The Brussels Post, 1978-09-27, Page 17WHITE BEAN GROWERS
Fair prices '
Honest weights.
Reliable grading
Patronage return
on profits
Courteous service
Ontario Bean Growers Co-Operative plant at Seatorth
Don Scott:Manager
Attention Soybean Growers:
We now are licensed to handle our soybeans.
Three locations
"Service and a fair deal is our motto"
Ladies win
For plants and baking
In the Ladies Division. in the Flowers and.
Plant Section, Gail Barlow of Brussels was
top. winner with 38 points. She " got two
seconds and alhird in the display closs, four
thirds and one second in the arrongement
class and four firsts, four seconds and one
third in the potted plants class. Other local
winners include Mrs. Mel Jacklin who got
first in flower display; one second and two
thirds for her potted plants; Vera Hastings
who got a first and a third for flower display
and a first for potted plants; Carol Innes of
Brussels who got a first for potted plants; C.
Veitch who got a second for flower display;
Linda Patterson of RR 2, Brussels who got
'two firsts for flower display, a first and two
seconds for flower arrangement; Mrs.
George Heimstra of Ethel who got first,
second and third prizes in flower display, a
Mrs. Joe Walker
Guest speaker Mrs. Frank
Callar of Wingham was
introduced by Mrs. Ken
Simmons, convener of the
citizenshicLcommittee, at the
'Institute at the Sept.
meeting, at the home of Mrs.
Harry Elliott.
,Mrs. Collar showed slides
of a recent trip to the Holy
Land where she and . her
husband visited with , his
sister`, Laura, a missionary
there. Mrs. Collar found the
people very friendly but
confessed the food there did
not look appetizing as •the -
stores are open to the street.
She played a tape recording
of Laura speaking, enjoyed
by the W.I. members.
Mrs. Charles Mathers
Opened .. the meeting and
Mrs. Mel Craig read the
minutes, financial statement
'and correspondence, A vote
'of thanks was extended t all
who helped with the quilt.
The Huronview autumn
tea wil be held Wednesday,
Oct. 11, from 2-4 p.m. The
rally at Londesboro is slated
for Oct. 2, with voting
delegates Mrs. Bill Peacock
and Mrs. Bert Garniss,
alternates Mrs. Mel Craig
and Mrs. CHarles Mathers.
Mrs. Harvey Payne was
chosen voting delegate to.the -
Guelph area convention , on
OCt. 30 and 31, Roll call was
answer to the question,
"What is your responsiblility
toward landed immigrants?"
Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs.
Wm.• de Vas, Mrs. J.C.
Johnston and Mrs. Gordon
The October meeting will
be held on the 11 at 8 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Saren
Anderson. Speaker will be
Mary Louatine Clare, a
United Nations student.
Intended for last week
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Pea-
cock Mr. and Mrs: Ross
Peacock and Mr. and Mrs"
Lloyd Peacock were at
Booklin on Sat. to attend the
commitol srvice of Corporal
Larry Bodill of Trenton.
Visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Stamper
were Louise Stamper and
Rob Ernest, Scarborough
and Darlene Stamper of.
Branton, Manitoba who has
Spent the last tow weeks with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Stamper and family visited
-Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Burley.
second and a third for flower arrangement
and a third for potted plants; Mrs. J.. Conley
of Brussels who got a first for display and a
third for potted plants; Eleanor
who got a firSt and second for display; Leona
Armstrong who got two seconds and a third
for, display, three firsts and one second. for
arrangement; Helen Dobson of Brussels got
two seconds and three thirds for disploy .Ond
two seconds and two thirds for potted plants:
Kathy Workman of RR 3, Brussels who. got
three firsts and two.seeonds for display, four
firsts, one third and one second for
arrangement and one fiTst and two seconds
for potted plants; Mrs. Gerald Miller of RR
,3, Brussels who got first for potted plants;
gonna Miller who got first for potted plants
and E. Hemingway who won two firsts for
her roses.
Baking Classes • Local winners in the Baking Section
included Carole Innes with three firsts;
Winnie Connaboy of Brussels with one
second; Mrs. Mel Jacklin with five thirds
and one second; Mrs, Ken Johnston with
five firsts, three seconds and three thirds;
Annie Schantz with one second and two
thirds; Mrs. George Heimstra with one first,
three seconds and one third; Leona
Armstrong of Brussels with three firsts,
three seconds and one third; Mrs. A.
McIntyre with one first, two seconds and one
third; Gail Barlow with two firsts, four
seconds, one third and one fourth; Mrs.
Lloyd Smith of RR 3, Brussels with two
thirds; Mrs. Gerald Miller with three firsts,
one second and one third and she was also
winner in the special classes for apple pie,
tarts and the best layer cake.
Other baking winners included Helen
Adams with five seconds and one third; Beth
Earl with one third; Helen Dobson with one,
first, three seconds, and three thirds; Mrs.
Ross Stephenson with. one first, two seconds
and one third; Mrs. J, Conley with two firsts
and one second; Mrs. Margaret Mccutcheon
with three firsts and two thirds; Mrs. Lorne
Draper with tw firsts and one second and
Kathy Workman with one first and one third.
In the Domestic section in the Canned
Fruit category local winners were Mrs.
Gerald Miller with, two firsts, one second and
one. third; Mrs. A. McIntyre with five firsts;
four seconds and two thirds; Mrs. Lulu Kerr
with one first: Mrs. Mel Jacklin with two
thirds and four seconds; Margaret
Ducharme with one first and two thirds;
Kathy Workman with one first, two seconds
and a third; Gail Barlow with one first, one.
second and one third;. Mrs. George Heimstra
with one third; Helen Dobson with two firsts
and one second and Rosemary Wheeler with
one third. Winners in special classes were
Leona Ar mstrong, Mrs. A. McIntyre, Mrs.
.J. Conik. . Ml's. 'Ellen Le Fore, Mrs. Lulu
Kerr and Mrs. Margaret MCCutcheon.