HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-10-25, Page 14THE CASPAR! AND COMPANY, a mime and. dance theatre will be at- the Blyth Memorial Hall on. WW., Nov. 1 . at 8 P.M. Adults are 53:75 and children $2.50. Don't miss this chance to see one of the best Mime Groups in the country. Following this -event will he tlx Canadian -Brass on Nov. 15. Ad tickets available through the Blyth Centre for the Arts. Box 291, Blyth or call 523-9300. . 1-54-3 GOT an ev6nt cor ing up? 3000 people will react about it. in the Brussels Post coming events classified. Buy twi; insertions and get the third one FREE. Phone 887-6641. 1-53xtf, 1 Coming Events HURON COUNTY Library presents Puppet Show Mon- day October 30 at Wingham Council Chambers 10:30 a.m. and at Brussels Library at1:00 p, m. 1-55-2 STARTING a Good News Club for Boys and Girls age 5-14, October 20th 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete van Veen. 1-55-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00 Restricted to 16 years ot Over. 15 regular games of 515.00; $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jack- pot $200.00 must go (.!,e11 week* ES CY BOX 789 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527.0050 ROYAL WINTER PAIR Wed., Nov. 15/78 Transportation Admission Evening Horse Show $19 per person RESERVE NOW SHOPPING TRIP Square-One, Toronto. NOV. 22nd $1.0.00 per person 1-55-tf G TR Word count Charges are based. on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $2.00, .07c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 5c per word, minimum $1.00 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.40 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $2.00, 7c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, EI`iGAGEMENTS, DEATH. NOTICES - 20 words $2.00 each additional word 7c. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c. Three insertions for the price of 2 CARD OF THANKS -- 30 words $2.00; each . additional word 3c per word. 25C DISpOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline of classified ads is 4:00 P.M. Monday No cancellatiOn of multiple insertion advertisements' after Noon, Mondays, Phone 887-6641 REPRESENTATIVE V. C. IVIc] FOX SEA FORTH 527.1511 8 MAIN ST. SOUTH HOME NO. 523952S Wanted An aggressive licensed sales person to join our staff. We have listings and have affili- ated with Canada Permanent Trust. We offer excellent oomMission and bonus plan. All inquiries confidential, This Week's Special IN BLYTH Beautiful four bedroom home. Vinyl siding, large formal living room, separate dining room, modern kitchen double garage, double lot, oil furnace, quiet street. 14-56-1 15 Property For Rent 3 Bedroom house with gar- age, On paved road about V4 mile west of Brussels. Phone 887-9200. 15-55-2 18 Property Wanted 200-300 acres land for 1979 crop. Apply to Box 3364 The Brussels Post. 18-56-2 19 Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc. Phone 887 6700, Brussels, 19-53-tf Classified ara hat Page insiNTEE PIERRE RAITSIELOO :BUS. 482-18.21 Res. 523-9478 DAVID autism 482-3821 MLS Listinfo We have several good commercial properties in Clinton for the investor or person who wants to be self employed, Lovely 3 bdrm house on 15 acres, Trout creek through property. Must be seen to be appreCiated. Near Clinton. 4 acres with this handymans delight. Priced in low 20's, between Blyth & Walton. Duplex on a pleasant lot near the centre of Blyth. A good family home. Good rural sitdown restaurant with excellent income. Priced right due to ill health of owners. 2 storey estate type home on' 4% acres north of Goderich. 3 bdrm. home with lots of features, near downtown Clinton. Several opportunities for butehef or bake shop s in Huron County. ' Priced right with room for expansion at this motel. Call today. 2 bdrm house in Vanastra, nicely decorated, only 518,000.00 with $3,000.00 down. We have many good recreation properties listed. Excellent spot or small plaza or dealerhsip, on #8 Hwy in Location for gas station and auto repair shop available. Call for details. We need yourfarm to sell. Good 100 acre Beef Farm near Zurich, good feedlot and nice home. Totally tiled with excellent building. Side by side duplex, owners are anxious to sell this well designed house on a nice lot in Clinton. 4 bdrm home north of Blyth on 3 acres. Good location to build commercially in Brussels. .Owner leaving country, anxious to sell, will take low down payment on this commercial apartment building in Clinton. See us and make an offer today. Light industrial lots available in Seaforth. 14-69-1 19 Notices 19 Notices 1.5°°ATTEN TION Si FARMERS 1 /4 00 We are now paying $5.00 = $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses over 500 lbs. All calves & pigs picked up free of charge. Fast Efficient Service = 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week. 7 days a week HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Coil Collect 482..9811 coil us first you won't hove to call anyone else 119.55-ti migiosonsieetrawavoiew 14 THE BRUSSELS POST OCTOBER 25 1978 Can't. use ?Why keep 41 Sell it with a Want Ad now 1 Coming Events FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Stratford, Friday October 27th, Victorian Inn, 10 Romeo St. North. Dancing-, 9-1 a.m, Welcome all singles mainly over 30. 1-55.2 PERSON for pure bred' hog farm. Must be mature and responsible with the desire to learn and advance, House available. Call Bob Robinson RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 4-56-2 8 Farm Stock . PURE . bred Yorkshire, Hampshire and cross-bred boars: Also gilts of breeding age of these breeds and (Tosses. Call Bob Robinson RR 4, Walton 345-2317. 8-56-2 9 Poultry For Sale 60 Harco. Sex L ik pullets, laying. 887-9227. 9-56-1 10 Used Cars 65 Chevrolet 4 door new exhaust, water pump and seat cover. Best offer accept- ed. 887-6573, 10-56x1 McCreery Auto Wreckers R.R.#2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel Used Auto Parts Used Cars and Trucks 24 Hour Towing Service Will pay $25 for (nmplete scrap cars picked up. Foreign cars, $15 picked up. Phone Listowel - 291-4159 Gorrie - 335-3314 10.534 11 Articles For Sale VIKING Wringer Washer in good condition. Phone 887- 6505. 11-56-1 3 BLACK rosecomb Bantam hens and rooster; set of old wagon wheels; cream can; and a cream separator that can be set on lawn. Phone first - 887-6590. 11-56-1 165 Massey-Ferguson gas tractor. I iv e P.T 0. multi- power, differential lock, Excellent condition. - 2400 hours. Jim Cardiff 887-6164 or 887-6100. 11-56x1 5 aluminum storm windows. Will fit 2'6" to.2'8" by 5'6" to 5'10" openings; 2 - 2'6" to 2'8" by 5'6" to 5'10". Wire corn crib about 12 ft. dia- meter IS' high. 11-56x1 POOL tables. New and used. Complete accessories. Chose balls, cloth. Cues retipped. Tanner Billiards, Listowel. Residence 291-3617. 11-56-9 QUANTITY of used plank & 2 x 4's; wooden storm door; wooden door; 2 shed doors & track, Call 887-9310. 11-56-1 1 SMALL mini-bike with 5HP engine $50.00. 1970 8440 Skilroule snowmobile run- ning condition. $150.00. Phone 887-6846 after 6 p.m. 11.55-2 ADDING machine rolls, typewriter ribbons for Most, machi nes. The Huron. EXpositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-53ktf SEWING machine repairs. On all Makes and models.! All machines and repairs guaranteed. .1,, Shoes'n Jeans. 887-9497, 11-53-0 11 Articles For Sale 1 VACUFLO Power unit Model 14. For Built in Vacuum system with 16' of pipe and elbows. Used about 3 months. $175.00. Ken Miller, RR 3 Brussels. 11.55-2. GOT something to sell. 3000 people read the Brus- sels Post classified ads every week. Place your low priced Post Classified at 887-6641. 11-53xtr 12 Wanted To Buy • HALL TREE and antique chest of drawers. Will re- finish. Phone 887-9578 after 6p.m, 12-56x2 WANT to buy a dog, or Dodger or a dehumdifier': Try a Brussels Post wanted to buy classified ad, 887-6641. 12-53xtf Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accom- plished by low cost Post Want Ads. Dial Brussels F87-6641 .14 Property For Sale 14 Property For Sale 14 rrOperty FQ27 Sale 4 Help Wanted WANTED - a babysittcr on Tuesday afternoons at the arena. Call Edna Pearson 887-6007. 4-56x1 It WM.,