HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-09-20, Page 21Market active, castle supply heavy
Systems Ltd.
AMIrr /111kilLAIL :UM
With the sweat and strain of handling feed
and grain. With the less than ideal results and
high cost of feeding store bought feed with
protein of varying sources.
The truth is, you may be paying for a "MOD-
ERN MILL" now you just don't have
Call us today . .
We'll give you names of dairymen, hog grow-
ers, or poultry producers who decided since
they were paying for a "MODERN MILL"
they'd like having one.
12 GOod Reasons To Buy The Modern Mill
1. Computer (Prop 9rtioner) 7-- has
,no gears — in oil bath — more
2. Heavier Motor — 1 1/4 shaft over
1" shaft
3. Heavy threaded Motor Mount
4. HUb can be turned end for end to
change hammers — Less .vibra-
lion. No Puller required
5. Panel is mounted on the mill and
is pre-wired.
6. 4" Heavy duty Augering
7. Heavier corner and adjustable
8. Dust Sealed Bearings
9. 6') Lower than competitive mill
10. Run out switches are at the back
of the mill, out of the way
11. Hopper Supports, which makes
Control & Pre-mix hopper part
of the mill
12. Neatly double proportioner ca-
Visit our display at the
International Plowing Match
-Lot 773
Division tit ... Modern Feed Systoms
Newton, Ont NOK 110
Tel 595.8182
Do you always take a bath, instead of a shower
which uses less power?
Do you fill a keitle full to make a single cup?
Turn on the washing machine for just a feW things?
Leave the TV on when no ones watching?
And do you often forget to turn off
though everyone's home in bed?
Arty of these thoughtless 'little habits can make you
a turn-off. Because waste of electricity, like anything
that everybody really needs, can turn people off.
Wouldn't you rather turn off a light bulb than turn
off a friend? Think about how you use electricity
Wasting e ectricityturnS people ofE
This me§sage is brought to you by your liydto on behalf of peopie who card
he porch light even -
The market at Brussels
Stockyards was active and
steady on Friday on a heavy
supply of cattle.
(here were
1456 cattle and 1656 pigs on'
The Majestic Women's
Institute met September 13
with President, Mrs. Doris
McCall presiding.
The County Rally will be
held October 2 at Londesboro
Mrs. N. McGavin pre-
sided for business;Minutes of
Choice Steers 64.00 to
67.00, with sales to 68.00.
Good. Steers - 62,00 to
A steer consigned by G. &
R. Feedlot of Brussels
with Mrs. Alberta Smith and
Mrs. Peggy Cudmore being
the two voting delegates.
The Area Convention will be
held October 30 and 31 at
Bingeman Park, Kitchener.
Mrs. Marie McTaggart is to
weighing 1210 lbs, topped
the market at 68.00 with their
lot of 6 steers averaging 1190
lbs. selling for 65.80,
Five steers consigned by L
B Farms of Wallenstein
averaging 1232 lbs. sold, for
be the voting delegate from
.Brussels. Mrs. Jane DeVries
is to make a gift for the gift
stall. Plans were made for
members to set up a display
at the Brussels Fall Fair.
'A bus trip has been
67.00 with their 41 steers
averaging 1150 lbs, selling
for an overall price of 66.08.
A steer consigned by
Robert Kreller of Fordwieh
weighing 1250 lbs. sold for
planned for Wednesday,
October 11 to the Erland Lee
Home and the African. Safari.
The bus will leave the
library at 9 a.m. with
passengers taking a box
lunch for noon, with plans to
stop at a restaurant for
supper. Interested members
are to contact Mrs. Ila
McLarty or Mrs. Edna
McDonald by October 1.
The theme for this meeting
was Citizen ship and World
Affairs under the convership
of Mrs. Leona Armstrong
and Mrs. Marie McTaggart.
Mrs. Jane McDonald de-
nonstrated packing a suit.
case. Mrs. Mary Lowe
showed slides on• a recent
trip to the British Isles.
With his 72 steers
averaging 1150 lbs, selling
for an overall price of 65,82.
Six steers consigned by
Lorne Kieswetter of R.R.1,
Mildmay averaging 1143 lbs.
sold for 65.60.
Thirty-four steers con-
signed by Jacob Vischer of
R.R.2, Wallenstein aver-
aging 1102 lbS. sold for
Two steers consigned by
Howard. Martin of Brussels
averaging 1200 lbs. sold for
66.05 with his 35 steers
averaging 1067 lbs. selling
for the overall price of 65.05.
Eight steers consigned by
John Perrie of R.R.3, Brus-
sels averaging 1199 lbs. sold
for 65.60.
Choice Heifers - 60.00 to
Good Heifers - 58.00 to
Nine Heifers consigned by
Bob McDonald of Brussels
averaging 886 lbs. sold for
63.00 with his lot of 14
heifers averaging 8777 lbs.
selling for 62.50.
Four heifers consigned by
Allan Horsburgh of R.R.1,
Holstein averaging 1133 lbs.
sold for 62.60.
A heifer consigned by Rick
McPherson of R.R.2, Wing,
ham weighing 1010 lbs. sold
for 62.5Q with his lot of 12
heifers averaging ' 911 lbs.
selling for 60.25.
Eight heifers consigned by
Gordon Robb of R.R.3,
Goderich averaging 85S,lbs.
sold for 62.50.
Seven heifers consigned.
by Doug McPherson of R:R.
2, Wingham averaging 1063
lbs. sold for 62.00.
Choice Cows - 46.00 to
48.00 with sales to 50.00.
Good Cows - 43.00 to
Canners & Cutters - 39.00
to 43.00.•
Heavy Bulls traded to a
high of 56.50.
30 to 40 lb. pigs traded to a
high of 41.00.
40.to 50 lb. pigs to a high
of 49.00
50 to 60 lb. pigs to a high
of 53.00.
60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high
of 54.00.
70 to 80 lb. pigs to a high
of 56.00.
McKillop UCVV hears report
The Mckillop Unit' of the last meeting were react report on Alma College.
Duff's United Church Wal- by Mrs. McNichol: Roll Call Lunch,was served by Mrs.
ton held its Sept. meeting in was taken and Mrs. M. G. McNichol, Mrs. N.
church basement Tues Hackwell gave treasurer re- McGavin and. Mrs. G. Love
evening with 15 members port. Mrs. C. Wey gave a Jr.
Mr.s S. McCall incharge of
devotions opened with hymn
"Take my Life and let it be"
Mrs. N. McGavin was pianist
for the hymn's.
The Scripture "The Par-
able of the Sower" was read
by Mrs. H. Hudie. Mrs. N.
Schade had the. Meditation'
"The Blessing of Work"and
read two poems.
The topic was given by
Mrs. McCutcheon, based on
Psalm 103 "Glory to the
Brussels Friendship Club Knight were enjoyed by
met in the Legion Hall Wed.; everyone.
Sept. 13, with a, good atten- This part of the meeting
dance. The new president closed followed by a few
Verna Thomas was in the games of euchre. Winners as
chair. The meetidg opened follows: High Lady - Annie
with singing of "O Canada", Engel; High gent - Ernie
Verna at the piano. • Stevens; Low • Lady - Mrs.
The mins. were read by Cardiff; Low gent - Mac
Gertie Bolger'. A short pro- Shaw.
gram consisting of readings We are hoping more
by Mrs. Flail, "Blowing out people will get interested
the Candle" by' Eleanor and join in a -social after-
Hemingway, "Moo-moo- noon with this club. Every-
cow" and one by Mrs. Russel ' one is welcome.
Friendship club wants members
WI plans October bus trip
Without knowingit,
you could be a