HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-05-03, Page 16EXECUTIVE OF THE HURON-PERTH PRESBYTERY — The Huron-Perth Presbytery held their annual meeting last Tuesday and had dinner at the Belgrave W.I. Hall. They then moved over to the United Church beside the hall to conduct their business. Seated at the executive table from left are: Rev. John Oestreicher from the Wesley-Willis United Church in Clinton who is also the chairman of the Presbytery, Harold Knisley and Joe Schneider, vice-chairmen of the Presbytery, Don Beck from the division of Finances and Rev. Cecil Wittich of Blyth United Church who is on the division of Missions in Canada. (Staff Photo) EninffillimumillimillimmImplumalmilmimmiiiiiiiilmimiumiiiimmumuummomminumimiimmiumiimmiffismummumummuminimange PRODUCE 16 THE BRUSSELS POST, MAY 3, 1978 eciat care Dental caries or tooth decay is a specific disease and like measles, mumps. polio, etc., rims a specific course and each evident- ly arises: from a specific cause. Dental caries is primarily a disease of younger people, especially up to the age of thirty. The amount of permanent dam- age done to children is tremend- ous and the cost to the people of Canada in 1975 exceeded $400,000,000. and this took care of about one quarter of the people who needed dental care. The primary teeth serve the child through the years of great- est growth,• 2-13 or 14 and are essential to being able to masti- cate the food propetly, as well as keep the permanent teeth from becoming crowded, through too early loss or breaking down of primary teeth. Facial growth too is dependent upon the primary teeth being in place. when spaces occur through early loss of primary teeth, permanent teeth can erupt further forward than normal. and therefore the jaw lxines do not have to• develop as much to make room' for them. The specific cause of dental caries is •by types of bacteria which nearly all of us have in our mouths, These bacteria use sugar as a food and from it form acid WELCOME Stanley BENTLEY and family to Cranbrook on the opening of his BODY SHOP (formerly Engel's Garage) Gordon Engel within which they live and grow. A sugar can'.also be fo'rmed from some carbohydrates, for example, white flour products„ The acids formed some carbohydrates, for example ; white flonr products. The .acids formed from sugar by the bacteria. are nearly always in close contact with the teeth, because colonies or -families of germs have to live relatively undisturbed, in crevices of the teeth or, between the teeth. The germs trying to live on the exposed surfaces of the teeth are more likely 'to be rinsed off by saliva or by the action of the tongue, cheeks- and lips. It naturally • follows „that the more sugars and fermentable carbohydrates consumed from day to day, the more acid will be formed resulting in more decay. A completely sugar free diet . would mean no• acid, no decay, or caries. We know that nearly everyone will'consume a certain amount. of sugar withmeals, but we are not so concerned about this unless it is grossly overdone. Sugars 'consumed between meals do .' the greatest harm particularly those that stay in, the mouth a long time:. gumS, pop- sidles, • candies, -cookie's, etc., Because the germs - are so tiny they require very little sugar to form- acid, and usually it takes over 2 hours for enough ,saliva to form and dilute the sugars left in the mouth after eating, to the point where acid can nolonger'be formed. Thus two important facts conic into the picture Or dental caries, I. the length of time sugar is in the mouth and The, number of times a day it is put in the mouth. Children arc going to have treats, but they should be control- led and - should be 'had at home.' with or immediately following a meal, so as not to destroy , appet ite for goOd nutritionally necessary foods, and be followed by tooth brushing, A child that is developing cavities is definitely having too Many sweet foods and/or drinks. As this is a disease, we all react differently to it, just as we react differently to, other diseases.. Various factors come into the, picture, such as the number of acid producing bacteria in the 'mouth, the formation of the teeth themselves, their relation one, to another, straight or crowded, the relation of one set of teeth to the opposing set, lower to upper, the kind of food we prefer, (nutrition) • oral hygiene, (how and when we thoroughly clean them.) A caries activity test has been devised that helps greatly in assessing the need for more intensive care on the part of those whc'se oral health seems to be not what it could be. The bacteria which inhabit the mouth and are of the acid producing and acid loving types are, we believe, primarily responsible for caries. development. These are grown for 48 hours in a media which offers them ideal food and surroundings. After 48 hours in the incubator at mouth temperat- ure, the amounts of acid product- ed is recorded, and from this a detertnination can be made as to the likelihood of new cavities devloping or of present cavities continuing to grow quickly into much larger one, Summary - Methods of prevention of ,Dental Caries 1. Bacteria ± Sugar = Acid. MUD +Tooth = Decay, .Must have a combination of both bacteria and sugar for acid production. If either is missing - no acid - n o decay. if follows that the less sugar consumed - less acid = less deCay. 2. Tooth brushing - Im- mediately after eating whether a meal or a snack. Rinse with water if brushing is not possible. 3. Regular visits to family Dentist - starting at approximate- ly 2V2 years, of age. 4. Proper Nutrition - Following Canada's Food Rules. Minimizing the use of Sugars. S. Fluoridation of Commutial water - reduces the rate of decay by at least 60%. Topical applicat- ion of fluoride - reduces rate of decay, for a period of 2 to 3 years by approximately 40%. Teeth demand s = • Prices effective till ,closing _Tuesday May 9,1978 FOOD STORES' AI I 11 I rA Or" E , Stokely dm._ ▪ Air Honey Pod = affs, I = - PEAS 1 3 1 3/100 r.--. = 1410 litttOs' - = • a ,▪ 41.4., — Ivory Liquid E.: ill• .4.,* Schneiders no. Side r 44 it BACON, PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE , We continue to serve the Brussels Area by providng requirements for Posters, Tickets, Letterheads, Envelopes, Booklets, Wedding Stationery'and other printing. Call us when you' require printing. gBrussels Post POSSELS ONTARIO 887-6641 g• • P1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HE 1/4111048 Prod. USA Con. 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