HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-22, Page 5If You're inthe Red for Christmas...
Shop. in
Participating Blyth merchants have tickets that will allow
you to enter the Double Your Money Draw, Draws will be
made every Saturday until Christmas, at the Memorial Hall
at 3;30 p.m. by the entertaining James Lawrie.
You don't have to be
on hand to win
But if you are, and your tiCkel Is drawn you can dotible your
money by picking it up before 4 pan,
Participating businesses tire:
*Freer's Hardware * Triple K *, Kitchen Cupboard * Village Restaurant
* Sporlings * Voddens Grocery * Blyth Meat Market * Madills * Blyth inn * B.J, Fabrics
* Gores Hardware * Wilsons Health and Gift Centre * Blyth Standard
* George of Brussels * Howson & Howsdn * Wallace Turkey * Youngbluts Sunoco
* Elliotts Insurance * Mason Bally * Hamms Car Sales and Garage * Griffith BP
* Radfords Construction * Chatterton's * Bank of Commerce * Josling Bros.
* Baintons Original Old Mill * -Hansel & Gretel * Blyth Veterinary * Blyth Printing
* Vals Fashion Fare * The tanner * Burkholder Auto Body * Campbell Transport
Draws will be made every Saturday Until Christmas,
at the Memorial Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Open Wednesday Dec 13 g 26 „
Open till iiihe Dec. 20, 21,22, Saturday Det.23 CloSe at SIX
11%.. 111101).. 11104. 111b.. Mb* 9"
CHAMPION BARROW—at the Royal Winter Fair, L-R J.E. Hull, Judge,
E.L. Jardine, Massey Ferguson Rep., Jan Van Vliet, of Brussels, owner.
Van Vliets win number
of prizes at the Royal
Jan Van Vliet of RR 2,
Brussels and his son John of
Brussels won a number of
prizes for their competition
entries at the Royal Winter
Fair's Market Barrow Show
on Friday, November 10.
Jan got first for his entry in
Section 2: Single Landrace
Barrow t75-220 pounds; first
in Section 3: Single Lacombe
barrow - 175-220 pounds;
Champion in Section 7:
Champion Barrow and Re-
serve in each section 1-5;
Champion in Section 8: Sup-
reme. Champion Barrow and
Reserve; and Supreme
Champion Barrow in Class
626—the Massey Ferguson
Industries Ltd: Champien-
ship Award.
His son John also did well
winning fifth for his entry in
Section 2: Single Landrace
Barrow 175-220 pounds; first
for his entry in Section 6: Pen
of 6 Barrow 175-220 pounds;
the Champion in Section 9:
Champion Pen of 6 Barrows
and Reserve, and the Lt.
Colonel G.C. Reeves Chal-
lenge Trophy (Perpetual) in
Class 627.
In the Yorkshires class-
Class 550, Jan Van Vliet also
did well with his swine in
. In Section 1: Boar 8-9
months, Born January 1st-
February 28. inclusivel his
entry Van Brook Duke placed
sixth. In Section 2: Boar, 6-7
months, born March 1 - April
30 inclusive his entry Van
Brook placed seventh. His
Van Brook Sally placed
second in Section 4: Sow,
13-24 months, born Nov. 1,
1976 - October 31, 1977
inclusive, Van Brook
Duchess placed eighth and
ninth in Section: 5: Gilt,
10-12 months, born
November 1, 1977-December
31, 1977 inclusive.
(Continued from Page 21
study to the Labour
Ministry's occupational
health and safety division
with a request for a detailed
evaluation, and asked for an
analysis to determine
whether any other studies
show an increased incidence
of lung cancer in foundry
workers' elsewhere in the
world. The -extent of, the
Ministry's involvement was
to send a list of occupational
health studies in foundries to
Dr. McCracken last June.
However, Dr. McCracken
was under the impression
that the ministry was con-
tinuing a detailed invest-
igation and held off doing
anything about the claims
before the board until the
probe was completed.
Eddie Sargent, MPP
(Greyk-BrUce), introduced
this week a Private Members
Bill which, if adopted
In Section 6: Gilt, 8.9
months, born January 1 -
February 28 inclusive• his
entry placed tenth in
Section 9; Breeder's Herd,
Group of 4 animals, bred
and owned by exhibitor, Jan
Van Vliet placed sixth with his
John R. Van Vliet's entry
placed seventh in the Barrow
Carcass, competition,
In the Duroc class-Class
555 John R. Van Vliet's entry
Little Brook Improver placed
eighth in Section 1: Boar,
8-9 months, born January 1st
February 28th inclusive. His
Pine Heights Pride 33K
placed• tenth in Section 2,
Boar 6-7 months, born March
1-April 30th inclusive.
He won first for his entry
Pine Heights Top Star in
Section 4: Gilt, 10-12
months, born November 1st
1977-December 31, 1977 in-
clusive. In Section 5: Gilt 8-9
months, born Jan. 1st-Feb.
28th inclusive his entries
Little Brook Debbie 500 and
Little Brook Debbie 501
placed fourth and fifth re-
spectively. Pine Heights Top
Star was also the reserve
champion in Section 7: Grand
Champion Gilt and Re-
serve. In Section 8 : Bre-
eders Herd-Group of 4
animals, bred and owned by
the exhibitor his entry placed
In the Lacombes class-
class 556 Jan Van Vliet of
R.R.2, Brussels also did well.
In Section 2: Boar, 6-7
months, born March 1-April
30 inclusive Van Brook Adam
825K and Van Brook Adam
816 K placed eighth. In.
Section 5: Gilt, 8-9 months,
born January 1st-February
28, inclusive Van Brook Eve
placed fifth. Van Brook,
Sarah and Van Brook Eve
would have established a
new system for hydro rates.
The bill proposed a low rate
for pensioners and people
earning low incomes, as well
as for people who use little
hydro. It would end the
discounts for industry and
big users of electricity. The
Government blocked the bill
on a vote. Using the Toronto
rates as an example, Mr.
Sargent said that the first 50
kilowatt hours in a billing
period cost 7c each; the next
200 kilowatt hours cost 3.4c
each, and after that 2.6c
each. Essentially the pro-
posed bill would turn this
system around so that the
more electricity one uses the
higher rate one would pay.
This reverses the present
system of giving lower rates,
for higher use, which is self
defeating in terms of con-
servation and preservation of
our resources, as well as in
placed fourth and fifth re-
spectively in Section 6; Gilt
6-7 months, born March
1st-April 30 inclusive, In
Section 8; Breeders Herd-
Group of 4 animal, bred and
owned by exhibitor his entry
placed fourth.
The Van Vliets also did
well in the Landrace .class-
Class 552. Jan Van Vliet's
entry Van Brook Supreme
placed seventh in Section 1:
Boar, 8-9 months, born
January lst-February 28th
In Section 2, Boar; 6-7
months, born March 1-April
30th inclusvie his Van Brook
Leader placed sixth and John
R. Van Vliet's entry Little
Brook Brodderud placed
tenth. In Section 4, Sow,
13-24 months, born
November 1st, 1976-October
31, 1977 Van Brook Janis
owned by Jan Van Vliet
placed fourth. Little Brook
Janis owned by John Van
Vliet and Van Brook Janis
owned by Jan Van Vliet
placed fourth and fifth re-
spectively and Little Brook
Janis 32H owned by - John
Van Vliet, placed tenth in
Section 5: Gilt, 10-12 months
born November 1, 1977-
December 31, 1977.
Van Brook Janis 506J
owned by Jan Van Vliet
placed sixth in Section 6:
Gilt, 8-9 months, born
January 1-February 28, in-
clusive.d HIs Van Brook
Rosie 926F placed eighth in
Section 7: Gilt, 6-7 months,
born March 1-April 30th
inclusvie and, John Van
Vliet's entry of Little Brook
Janis 14J placed tenth in the
same class.
Jan Van Vliet's entry
fourth and John R. Van
Vliet's entry placed sixth in
Section 9, Breeders Herd-
Group of 4 animals.
terms of doing somehthing
about the size of the
generating program we must
have in the province.
Presedntly, the Govern-
ment is in the middle of a
reassessment of hydro rateS,
but it has proved to be a long
and irksome business, and a
new structure will not likely
be in placed until 1980 or
Ontario's miniority Con-
servative Government was
defeated by one vote (37-36)
in the Legislature this week
on an amendment to the
Child Welfare Act.
The amendment requires
the province to set up a
registry to pair names of
adopted children who have
- reached eighteen with those
of their natural parents. It
also would bring them to-
gether if all parties, in-
cluding the adoptive parents,
Report from Queen's Park
S NOW BOOTS for, all ages
Priced. UNDER $20.
Open Friday Nightt 'Until 9 Agents for Harriston Dry CleatterS,
Brussels Member B.B,A. Phone 887-9497