HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-01-22, Page 8MEN'S AND YOUTH'S OVERCOATS
$14.50 $11.75 $26.75
Reg. $19.00 Reg. $15.50 Reg. $35.00
1 Tomato Ketchup „ . ... 14-oz. bottle 18c
Hanna & Co. Limited
WIN I Thursdayl .JanuarY 22, 194Z VANCE TM tS
Show Starts at 8,00 p.m, Except Saturday
Two ShQWS Saturday Night
ss Society Tuesday and Mrs,
Vred Davidson ,donated a lovely
blanket, on which the ladies are selling
Miss Marjorie Purdou, from:, Wing-
ham, spent tile week-end with her sis.,
ter,. Mrs. Jas. Curran,.
The annual meeting of the United
Church was held last Wednesday af-
ternoon with a good•attendance, Rev.
G. A. Barnard was chairman, with.
•Clarnce McClenaghan secretary. The
reports showed that $1094400 had been
raised during the year by the congre-
gation ,and a legacy of $500,00 had
been left to the church through the
trustees, by the late John Laidlaw.
The W. A, had taken in $107,00. The
W. M. S. had taken in $169, with $139
sent to headquarters, an increase of
$19 over the allocation, The M. and M.
had raised $145, The Young People
bad raised •$73 and the S. -5, $01. The
war certificate purchased for the Uni-
ted Church fund amounted to $72 in.
chiding a certificate from the Y. P. U.
and one from the S. S. Font- members
of the church passed away during the
past year, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Far-
rier were called to the front and after
a short talk by Mr. T. H. Moore, tell-
ing how the work of these two as
pianist and choir leader, daring the
past few years had contributed sq large
a part to the services of the church
and of the appreciation of all for their
splendid help, he presented them with
a cheque from the congregation for
$50. Each replied thanking them for
the gift, 'Rev. Mr. Barnard told his
people that he was leaving theta in
June, as he will have reached the
time for superannuation then. The
meeting was closed with prayer by the
The annual meeting of the S. S. of
the United Church was held on Mon-
day evening and the following officers
were elected for this year, Supt., Jas.
Falconer; Bible Class teachers, Rev,
G, A. Barnard, Clarence McClenaghan;
Young Men and Women; ,Mrs. J. D.
Beecroft, Carman .Farrier; Teen-Age
boys, Milian Moore, Clarence Mo-
Clenaghan; Tee-Age girls, Mrs, Jas.
Falconer, Mrs, Ezra Scholtz; Jr.' boys
and girls, Mrs. Thos. Moore, ,Mrs.
Milian Moore, Beginners, Mrs. Lott;
Mrs, G. E. Farrier.
Mrs. Wm. Robinson received word
last Thursday of the passing of her
brother-in-law, Mr. Rebert Gibson of
Galt He was 94 years old and his
wife, formerly Fanny Campbell pre-
deceased him some twelve years ago.
He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Brown
witl1 whom he lived. The funeral was
held on Saturday to Galt Cemetery.
The :late Mr. Gibson's sister, Miss
Elizabeth Gibson, who was nurse and
deaconess ,in Cook's Presbyterian
Church, Toronto, passed " on Sunday,
January 18 three days ofter her
Thurs., Fri, Sat,
January 22, 23, 24
- Special -
Also "News" ttartins
John Catrod Red Skelton
Virginia O'Brien
Arected by
Produced br ARTHUR MEM?
Matinee Saturday af-
ternion at 2,30 p,m. •
a GOOD Coat. at a MINIMUM Price
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 26, 27, 28
- In Men's Models Include Meltons, Fleece, Tweeds, Elysians.
Women's Styles Include Fur-trimmed And Untrimmed
Models In a Variety of Smart Fabrics,
de Maisie"
Maisie looses her job in a dance hall and becomes
• involved with a fighter.
Also "Cartoon" and
Maple Leaf and 0 Canada, Mrs, Robt
Ross had charge of the motto, If you
have a good thing, pass it on, and
esting reading on Changes that are
Mildred McClenaghan gave an inter.
going to be made in Women's cloth-
ing and accessories, stressing the lack
of silk hose and that dresses will have
less trimming and have less material
in them. Mrs. Lott gave a reading,
New Years Offering. Mrs. Robt. Ross
sang, Star of the East, and Mrs. Cecil
Falconer gave a talk on, The Rural
Girl and her Opportunities. Mrs.
Scholtz and Mrs. Craig sang, My Own
Canadian Home. Rev. Mr. Wilson was
the special speaker for the day and
gave a very interesting talk on Op-
portunities for the New Year, which
was enjoyed by all, and for which he
was tendered a hearty vote of thanks.
Mrs. Duffy gave a reading on Oppor-
tunities for the Women's Institute,
and the meeting was closed by singing
the National Anthem.
Purdon House
A wedding of interest to this com-
munity was solemnized at Park Road
Baptist Church, Toronto, at 7 p.m. on
Saturday with Rev. Mr. Stone officiat-
ing, when Miss Hazel Gertrude House,
of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy House of Meaford, became the
bride of Hector. Donald Purdon, son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon of
Whiteeburch, The bride looked charm-
ing in a street length frock of tur-
quoise triple sheer, and she carried a
shower bouquet of American Beauty
roses and maiden hair fern. Her brides-
maid, Miss Mary Brown from near
Kingston, chose a peach crepe frock
and Mr. George Falconer, formerly of
Wingham, was best man. The wedding
dinner was served at The Old Mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Purdon spent the week,
end with his parents here, abd on
Monday at 4, a wedding dinner was
served to aunts and uncles in this vic-
inity with a reception in the Hall in
the evening. The best wishes of a host
of friends accompany them for a long
and happy wedded life.
Four quilts were received by the
The service in the United Church
here was withdrawn on Sunday on
acocunt of the condition of the roads
after the rain.
Mr, Donald Martin left last Tuesday
for Toronto, where he has secured a
Mrs, Orval Newby of London, form-
erly Nettie Lott, went through an
operation in Victoria Hospital on Fri-
day. Her many friends in this com-
munity wish her a speedy recovery.
The W. M. •S. of the United Church
held a tea at the home of Mrs. Chas.
Martin on' Thursday and one at the
home, of Mrs. John Gaunt on Friday.
Miss Olive Purdon and Mr. Kenneth
Zinn left on Friday to attend a wed-
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Zinn of Woodstock.
Corp. Melviq,McClenaghan, who has
- been spending his two weeks holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben,
McClenaghan ,returned to Kitchener
on Saturday with his brother, Irwin.
Mrs. McClenaghan accompanied them
and spent the afternoon at the home
of her sister, Mrs, Fred Culbert of
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held in the hall
last Tuesday with the president, Mrs.
Lance Grain in charge. The roll call
was answered by names of Canadian
Books I have read, After a business
meeting of local interest, all sang The
during the'week with his daughter in
Seaforth and son in Hainilton,
Mr. Deloss Taman who underwent
a serious operation in London Hos-
pital, is improving favourably,
Reeve Morritt is attending the
Huron County Council at Goderich
this week.
Several,men with teams have been
employed to take the snow off front
Miss Mararet Jenkins is waiting on
her mother in Clinton Hospital, who
had an appendix operation, We are
pleased to report Mrs. Jenkins is get-
ting along nicely.
ors for faithful work done during 1941.
Yg. M. S..Had Successful Year
The January meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society of Knox
Presbytetrian Church was held on
Wednesday, January 14th. Devotional
exercises wend conducted by Mrs.
Scott and Mrs. Dunbar, The annual
report 'prepared by Mrs. McBurney
showing a, very satisfactory account of
the Auxiliary for 1941 was read by
the secretary.
Mrs. R. j. Scott gave a resume of
the work of Mary Murray who has
given thirty four years of service,
first in Africa as a missionary- with
Mary Sless'or; In Scotland, her native
land, .doing City Mission work and
since coming to this country in 1925
hospital visiting, she being the first
recogaized hospital visitor undaila any
church in Canada. The Glad Tidings
prayer taken by Mrs. A. Young and
the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in
unison brought the meeting to a close,
Scale Company Name 'Officers
The annual meeting of the Belgrave
Farmers' Scale Company, was held at
the home of C. R. Wilkinson, with the
president, John MeGill in charge,
There were no dividends payed this
year as the money was used to repair
the scales. Thia work has been com-
pleted and the scales are now in first
class condition. Officers were elected
as follows:
President, John McGill; Secretary-
Treasurer, Joseph Yuill; Directors, C.
B. Wilkinson, J. Yuill, j, McGill, Jas.
Michie, William McMurray.
local boys on active service each con-
taining one turtle-neck sweater, 2 pr.
of socks and eatables.
A cigarette fund was organized dur-
ing the year fOr local boys overseas.
The meeting organized a canvass Jor
Russian relief to be made within the
next 10 days.
The secretary was instructed to
send a note of thanks to Mrs. W. J.
Geddes for the use of rooms and to
AT, and Mrs, F. Logan for caretaking.
A vote of thanks was given the of-
.^ The following report was presented
by the treasurer, C. H. Wade:
• Receipts
Bal. in bank Dec. 31, 1940 $ 260.57
Pleldges 32.00
Huron County Grant 487.75
Donations 72,89
Membership fees 48.00
Rumage Sale ...... . ............. ..... 118.40
Garden Party • 218.60
Salvage ' 259,55
Tickets on calf ....... 275,00
Dances and Plays .. 263.95
Tickets on cake and quilts 33.35
Blanket Fund 157.90
Underwent Operation
George Michie, son of Mr. and Mrs,
j. Michie, 5th' line Morris, underwent
an operation for appendicitis, Thurs-
day in Clinton Hospital.
,Mrs. W. C. Laidlaw who bas been
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A, Porterfield for the past fortnight,
returned to her home in Blyth, Satur-
A former resident of this community,
Mrs. George Brandon of Lucky Lake,
Saskatchewan, formerly Miss Mary
Owens, died at her home in Saskat-
Charles Johnston and Miss Lauret-
ta Johnston of Fergus, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. George
Mrs, James Brydges of Hamilton,
spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs.
Thoomas Brydges and Joan,
Mrs, R., Johnston, Godericla spent
some days with her daughter, Mrs.
Gordon Elliott, during the week.
We understand that Mr. T. H. Tay-
lor has leased the Sibthorpe property
on Dinsley. Street, taking possession
April 1st.
Reeve Robt, Bowman, of Brussels,
was a, visitor in town on 'Monday in
the interest of the forthcoming war
Mr. John Clark spent some days
Eyesight Specialist
Winghatn Office At Williams' Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon.
Total $ 2227.96
Remitted to headquarters for
supplies $ 902;47
Remitted locally for supplies 82,84
50% of 'donations due head-
, quarters 274.00
Blanket Fund 157,90
Expenses re Garden Party 79.84
Expenses re dances and plays 80.39
Bal. in bank Dee. 31, 1941 ..., 650,52
Ha selgrove's
London Style
Special Pipe
I Still the Old Price
75c w.
January Once A Year Sale SHOP AT
Smith's Economy Food Store at Hanna's FOUR O'CLOCK FRENCH DRIP BLACK TEA - lb. pkg. 450 c0FritE , lb. 57c
YORK BRAND ALL PORK PRODUCT SANDWICH SPREAD, tin 10c KILK .... . ...... . .. tin 55c
Once Again We Are Offering Exclusive
Merchandise At Our January Sale.
Total $ 2227.96
Anglican Sunday School Meeting
The annual meeting of the Sunday
School of Trinity Anglican Church,
was held in the Church Sunday after-
noon, January 18th. Rev. P. H. Stree-
ter was in charge.
Yearly reports were read giving evi-
dence of a successful year, The treas.
erer's report showed a good balauce
on hand at end of year.
It was decided to form a Ilible
Class with Rev, Streeter as teacher,
AsSistant teacher were appointed for
first, second and third classes as fol.
lows: Clare VatiCamp, Miss Jane
Armstrong and Mrs. R. Higgins. Mr,
Streeter thanked the °fleets and teach-
Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup ... .. tin 10c
Picake Vegetable Shortening lb. 18c
Reg $21.00
FINE OR COURSE LUCICNOW OATMEAL -..-, .., 4 lbs. 26e WHEATLETS 6 lbs. 29e
York All Pork Sausage .. , .. „ „ , . lb. 25c
Maple Leaf Smoked Back Bacon . - „ , lb. t5c
Mild Canadian Cheese , i 6 'w • d • 4 a 4 , • • • i r • lb. 37c
ICEBERG HMI) NO, 1 ONTARIO LETTUCE ......,......-. 2 foe 25e COOKING ONIONS 4 lbs. 25e
Made-Rite Pastry Platt, -4-, tuyasak tread Maur ..,QUALirse GUARANTEED
C. R. Coultes Heads Red Cross
The annual meeting of Belgrave and
District Red Cross Society was held
in the workroom Tuesday afternoon,
last week, with the president, C. R.
Coultes; in charge,
Mrs. A. Manning, war work con-
vener, reported a large increase in
work done over 1940. She said 970
articles of clothing were shipped to
headquarters, 16 bed jackets, 488
-handherchiefs, 86 suits of pyjamas, g
extra pair of pyjama pants, 145 blous-
es, 4 layettes, 10•blazers, 15 pair shorts,
5 jackets, 5 shirts, 5 pinafore dresses,
5 girls' coats, 5 pair bloomers, 10 night
gowns, 50 pair of slacks, 101 quilts,
1 afghan, 4 blankets, 1075 knitted art-
icles, 94 scarfs, 43 turtle-neck sweaters,
11 "V"-neck sweaters, 1 civilian
sweater, 35 helmets, 61 pair mitts, 1
pair knee-caps, 9 pr. wristlets, 87 pr.
seaboots, 387 pair service socks, 10
aero caps, 6 alternative caps, 10 child-
ren's sweaters aed 7 P-air of children's
Officers elected were: president, C.
R. Coultes; vice-president, Mrs. A.
Mare-tinge secretary, Rev, G. I-1, Dun-
lop; treasurer, C. H. Wade; war work
convener, Mrs. A. Manning; knitting
committee, Mrs, a Armstrong, Mrs.
J. MdGill, Mits. N. Xeating; buying
committee, Mrs, F. Shoebottorn, Mrs,
A. Yovng, Mrs. A. Vincent; cutting
tommittee, Mrs. H. McGuire, Mrs.
'Voting, Mrs, Jordan; Mrs. I. Ander-
son, Mra. Wheeler, Mts. Keat-
ing, Mrs. Wade; sewieg and inspect-
ing, Mrs. j, A riderson, Mrs. Lyle Hop.
per, Mrs, Grasby, Mrs. C. Logan;
packing, Mrs. G. Walsh, Mrs, Vcrhite,
Mrs, S. Cook, Mrs. y. MeCallurn,
Mrs. L. Armstrong, Mrs. It it.teXen,,
zie, Mrs. E. Wightman; committee of
hospital supplies, Mrs. C, Wheeler,
Mrs. H. Walshl finance, committee, C,
Mielliet I, McGill, S.
Portter, Norman Conites, A. Porter-
nla itgltglittast,lditors, Ale.% Me-
ReritesentativeS bn lines of Wawan-
osit Townsitip-42th„ Mrs, E. Ireland;
1,0th, MrS. L. Wighttnatt; Oth, Mrs.
I, &outhouse; 8th, Mrs. Shoebottorn;
elh, IMrs. j, Dunbar, Morris; 5th, Mrs.
G. Walsh; 4th, Mrs, C. Wheeler; 4rd,
Mrs, L. Hopper; village, Mrs, A,
'''t)Ctlittirr'stritas boxes were sent to 16
One and Two Pants
$19.95 $28.50
leg. $25.00 Reg, $35.00
Thursday Ev'enings
Saturday Afternoons
Saturday/ Evenings
Season Tickets at Town
Clerk's Office
Adults $2.00 Students
and children $1.00.
Women's Group Held Joint Meeting
A joint meeting of the Women's
Missionary' Society and Women's As-
sociation of Knox United Church, was
held Wednesday, jatuary 14th, atd
opened with the singieg of God Save
the King. Prayer by Rev. G. H. Dun-
lop and New Year greetings by the
President, Mrs. J, Wheeler. The hymn,
Standing at the Portal of the Open-
ing Year, was sung after which Mr.
Dunlop addressed the meeting speak-
ing specially to the new officers,
Christmas greetings Were read from
Rev. 3. 13, and Mrs. Townend of
Princeton. Yearly reports showed an
increase in both attendance and
ings over 1940, The auxiliary lost a
valued member in. the death of Mrs.
Michie..Mrs, Cyrus Scott was
given life membership by her sister-
in.law. Mrs. Gordon of PreaSte, Mar-
ie, Saskatchewan. A new member Was
received from Fordwich, Mrs, T, BoG
Johnstot: The members planted to
make a large, warm 'quilt for June.
bale, two- members offered bolting and
titling, two offered to knit mitts,
sweaters are aqo to be provided for
bale. ,
Mrs. y. Itithid gave a splendid talk
cm the 3rd• chapter of the study book
entitled "Cities of Iteftie.-
The Women's Association ,theeting
conducted by the neW- President,
Mrs. S. Procter.
The yearly report tho treasurer
showed that $882.11 had been raised
,dtkifig the year,
Holiday are to be used again
.this year and are about ready for dis-
tribution, Plans wdre made for the
4\teat Pit Snpperr be -held the night
of lite•'antntaI meeting, Tuesday, Tan,-
nary :21th,