HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-15, Page 10Thank You
May express my
sincere appreciation to
all the people of Grey
Township who took
the time to come out to
the polls on Monday,
Nov. 13 to show your
concern over the
legislating of our
township over the next
2 years.
I hope that this will
be ,a successful council
which will act only in
the best interests of all
of you.
Your support should
give us the strength to
try to do that. ED
To Brussels Voters
Thank you for voting.
I'll do my best.
To the Electors
Your support in the
November 13th Election
was greatly appreciated.
Thank you Very Much
Thanks to the people of
I appreciate and thank you for the support
you extended me on Monday. Anytime I
can be of assistance please don't hesitate
to call.
My sincere thanks to all those who
supported and encouraged me in 'the
November 13th election.
Walton people play euchre
Mrs. Allan McCall
The Tuesday evening
euchre .was held in the
Walton Community hall.
There were 12 tables of
euchre in play. Prizes were
awarded for high lady - Mrs.
Wilbur Turnbull; low lady -
• Mrs. Sadie McDonald; High
man - Bruce Godkin; low
man - Bert Shobbrook; Lad-
ies most zeros on card - Mrs.
Rena Watt; Men, most zeros
on, card - Bert Daer; Lady
with most buttons - Mrs.
Remembrance was the
theme or the Walton Unit
meeting isiovember 8.
Mrs. Harold Boeger
opened the devotions with
the Call to Worship. Mrs.
Edna Hackwell was pianist
for hymn, Come Ye Thankful
People, Come. Mrs. Nelson
Reid read the scripture les-
son from. Chapter 3 of Thes-
salonians. Mrs. Bolger led in
)rayer.followed with a read-
ing, Lest We Forget and a
Remembrance poem, l~ sing
this parti of the meeting with
singing hymn, 0 God of
Love, 0 'King of Peace.
Mrs. Stewart Humphries
gave 1.he, topic on "Give us
this day our daily bread"
from the "Lord's Prayer"
taken from the book, God's
Psychiatry reminding mem-
bers how to talk to God. '
Keeping with the theme
for the season Mrs. McCal1
opened, the business with
poem on Arir • cc Day.
Roll call was answered by
20 members. Treasurer,
Mrs. M. Sholdice gave both
the U.C.W. financial and
unit reports. A nominating
.i:ommittee was chosen to
bring in slate of officers for
next year.
Copper Contest money
was handed in with Mrs.
Gordon Murray's side win-
ning. It was decided to have
a Christmas party with Mrs.
E Mitchell's losing side pre-
paring for the supper on
Thursday, December 14th
at 6:30 p.m. Thee will be a
gift exchange and members
decided to give a small gift to
shut-ins. Dates to remember
from the U.C.W. executive
meeting were the Presby-
terial meeting this week in
Wingham and November 20
has been set for the Walton
U.C.W. to go to the resource
centre in Mitchell. All units
Cliff Ritchie; man with most
buttons after a three way cut
Torrance Dundas; Lady
wearing color underwear -
Elsie Shaddick; Man wearing
color underwear - Ernie
Stevens; Lady with most 4's
on card - Mrs. Ken McDon-
ald; man with most 4's on
card - Harvey Craig.
Women's Insititute host-
esses were Mrs. Gerald Wat-
son; Mrs. Graeme Craig;
Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs.
Lavern Godkin. There will
be another euchre on Nov. 21
at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is
are to attend the Pot luck
U.C.W. Christmas, meeting
on Wednesday, December
6th called for 6:45 p.m.
Mrs. F Thamer offered
to visit a lady at Huronview,
there had been two ladies
names referred to the UCW.
Following Grace, lunch
was served by Mrs. Roily
Achil'esiMrs. Ralph Traviss
and Mrs. Edna Hackwell.
17th'i& Boundary
17th and Boundary unit
met at the home of Mrs.
Harvey Craig.
The Armistice Day poem
by Mrs. Harold, McCallum
opened the meeting\ followed
by everyone repeating in
unison the hymn, "Peace
perfect peace." Hymn, "The
morning light is breaking"
was sung accompanied by
Mrs. Martin Baan at the
piano. Mrs. Mc Callum led
in prayer.
The scripture reading was
taken from Ephesians 4-116
read by Mrs. Harvey Craig.
Mrs. McCallum gave a read-
ing, "No time has there ever
been so much need for love
as now" Hymn, "In Christ
there is no East or West"
was sung.
Mrs. Harvey Craig gave
the topic, "In Evangelism
and World Peace", remind-
ing us that he, Jesus Christ is
our peace, then all stood and
sang the Queen closing this
devotional part of the meet-
ing. The offering was re-
ceived and dedicated.
Mrs. Graeme Craig pre-
sided for the business open-
ing with a poem, "Twelve
things to remember". Mrs.
Helen Williamson read the
minutes. 11 members
tnsweted the roll call.
'Treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. Karen Hoegy and
Mrs. Hugh Johnston gave
the miscellaneous fund re-
port. A thank you card was
read from the Clark family,
Members were reminded
of the U.C.W. Potluck super
for the Christmas meeting on
December 6 when the unit is
responsible for arranging for
Mrs. H. McCallum assist-
ed the hostess in serving
lunch at the close of the
Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles
spent a week recently with
Mr. and Mrs. TedAchilles at
Hearst, also visiting with his
sister, Mrs. Margaret Turn-
Miss Kim. Humphries R.N.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Humphries left a
week ago Saturday from the
Toronto Airport for Salt Lake
City, Utah, where she will be
employed at the Primary
Children's Hospital there.
We wish Kim well in her
chosen profession as a nurse.
Mrs. Pat Holmes, Clinton,
and Mrs. Ray Huether visit-
ed recently with a former
teacher, Mrs. Ray Klem at
Recent visitors with Mrs.
Jean Broadfoot were Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall,
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
John Nottingham of Delta,
B.C. On Saturday Mr. and.
Mrs. David Allison and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Kestles of
London visited Mrs. Broad-
foot and on Sunday Mrs.
John Allison, Seaforth also
visited at the same home.
Dr. Myers formerly of
Brussels who now lives at
Saskatoon, Sask. has been
making calls on friends in the
Walton area.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall
were supper guests on Sun-
day with. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Snell and Harris of
Sunday supper guests
with Mrs. Jim Shortreed
were Mr. and Mrs. Mack
Webster, Mary Ellen and
Mark of Varna and Mr. and
Mrs.. Ken Shortreed, Jodi,
Robbie and Kendra, RR 3,
UCW remembers
I thank the
For their overwhelming support at the
_polls on the 13th of November. We will
always try to do our best.
To the electors of
I would like to thank .everyone who
supported me at the polls on election day,
and to all those who helped me in any
Also congratulations to Cal Krauter
and to the new council, and P.U.C.
I wish you all the best in the next two
To the Electors of
Your support in the Nov. 13th election
was sincerely appreciated.
I will endeavor to serve you to the best
of my ability.