The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-01-08, Page 8Polar fleece bring an
innovation' to Men's
wear, This new light
weight wool gives
warmth without 'weight
in a medium priced coat
which will wear many
Other lines in Tweeds,
Elysians, Meltons
$23.50 to $33.50
Clearance this week-
end of Meltons in small-
er sizes-black only.
Real value at
Mr. Eugene Keiswetter left on
Monday to register with the army in
Miss Bertha Mackay was spending
her holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Mackay, last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood and
family moved last Monday to the
house recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Pollock.
A. capacity crowd filled the Institute
Hall here last Wednesday night, when
a dance was, held in honour of the
soldiers who were holidaying here,
After a short program, with Mr. Jas.
Falconer as chairman, Roberta Mow-
bray was 'called to the front and drew
the luck ticket on the beautiful knitted
afghan, donated by Mrs. MacPhail and
which had brought in $24 for •Red
Cross purposes, and Mrs. Fred New-
man of Wingham was the lucicSr
ner. Lunch was served and all hnjoyed
dancing to music provided by Car-
ruthers Orchestra until closing time,
Dorr receipts amounted to $25.
Miss Margaret Watson of Bruce-
field spent a few days last week at
the home of Mr. John Beecroft.
Corp. Melvin McClenaghan of
Kitchener is spending two weeks with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Mc-
Clenaghan, who with their family
spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs.
Elwood Barbour of Fordyce.
Mr. Jack McIntyre had a thrinnig
experience last Monday which he will
not want to repeat in a life time. A
bomb target had been made at Port
Albert, in the shape of a triangle,
32 feet each way, and a tug was tow-
ing it out into the lake to anchor it,
Jack got on it with a pole to keep it
from breaking against the pier, and
the rough water separated'it too far
from the pier and he couldn't get off.
Nr-re wasn't clothed for the long trip
;are had to take to Goclerich, after they
sueceeded iu geeting him onto the tug,
za. 'difficult task in high seas.
Misses Winnifred and Olive Far-
-rier returned to their positions in Tor-
soak) on Saturday.
and Mrs. Robert Ross entertain-
`ea a few of their friends last Monday
night, during the short visit of her
sister, Mrs. Naismith and her family.
Many from here were glad to wel-
ri or the man who knows
quality, appreciates fine
workmanship and good
materials, Cambridge is
the inevitable choice.
A Cambridge made-to-
measure suit looks bet-
ter, wears' longer.
See the extensive style
range to-day.
28.50 "
Y. P. U. Entertained Church Members
The Young Peoples Union of the
'United Church entertained the mem-
bers of the congregation at their an-
nual New Year's Eve supper. The
president, Fleming, Johnston introduc-
ed the program. A hearty sing song
was enjoyed led by, Dorothy Aitken,
who also played a Piano solo. The
toasts were; To the King', proposed
by the President; to Rev. C. Tavener
and Mrs. Tavener,-proposed by Carl
Johnston, to which both replied; to
the Church, proposed by Mrs. W. J.
Johnston, to which Edward Johnston
replied. The guest speaker Rev. 0, H,
Dunlap of Belgrave, gave an interest-
ing address on "Things Worth Pre=
serving." At midnight Mrs. Sparling
Johnston proposed a toast to the New
Year, then Rev: Mr. Tavener led in
prayer for the. Empire, George Thom-
son moved a vote Of thanks to the
speaker. This annual celebration has
been held regularly since 1925.
Preached on Decisions
Rev. F. G, Fowler in the Presby-
terian Church on Sunday morning,
spoke on Decisions, using as examples
Job, who pitched his, tent toward Sod-
om, and Daniel, who opened his wind-
ows toward Jerusalem. Commencing
next Sunday Mr. Fowler will preach
va series of sermons on "The Great
Doctrines of our Church,"
Miss Beth McCracken, Wingham
and Lorne McCracken, Seaforth were
holiday visitors with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McCracken.
Mrs. J. C. Higgins is with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Vernon Higgins in Toronto
whi is ill at present.
Master Neil McLean of Toronto,
was a holiday visitor with his cous-
ins Eleanor Smith.
Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge is a pat-
ient in the Wingham General Hos-
Red Cross Dance and Euchre
Door receipts amounted to $49.00 at
the Red Cross euchre and dance in
the Forester's Hall, Tuesday night of
last week, Cards were played from
8.30 to 10,80. Prizes were won by Mx's.
Cecil Wheeler and Alex Young. Two
door prizes were also awarded 'one of
which was donated by the Reeve of
Morris Township, Francis Duncan and
won by Cecil Wheeler and Lewis
Stonehouse, tttnch was served follow-
ed by dancing to the music of Arth-
ur's Orchestra.
Collected $70.58 For Bible Society
The Belgrave Branch of the Upper
Canada Bible Society has completed
its 1941 canvass. A total of $70.58 has
been forwarded to the head office in
Toronto which is almost $50.00 more
than the amount raised last year.
Thursday Evenings
Saturday Afternoons
Saturday Evenings
Season Tickets at Town
Clerk's Office
Adults $2.00 -Students
and children $1.00.
Monday, January 12
Adults 35c
High school , students 25c
if ticket purchased at
Town Clerk's Office, 4
to 6 p.m. day of the
Public school pupils 10c
JUICE 20-Oz. tin 10c COCOA .......... 1 lb. tin 29c
TIP TOP CHOICE LYNN VALLEY. NO. 4 PEAS 2 tins 25c TOMATOES 2 large tine 27c
Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable Soup . . tin 10c
E. D. Smith's Pure Tomato Ketchup bottle 18c
While They Last
Warren K. Cook Odd Suit Length
Sale for January
• -••
Modulo-Measure Suits
Reg. $31.50 to $40.00. Special price . $29.50
Reg. $45.00 to $50.00. Special price $39.50
Np more than two lengths to a customer. Picake Vegetable Shortening - , • lb. 18c
Maple Leaf Soap Flakes (family size . 69c
'LlYcKNOW i ICED RIVER WHEATLETS ,.„. 6 lb. bag 29c I cnRtm, ... .. . .. pkg.. 25g
York All Pork Sausage ... . , y lb. 250
Mild Canadian Cheese oayl i•O•It• Ori lb. no
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McNeil and
boys of Acton, were visitors at Mc-
Neils, New Year's Day, The Hunkin
faintly with friends at Exeter. M. Jef-
fray with Mary and Hannah StOkes,
Miss Mariory Horton is down with
scarlet fever. This is the first ease in
the village,
The first meeting of the women's
Institute will be held Wednesday at
Mrs, Shurters.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Renwick was the scene of a happy
gathering Friday evenifig, when Mr,
and Mrs. LeOle Edwards were show-
ered with intineroua 'artielea of kitch-
en ware. Old and young danced to the
splendid music put up by the Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zinn with Mr.
and Mra. John Darling.
Miss Iiierne Jeffray of Clifford, visit-
ed her parents over the holiday.
(Intendant f or last week)
Those taking Xmas dinner with
friendsf Mr. and Mrs James Darling
and boys at it<Sy' itotlidttordst, Mrs,
Yritild§ Kirby, rranit an Roy, at Walt.
vtr Itenwick'S; friends trot toter at
WINGfi A1171 AD VAN CE-T1111. 'Thursday, januar.Y 8th, 194Z
Polar -:Fleece
mother, Mrs, Jas. Cornelius,
The schools in this district opened
DR Monday with Miss Hunter at S. S.
No. 14 and Mr, .Carman Farrier at S.
S. No. 10 and Miss Myrtle Yuill at
S. S: No. 9, Kirdoss,
Miss Doris McClenaghan returned
to Kincardine last Friday after spend-
ing a week with her parents, Mr: and
Mrs, Ben McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs, John Haggitt of Blyth
spent Wednesday last at the home of
her mother, Mrs. A, Emerson.
Mr. Wesley Sherriff of Windsor and
Mrs. Geo. Tiffin and Wilbur and Joe of
Wingham, spent New Years with Mr.
and Mrs, W, R. Farrier, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Johnston of Cedar Valley
also visited there one day last week.
Mrs. Thos, Inglis, who has been
with her daughter in Toronto for the
past few weeks, returned home last
week and Tom and Jack of Toronto
also spent the Christmas week at their
home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thompson and
Mr, Jas, Martin spent Xmas week in
Toronto with her sister, Mrs. A. Fall-
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Tuesday next with Rev. Mr, Wilson as
guest speaker. All the ladies in the
community are cordially invited to at-
The Patriotic Society organized a
salvage campaign for this community:
Permission has been granted for the
storing of this 'salvage at the North
end of the Presbyterian church shed,
and everyone is asked to bring in the
surplus papers off all kinds alsO bones
or tallow.
Show Starts at 8.04 p.m., Except Satur
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 8, 9, 10
Double Bill
- And
Also "News".
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Nl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 12, 13, 14
- In -
A comedy of life in a carnival.
Also "March of Time" and "Traveltalk".
!been severely injured while on a rout
The knitting committee of the Red
Cross ask all who are knitting turtle-
neck sweaters to please try and have
hem finished by the end of January.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brydges and
baby Ronald of Hamilton, visited dur-
ing the holidays with Mr. .and Mrs.
Thomas Budges,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of
Kitchener, Jim ',,\,IeCrea, • Stratford,
Miss Jane Armstrong, Belgrave, spent
New Years day with Mr. and Mrs, R.
Mr. and Mrs. J, M, ,Coultes And
Harry Hetherington with Mr, and
Mrs. Alex Leaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sherbondy,
Miss Doris Fells, Miss Christene Is-
bister, Mr, and Mrs, E. B, Jenkins
and Murray all of Wingham, with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Miller,
Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Crellin, Lon-
don, Miss Ruth Wheeler of Victoria
Hospital, London, Mr, and Mrs, Her-
bert Wheeler and family with Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler,
Mr, and Mrs, John Coultes Sr,, Mr.
and Mrs. N. Keating and Catherine
with Mr, and 'Mrs. R. H. CoulteS.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Brydges and Joan,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Shoebottom, Mrs.
W. Dunbar, Ross and Kenneth, with
Mr. and Mrs. J; Dunbar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VanCamp of
Lucknow, Jamess and Howard, Van-
Camp, Jamestown, Mr, and Mrs. W.
VanCamp and family, Mrs, R. Owens,
with Mrs. 3. VanCamp.
Mr. -and Mrs. George Cook and
family with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook
of Westfield.
Mr. and .Mrs. C. Logan and baby,
with Mr, and Mrs. A. Vincent,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Patterson and family,
Mr, and Mrs, Percy Vincent all of
Auburn with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mann-
Miss Minnie Campbell, Clinton,
with Miss Edith Procter.
at a family party Friday night in cele-
bration of her husbands birthday.
Guests`included Mr. and Mrs. R.
Stonehouse; Mr, and Mrs. H. McGuire
and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. Coultes
and family; Mr, and Mrs. Russell
Walker and family,
Mrs. Alex Young entertained a
group of friends at a quilting Tuesday
Mrs. Martin Grasby underwent a
serious operation Wednesday in Vic-
toria Hospital, London. She is recov-
ering favourably.
Mrs. Harry Tunney received a tele-
gram from Britain saying that tier
husband, Private Harry Tunney had
Expenses from Jan 1 to Sept
30. (This includes Flette,
thread, batts, refugee cloth
ing and 1 pr. wool blankets$ 45.74
2 boxes for boys overseas 7.63
To Red Cross for flette batt 3.58
To A. Munro 62% yds. flett
at 19c 11.27,
Expenses on quilt and dance
and booth 05.27
E. W. Whitfield don. for blkts 20.00
Receipts . $166.61
family, Mrs. R. A. Taylor were New
Year's visitors at Es, W. Carsons, IGor-
BORN-to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ed-
gar (nee 'Mildred M. Dane), Gorrie
south, on January 2nd,, a baby girl.
Miss Jean Harding, Orange Hill,
who is attending Strafford 'Normal,
will teach this week at S. S. No. 4,
and will be a griest°at Geo, A. Daiwa.
Miss Irma Harris,, has returned
home after spending a few weeks at
Pte. Woodrow Dustow who is sta-
tioned at Red Deer, visited his
parents over the Christmas week. His
neighbours end friend's of the 17th
concession, met and spent a social ev-
ening with him and presented hint with
a sum of money and a set of military
brushes. Mr. J. W. Gamble and Mr.
D.,L. Weir were also present and on
behalf of citizens of Howick present-
ed him with a wrist watch, His many
friends wish him every success and a
safe return.
The little done vanishes' from the
sight of him• who looks forward to
what is still to do.-Goethe.
Balance $ 42.51
Mrs. A. Taylor Convenor,
Mrs. W. H. Dane, Treasurer.
A letter of thanks was received from
Gnr. James Howe, England, stating he
bad received the Xmas Box sent him
by Red Cross Group and that every-
thing arrived in excellent condition.
Mrs. A, Louglas of* Jamestown is
spending a few weeks with her broth-
er, Mr. B. Underwood,
A.C. Erie Halliday, R,C.A.F., Hag-
ersville, visited over the New Year at
the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Taylor and
come Jack Pollock back to the village
during the week. He is stationed at
Sussex, N..13, in the Intelligence Dept.
of the Elgin Regiment. He is visiting
with his brother, Mr. R. A, Pollock
here and with his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. J. Pollock and his sister, Mrs,
Cooper of Wingham.
Sergeant Gunner Norman Welwood
left here on Sunday after .a two weeks
holiday, to report at an Eastern Camp.
We wish him luck on his new venture,
Mr. Bert Cullimore was again a wel-
come visitor with Whitechusch friends
during the holidays. He left on Sun-
day for Camp Borden.
Mrs. Bernard Hall and daughters,
Marguerite and Rhea of Blyth, visited
last week at the home of Mrs. J. D,
Miss Mildred McClenaghan spent a
few days last week with her cousin,
Miss Edith McClenakhan of Belgrave.
The annual meeting of the United
Church will be held on Wednesday,
January 14 at 2 p.m.
Miss Marie ''Sparling, Wingham,
spent a few days last week with her
grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Thos,
Mr, Chas. Lever spent New Years
with his uncle, Mr. R. Y, Carrick of
Mr. Jack Gillespie made 'a business
trip to Toronto on Saturday.
A Day of Prayer service was held
in the United Church here on Thurs-
day afternoon with Rev. G. A. Barn-
ard in charge.
Mr. Amos Cornelius got two fine
foxes while hunting last week. Messrs
Carrick, Webster and Baird of Wing-
ham were in this community hunting
last Saturday.
Mr, and NIrs. Robt Mowbray re-
ceived word 'from their son, McKenzie,
that be graduated from the wireless
School- at Calgary last Wednesday,
and left there for Mossbank, Sash,
where he will take a cause in bombing
and gunnery during the next four
Jack Paterson of Detroit, who has
been holidaying with his grandfather,
Mr. F. McK. Paterson, returned home
on Sunday with his father, Mr, Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Will Redmond and
Will and Joe Kelly of St. Augustine,
spent New Years with their grand-
the finnkin home; Blanch Irwin, of
Toronto with her parents; Mrs. Nellie
McLean, of Loadon, and the Mulvey
finally at Dave Eadie's, Gieuannau;
The Metcalf family one and all at
Ralph Metcalf'~; M, Jeffray with Mrs,
Albert Haskins,
The Sabbath School Concert was
splendid, each class contributed some-
thing, Little Florence Horton and .
Harry Abram in a comic duet, was
worthy of mention,
Mis, Myrtle Ballagh we are pleased
to hear recovered from an attack of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hakins visited
Tuesday in Turnberry.
A Red Cross dance was held in the
school house Wednesday evening. It
was largely attended.
Annual Report of 16th Con, Red Cross
The members of Red Cross Group,
Concession 15 are pleased to present
the years report of their activities in
The work committee reports . eigh-
teen members with an average attend-
ance of fourteen. Twenty-three meet-
ings were held at the homes of the
members from January 1st to Decem-
ber 12th. Christmas meeting being
Report of '.York
Turned into Gorrie Red Cross is
as follows;
32 quilts; 134 prs. socks; 65 prs. of
.pyjainas;, 6 sweaters; 5 helmets; 9
prs. pillow slips; 1 doz. towels; 13 prs.
mitts; 10 doz. white hdkfs; 17 doz.
khaki hdkfs; 2 dressing gowns; 6 navy •
scarfs; 1 airforce scarf.
Donations to-Gorrie Red Cross were
1 complete layette; 4 girls dresses (10
yrs.); 3 (4 years) boys suits; 4 ladies
dresses; 3 (14 yrs.) girls dresses; 2
(8 yrs,) girls dresses; 2 .prs. boys
overalls; 3 (6 yrs.) boys sweaters; 2
piss. rompers; 1 pr. (8 yrs,) pyjamas;
1 pr. stockings; 1 nightgown (infants);
1 pr. Wool blankets.
, Receipts
Collections from tea $ 42,51
Quilting 7 quilts for Group
members 6.75
Quilt and dance booth 117.35
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Abraham of List-
owel and Mr. Vern Abraham of Wing-
ham, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Galley last Sunday.
Mr. Amos Smith, spent Sunday
afternoon with his friend, Mr. Ross
Mr. ,and Mrs..Cameron Ingles and
son Jack, spent Christmas at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Casemore.
Mr. Alex Campbell, also Mr, and
Mrs. J. Wheeler, speitt New Year's
Day with friends at Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haines and
family spent New Year's Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke and family
of Wingham.
Mr. Baden Powell was a visitor at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Camp-
bell last week.
We are sorry to hear 'Mr. John
Mustard was operated on Sunday in
Clinton Hospital. We hope to hear lie
'Will soon be better again.
Mr. Arnold and Jack Lillow was
home on leave for a few days and
spent Xmas with their mother and
Black Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and sons,
spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVittie of
Flint, Mich and their daughter of
Kitchener, spent New Year's and the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. El-
liott and
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and
family and Mrs. Thos. Irwin, spent
New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Campbell and sons.
Mr. Andrew McClennan spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Clennan and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moses, Archie
and Billy also Mrs. W. 3. Scott and
family, spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt Warwick and Viola Math-
Smith's Economy Food Store
In order that the Warren K. Cook Company
may keep their expert tailors busy in the quite
month (4 January they are, despite the indication
of a very serious shortage of material for making
clothes in 1942, making this great offer for January.
Order yours at once as the supply is limited. R. A. Reid R. 0. SEEtilitSS
5 for 25c
ONIONS 6 lbs. 250
SWEET J1iIfCY NAVEL ogANots .. doz,
anna td.
Eyesight Specialist
Winghatn Office At Williams' Jewelry Store
Every Wednesdo IVIorking 9 to bobT1.
Normal Students Teaching
Three local girls attending Strat-
ford Normal School arc doing prae-
tice teaching in this vicinity. Miss
Barbara Michic in Belgrave school;
Miss Edith MaClemiaghan in No. 18,
6th line East Wawattosh; Miss .Mabel
Coultes in the Stone school, No, 7,
Communion Service was' held in
Knox United. Church Sunday morning.
Rev. O. II, Dunlop spoke from the'
Leave it all .giiittly to God, my VOR COLD WgAPPIItg, IV/ZALS Titlt VIZOZgl/ SALIVIONt HALIIMIT 011 SIVIOXEI) rnitan
Lewis Stonehouse entertained