The Brussels Post, 1978-12-13, Page 3AN OUT-OF-TOWN ORDER — Malcolm Jacobs, Brussels Harness- maker displays a bridle which he was asked to make for an Irish woman who lives 65 miles north of Dublin at Bally Bay in the County of Monaghan. The bridle was ordered by the woman's son, to be used when his mother drives her horse and cart into the little Irish town. As Malcolm Jacobs points out, it's quite a thing for a little shop in Brussels, Ont. to be making something that's going all the way to Ireland. (Brussels Post photo) ANNA'S DRESS SHOPPE Phone 887-6062 Brussels Beautiful Selection of SWEATERS Matching velour SWEATERS & SLACKS & SKIRTS Latest fashions in BLOUSES Nylon, Polyester & Disco Anna Hayward Open Tue-Sat-9-6 Anna Hamilton THIS IS IT I THAT'S WHAT %MUM SAY WHEN YOU SEE THE BERG HYDRO-1111111 ninnuRE PUMP It forces the manure from the barn, through an underground pipe to the storage area. As the manure enters storage area from below, the outside surface forms a crust, which retains the important nitrogen and potassium inside the pile and also reduces the odor and fly problems. And the manure is ready for spreading. when you want it. •U1LIC0111. EVEIFINITHING METTER Pelle WARNS For details call Keith Siemon Plumbing — Farm Equipment RA:4, Walton, Ontario Phone 345-2734, 4bol C RAWFPRD MOTORS WINGHAM ,ONTARIO SNOW-FLAKE • ILISIED CAP BARGAINS 1977 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4D-Ht. 1977 ASPEN 2 dwir 6 cY1* with 4-speed transmission 2-1976 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY 1976 PLYMOUTH FURY 4D 1976 CAMPER 1975 CORONET 2D Ht. 1975 LEMANS 4 door 1975 DODGE MONACO WS, equipped 1975 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 19..75 DODGE 1/2 TON CLUB CAB 1974 DATSUN B210 2 door: 1974 DODGEMONACO 1974 OLDSMOBILE 2 Door Hardtop 1974 FORD 1/2 TON TRUCK 1974 CHEV 4 DOOR 1974 DODGE 3/4 TON PICK-UP 1974 DODGE CLUB CAB 34 ton 1974 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 1970 CUTLASS Demonstratorsiammk 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Fully equipped 1978 CHRYSLER LE BARON Fully equipped 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 Door Hardtop 357-3862 The Melville Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Allan Smith for their Christ- mas meeting. Mrs. Ethel Long as leader opened the meeting with , Blest Be The Tie That Binds followed by prayer. Mrs. Long read a poem on Christ- mas. The scripture from Luke 2 verses 1-20 were read by Mrs. Steiss and Mrs. Matheson led in prayer. Hymn 173 "Holy Night" was sung. The meetings are to be held at 2 p.m. instead of 2:30 for the winter months. Roll call was answered with a Christmas verse. Mrs. Lulu Kerr favored with two lovely solos, "Sleep 0 Holy Baby" and "This is my Task". Several items of business were discussed. The meeting closed with the The annual meeting of the Belgrave, Blyth, Brussels School Fair Board was held on Monday, December 4th in the Belgrave Community Centre. The 1979 fair will, be held on Wednesday, September 12th, The election of officers and directors was conducted by Mrs. Janisa Coultes. The are Past Pre- sident - William Coultes; President - Ross Procter; 1st Vice-President - Jack Higgins; 2nd Vice-President - Ron Snell; Secretary- Treasurers - Mrs. Lorne Cambpell, Mrs. Murray Vincent. Directors Morris Township. Township; 1st line - Ross, Christmas and New Years holdiays are fast ap- proaching. Cranbrook Benediction. A bountiful Christmas lunch was served by Millie McFarlane and Mrs. King, assisted by the hostess. Abraham, Mrs. Peter Camp- bell; 2nd line. - Mrs. Harvey Edgar; Mrs. Bert Hastings; 3rd line - Mrs. Jim Bakelaar; 4th line - George Procter, Garner Nicholson; 5th line - Don. Procter, Mrs. Lloyd Michie. Directors, - East Wawanosh Township; 4th line - Mrs. Arnold Cook, Mrs. Jasper Snell; 6th Line - Mrs. Murray Scott, Mrs. Bill Fenton; 9th line - Murray Vincent, Larry Taylor; 10th line - Mrs. Sydney Thompson, Mrs. Bryan Coultes; 12th line - Murray Shiell, Mrs. George Chettleburgh; Begrave - Harold Vincent, Mrs. Tom Cameron, Mrs. John Gnay, Because the Post will be closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day the Brussels Post ?s asking correpsondcnts and those with news to have Pui their. wriceufis for we New Year's issue. Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; Blyth Mrs. Mary Wight- man, Mrs. Bob Charters; Brussels - Mrs. Mdrg, Garness, Mrs. Ken John- ston; Auditors - 'Mrs. George Procter, Mrs. Charlie Procter. The following are to sell advertising: Auburn - Ron Snell; l3elgrave - Harvey Black; Blyth - Bill Taylor, Eldon Cook; 'VVitigham - Murray Shiell, Bill Coultes, Ross Higgins, Bob Taylor; Brussels and Walton - George Michie, George McCutcheon.j The next meeting is slated for January 15th, 1979. Classified. Ads pay dividends , by Thursday, December 21. The Christmas issue of the Post will be distributed December 20 and the New 'ear's issue of the Post December 27. THE, BRUSSELS POST, PECEIVIBER 13, 1978 — 3 School fair elects Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Earl, young son of Mr. and ,A Mrs. Earl Grisdale under- went a tonsillectomy in Wiingham Hospital last•T week. The Cranbrook Dart Club began the season's activities on Thursday evening in the Community Centre. Miss Mary MacDonald, j' Toronto, spent the weekend fi with WS:Mai:tin' MacDonald "- Rev. Kenneth Knight will be inducted into the charge of Exeter, Cromarty and Hensall at Exeter on Thursday evening, December 14. Ladies Aid has Christmas Help us with early news for the holiday papers