HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-04-26, Page 9IFYOU DON'T HAVE 10 INCHES*
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Walton WI has pot luck supper
Mrs, Allan McCall
MrS. John Freeman, Uorrie
was guest speaker at the Walton.
Women's Institute Annual meet-
ing, in the community hall, on
Wednesday evening, April 19th.
A pot luck supper was served to
members and 3 :guests.
Mrs. Wm. HumphrieS presided
with Mrs. Herb Traviss at the
piano. Mrs. Humphries read a
poem, "Income Tax Blues" and
welcomed everyone including
Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. jacques
who accompanied her. Minutes
were read by Mrs. Ken McDonald
and a thank-you card from Joan
For the roll call the sunshine
sisters were revealed with a small
gift and new Sunshine sisters
were chosen for next year.
Invitations to attend events in
Fordwich, Ethel, Kippen and
Huronview were read.
The District Annual will be held
at the Brussels United Church on,
May 9 when Bob Carbett of the
Milton Museum will speak.
The 4-H Achievement on Focus
on Living will be held at Grey
Central School on Saturday, May
Mrs. Don McDonald reported
on the bus trip to Bramalee on
May 31.
Members discussed the Quilt
display to be held May 27. Mrs.
Reid asked for" names that had
quilts to show.
Tickets are available on the
quilt to be, drawn for at the June
meeting and a quilt has been
made to be sold.
The Hall board committee are
Mrs. Bill Humphries; Mrs. Jim
Axtmann; Mrs. Nelson Marks;
Mrs. Alvin McDonald 'and Mrs.
Lavern Godkin.
Mrs. John Freeman brought
greetings from the District and
spoke on the growth of the
Institute. She was presented with
a gift, as was Mrs. Jacques,
Secretary-Treasurer from Gorrie.
• The Annual Meeting continued
with the reports from Standing
Committees, Mrs. Herman Plas
for Agriculture and Canadian
Industries; Mrs. Viola Kirkby for
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Citizenship and World Affairs;
Mrs. Ron Bennett in the absence
of Mrs, Bev, Smith for Family and
Consumer Affairs; Mrs. Keith.
Rock for. Education and Cultural
Activities; Mrs. Jim Axtmann for
Resolutions; Mrs, Don. McDonald .
As Public Relations Officer. There.
were 3 get-well cards and 2
sympathy cards sent by the
Sunshine Convener Mrs. T.
Dundas. Mrs. Stewart Humphries
4-H co-ordinator said there were
16 girls signed for the Garden,
Club with leaders, Mrs. H. Hudie
and Mrs. H. McCallum. Mrs..
Nelson Reid curator reported
urging more people to give
pictures and family history for the
Tweedsmuir book, Reports were
all seconded by Mrs. N. Marks.
*Mrs. John Freeman installed
the officers for the coming year
with a thought for an interesting
The April meeting of the
Walton MTh of U.C.W. of Duff's
Church was held on Wednesday
evening April 12 in the church
Call to worship, was taken by
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and Mrs.
Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Ray
Huether - was pianist for the
singing of the hymn, "King of
love my shepherd is.— The
scrpture from 1st Corrinthians
14th chapter was read alternat-
ively by` Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs.
Humphries. Mrs. S. Humphries
gave meditation on Love is
Humble followed by a poem,
"Don't envy others".
Mrs. E. Mitchell read an
article written by the late Alice
Forrest in 1971.
year of work for the W.I.
Past President, Mrs. Allan
McCall; President, Mrs. Wm.
Humphries; 1st Vice-president,
Mrs, Harold .Hudie.; 2nd Vice-
President, Mrs, Gerald Watson;
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs, J im
A.xtmann; District 'Director, Mrs.
Ken McDonald; Alternate, Mrs.
Win. Humphries; P.R.O., Mrs.
Don McDonald; Branch
Directors, Mrs. Nelson Marks;
Mrs. Graeme Craig; Mrs. Mac
Sholdice; Mrs. Neil McGavin;
Curator, Mrs. Nelson Reid; Sun-
shine sisters, Mrs. Stewart
Humphries; 4-H Co-ordinator,
Mrs. Stewart Humphries;
Auditors, Mrs. Harvey Craig and
Mrs. Keith Rock.
During business a donation was
made to the Brussels Fair Board.
It was agreed to have another
Christmas Concert this year. This
Mrs. Bill Coutts was in charge
of business. Minutes were read
by secretary,' Mrs. Howard
Hackwell and twenty-one mem-
bers answered the roll call. Mrs.
Mac Sh'oldice gave the treasurer's
report and asked for leaders for
the Mission Band. The regular
collection and for Bakeless Bazaar
was received and dedicated. Mrs.
Nelson Reid gave. th& Quilt
report. The last quilt was quilted
for this season at Mrs. Kirkby's
home last week.
Plans were finalizied for - the
shower for Susan Humphries on
Saturday, April 29th.
Fruit breads and tea were
served by Mrs. Jack McEwing ,
Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs.
Dave Collins.
is a community project and Mrs.
Humphries emphasized that all in
the community are welcome to
attend any meetings..
Members agreed that chairs
are not to be loaned out from. the
hall and prices were set for
speakers and sunshine sisters for
coming year, Mrs. Humphries
ined members to read from
handbooks. on Good Farm.
Mrs. Harold Hudie offered to
stay on as caretaker of the hall
and presented retiring secretary-
treasurer. Mrs. Ken McDonald
with a gift on behalf of the
It was decided to carry on the
card parties into May. Committee
for May 2 will be; Mrs. H. Hudie;
Mrs. Ron Bennett; Mrs, Viola
Kirkby and Mrs. Elva Bolger.
May 16 Committee: Mrs. George
Mc Call; Mrs. Jim Axtmann;
Mrs. Marion Godkin and .Mrs.
Phyllis Mitchell.
4-H Meeting
Walton I Leisure Lovers met at
the home of Mary Alice Ryan with
10 member present. Roll call was
anwered by, One, thing I have
done for my community.
,Leaders stressed safety -in the
home and a discussion followed
on the things people should do to
make it safer.
Books are to be completed by
Saturday and Achievement Day
plans arc being made for
Saturday May 13.
Refreshments were served by
Pam Hackwell and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H =tiler visited
recently with Mrs. and Mrs. Jack
itutzi and Mr. and Mrs. Rae
Klcm in Waterloo.
Mr, and Mrs. Dave Watson;
. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens
arrived home Sunday from a two
week, holiday in Florida.
Miss Sandra Smith spent the
week-end with her grandmother,
Mrs. Edna Hackwell, returning
home to London with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith,
Monica and Paul who spent
Sunday at the same home.
Mrs. Edna Hackwell and Mrs.
Sadie McDonald visited with Mrs..
Jean Miller and Miss Pearl
Thamer at Huronview, Clinton
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and
family of Kintail spent the
week-end with. Mr. and Mrs.
Roily Achilles, Mrs. Jim Sills and
family of Seaforth spent Friday at
the same home.
Miss. Jane teeming returned
home for the summer months
after completing her studies in
Toronto for this term.
Ray Huether and Mrs
Ray Klem visited on Saturday
with Mrs. Bill Johnston of
Mrs. Fern Patterson of
Seaforth visited with her sister,
Mrs. Jean Broadfoot a week-ago
The Achievement Day of the
Senior Training School on "Per-
sonalizing your Pattern" was held
at St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church, Wingham on Wednesday
afternoon, April 19th. Those
taking the course were Mrs. Jim
Axtmann and daughter Linda;
Miss Dianne Godkin; Mrs. Nelson
Reid; Mrs. Elgin Schade and
daughter, Nancy, Mrs. Wm.
Osborne,; Mrs. Wm Naylor, with
leaders Mrs. Gerald Watson and
Mrs. Harold Hudie.
Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs.
Allan McCall attended the 20th
Anniversary party of the Seaforth
Institute on Saturday evening at
the Seaforth Public School when
Mrs. Clarence Diamond the new
president of the F.W.I.O. was
pest speaker.
D.N.Lefebvre, Manager
Listowel, Ontario
Walton completes
season's last quilt