HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-29, Page 7ATTENTION! CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS
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Belgrave surpris es. Rev. Roberts
Thelardent curler was then and immense lolly-pop,
presented with a new curling So concluded an impres-
broom wrapped to resemble sive and, memorable service.
Holy Spirit is around, active
in the affairs of our daily
living; for the deep empathy
with which you share our
lives, sometimes anguished,
sometimes joyous; for the
humour with which you tide
our funny bone; for the craft
excellence you demand of
yourself and us; for a Welsh-
man's innate love of music,
for your sensitively to people
and events, local and world-
wide; and for Our loyalty to
and trust in the Church.
All of these and more are
deeply appreciated because
they have helped us in so
many ways words fail us to
express, Thanks be to God!
(Halleluy ah) And now here's
to the next 25 years. In
gratitu de allow us to present
a plague in honour of this
occasion when we celebrate
25 years of ordination for
John Gratton Roberts.
Signed on behalf of Bel-
grave charge of the United
Church of Canada, Kenneth
Wheeler, Knox United
Church Belgrave - Ross
Anderson, Calvin-Brick, East
Wawanosh - Alex Roberton.
The presentation of a wal-
nut plaque with silver cross
and the inscription.
Presented to
Rev. John Grafton Roberts
in honour of •
25 years in the ministry
The congregations of
Knox United iChurch
Calvin- Brick
October 1978
was made by G. Ross Ander-
son, BelgraVe.
During the social hour
which followed in the school-
room, with a smorgasbord
lunch, events took a humor-
ous turn when George John-
ston reviewed some of John's
sports activities.
Seven speakers George congregations in Huron and
The joint lay-service of Which to rely. If an ;one just cause for celebration.
Knox and Calvin-Brick sees an opportunity in his or We earnestly desire to share
Churches, held in Knox her work in life to make an your joy on this occasion:
United Church, Belgrave, affirmation )grasp it and use We rejoice that you chose
November 26 had as its it, they said. to heed God's call to the
theme "Affirmation". At One speaker related that minister of the Word and
times experiences spell the friendliness of the church Sacraments. We further re-
doom, gloom and dire people convinced him to be joice that you responded in
warnings but the church at "home" in the church. the affirmative to what, we
should give positure terms A pamphlet in a hospital like to think was. God's call to
with a sense of well-being, waiting room helped one Canada, Because of that
the congregation heard. The person by printing. "Don't "yes", a certain ardent
church should be an anchor, look ahead, forget tomorrow, Welsh minister and his wife
a harbour. , You are given strength to Kay joined our two
bear it; So be at peace,
"For 25 years you have tohear the Good News as we
been, a minister of Christ's haven't heard it before.
Church. Such a sustained Please God we respond! We
period of commitment, are .deeply grateful for the
witness and service provides strength of your faith that the
Plowing Match. The Institute James reported on the area
decided to again sponsor' a Convention held recently.
young person to the Toc,
Alpha Conference. A the Belgrave 4-H Home-
Any expenses incurred by
making Clubs are to be paid donation is to be sent to the
by the Institute. War Memorial Children's
The meeting closed with
Hospital in London. The lunch served by the commit-Institute agreed to donate
guest speaker was John money to Mr. and Mrs. tee of Mrs. James Hunter,
Kerr, a master spinner who James Nelemans who recent- Mrs. Nelson Higgins and
spoke on the history of ly lost their hoine in a fire. Mrs. Bert. Johnston.
spinning and demonstrated - The Belgrave Institute will The Christmas Insitute
by using a drop spindle and a cater to the Morris Township meeting will be held
spinning wheel. Federation of Agriculture December 19 in the form of
Mr. Kerr also spoke of the Banquet on December 12 a Pot Luck supper at 7 p.m.
natural ingredients which, noon with Mrs. James in the W.I. Hall. Friends
can be used for dying fibres.. *Hunter. and Mrs. Clarence. and neighbours are
These include onions, wal- Hanna in charge. Mrs. welcomed.
nuts, flowers and beetles. Belgrave- personals Samples of wool and hair
Mr. Lawrence Gemmill of Arruda of Toronto spent the from sheep and goats were
Ste. 1209, 233 Booth Drive, weekend with her mother shown.
Winnipeg, Manitoba is Mrs. Cliff Logan. Maria and Mr. Kerr discussed the
spending a short vacation at Michelle Arruda who have cleaning and carding of the
the home of his nephew • been visiting with their fibres.
Leslie and Mrs. Bolt, Mr. grandmother returned home A trio of Mrs. Harold
Gemmill movedtoManitoba Jardin, Mrs. Clarence Bailey
with his parents eighty-one and Mrs. Clare Van Camp years ago.
entertained musically.
Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. The business meeting was
Elizabeth Leslie, Ernest conducted by Mrs. Leonard
Michie, Mrs. Ada Smith of James. Thank -r you, notes
Brussels visited recently with were read from Huronview
Mrs. Jean Wills of Milton. Auxiliary and the Ladies'
Miss Michelle Reddy of Program Committee of the
Toronto visited on the week-
end with Sheila Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grasby and Mrs. Laura John-
ston attended the baptism of
their granddaughter Erin
Elizabeth infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George John-
ston in the Ilderton United
Church, Sunday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch,
Julie and Jeff of London also
attended the baptism service
and all spent the day with
.Mr. and Mrs. George John-
ston, Tara and Erin of
Mrs. Dennis Ensom of.
Sarnia spent a couple of days
last week with her mother
Mrs. Robert Procter.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vin-
cent and Patrick of Riverview
B.C. are visiting with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Vincent, Mr. and Mrs.
George Webster of White-
Howard Roberts of
McMaster University,
Hamilton Spent the weekend
with his parents Rev. John
and Mrs. Roberts.
. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house were Sunday visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
MacDonald of TeesWater.
Mr. and Mrs. Americo
OPP investigate
several crashes
Twenty-five charges were
laid under the Highway traf-
fic Act and twenty-one
warnings were issued.
Five charges were laid
under the Liquor Licence
Five charges were laid
under the Criminal Code.
During the week, there
were eight motors vehicle
collisions which caused an
estimated $21,050.00 in pro-
perty damage and injuries to
five persons.
On Thursday, November
23, 1978, Ronald C. Astles of
R.R.1, Kincardine and Step-
hen B. McDougall of
Wingham were involved in a
collision on Highway 86,
west of the Maitland River
Bridge. Ronald C. Astles
received minor inuries as a
result-of the collision:
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Procter, Mrs. John Gnay, The climax of servicehave continued in the re-
Mrs. Clifton Walsh, Howard was reached when the , lationship of pastor to the
Marton, Ronald McBurney, minister asked "Has anyone people for more than eleven.
Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft and anything else' to say?" At years.
Mrs. Clifford Logan, related this precise moment Ivan These have been years rich
how their various vacations Dow of Calvin-Brick ap- in Christian fellowship for us. and experiences had drawn proached the altar and read .Somehow, your profound
address to the the following them closer to God. One understanding of the Gospel
member said no matter what completely surprised Rev. and its implications for the
happens the soil remains, so Roberts. life of man has caused us
it is with the church.
Many things change, new
ideas come but people re-
quire something stable,
something permanent on
WI hears • John Kerr, spinner
Mrs. Lewis Stonehoule
The Canadian Industries
meeting of the Belgrave
Women's Institute was held
on November 21. Convener
was Mrs. Ross "Taylor. The
Play euchre
Nine tables of euchre were
in play at the Belgrave
Weekely - Euchre last
Wednesday evening. High
Lady - Mrs. Agnes Bieinan;
Low Lady - Mrs. Herb Clay-
ton; Lady's Novelty - Mrs.
Hazel Davidson.
High Man - James Coultes
Low Man Gordon Nicholson
Man's Novelty -, Clarence
Hanna. •
The annual meeting of the
Rising Star Royal Black
Preceptary was held in Blyth
Orange Hall, November 21.
with a good attendance.
The W.P. Robert Hibberd
conducted the meeting and
called on P.P.VV.A. Nethery
to conduct the election and
installation Of officers P.P.
Robert Hibberd, W.P.
Henry Pattison Reg. -
Emerson Mitchell, Chap
George Grigg, Treasurer 1 C.
Falconer, Lecturers, H. Jack.
lin and W. A Nethery, Cen-
sot - Elmer Bruce and. Hera
man Nethery, S.P. - Milo
Cage/tore, and AthOl
Bruce, Puts innigan,
Tyler Clare Van Cahill.
with them.
Mrs. Dorothy Telfer of
ListoVvel Mrs. George Black
of Campbellville, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Anderson of Rex-
,dale, Mr. and Mrs. James
Anderson, Marian and
Jefery of Guelph were week-
end visitors of Mrs. Earl
Anderson. ,
On Monday Glen Nixon
accompanied by his grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Bolt took Mr. Lawrence
Gemmill of Winnipeg,
Manitoba to the home of his
granddaughter in Bramalea.
Grant. McBurney of Ottawa
spent the weekend with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack
This community extends
sympathy to Robert Coultes
and his family and to Mrs.
T homas Prescott and her
family. in the recent loss of
their1oVed ones. •
'Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide,
Kimberly and Jennifer of
Mount Hope, and Ray
Nicholson of Toronto Spent
the weekend with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Garner
Mrs. Albert Bieman, Mr.
and Mrs. Roger Biernan,
Kent and Blair and Mr,
George Inglis attended the
christening of MeliSsa
Danielle,• infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beiman in
St. Mary's Roman Catholic
Church, LticknoW On Sunday
triorttitia. Mt. and Mts.,
Grant Chisholm Of LUcknoW
held a family dinner for the
Also Thursday, November
23, Frederick De. Boer of
R.R.2, Teeswater was in-
volved in a single car colt
lision on. Highway 86, A
passenger in his car, Hilda
On Saturday, NoVember
25, George R. Morrison of
Mt. Forest, was involved in a
single car accident on County
Road #30, south of sideroad
30-31, ..„Howick Township.
Mr. Morrison received minor,
injuries, as ' well as two
passengers, Norbert Feist of
Wawa, and Lawrence J.
McCorquodale of •Mt. Forest.
De Boer, also of R.R.2.
Teeswater, received minor
injuries as a result of the