HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-10-25, Page 30years of age, 3-6 p.m. for adults over 18 1-57-1 4 Help Wanted. PERSON for pure bred hog farm. Must be mature and. responsible with the desire to learn and advance., House available. Call Bob Robinsdn RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 4-56-2 5 Bus Opportunity AVON Earn merry money for the, Christmas holidays. Sell Avon. Good earnings ; flex- ible hours. For details call, Carolyn Thompson, 527-0238 5:57-2 8 Farm Stock 2 Angus and 3 Angus Hereford Cows. Cows - Brucelosis free. Bob Cunning ham, 887-6240. 8-57x1 PURE bred Yorkshire. Hampshire and cross-bred lilays. Also gilts of breeding age of these breeds and crosses. Call Bob Robinson RR 4, Walton 345-2317. 8-56-2 10 Used Cars 1974 Plymouth Duster. Gold with vinyl roof, Sell as is at $ 1500. 33000 miles. John Gillis, 887-9404. 1057x2 11 Articles For Sale POOL tables. New and used. Complete accessories. Chose balls, clOth. Cues retipped. Tanner Billiards, Listowel. Residence 291-3617. 11-56-9 ADDING machine rolls, typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. GOT something to sell. 3000 people read the Brus- sels Post classified ads' every Week: Place your low priced Post Classified at. 8g7-6641. 11-53xtf! 1 Coming Events Polio Clinic A polio immunization clinic will be held at the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL On Nov. 9th ORM SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 ROYAL WINTER FAIR Wed., Nov, 15/78 Transportation Admission Evening -Horse Show $19 per person RESERVE NOW SHOPPING TRIP Square-One, Toronto NOV. 22nd $10.00 per person 1.55-tf ES CY GT Word count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $2.00„ .07c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 5c per word, minimum $1.00 ' SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.40 per column inch. :(Minimum size in.this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples,of half inch) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $2.00, 7c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, EPiGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES - 20 words $2.00 each additional word 7c. • IN MEMORIAMS - $2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2,00, each ‘additional word 7c. 2 Three insertions for the price of CARD OF THANKS - 30 words $2.00; each additional word 3c per word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION,. Deadline of classified ads is 4:00 P.M. Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. Phone 887-6641 14 - THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 1 1978 16 Can't use ? Why keep 41 Sell it with a Want Ad now -HOWICK Lions Bingo will be held on Friday, Nov, 3rd at 8:30 p,ro. in Wroxeter Com- munity Flail. Admission $1,00; 12 regular games for $J0.00; 2 share the wealth: one $25, special. Jackpot $90,00 on 56 calls. Purple Ball $50.00. Door and con- solation prizes. 1-57-1 Tlx family of Gord and Florence Delion (nee Jacklin) invite friends and relatives to. a reception And dance in honor Of their parents' 25th \\ C(tding anniversary to be held on Saturday. November -I. 1978 at 8:30 p.m. at the I istowel Legion Home, 565 Elinbeth St. East, Listowel. wishes only please. 1-574 MADILL Secondary S;:hool, Wingham, cordially i wiles parents and friends of .he 1978 graduates to their annual commencement exer- cises which are to be held Friday. November 3rd, in the school auditorium at 8:15 p.m. . 1-57-1 BAZAAR and Bake • Sale, Saturday, November 18, 3-5 p.m. Sponsored by the Brussels Majestic. W.I. 1-57-1 CLINTON Legion Bingo .l:very Thursday. 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1:00: Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of i $15.00; 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jack- pot $200.00 must go each week. 1-53-tri WALTON W.I. Christmas Bazaar, Baking, Crafts, Decorations, Saturday, December 9, 1978. Walton Community Hall 1:00 - 4:00. 1-57x1 The Town & Country Home-. makers Annual Rummage Sale Need a bride's hat or an exercise bicycle? That and much more has been picked upin Toronto and. Kitchener. Come out and make this the success of the year. Place- Wingham Armories November 4, 10a.m. to 4 p.m. 1-57-1 Kids On Saturday, Dec 16, 1978 Santa will he visiting the Royal Bank in Brussels from 9-12 in the morning. You can deliver your Christmas letters to hint pason ally. 1-57-3 GOT an event con in up?, 3000 people ,will read about it' in the Brussels Post -coming, events classified. Buy two, insertions and get the third one FREE. Phone 887-6641. 1-53x t 10 Used Cars McCreery Auto Wreckers R.R.#2, Wroxcter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and , Listowel Used Auto Parts Used Cars and Trucks 24 Hour Towing Service Will $25 for • complete scrap cars picked up. Foreign cars, - $15 picked up. Phone Listowel - 291-4159 Gorrie - 335-3314 10-53-tf 11 Articles For Sale 74 John Deere Snowmobile Model 300. Needs carburator $350.00. Joe Dillon, RR 2, Blucvalc. 11-57-2 HOOVER spin washer (need repair on spinner) $25.00. Dryer parts $15.00. Susan Dillow, RR 2, Blucvalc. 11-57-2 GEM. OAT ROLLER. 887-90%. 11-57-1 CLARE JEWEL Cook stove in very good condition. 11.57x2 ANTI-FREEZE by the bulk $3.99/gal, Vincent's Farm Equipment. 11-57-1 For Sale 1 A.B. • Dick duplicator Model 525 and stand; 1 - Minolta fax photocopier Model 1114. Equipment may be seen at the Administrative Head- quarters of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Wroxcter. 9 A.M. , 5 p.m. MONDAY - FRIDAY Best or any offer not neces- sarily accepted: Bids will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. NOVEMBER 20th, 1978 Marlene R. Shia Secretary-Treasurer Maitland Valley Conservation Conservation Authoriy Box 5, Wroxeter, OntatiO, 11.57-2 ORGANS WANTED Now is the time to make that trade on a modern Gulbranse or Wurlitzer organ. We need used Organs and pianos, se evedt a good deal. Treat your family to a Christmas gift that lasts. PULSIFER MUSIC 527.0053 11-57-tf ANTI FR8EZ by the bulk $1991 /gal, Vincent's Fattli 11-574 347-2774. 11-57-1 5 aluminum storm windows.. Will fit 2'6" to 2'8" by 5'6" to5'10" openings; 2 - 2'6" to 2'8" by 5'6" to 5'10". Wire corn crib about 12 ft. dia- meter 15' high. 887-6425. 11-57x1 PIANO SELECTION Reconditioned uprights from $395.00 and up. New pianos $1399.00 and up. New elect- ric player piano at cash. PULSIFER MUSIC 527-0053 11-57-tf SEWING machine repairs. On all makes and models. All machines and repairs guaranteed. J. & K. Shoes'n Jeans. 887-9497. 11-40-tf Hardwood. Phone 887-9414, 11-56x2 12 Wanted To Buy HALL TREE and antique chest of drawers. Will re- finish. Phone 887-9578 after 6p.m. 12-56x2 WANT to buy a dog, or Dodger of a delm Try a Brussels Post wanted to buy classified ad. 887-0641.,' 12•-53Ntf Property For Rent Large One bedroom apartment in Walton. -Ground floor.. Suitable for elderly couple or single lady. 887- o084. 15-56-1 4" 17 Wanted To Rent *APARTMENT in Brussels. preferably with fridge and stove. Phone 887-6641. 7-57-tf 18 Property Wanted 200-300 acres land for 1979 crop. Apply to Box 3364 The Brussels Post. 18-56-2 19 Notices SINGLE Man, lonely, wishes to meet lonely single lady. Write Box 50, Bnissels, Ont. ' 19-57-1 WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc. Phone 887- 6700,Brussels. 19-53-tf • • • • • • • • • •...•..• • • RS • G Gethke • • G. • • GENERAL • • • AUCTIONEER : • Serving. Huron and • ot Perth counties with : • • Many years of ex- st. • perience: For reliable • • service at reasonable • rates. • 0 • • • CALL 347-2465 • 4 4 COLLECT • • 19-51-tft • • A r, 0411111.41.1.00 41000 `e 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events 11 Articles For Sale 14 Property For Sale APPLE butter and also sweet cider. Apply Mervin Wurdell WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON, ONT. Classified next Page Henry Mero 527-0430 Gary Walden 523-9212 523.9295 Dirk van der Werf 482.3165 Harold Workman 482-3455 Blyth Area - 16 acres, bush, spring ponds, 4 acres work- able, Rail fences, frame home; Balcony overlooks ponds, 17 ft. bedroad with original log wall. Workshop; very private, $64,900.00 Lots - in Blyth, different • , locations, buy more than one and save, 9 lots for $40,000.0 • Winthrop Area - 5 acres with many fruit and cedar trees, 2 storey frame home ,has a massive stone fireplace, barn drilled well, $55,000.00 80 acres - 35 workable, cedar bush, loam, spring-fed Trout creek, Brussels 'area, $39,900.00 Edge of Brussels - 471/2 acres of good farm land, 3 bedroom brick house in good shape but does need work. Mature trees around house, older barn 25 Acres in Brussels area backing onto Maitland River, large barn with silo, set up for sows, 2 ste rey, 3 bed- room home in excellent shape, steel shed 32 x 64 ft., $65.000.00 Bluevale - If you* want a special house then buy this 3 bedroom brick & aluminum home overlooking river. Has garage, dining room and fantastic view. Walton - new home on 66 x 227 ft. lot; completely fin- ished on outside, brick & aluminum, make us an offer finished or as is Country living West of • Brussels, to qualified pur- chaser - $500.00 down pay- ment. 2 storey, 3 bedroom home in excellent shape, paved drive, garage, l01/070 first mortgage. Blyth - Double lot with solid, brick Ranch, large garage, basement finished into enormous Rec room, Quality throughout, $59,900.00 Westfield, 98 acres, 87 work- able, mostly loam, good older barn, loose pens, $75,000.00 100 aeres•• near Brussels with excellent house, older barn good but needs remodelling, 65 acres workable, loam, $85,000.00 240 acres North of Seaforth, 210 acres drained level loam land, one set of excellent buildings, presently dairy. Commercial - Gorrie - large steel building on Hwy. #87, grod location and parking, only $34,900.00. 100 acres near Bluevale, 4 bedroom brick home, beef barn. 14-57-1