HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-11-15, Page 8WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 - SE AFORTH If you do a lot of trail riding, you'w• waited long enough for the all-day comfort of Arctic's new Trail Cat 1980 ride technology is here today Professional service , when you need i VAINA,010 — WO 04, NORtH or HENgALL, Lociik FOR THE 262.3318 Or 262.5809 THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 15, 1978 A good crowd watched Brussels' Remembrance Day service We now cater to ANNIVERSARIES, DANCES, & SPECIAL OCCASIONS For more information on Special Prices Contact Bill or Dee OLYMPIA 887-6914 Restaurant Brussels Open from 6 a.m. 7 days a week DANCE* To ShomUs FRI., NOV, 24th. B.M.& G. Community Centre Dancing 9:00 p.m, to 1:00 a.m. Tickets: Advance $3.00 At Door $3.50 Sponsored by Brussels Leo Club WROXETER CERAMIC Wroxeter, Ont. BAZAAR aid BAKE SALE Sat. Nov. 18 3 5 p.m. Sponsored by Majestic Women's. Institute DRAW to be mode_ for quilt YIPPEE! The COUNTRY LOUNGE Entertainment Nov. 17 & 18 FUNK .c-ta'-,D FAMILY THURSDAY 9 p.m.- 12 Play the juke box and pool table free MUSSELS N N, MOE'S PIZZA OPEN 887-6921 Brussels HOTEL WED TO SAT. ONLY 1 ,111141414 tin, ,tu .t .art from Queen's Park 04e . third bridges by Murray Gaunt sunicy has I( iiii nearly a third of Ontario's municipal bridges are unsafe Transportation and 'Com- nications Minister .fames, Snow said this week. Mr, Snow said that ins- pections were carried out . luring the past two years by onsulting engineers hired ly municipal governments. A five-year program to repair or replace the mo st .tinsafc l)ridges is being tin& crta muneipalities. and rill ne fin laced .80 per cent the province. The Minis- .er no ted, that it will he up to he municipalities to take the initiative to do,_ the repair w(,)rk • Samuel Johnston. the munsellor at the Huronia Centre in Orillia who was convicted of kicking a mentally retarded W0111,101 in the face, had been trans- ferred from the Ministry of Community and Social Ser- vices to a position in another ministry. and will no longer have direct contact with residents in any provincially run institution:- As a result of this settle- ment, Keith Norton has withdrawn a bill which would have•. overturned the grie- vance board's decision and a ruling by the'Ontario Sup- reme Court ordering the Government to reinstate Mr. Johnston as a residential counsellor. Ontario li‘gislat ion to retal 7 late agai restrictions imp osed by Quebec on construct- ion workers passed second reading-approval in principle in the Legislature this week. confidence. Housing Minister Claude Bennett told. the Legislature . that he will arrange a meet- ing between Cantrakon Ltd., which wants to build a conference centre -. on the Niagara Escarpment, and rate-payers opposed to the development. Mr. Bennett did not say he would reverse his approval of" the development, made over the objections of the Niagara Escarpment commission, After -Mr. Bennett • read a letter from Cantrakon's law- yers saying the company would consider other sites that met its requirements; Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said his party would'drop the unsafe the same day'as the report of a senior law officer which concluded that former Sol- icitor -General George Kerr telephoned an assistant Crown attorney primarily to influence the sentencing of a constituent. Mr. Kerr resigned in Sept. over the matter, Mr. Davis suggested the guidelines apply to all members of the Legislature, although lie cannot issue an order to that effect. Re said he would ask the standing committee of procedural af- fairs to prepare- recommend- ations for. the conduct of MPP's in dealing with' the judiciary. We have in stock *Green ware •Brushes •Lamp ,arts,. etc. *Glazes, Stains FIRING SERVICES AVAILABLE Come in and look around REGISTRATION -Being taken for classes starting in Jan. PHONE 335-3422 Bill 136, which allows the motion to reduce the minis- Labour Ministry to impose try's spending. • residency requirements on Ontario Premier 'William Quebec construction workers Davis ordered Cabinet minis- who want jobs in Ontario,' tors not to communicate with was sent to committee for judges, Crown attorneys or further study. • provincial prosecutors, or The minority Conservative members of quasi-judicial government backed off just bodies abOut matters before enough on the controversial them, except through the Cantrakon development to office of the minister respon- avoid a defeat in the Legis- sible. lature that could have been The guidelines on minis- considered a motion ()I' non- terial conduct were released