HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-05-10, Page 1russets learns of
31,459 'surplus
Brussels has a $31,459 surplus,
village councilors learned *when
they went over their financial
report at a special council meet-
ing last Wednesday,
Aceeuntant Bill Skin from the
auditing firm of MacGillivray and
Company in Listowel sad that
overbudgeting produced the sur-
Council also learned that they
had overspent on their roads
budget, budgeted as $42,400 but
they actually spent $56,257. In-
cluded in that total are street
lights at a cost of $4,130.
The recreation figure budgeted
was $5,500 and $28,120 was
actually spent but Mr. Skin said
that figure includes the parks,
libraries and other things,'
Brussels still has taxes re-
ceivbalbe of $15,614 which forms
part, of the surplus. Mr. Skin said'
the reserve for working capital is
set up so the village won't have to
borrow money from the bank, if
they're sloW in collecting taxes.
Currently, Brussels has a reserve
for working capital of $100,217.
Without that reserve they Would
`have to borrow from the bank
every year.
Mr. Skin told councillors that
the captial fund was in good
shape and that they didn't hal' to;
worry. about capital operations at
all since the auditors had
managed to come up with the
money for everything they had
spent money on.
Also at the meeting, Brussels
council approved building per-
nits for Dave McCutheon for a
swimming pool and for Jean
Ireland for a garage and an
addition to her house.
VARIETY FAIR A SUCCESS — Freda Pipe and a'
friend look through a display of items on sale at the
Rebekah's successful Variety Fair held in Brussels
on Saturday. (Standard Photo)
4Brussels Post
107th Year — Issue No. 19 "
Starts May 25
BB plans carnival
Plans for the upcoming carnival
in Brussels were discUssed at a
meeting of the Brussels Business
Association at the Brussels Inn on
May 3 with 12 people present.
Terry`Sugg reported he had got
in touch with Peter March ShoW's
about posters to be put up.
Advertising in several papers was
Saturday is Girl Guide Cookie
Day. Most folks know how good
these cookies are. Guide training
makes girl's better Canadian
citizens. Support Brussels Girl.
Guides. Buy their cookies for
$1.00 on Saturday.'
* * ** *
Sunday is Mother's Day. The
one day of the year chosen to
honour mothers. All mothers, we
are sure, are happy. to be'
remembered by their family on
their special day. Most women,
however, hold dear their mother-
hood from the birth of their first
child. Every Day until' the end of
life. It does not matter if they have
become grandmothers or great
grandmothers, their mother's
heart embraces their children and
their children's children, with
love and hope, every day of their
* * * * *
Seat belts and the lower speed
limits are credited with saving
lives. Traffic, related deaths on
Ontario roads are reported as
having dropped the, lowest since
1962. According to statistics there
has been a 6.2 per cent reduction,
a noticeable:effect of the seat belt
law and lower speed limits. It is
said • that seat belt wearers'
survival. chances are f6 ,111=.
higher than that of those who do
not use them. This is surely an
incentive for every one to "buckle
* *
May 27 is Carnival Day in
Brussels sponsored by the
Brussels Business Association.
Draw tickets are now on sale.
Among other events there, will be
a dance. Watch for additional
information. Proceeds of the
Carnival, Day will be. used for
also suggested. John Sims sug-
gested a banner across:the street
advertising the carnival and
dates. Doug Trollope offered to
paint the sign. •
A street danCe is planned for
May 27 from 10 p.m. to , I a.ni.
along with carnival days and a
;trash and treasure sale. Some
street signs.
* * * * *
Consumers are warned to
beware of "fly-by-night" home
improvement contractors" at this
time of year. They have been
know g to not finish a job,
especially if they have received
payment before completing it.
Often their work is unsatisfactory
but they have disappeared before
you can seek redress. It is much
wiser to deal with a reputable
contractor you know , and can
***** *
There is plenty of opportunity
for Bingo fans to try their luck at
their favourite game of chance
these days. If you are an avid
Bingo player you do net need to
leave Brussels to enjoy the game
at least once a week. The
Optimist Club of Brussels are
having Bingo in the Legion Hall
every Sunday evening.
* * * *
The Salvation Army Red Shield
Appeal,is made during the month
of May. The good deeds they do
for those in need, or distress, is
well known. Aid is extended to
anyone who needs it not just to
members of the Salvation Army.
if they call on" you give what you
can.they can not keep up their
charitable'work without support.
* * ** *
There has been an upsurge in
motorcycle driver and passenger
deaths. Greater caution must be
exercised 'by motorcycle drivers,
They must be doubly alert and
other drivers must be more aware
of motorcyclists. Motorcycles may
be the smaljest motor vehicle on'
the roads, but; must be properly
licensed, and are entitled to their
fair share of the road.
members have offered to pick up
articles people have. and don't
want. The articles donated will be
sold by the B.B.A. and the money
will be used towards street signs..
Anybody -with something to sell
can phone -Ken Webster or Lloyd.
Mayer any time. It is hoped that
the B.B.A. booth can, be set up
either on the street or where the
carnival is. Don't throw out your
trash, someone might bity it, the
B.B.A. says.
Members said that a person
winning the first prize of the pony
at the carnival could have the
pony auctioned off if they didn't
want it.
DOug Trollope has draw)). -up a
brochure on the village with
pictures of prominent places in
town and a map of the village. On
the back is space for 45 merchants
to advertise their businesses. The
ad price has been set at $10 for a
maxinium of 5,000 copies.- A draft
copy is to be drawn up, for the
June meeting for approval,
June Webster and John
Cousins will sell advertising on
the west side. John Sims, and
Dave McCutcheon will sell it on
the east side.
A bulletin board for notices
somewhere on the street instead
of people putting their signs in
stores was also talked about,
Advertising all the i organizations
on one large board and
advertising BrUssels as the pret-
tiest 'village in. • Ontario was
.discussed. The B..B.A. is going to •
look into getting more in-
Stores are going to stay open on
Friday nights till 9 p.m. starting
Friday, May 5. Ken -Webster has
asked council to paint parking
places on the streets. He also
suggested going to council about
putting a two hour parking limit
on the street on Thursdays,
Fridays and Saturdays.
Mr. Webster also complained
about the cars left on the street all
day by Huron County workers: He
suggested that places in town
with old cars and junk in the yard
should be made to put up fencing
around it, especially 'as Brussels
is billed as Ontario's Presttiest
The report on the drifggist is
very promising and he should be
in the village soon. It- is reported
they have the filing cabinets for
the village 'and are drying
shelving for' the store.
Edwards, demolish house; Robert
Gower. house.
By-Law on the Chester Baker
Municipal Drain Improvement
and Extension was' passed.
Gamsby arid Mannerow Ltd.;
Guelph were appointed -to
prepare a report under Section 77
(2) , The Drainage Act, 1975 to
move the Beauchamp Creek
Municipal Drain along Sideroad
20-21 off the Road Allowance and
it; tngke a survey and prepare
plans, profile a,iu specifications
and report on the McDonald.
Municipal Drain to give a proper
Outlet to ,Lot 32, CoribeSsion 5.
A by,law tO raise $200,000.00 to
aid in the construction of drainage
works Under The Tile Drainage
Act, 1971 was passed.
The next meeting will be held
June 7 at the Brussels Inn.
" Everyone is welcome with their
suggestions for the betterment of
-the village.
OHC building
now full
The seniors citizens apartment
building in Brussels, now has a
-full house.
The 34-Unit apartment
building, which opened in
December, 1975, was half empty
for some time and there was some
amcern about filling the build'ng.
In January, 1976, only 10 of the
seniors apartments were rented,
by May, two more had been
tented and by the early summer,
20 apartment were occupied.
By April of last year, 27 of the
units were occupied, by tenants.
The building finally reached,
full tenancy this month and clerk
Bill King announced at the May
Council 'Meeting that the last
vacant -apartment has been
Senior citizens from Brussels,
-Morris and Grey are eligible to
live in the OHC -building.
Council decided the old yellow
grader not to be used for grading
roads unless the road Superin-
tendent drives it.
Volunteer Firemen will be p aid
at the rate of $6.00 per hour for
the first hour and $5.00 per hour
-for each hour thereafter, practice
to rerliain nt $7.00.
A membership fey !I: the
amount of $10.00 be paid to the
Huron County Municipal
Officers' Association.•
Coun cil val histall a light at the
back of the Ethel Community Has!
and a "Park at the rear of
building" sign at thq front of the
Hall. •
Council will list the old
Municipal Clerk's Office in Ethel
with Den Hamilton Real Cstafe.
Short Shots
.by Evellin Kennedy
Grey Council appointed
W.E.Kelley & Associates Ltd.,
Kitchener, to make a survey and
prepare plan, profile and' specifi-
cations of the Bolton NI unieipal
Drain to give a proper outlet to
Lot 20, Concession 18, when it
.met May 1.
Building permits Were granted
to tarry Smith, farrowing barn
with , granary; Nu-Teck Farms
Ltd., morgail home;'
W.R.Alexarider silo; Carl Hinz_,
silo; Harry Smith, garage and sun
room; Leroy Winger,• addition to
house; Norman Dickson, addition
to barn; William Van Nes,
Ilarvestor silo; Wtn. and
Margaret Van I•IeS, demolish
house; Nu-Teck Varti-is Ltd.,
•clemoligh house; Murray
Grey council will sell
clerk's office in Ethel