HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-09-20, Page 8Os .0,A 4F1 *X IPA /A "VOA 'WX ` "". a An! '161. 4!I"
To the editor: Steak $6 a pound.. predicted
Eating steak could be a costlrprocess in
1979 if the prediction of Art Dilworth
comes true. Mr. Dilworth recently said that
the best cuts of steak may cost $6 a pound
or more in 12 to 18 months.
Mr. Dilworth, manager of the livestock
division of Manitoba Pool Elevators in
Winnipeg said that if cows and heifers
increasingly are kept on the farms instead
of being sent for slaughter, there will be "a
fairly acute shortage of beef."
Three supermarket chains -- Miracle
Food Marts, Dominion Stores Ltd. and
Ioblaws Ltd., recently reduced their beef
prices stating that they were passing along
savings to consumers as a result of a drop
in wholesale beef prices.
Charles Gracey, manager of the
Canadian Cattlemen's Association said the
food chains are setting short-term price
policies, while Dilworth is .speculating
about long-term trends.
Dilworth's prediction seems un-
realistically high, Gracey said.
Gracey said he would be surprised to see
an average 10 per cent increase in beef
prices in the next year.
He said the market is nearing the end of a
three-year surplus in beef production -- a
time when cattlemen have refrained from
increasing the size of their herds. As
demand continues 'or increases and as
supply mops, the price of beef will rise,
Gracey said.
Blueberries booming in N.S.
Blueberries have become a booming
business for Nova Scotia growers recently
and its all because of export sales.
This year growers were 'expecting to
regain markets in Europe which were
disrupted last year because most of the
province's crop went to the United States
because of a crop failure there.
Earlier this year, three major blueberry
processing companies visited six European
countries seeking to restore the balance of
exports between Eurbpan and. U.S.
In 1975, two years after marketing
missions to Europe began, five million
pounds valued at $2.5 million were sold to
European producers. Last year European
markets returned only $960,000 out• of a
total record farm value of $5 million.
Export sales are responsible for the
growth of Nova Scotia's blueberry industry
since the late1950's when it was regarded
as a supplement to the Maine Crop.
Producers say European buyers were
attracted to the Nova Scotia berries
because of their higher sugar content„ 12
per cent as compared with nine per cent
for European berries.
E. Wawanosh
council plans
inaugral meeting
(Continued from Page 2i.)
As the Editor of your publication you will
be vitally interested in all or part(s) of the
two counties as many readers of your
newspaper will consider this news release
of importance to them.
The Moderator's full schedule of visit-
ations across. Canada will only allow him to
make limited individual visits to
Reg. 13.95
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Fontaine Blue
Can a man who describes
himself as a puritan, oc-
casionally hitch-hikes, and is
unlikely to make headlines,
. offer strong leadership for
!,the • United Church of
Canada's 2 million members
:; and adherents?
The 450 delegates from all
,.parts of Canada who made
gip, the church's General
4Coucil thought so. They
elected as Moderator Dr.
George Tuttle, principal of
St. Stephen's College in
Since that time, George
Tuttle has shown that though
he may not grab many
headlines, he can talk com-
mon sense for ordinary ,
people. More than thirty
years_ of ' working with
students and young people
•taught him to be practical
and to avoid complicated
Soon after his election,
George Tuttle 'made it clear
that he had no intention of
posing as an authority figure.
When he doesn't know a
' subject, he says.so. But when
Minutes of Council
Meeting held September 5th,
The Inaugural meeting for
the 1979-80 Council was
announce itebeheld Tuesday,
Dec. 5/78 at 11 a.m.
A Resolution concerning
vandalism received from
Town of Trenton was filed. A
letter .from Lambton . Co.
Library concerning micro-
filming of old records was
filed, possibly to be used at a
date. Council of East
Aawanosh Township voted
' on September 5th.
Apply for $11,000, subsidy
money under the petition for
interim payment under the
Public Transportation and
Highway Improvement Act
on expenditure 'made in
The court of revision on
the"Hunter Drainage Works
Extension" was opened at 9
p.m. one appeal was re-
ceived • from Glenn
Montgomery stating
duplication of acreage for
Hunter Drain of 1971 and
Hunter Drain Extension of
1978. An letter .of e-.planation
reducing assessement
$53.00 by E.W. Shifflett; P.
Eng., was read. Glenn
Montgomery's assessment
was reduced by $53.00 on the
Outlet Assessment portion
$53.00 ' to, be added to the
Township Ro4 assessment
on the advice of E.W.
Shifflett, P. Eng., The Court
of Revision Was closed orii
council re-convened.
By-law No, 11/1978, being
a by-law to provide for the
"Hunter Drainage Works'
Extension" was read a*third
time and finally passed.
Council do not Wish to
p-articipae in "Waste
it is something he has
studied -- and coming from
Edmonton, he has particular
concerns for conservation,
native rights in relation to
pipelines, and the effects of
technology on people he
usually hasthe facts straight %
And he follows through by
his own life-style; so the
Moderator still rides a
bicycle around Edmonton,
and in. other cities prefers
public transportation to cabS.
On holidays, he camps and
canoes. "And yet" he says;
"I'm not na ive enough to
think that we can all live an
entirely simple life.. That's
not a solution; it's more a
reminder, a way of witnes-
sing to myself .as to what I
Those who know George
Tuttle say his main 'con-
tribution as moderator will
be his concern for people.
Even he disagrees with
others, he genuinely listens
to their view point. In
personal habit, he nei ther
smokes or drinks, but refuses
to press his behavior pat-
Management Improvement
Contract" with Ministry of
the Environment.
Council approved
severances for Norman Cook
and Wm. E. Purdon. Pro-'
ceeds from Tile Drain Loan
for lot 39, con. 8 were
forwarded in amount of
$4,869.60, Tile Drain In-
spector's fees of $30.40 to
John Gaunt. Proceeds from
Tile Drain Loan for lot 36,
cone. 5, were forwarded in
amount of $3,980.60, Tile
drian Inspector fees fo $19.40
to John Gaunt. Rating BY-
law No. 12 1978. being .a
by-law imposing 'speck.] an-
naul drainage rates upon
land) in respect of which
money is borrowed under the
Tile Drainage Act, 1971.
The following building
permits were approved by
Council: Greg Cook addition
to barn, subject to approval
of Ministry of Environment;
G. Cook, Steel granary;
Eldon Cook, residence, sub-
ject to approval of the Huron
Co., Health Unit; H. Seling
garage; W. Marks steel
granary; R. Peck, steel
granary; Wm. Empey Jr.
extension to trallelr, and steel .
granary; J. Sanders, milking
parlour and open liquid
manure lagoon, subject to
Ministry of Environment; M.
Hallahan ; Implement shed;
R. Carter, Harvestor Silo; K.
Mason, garage. & storage
shed; J.McGee, calf barn,
subject to approval Ministry
of Enironment; Schultz
bros., steel grainary.
Ralph Campbell is to be
paid Livestock damages of
$105.00 for roosters killed by
dogs, R. Charter to be paid
fees of $5.00 plus $1.00
K.G. Flett, Chairman,
Centennial. Commitee
terns onto others. In public.
presiding (such as General
Council) he prefers to help
people make a contribution
rather than strictly to apply
parlimentary procedure.
This people concern was
illustrated in a recent radio
open line interview when a
poor telephone connection
made it impossible for Dr.
Tuttle to understand the
caller's question. All he
could get clearly was the
name of the small town she.
was calling from. When the
'program ended, he called the.
United Church minister in
that town, asking him to get
in touch with the caller to
convey apologies For 'being
unable to provide the answer
she deserved.
That's the kind of person
the 27th 'General Council of
The United 'Church, of
Canada chose as moderator:
Dr. Geroge Tuttle.
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