HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-01-01, Page 3A1010-70101$104,041M-10401M-rdrr— 4-41,4fAVIONrIfr44%- Ingh am Merchants Ettend . New Years Greeiu errx"P`ii; Happy New Year May 1942 Bring You.. Health and Happiness • We extend to our patrons as the old year passes the wish that they may enjoy a Happy and Prosperous New Year, THANKS A MILLION • To all in this district we extend the wish that you have • a New year filled With happiness. We also wish- to thank 'you for your splendid co-operation. " Happy New Year WINGHAM LIONS CLUB United Farmers 'C. Operative In Time's Book stands open to you. Chapter 1942. W6 hope it begins happily for you and ends the same way. er=r;',4f Ihy ite' oe MacLean Lumber & Coal Co. We're flying high with many wishes for your New Year. May it bring you real happiness and a 'year full of pleasure. GODSPEED", To you and the New Year too, We wish God- speed. May all your even- tures be successful and your days filled with hap- piness. NE GREETINGS! Another New Year brings us to the happy moment of . wishing you and yours a Happy Presperous 1942. Five words our pen must write. Here they are : HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Huron Motors A. D. MacWilliam R. A. Currie Murray Johnson YOUR WELFARE • To be thinking of- your welfare in 1942. Sincerely . we hope you and those nearest you enjoy the best of Health and Prosperity. C H AI NWAY STORES Vern Abram, Manager George Diver A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU HI. FELLA! Welcome 1942! You may be a young 'un but for our money you look all right. We'll count on you to, bring health, prosperity and a little happiness to all our friends. Come on in and' do your tuff • •••' 44=4,44/C4••••04..m..44.44.1. EVERYTHING THAT'S BEST IN LIFE May it all come your way in 1942. Yes, may each of, your days be brighter than the preceding one. That's our hope. . But never before have we meant. it more heartily for everyone in this com- munity. Here's 1942 ready and waiting. We" hope he treats you with kindness and respect, and that he helps you to find all the happiness possible for a human being. HERE'S HOpING-- . That you all will be sitting on top of the world during 1942. Happy New Year to all. E. J. Nash Stedman Store Donald Rae & Son Sunoco Dealer r. WIACSAMAKOVAT '§oz. ,,,,_„-Agoovogoitwim World Wide ews In Brief and his Chinese commanders every aspect of the Pacific War, and creat- ing the military council for common prosecution of hostilities on Decem- ber 28. the British forces must be fully re- sponsible for the prevention of "un- toward incidents" and that further de- tails of the surrender would be worked out later. Zealanders, Royal Air Force men trained in Canada, United States members of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and Norwegians from Tor- onto's "Little Norway." Churchill Speaks To Congress ,"..seeti.in ihe dictate? state.S",'', 2, xhe 'end t3i 1942 '"Will see,,qts qiiite definitely; in a better ooSit'inn than we ,are' .now." 3. :The ,year . 1943. "will enable •us to assurtie, the initiative upon an amp le stale." •.: . • Free French Take St. Pierre And Miquelon London, -- The Free French Gov- ernment announced its naval forces occupied St. Pierre and Miquelon at the request of the population df the barren islands in the Gulf of St, Lawrence, A plebiscite favored the occupation by over 600 to 10. ,witich sent, the Germans reeling froth the Volkhov, area, on the main Len- ingrad-Moscow railroad about 80 miles southeast of ,the long-besieged Baltic port., This brought to 36,200 the num- ber of Germans reported killed within a week by the westward surging Red army, forces all the way from the Crimea in the south to the northern front., must observe to ,"quarantee for all peoples a just and lasting peace." Now Owns "Command" Outright Since the dispersal of Grant Camp- bell's Shorthorn herd at Moffat, Ont., C. M. Myth of !Guelph, has purchased Campbell's Command, 1mp„ outright. Carrying two crosses of Collynie Roy- al Leader blood, which is so popular in Scotland, Argentina and America to-day ,"Command" is groving the most uniform sire ever used at Blyth- wood Farm, Among his good calves is Blythwood Commanding Model, a brill that is receiving a lot of very favorable comment from breeders who have seen him. Outstanding among the "Command" heifers is a dark-roatt senior calf, attehess of Gloster 43rd. The Blythwood herd successfully pas- sed another annual TX, test, and has now been fully accredited since June, 1927. • . Latest sale is an hi-months, dark-red, Campbell's COrotnand son, out of a good Augusta cow, that goes to head the small but well-bred herd of Chas, Bosnian, Wingliata, ant, Private (fin n h ding wasp err SteW)-4 ddil Whaa th is? Mess, Orderly; 'Vitamin heo.4 icied IltitCalt 'Mopping up opera- tions smith of captured Bengasi, the British general headquarters reported, PUsSiair have Mete Successes • Moscow, .— The Rttegiatts annottne7, ed the rout of German forces south-, Cast of Leningrad and the sthashitig of new N'azi lines which Ritter him- self eithotted his troops urgently and frantically to hold at all ecksts,' en the Oka. River below Uoscew. Upwards of 6,09 derinans were said to have been killed in the Soviet offensive Badges for Rejected Volunteers Toronto, -- Authorities at Military District No, headquarters announced that badges will be issued to men who have volunteered for the armed fortes and were turned claWn through no fault of their Own. Hot* bong Terms Toyko, The Japanese completed occupation of the fallen British fort- ress of Hong Kong at 11 a.nti the news and propaganda agency Daniel reported, and the surviving British garrison—estimated here to number 9,099 ntett.---was told to stack Japanese demands accepted by the de, fenders provided that ".ci, certain num,. bet" of Japanese troops would be stationed in Hong Kong for what was described as maintaining ofder; that Extend Credit Restrictions Ottawa, — Further restrictions on consutner credit buying, affecting in- stalment purchases, charge accounts, lay-away plans, financing charges and advertising were announced by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Farmers and others engaged in primary industry are allowed to buy goods covered by the consumer credit rulings up to an amount of $100 in open account, and on which payment may be deferred up to a maximum of 12 months. Empire Convoy Lands Safely A British Port, -- The biggest con- tingent of eitiph•e airmen ever to cross the Atlantic arrived in Britain to join Canadian, British, New Zealand and AustrXlian squadrons waging the air war against the AXis on the European front. More than half the arrivals were Canadians, with the rest of tile eon-, tingent made up of Australians, New Britain Shifts.. Par East Leaders London; Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Pow- nail has assumed command of the British forces in the Far East, stic,, ceeding Air Chief Marshal Sir Rob- ert Brooke-Popham. The War Office announcement said Sir Henry had ar- rived at Singapore to assume the dut- ies to which he was appointed is November, British Pacific Island Invaded London, — The Colonial Office an- bounced that Japanese forces "recent- ly have been operating in the Northern Gilbert Wands," roughly mid-way be- tween Australia and Hawaii. Wavell ViSited China Chungking, Chita, An ABC mil- itary council has been treated here by America's Maj-Gen. George A, Brett, Britain's des. .Sir Arehibald. %volt and Chitia'S Oen, Chiang Kai-ghek, Wavall and Brett were in Chongleing for three days, reviewing with Chiang Tighten Up On Rubber Ottawa,—Munitioes Minister Howe announced that "withoat exception rubber will be released in future for the manufacture of non-essentiaIs." After January 1, no new passenger ear tires Will be manufactured except for the four tires with which eath new car will be equipped, Pope Spoke Christmas kkeVe Vatican City, In a. Christmas 'Eve message filled wjth distress for the world's suffering and foreboding fur the future, Pope Pitts Xi./ enunciated five principles ire' said all mankind WashingtO, A long hard read. lies ahead of the Allied nations Prime Minister Churchill told an historic joint session of Congress. But he ex- pressed supreme confidence that an. Allied offensive to begin in 1943 would ultimately call the Axis nations to "terrible account ..for their mis- L'Yb50, deeds, Cairo, Egypt, Several hundred Alternately thrilling members. of the more axis prisoners have been can"- United States Senate and House of tilted and large Mrontinitio.0 Representatives by his oratorical powers wand reducing them to laughter by his dry" humor, the prime minister Set out the first phase of a victory tintt.table and ended with a plea for post-war 'collaboration and co.opera tiott among the English-speaking nations, itere is the thne4able: Within'a year or 18 Months, the tlitlrersion 'of the ,Atfierieari industrial inathine from peace to war "will yob, due resulte in war pewee' teyond nything that has beep seen et fere. PAG$ rsclay, January 1st, 1942 Not empty words but a sincere hope that happi- ness and prosterity will come your way in 1942. You've Heard It Before