HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-29, Page 6(Continued from Page 3) better suited to those who are frail or confused by a lot of activities. The plans are less structured and allow for more relaxed activities. But the activities are not restricted to the centre itself. On alternate Tuesdays some clients swim at a nearby indoor heated pool. On the other Tuesday, they bowl, at the nearby bowling lanes. This activity is run by a client and aided by special ramps designed and built by the male clients in the woodwork shop. Both the designs r. of the ramp and the co-ordinator of the bowling are paraplegics who would never have considered undertaking such projects in the past. Some activities are planned for both Huronview residents and clients. Shuffleboard tournaments and teas with the baking done by clients have proved popular. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages to be attached to Huronview. There is a ready access to emergency care, reduction in costs due to shared services like dining, hair care and whirlpool bath. The day care centre also provides an introduction to life in the residences so that when the need arises for fulltime care the transition is made easier. Plus many day centre clients are able to visit friends in Huronview. But there is that old fear of being associated with the "poor house". Some people are reluctant to get involved with the day centre programs for fear they would have their life committed to Huronview. It would also be good if the day centre could be located closer to a general hospital where the clients would have access to clinics and therapy there. The benefits of the centre have been enormous and SEAFORTH - CAMBRIDGE - AYR -WOODSTOCK INTERNATIOPUlt. NAVY ES''(E11 H & 'N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & installation of pipelines & milking parlours R.R.4 WALTON BRUSSELS Universal. 1 44.62#600k. Christmas Gift Suggestions Shop At • BRUSSELS 5'41 .00 STORE • Christmas Cards' & Wrappings • Ladies', Men's & Children's Wear. • China & Toys DRAW - SATURDAY, DEC. 2:3 at &O'CLOCK JIM& 4l" Sockeye 41.•, Alga Clover Leaf ...1111111P" ANL SALMON 1.39 II • Allen's E". i. OrcsnOe 2. FLAVOUR -"r" CRYSTALS • • tlf 3'idi(. Er: I> " 69 11 klifttiO •wk T OUiirdAT =. LIMIT , FAM10.11100111tMENT'S' = = akil, Schneiders "=--orm, = Red Hot 7.r"r" WIENERS -= eV f Lb .09 = t itiOs3/4° - = Kraft MIRACLE fe: WHIP = = = 30 02 1.19 1410 10 ==2- STDRE HOURS, iMildunr*S" Unentd" F e. (19-,§Scit " "6 5. 6 THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 29, 1918 Reporter learns to add at Huron's DayCentre by Rhea Hamilton I was trying to be inconspic ,uous. But no one was letting me get away with melting into the woodwork and just watching. "How are you at adding?" a little man cornered me with. "Only fair," I replied and be quickly pushed a list of easy numbers under my nose to add. His card playing friends, seeing something funny was about to take place, sat back from their table and watched while I added the numbers with care. Admittedly I knew there must be a. trick to this so I took my time and added carefully. Now adding numbers slowly is relatively easy but I must admit that thousands and hundredspf thousands fool me. And they certainly did. When I got my total I told him and he soberly lookd me in the eye and wanted to know where I had added in the extra 10,000? Aghast I looked over the long column offigures and noted I had in fact carried too many numbers over two columns over instead of one. It didn't seem to matter, everyone around the table enjoyed seeting someone else fall into an IQ test administered by William Close. William travels from Ethel with three other ladies to the Day Centre for senior citizens at Huronview. He has a flair with tests and keeps everyone's brows knitted over new prob- lems. Poser Howard Clark and Russell McCreight enjoy games of poker and a good joke. Many volunteers find it hard to keep them involved in other activities at the Huron Day Centre for the Homebound. The centre has been open a year now serving the needs of those homebound due to age or disability. The program is smaller than one would imagine, 90 clients in total are served, The limit is twelve per day and the centre is full with a waiting list. The facilities are shared at Huronview, east of Clinton, "Something like this should have been going years ago" said Bertha Gibb, Bertha is a volunteer driver from Clinton and had just arrived with a car load from Dashwood and Grand Bend. "I enjoy driving and I enjoy helping people more." she% said, "Just listen to what they have to say. Too many people listen to old folks but don't hear a word they say," Bertha said. "They have rights too." PRAISE But she was not the only one that morning to have praise for the Day Centre program. "They are hard bossess out here" Margaret Farquhar, Clinton, pointed out to me while she was quickly hooking a front for a pillow. "But we enjoy it all" she laughed. Margaret is a volunteer and a member of the :"Active Seniors Helping the Homebound". RECEIVE MORE "We give but we receive far more by helping outMargaret said. She and a friend Edna Eckmier were both busy hooking pillow panels. Edna is from Ethel and makes the long trip twice a week to Clinton. "I look forward to the time I' can get down here" Edna said. Hilda Scheerer is also from Ethel and enjoys the social atmosphere best of all. "I keep busy and the time goes fast" Hilda said. "I keep making squares for afghans." Pleasant people draw others. At the centre, loneliness is set aside and getting back into the swing of life is the order of the day. Seniors day centre fills need in Huron many biess the volunteers it possible for them to be a and their drivers for making part of the program. Classified Ads pay dividends.. Huronview Auxiliary meets 19,1979, when officers will be elected for the year. The Huronview Auxiliary met in the craft room at Huronview on November 20. In the absence of the president, Mrs. A. McNicol,- the vice president Mrs. Leona Lockhart opened the meeting. Mrs. E. Webster read the minutes of the last meeting, and Mrs. Margaret Thorn- dyke gave the treasurer's report. It was moved that all bills be paid including the new color T.V. presented to the residents on Family The next regular meeting of the auxiliary will be March atall111111111111111111111111allillall111011111linallilliii FOOD VAWES THAT SHOUT Stock up during * Schneiders Week 1.111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 PRODUCE ::: PAPER :44‘. =• TOMATOES *le Royale "—•••••••.--......ur.'"1.111r lerole = "r" Prod. USA Can. No. I Red • Prod. USA Can. No. 1 .39„ E, an, S chneider's 5 Sliced 'ego* E SI DE BACON h,= MO St - TOWELS N. 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PIG TAILS 6.25 E .1-3 Schneiders Frozen V.= =MINI SIZZLERS 1 Lb 1 ,39 == Schneider`s-Thuringer g SAUSAGE "::,:1'4,!" 1 98 -= rommummminfimmiliminminiiminuma -No,' ...du Frozen SAUSAGE ROLLS 4.. .49 1 ku.11iminnimminiminthimmilimmwommimme Schneiders Frozen MEAT PIES E Schneider's Frozen = Mincemeat TARTS k: Volley Farms PEAS 2 Lb. tiPX :g. Irc 14 dz, . :59 98 Ph'g Beg .69 477.. COFFEE