HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-22, Page 15-CLASSIFIED 17 Wanted To Reim 19 Notices 20 Auction Sales Cranbrook 20 Auction Sales men in war COUNTY APPOINTMENTS Non-County Councillors Certain appointments are made each year by the County of Huron to various local boards or committees. In 1979 County appointments are to be made as follows: -Huron County Land Division Committee -Huron County, Public Library Board All present members of the Library Board and all members of the Land Division Committee except one are eligible for reappointment. If interested, submit details in writing (including telephone number) and indicate committee or board on which yOu prefer to serve, Submissions to be received by the undersigned by noon on Friday, December 8, 1978 • BAMANLY Clerk-treaSaWAdthiniStratejr. • - County of Huron .Court. House, Goderich, ontatio NIA 1 M2 tel', 5/4,8394.3, •Area -Code -MO 49,594 was the first from around here to enlist, and his brother Harvey Noble, was the sec- ond. Harvey was more for- tunate than his brother as he returned to Canada. Unfor- tunately Harvey was killed in an accident in the West a few years later. Wonderful . GULBRANSEN " organ sound at its best " "4.1400471,20W4 Hi! I'm Henry from Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. We're CLEARING our large stock of quality organs and pianos which must be sold before Christmas so we can get ahead with our renovating and redecorating program. You, the customer gets a chance at huge savings on Gulbransen Organs, Wurljzter Organs and Pianos, Lesage pianos and other well known makes. Discounts vary_ from 20 to 40%. Example: , Save$1500.00 on organ shown. Buy a $2,000.00 piano for $1,395.00. Music stands, bass guitars guitar cases and other small items are selling below CoSt: Santa is really coming .early to PULSIFER MUSIC 57-0058 Main Street. Seaforth Wingham Memorial Shop QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMEI-ERY LETTERING Box 158, WINCH AM JOHN MALLICK THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 22, 1978 15 APARTMENT in. Brussels, preferably with fridge and stove, Phone 887-6641. 17-574 19 Notices PUPPIES to give away to a good home. Mother - Aust. ralian Blue Heeler, 887-6868, 19-60x1 WILL PAY CASH—for coon furs, unscraped or otherwise. Contact, only on Saturday, David Rapson, RR 4, Brus- sels, 887-9584. 19-60-2 If you have a problem with alcohol, call 1-881-3655 or Goderich 1-524-6001. 19-54-13 PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and appliance Service, 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 19-57-tf WEBERS SEWAGE . DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used we pump septic tanks, cess- pools, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. 19-57-tf NOTICES H & N Dairy Systems Ltd. Walton, Ontario is now the authorized dealer for SILO CAR Electric Feed Carts and Bedding Choppers. For more information or a free trial please ph6lie 887:6063. 19-59-2 .4• • • • • • • . • • • • • 4,• • • , R. G. Gethke • • • ,•••••••••••••••• a WANTED: Dead or Disabled Cows Et Horses Stocker cattle, calves and swine Top Prices Paid For fresh animals over 500 lb. - $1.00 a hundred weight. Cows and horses over 1200 lb. - $20.00. 4 wheel skive radio dispatched trucks. 24 hr. service — 7 days a week russels Pet Food Supplies Call Collect 887-9334 19-59-tf JUNIOR Curling starts Mon. Nov. 27 at B.M. & G. Corn. .Centre at. 4:45 p.m. New members welcome. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was in the hospital. Your thoughtfulness was certainly appreciated. Lydia Cameron. 24-60x1 I would like to thank every- one who remembered me in various ways while I was in hospital and since coming home. It was all appreciated and won't soon be forgotten. Joyce van Vliet 24.60x1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was in the hospital. Y our thoughtfulness was certainly appreciated. Lydia Cameron. 24-60x1 25 In Memoriam MILLER—In loving memory of Elsie Jane Miller, dear mother and grandmother who passed away Nov. 22, 1977. You suffered much in silence Your spirit did not bend You faced your pain with courage Until the very end. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. Ever ,remembered by hus- band Bill and family. 25-60-1 8 Farm Stock 26 steers and heifers be- tween 500-600 lbs. Part Hereford and Charolais. 523-4260. • 8-60-1 Auction Sale worthy of your attendance to be held BRUSSELS COMMUNITY CENTRE AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 12:30 p.m.. To be sold without reserve for Mr. and. Mrs. George Marsdin who are leaving the country. Random examples of this exceptional offering are - chests of drawers; desk; cherry fruitwood coffee table and end tables; period style chesterfield suites; vintage sewing stand; good beds and mattresses; Victoriana side chair; early round parlour tables of merit; sleigh end bed; 3 Windsor side chairs; oak fall front desk; kneehold vanity with bevel mirror; drop centre pedestal dressing stand with full length mirror; rockers; pipe back Queen Ann chair; exceptional antique vanity mirror; antique parlour sofa; antique mahogany on pine bureau; cherry fruitwood Radio/T.V./Hi-fi in exceptional condition; wall clocks; Oak hall rack with Lion hangers; hook stands and quality end tables; Wingham "Classic" cook stove; old records; pictures and frames; plus kitchen furnishings; dependable range; deep freeze; spin washer; automatic drier; Black and Decker radial arm saw; Black and Decker portable electric saw; shallow-well pump; complete candle making equipment & accessories; 12 gauge shot gun; plus a variety of usual small wares, curious and home accessories; glassware; china in variety. FEATURE—Magnificent walnut 9 pc. dining room suite - period style - good condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. PREVIEW— Saturday morning from 10:30 a.m. Buyer registration begins at 12 noon. Lunch counter open. AUCTIONEER—JACK ALEXANDER, WINGHAM Tel. 357-1442 20-60-1 • •' GENERAL • AUCTIONEER • s' Serving Huron and • Perth counties with • • many years of ex - 40. perience. For reliable • service at reasonable • rates. • CALL 347-2465 • COLLECT • 11-57-tf • • S . „ • • • • • • • 5, • • 19-60-1 24 Cards of Thanks Reminder To the Taxpayers of the Village of Brussels •The last half of 1978 TAXES Are Due November 30th Payable at the Clerk's Office In an interview with the Post a couple of weeks ago, Brussels war veteran Russel Knight referred to five men from Cranbrook who were killed in the war. This week, Mrs. Margaret MacDonald of R.R. #2, Brus- sels sent a letter to the Post indicating who those five men were. They were Cleve and Bert MacDonald, brothers of Martin MacDonald, Walter Noble, a brother of Ralph Noble of Cranbrook, Gordon Cameron a brother of the late Wilfred Cameron of Brussels and Earl Raymann, a grandson of Anthony Raymann, a pump maker of Cranbrook. According to Mrs. Mac Donald's letter Mr. Noble said that Cleve MacDonald