closed the
meeting with prayer. The World Day
of Prayer will be held in the Presby-
terian Church here on Friday, March
Miss Dorothy Jamieson of Belgrave
spent last week with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamerson.
Mrs. Milian Moore and Mrs, Thos.
Moore, visited on Friday with Mrs.
Harold Sparling, Wingham.
Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw, who has been
working with a construction company
at Trenton Camp, returned home on
Thursday last and commenced work
at Grand Bend Camp on Saturday.
Miss Olive Purdon and Mr. Ken-
neth Zinn, who spent last week at
Woodstock with his parent% returned
home on Sunday.
Mrs. Thos. Gaunt spent last week
at Stratford at the home of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Lawson and other rel-
atives there.
W, M. S. teas _ are being held this
week on Thursday at the home of
Mrs. George McClenaghan and Mrs.
J. D. Beecroft,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon and
Marjorie and Archie, and Mr. and Mrs.
Aldin Purdon and Billie, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul of Lucknow.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb Duffy and son
Jack-, and Mrs. Colvin and son Duffy,
of Teeswater, visited on Sunday with
their mother; Mrs, Duffy at the home
of Mr, , Wm. Barbour.
Mr, Clarence McClena.ghan as Pres-
ident of the Y. V. U. Conference, spent
the week-end atteLding meetings in.
Miss Brindly of Galt, Mrs.. Will
Redmond of St. Augustine, and her
brother, Mr. Wm. Kelly from Osh-
awa, visited on Monday at the home
of their grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Corn-
The young people of the Presby-
terian church held their weekly meet-
ing on Monday night with Mrs. Daw-
son Craig in charge. Thu service was
carried on, in the ways of olden times,
as they sat to sing, and st,,od to pray.
Dawson Craig read the Suipture les-
son and Mrs. McQuillan led in prayer.
Mrs. Conn had. charge of the medi-
tation period. Mrs, Welwood gave a
' paper on the Life of Burns. Velma
Scott gave a Scotch reading, and Mrs.
Robt. Mowbray also gave a Scotch
reading. Alt enjoyed a sing-song of)
Berns songs, Mrs. Conn was in cha,,a-e.
of the games and contests. and Scot-
tish jokes during the recreation period.
Lunch of scones and jam or jelly was
enjoyed by all. Auld Lang Syne and
the National Anthem closed the meet-
Mrs. John. Kilpatrick and children
of Lucknow, spent a few days last
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Robinson and Dr. Harold Rob-
inson of Walkerton visiter there on
The replier weekly meeting of the
Y. P. II, of- the United Church was
held on Monday evening with Miss
Myrtle Nruill in charge. Clifford Laid-
law read the Scripture lesson and J.
D. Beecroft led in prayer. Mildred
Mcaeriaghan gave a reading on recre-
ation and its benifits, and Mrs, .Jas,
Falconer gave a talk on the use of
recreation in peoples lives and in young
peoples meetings. The recreation per-
iod that followed was enjoyed by all
The meeting was closed by all singing
Blest be the tie that binds.
Many in this community will be in-
terested to know that Mrs. (Rev.) C.
Wilkinson, who has been ill for some
months, went through a successful
operation in Stratford Hospital last
week and 15 making it good recovery.
Mr. Jas, Morrison,- ,who was home
recuperating from an attack of infect--
monis, has retttrited to his work with
the R.C.A.V. at Uplands, Ottawa,
Mr, and Mrs, Hardie Simpson and.
family of Teeswater, spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
All wool windbreaker s,
regularly priced much
higher, are put into two
price .groups for quick
2.29 and 2.95
Sizes 26 to 36
First Red Crops Shipment This Year
The first shipment of completed art-
icles for this year has been delivered
to the Red Cross rooms at Wingham:
2 quilts, 1 girls' dress, 3 pneumonia
jackets, 5 woman's dresses, 5 suits of
girls' pyjamas, 5 suits boys' Pyjamas,
5 suits men's pyjamas, 15 pr. socks,
i pr. seaman's . socks, 11 turtle-neck
sweaters, 1 pullover sweater, 4 pair of
mitts, S air caps. Anyone wishing to
sew can secure dresses or .pyjamas
from Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Joe Smith
or Miss Olive Scott. Mrs. Arthur
Shaw has charge of the yarn.
Mfs. Lillow and son Jack, Mrs. A.
D. Smith, Mrs. Mary Robertson, Mrs,
J. Curtis and Mrs. R. F. Garniss, at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Susan Morrison at Lu-cknow on Wed-
Word has been received hert of the
death in Ottawa of Dr. Harold Bur-
gess, son of jOseph Burgess and .the
late ,Mrs. B4irgess of Ottawa, formerly
of Bluevale.
Mrs. Archie Messer has returned
There's plenty of cold
weather ahead and
Turnbull's E88 under-
wear is the, best protec-
tion you can get. Extra
warm, with double front
and back, this famOus
line is a general favorite.
Shirts $2.15
Drawers . $2.15
Combinations $3.50
Institute Held. Meeting
The Education meeting oft the Bel-
grave Women's Institute was held at
the home of Mrs.- R. McCrea with
fairly good attendance. The president,
Mrs. N. Keating was in the chair,
The roll-call was responded to with
a new year resolution. Reports showed
$47 had been made from tickets sold
on a pug. Christmas cards were seat
to the sick and the shut-ins, Members
reported a good number of articles
made for the Red Cross Society since
the last meeting, The Institute donated
cake for 15 Christmas boxes sent by
the Red Cross Society to Belgrave
boys on active service. It was decided
to donate $5 - to the Russian Relief
Fund. The. president asked the mem-
bers to begin saving used postage
Stamps for salvage purposes.
Instead of having the social even-
ing scheduled for February, the mem-
bers divided into groups, two conven-
ors on each line and two in the village.
Each group is to make as much money
as possible before .the March meeting
and half of the proCeeds given
to the Red Cross Society.
An .educational questionaire. prepar-
ed by Mrs. E, Wightman was conduct-
ed by Miss E. Procter. Little Cath-
erine Keating sang patriotic songs.
Mrs. R. McCrea gave a reading. The
singing of the Institute Ode closed'
the ;meeting. Luhch was served by the from a visit with her sister, Miss Jos-
hostess assisted by Mrs', J. AnderSon, ephine McAllister and brother David
Mrs. A. Manning, and Mrs. C. R, at St. Augustine.
Coultes. - L. A. C. Russel Barnard,'R. C. A.,F.
given, all showing progress and faith-
ful work ' done in 1941, Missionary
givings in 1941 were more than in
Officers elected—Treasurer, Robert
Procter; People's Warden,. David
Armstrong; Rectors Warden, Robert
Thurs. - Sat., Feb. 5 - 7
Ann Rutherford, Red Skelton
— In —
Whistling JGn the Dark
Mon. - Wed., Feb. 9 - 11
Lew Ayres Laraine . Lay
— In —
Dr. Kildares Wedding
- Sat. Feb. 12 - 14
. Paulette Goddard
Charles Boyer
— In,—
Hold Back The Dawn
Mon. - Wed, Feb. 16 - 18
Double Bill
The Gay Falcon
Henry Aldrich For
Money Raised For Tobacco Fund "
A large crowd attended the Bingo
and Dance in the Forester's 'Hall
sponsored by Belgrave young. men.
The proceeds are for the Overseas
Tobacco Fund. Good' prizes were
awarded. Ladies of the Red Cross
conducted a lunch counter and Arth-
ur's Orchestra provided music for the
Red Cross Shipment
The Red Cross shipped the follow
ing knitted articles to Toronto. Sea-
men's quota-5 aero caps, 5 pair sea
boot stockings, 5 turtle-neck sweaters,
10 pair whole mitts, 5 pair service
Ha selgrove's
London Style
Special Pipe
Still the Old Price
111111111111 1111111111111•1111IMP
16 Youths Suits, size 33, 34, 35 — $16.95
26 Young IVIens, size 36, 37, 38 at $19.50
21 Mens size 39, 40, 41, 42 at . $18.50 and $22.50
These include navy blues, chalk stripes, worsteds
and tweeds.
"went. Ammaassamasim
TOMATOES 2 lg. tins 27c / CORN .... .. . .... ..... 2 tins 25c '
phutch Services
The regular morning service in the
United Church was conducted by the
pastor, Rev, C. Tavener, who spoke on
the subject "The strange Intruder"
from the text Judges 5: 18-14. The
annual congregational meeting will be
held on Wednesday evening, Verb-
rusty 4th.
Rev, V. G. Fowler of Knox Presby-
terian Church continued his series of
sermons, speaking' on "The Reality of
Sin" from the text, "Whosoever comb
mittith sin trafisgresseth also the law;
for sin 'is the transgression Of.the law."
The sacrament of the Lord's Sup--
per will be observed on Sunday, Peb.
Entertained Members of Ameteut Play.
The taste for the play "Aaron Slick
from Punkin Creek"' recently preset*,
„ . lb. 25c
.... lb.- 55c
lb. 37c BELGRAVE
Veatty Meeting Held
Trinity Anglican Church held its
annual Vestry meeting Wednesday
afternoon lit the Church, The Ream',
Rev. P. IL Streeter presiding. Alex,
Mt:Burney- 0 WAS appointed Vestry
Clerk for the meeting. Yearly- reports
of the different organizations 'c ere
ORANGES ,,w,..,-.,,..,., dot. 25e PEUIT .. . ,.. ... .... 5 for .25e
ICEEERG ii‘Et NO. 1 OWAiii6
LETTUCE .........,....-- 1k bead COOkING ONIONS 4 lbS, 26t
Made,Rite Pastry Flom, ,-., 13Ityasak Bread none
Season Tickets at Town
Clerk's Office
Adults $2.00 Students
and children $1.00. Hanna Sr Co. Limited
Pym left recently to spend the
winter in Florida and Mrs. Jos.
Holmes closed her home and went to
stay with her daughter, Mrs. Robt.
Laidlaw for the next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and
family of St. Helens visited on Wed-
nesday with her mother; Mrs. David
Miss Mary Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
Hector Purdon, and Mr. George Fal-
coner, who spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon,
returned to Toronto on Monday.
27 pair of Mens Breeches in khaki's whipcords,
wools. Sale Price , „ . $2.95 to $4.95
Mens Penmans All-Wool heavy underwear.
Reg. $2.25 at $1.09 garment to clear.
Mens Doeskin shirts 'in checks, plain colours
heavy quality, sires 14% to 17, to clear at $1,39
Mrs. Walter Lott and Fred motor-
ed to London on Saturday to visit with
the former's daughter, Mrs. Orval
Newby, who 'went through an oper-
ation in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Lott
spent the week-end there, returning on
An old resident of Whitechurth, in
the person of Mrs. Jas. Morrison, pas-
sed away in Lucknow last Monday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alec
Mowbray. She was buried on Wed-
nesday in Tiffins Cemetery.
Red Cross quiltings were held last
week on Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
J. F. McLean and on Thursday at the
Thursday Evenings
Saturday Afternoons
Saturday evenings
"socks. Army .6nots--5 scarfs, 5 altern-
ative caps, 5. pair gloves, 5 Write-neck
sweaters, 5 pair service socks,
Elect Sunday School Officers
The annual meeting of Knox Unit-
ed Sunday School, postponed twice on
account of bad weather, was held Sun-
day, morning during the Sunday
School hour. Rev. G. H. Dunlop pre-
siding: •
Sunday School was held fifty Sun-
days in 1941 with an average attend-
ance of 76.46 The average collectioin
was $2•,45. The following officers were
Superintendent, Norman Keating; As-
sistant Superintendent, Earl Ander-
sohand Stewart Procter; Secretary,
Martin Grasby; Assistant Secretary's,
George Michie, Ross Anderson; Treas-
urer, Bill McClenaghan; Pianists, Mrs.
George Johnston, Miss Elaine Walsh,
Mrs. N. Keating; Librarian, Almond
Jamieson and Ross Anderson; Cradle
Roll Superintendent, Mrs. M. Grasby;
Auditors, Miss E. Procter, Mrs. C.
Logan; Teachers,— Bible Class, Rev.
G, Dunlop, Earl Anderson; Triple V,
Stewart Procter; Excelsior, Mrs. N.
Keating, Mrs. Earl Anderson; Inter-
mediate girls, Miss E. Procter; Jun-
ior girls, Mrs. Cyrus Scott, Mrs, Jam-
es Michie; Intermediate boys, James
Michie, George Johnston; Junior boys,
to be decided. Primary class, Mrs.
George Martin, Mrs. G. Johnston; Be-
ginners, Mrs. R. Chamney, Miss Edith.
McClenaghan, Miss Mae Frisby.
Mrs. James Anderson who has spent
several weeks in Stratford with 'her
brother John Sproot, returned home.
Mrs. M. Grasby returned home
from Victoria Hospital, London,
where she underwent an operation.
Miss Mina Bryans, Brussels, teach-
er in Belgrave_ school has taken up
residence with Mr. and Mrs. C. Log-
Bob Grasby, London, spent the
Week-end at his home here,
Kenneth Mitchell, Rothsay, spent
the week-end. with 'Mr. and Mrs. N.
Keating and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Nethery, Mr.
and 'Mrs, C, II. Wade 'attended the
funeral of ,Mrs, William Hamilton in
Pordwich on Snuday.
ed-by the young people of .K.nox Pres-
byterian -Church, were the guests of
Rev, F, G, Fowler and Mrs. Fowler
at the Manse on Fridu evening, After
a period of g-ames and contests, Bern—
ard Lillow added greatly to the -even-
ing's enjoyment by showing films with
his motion picture machine, A buffet'
hutch brought a very happy evening
to a close.
-of Guelph, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. James F. Scott, Seaforth, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Love. •
J. C. Higgins was a recent visitOr
with his brother in Toronto. Mrs.
Vernon Higgins who is a patient in,
the Woman's College Hospital, Tor-
onto, suffering from a heart condition
is improving.
Hanna's Ladies Store
Announcement of Misses and Women's New
Tailor-Made Suits. Samples have arrived and Lad-
ies.Suits on the rack especially tailored in the smart-
est tailored styles.
Look over these samples and buy early.
OATMEAL 4 lbs.
BERRIES ...... 5 lb. bag
Tomato Ketchup .. , 14-oz. bottle 18c
York All Pork Sausage
Maple Leaf Smoked Back Bacon
Mild Canadian Cheese '. . .
Hanna & Company
25e WHEATLETS 6 lbs, 29c
25c CEREAL pkg. 25c
Thursday, January 29, 19412
Lorne McCracken of Seaforth was
a Sunday visitor with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McCracken,
Mrs. Harold Procter and daughter
Margaret of Morris, were week-end
visitors with Mrs, Curtis and Marg-
Mr. A. F. Neiklejohn and Mary
Ellen, returned to their home in King-
ston after spending a month with Mrs.
Meiklejohn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Ramsay.
A. • if' 4.