HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-10-25, Page 11you should know
what Ontario is
doing to help you
recognize the few
that are not.
Teaching people to improve' them-
selves is big business these days.
While such courses and techniques
can have a positive influence on
your social life and well-being they
can also be used to cheat and exploit
Self-improvement courses
involving long periods of time and
large amounts of money should
include a contract for you to sign,
Ideally, the contract is to protect
you by setting out the exact money
to be paid and the services to be
So before signing a contract make
sure your interests are protected.
Beware the Dream Merchant!
Your Ontario Ministry of
Consumer and Commercial
Relations has .published an easy-
Howson Mills
Elevator Division
- Fast Unloading
- Probe System for Corn
Sell, Store or Contract your Corn
Howson &Howson Ltd.
Biyth 523-4241
Elevator East of Blyth
off County Rd. 25, '523-9624.
Walton WI members
win recycling prizes
with Mrs, Sharon 13romley on
for lunch.
The evening closed with a
social half hour during lunch..
Friends of Mrs, Gertie
Mrs. Allan McCall
Energy conservation was
the main topic at the Walton
Women's Institute October
meeting, Wednesday.
The President, Mrs. Bill
Humphries read poem,
"What to do when your
husband is watching the
football game on T.V." Mrs,
Herb Traviss was pianist.
Twenty-one members gave
a variety of answers on the
roll call. "What lam doing to
conserve energy." There
were also 8 guests present. A
thank-you card was read
from Mrs. Torrance Dundas.
An invitation was accepted
from the Cranbrook Institute
to attend their meeting on
November 2 at 8:30 p.m. The
short courses on home de-
corating were announced,
anyone in the commity can
attend. Convener on re-
solutions: Mrs. Laverne God-
kin read an article on Energy
Conservation and a poem,
"The Good old days and
Now" was given by Mrs.
Dave Watson.
Nance Godkin, Heather
McGavin and Donna Godkin
sang songs, "Singing in the
Sunshine" and "Open up
your heart and let the
sunshine in" accopanied by
Mrs. Neil McGavin at the
The October meeting of
the Guild was held Oct. 17 in
the church parlour with
Wilma Hemingway opening
the meeting with a poem,
"Did you think to Pray". The
roll call was answered With a
line from a favourite hymn.
Ethel Brewer presented the
topic, "What to do with your
Marguerite Krauter pre-
sided for the' business.
Further discussion on the
price of meals being served
to the Lions was held over
until the next meeting. -
A nominating committee
of Isobel Gibson and
Margaret McCutcheon was
IPM programs
still available
You attended the IPM at.
Wingham last month but
'wish you had a record of
what you saw there? Or
maybe you didn't get to the
match and have been won-
dering ever since what all the
fuss was about?
Anyone who wants a
souvenir of Huron's success-
ful IPM should know that
there are quite a few copies
of the official program from
the match, available in
quantity at the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food's office in Clinton.
Whether you want one for
yourself or SO for a class
project the OMAF office has
the official programs, free for
the asking.
.SEAPOltril S27.1240
Monday tO Priday 0--51,10
Saturday 94 MG
Closed 'Wednesdays
By App011itetterit
Mrs. Godkin introduced
the guest speaker Donna
Hazelden who had worked at
the energy conservation
centres in Goderich and.
Lucknow, She spoke on the
facts, of saving energy and
showed a film on solar
Members were asked to
bring a recycled item which
were judged by Miss
Hazelden and prizes were
awarded to Mrs, B.
Humphries and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Dave, Watson pre-
sented the guest speaker
with a gift following a
discussion period when many
questions were answered.
Business was completed
when Mrs. Don McDonald
reported on the progress of
the Christmas Concert plan-
ned for Friday, December 1.
The bazaar for December 9th
was discussed when commit-
tees would be chosen for
Bake table and Candy pro-
duce table, plant table with
craft table,
Euchre committee for
November 7th is Mrs. Gerald
Watson; Mrs, Graeme Craig,
Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs.
Herb Traviss.
A couple of quilts will be
quilted, to be put up in the
elected to bring in the slate
of officers for the coming
year. Group I will provide
lunch after the morning
service on Sunday, Oct. 29.
hail in the near future.
Reports of the County
Rally held in Londesboro
recently were given by the
delegates, Mrs. A. McCall
and Mrs. N. Reid.
Lunch was prepared by
Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs,
Alvin McDonald and. Mrs,
Herman Plas.
Unit holds Thanksgiving
The October meeting of
the 8th and 16th Unit was
held, at the home of Mrs.
Alvin McDonald with de-
votions in charge of Mrs.
George McCall,
For the Topic, Mrs,
McCall chose two articles
entitled, "Extra Blessing of
Thanksgiving" and "Five
Somethings" followed by a
Hymn, "Sing to the Lord of
Harvest" and the Lord's
Prayer in unison. Mrs. Rae
Houston presided for the
business opening with a
poem on "Stewartship" also
welcomed the U.C.W., ,pre-
sident, Mrs. C. Wey to the
Minutes were read by
Mrs. Don McDonald fol-
lowed by the roll call aft-
swered by seven members
and there were three guests
Announcements were
given out from the recent
U.C.W. executive meeting
Plans were made for the
Turkey supper to be held at
the church on Wednesday,
November 1. Tickets avail-
able but may be purchased at
the door.
Copper Contest money to
come in next month at the
home of Mrs. Don Fraser
Ennis will regret to learn that number of years.
she suffered a stroke last
Mrs, Gertie Bennett
week and is a patient in moved to Huronview, Clinton,
Seaforth Community one day this past week.
Hospital. The Ennis were in
Jim Clark has returned to
business in the village for a Clinton Hospital.
• spells out details that should be
included in every contract you
• gives advice on how to deal with
payments for self-improvement
and mail order offers,
For your free bulletin, entitled
"Beware the Dream Merchant Who
Promises a New You" write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consurner and
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
Frank Drea*
Minister of Consumer and*
Commercial Relations
William Davis, Premier
Province of Ontario
Guild discusses prices
Most personal self-improvement
courses are legitimate, but...
to-understand information bulletin
• describes some of the dishonest
• tells you how to recognize them;
• advises What your rights are
under The Business Practices
Act and The Consumer
Protection Act;