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Daily low.cost
British Airways Charter Class. Fare
Toronto-London adult return
in association with Air Canada.
May 1-May 17. . • •••••$329-$349
Jun. 1-Jun. 21. . .. • . . 410
May 18-May 31 $3494369
Jun. 22-Jul. 29 S429-$449
Jul. 30-Aug. 26. . . . . $379-$399
Aug. 27-Sept. 30, . 5349-$369
Prices depend on the day of the
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Book at least 45 days in advance.
For complete details on Charter
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21, 1978. An employer is not required
to hire a youth for the full 25-week
Terms of Employment; To be eligible
for funding, a position cieated must be
in addition to regular and seasonal
employment normally provided •
during the program period. It must
provide a minimum of 25 hours'of
supervised work per week for at least
six weeks. •
Grant; Approved employers will
receive a grant of $1. 25,per hour up to
a maximum of $50.00 a week (40
hours employment) for each youth
hired under the program. Province of Ontario
NOTE; Grant funds are limited. If
you wish to.hire a youth any time
during the program's duration, please,
submit your application as soon as
possible. In order to hire under the
program you must first receive
approval from the Ministry of
Treasury. Aprilications'fOr
participation cannot be considered
after September 4, 1978.
For more information on the Ontario -
Youth Employment Program and
application forms please write:
Ministry of Treasury, Subsidies •
Branch, Queen's Park, Toronto,
Ontario M7A 2R8 or telephone
1-800-268-7192 (toll free). In Metro
Toronto telephone 965-0570.
Darcy McKeough, Treasurer
Ministry of Treasury, Economics &
Intergovernmental Affairs,
Subsidies Branch.
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
Ontario Youth •
William Davis, Premier
Prayer is Bluevale ..U.CW theme
Correspon dent
'Mo. Joe Walker
"Prayer" was the theme of the
worship service at the meeting fo
the V:fifed Church Women on
Wednesday afternoon of last
week, Mrs,litts of Unit Two
read scripture and tpresented the
message, Mr's. Beth Johnston
and Mrs, Robert Peel gave a
dialogue on The Lord's Prayer.A
hymn was sung and a prayer by
Tennyson closed the worship
During the business period the
members were reminded that the
Young People's Society would
like donations of baking for their
upcoming bazaar, Group Four
mentioned the garage sale they
are planning.
An invitation was received from"
the Presbyterian W.M.S.
members to a meeting in April
when Mrs. Grace Richardson
spoke and showed slides on her
missionary work in Africa.
.Members of the plowing match
committee reported their
progress. Conveners of the
Stewardship and Finance
committee, MrS. Mel Craig 'and
Mrs. Jack Nicholson, gave the
group an informative summary of
the work of their committee.
The June meeting will be in
charge of the Christian Leader-
ship Development Committee
with slides by Mrs. W. Thornton..
The worship servie will be
conducted by members of Unit
Following the meeting, a
fellowship hour was enjoyed. with
Unit Two serving refreshments.
Rev. Wilena Brown was in
charge of the Sunday morning
service, of worship in the United
Church. Her sermon was
"Wherein Are Values,'. She
noted that this is Education Week
and focused on the values of
young people,
Michelle Beverlie, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Searson, was
received into the church by the
sacrament of infant baptism.
Guests of the , Searson family
Attending the service were Mrs.
Mitchell, and. Mr. and Mrs. Don,
Pollard, Ripley. and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Winger, Hagersville.
W,I. Has Installation
Mrs. Jim Armstrong ,installed
the new officers of the Women's
Institute when the annual meeting
was held at the home of Mrs. Bill
de Vos. The new president of the
group is Mrs, Charles Mothers
who. succeeds Mrs. Armstrong.
Other officers. are; first vice-
president. Mrs. Bert . barniss;
second ,vice-president. Mrs.
Murray, Jenkins; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Mel Craig;
district director, Mrs. William
Peacock; alternate. Mrs. Wendell
Stamper; branch directors, Mrs.
de VOS,'Mrs. AlexMcravish,-Mrs.
Soren Anderson; pianist. Mrs.
Carl Johnston; nominating
committee, Mrs. Harry Elliott.
Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Mothers;
public relations officer, Mrs.
Stamper; curators. Mrs. DonOld
Street, Mrs. A. D. Smith;
auditors Mrs. Spading Johnston,
Mrs. Harry Eliott.
Convenors of . standing
committees are: Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Armstrong; Citizenship and
World Affairs, Mrs. Ken
Simmons, MI's, Robert Fraser;
Educational and Cultural. Aetivi-
ticS, Mrs, Jenkins, Mrs. Harvey
Edgar; Family and Consumer.
Affairs, Mrs,. Jack Nicholson,
Mrs, Harvey Payne; Resolutions,
Mrs, Jim Johnston,
Meinhers brough a dessert and
tea was provided by the hostess.
President Mrs., Armstrong
opened the meeting minutes read
by the secretary Mrs. Craig. -;
Mrs, Craig announced a number
of coming events; 4-H Achieve-
ment Day April 29 at WS at
Howick Central School, district
annual meeting May 9 at
Brussels.(Delegates are Mrs.
Peacock, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs.
Simmons and Mrs. Payne); The
75th anniversary of Forwich W.I.
May I I ; 75th anniversary of Ethel
W.I. May 31. Anyone interested
in going on the bus trip sponsored
by Gorrie W.1. on June .21 may
call Mrs, Burkhart at Holiday
World, Wingham Mrs. Craig will
attend the Officers' conference
May 2, 3' and 4 at Kitchener,
Members w.cre'Shown the quilt
design which' Mrs, Peacock and
Mrs. Nicholson pieced with the
help of Tom. Dunn. Mrs.
MacTavish will help Mrs.
Peacock and Mrs. Nicholson in
getting the top ready for quilting
in time for the plowing -match.
It was agreed that the historian
membership fees would be paid
for the.eurators, Mrs. Street and
Mrs. Smith. Roll call was -the.
paying of fees and exchange of
dessert recipes.
Before the installation of the
officers, Mrs. Craig read the
mimics and financial statement fo
the April 13. 1977 meeting.
Reports from the corrinnttePs.
were given, Mrs, Armstrong
thanked the members for.their
co-operation during her two-year
term as president and told how
mirth she enjoyed her term,
If you hire young people
for new summer jobs, Ontario will
help you pay their salaries.
Here's how
the pro
If you, operate a business or farm and
create new jobs betWeen May 1 and
October 21, 1978, the Ontario
Youth Employment' Program will
give you a grant'of $1.25 per houx
(up to a maximum of $50.00 a week)
towards the wages of each eligible
youth you hite for those jobs.
Employers; Anyone who has carried
on a business or operated a farm in
Ontario for at least one year prior to
May 1 may receive grants for up to 6
new positions per business location for
eligible youth employees.
Employees; Employees must be at .
least 15 but not 25 years old on May 1 ,
1978. Employees cannot be directly
related to the employer. Employees
must reside and be eligible to work in •
Duration; The program is in effect for
25 weeks from May 1 through October