The Brussels Post, 1978-04-19, Page 24THE BRIDAL, SECTION 3 Pearls, brides go together ••
just like love and marriage
That "something new" in
the bride's wedding outfit is
often a gift of pearls from
the groom. Pearls are the
wedding present most fre-
quently chosen by the
bridegroom for his bride-to-
be, reports the Jewelry In-
dustry Council. Nobody
knows how and when this
tradition got started — but
history offers some
fascinating clues as to why
pearls and brides seem to go
together like love and
According to the Council,
pearls have been associated
with youth, beauty and
romance since ancient
times. The Romans thought
that pearls were sacred to
Diana, goddess of the moon
and protectress of young
girls. When a Roman girl
married, she wore pearls for
good luck — the more the
"She was covered
from head to foot with
pearls and emeralds," wrote
the Roman historian Pliny,
describing one particularly
fortunate young bride.
Noble Egyptian ladies not
only wore pearl jewelry to
all, but layers of organic
material called nacre, This
substance is secreted by the
oyster to protect itself from
an irritating particle inside
its shell, whether the particle
is placed there by Mother
Nature or by an enterprising
pearl farmer.
Natural pearls, grown
strictly at random, are fab-
ulously rare and expensive.
But even under scientifically
controlled conditions,the
production of cultured
pearls. is no easy task. Only
about five of every 100
pearls harvested turn out to
be of gem quality, experts
say. The pearl farmer must
raise, approximately 10,000
oysters to wind up with
enough well-matched pearls
for just one 14-inch neck-
Although cultured pearls
have been rising in price,
they are still the most affor-
dable of precious gems. If
the bridegroom's budget
would be strained by a
strand of pearls for his
bride, his favorite jeweler
has pearl earrings, pendants
and pins that are equally ap-
propriate — and every bit as
romantic! t
make themselves attractive
to their sweethearts, but
they also used powdered
pearls as eye shadow for
that seductive "come
hither" look. If that didn't
work, pulverized pearls
could be — and often were
— used in love potions. Ac-
cording to legend, Cleopatra
conquered Marc Antony by
dissolving her most precious
pearl in vinegar and offering
him a sip of the priceless
Pearls also found their
way into many old-time
medicines and tonics,
probably because the pearl
in gem lore symbolized
health, vitality, and long
life. All this and romance,
too — what more could any
bride ask from a gem?
Nothing more except
beauty, and pearls shine in
that department also. Their
soft luster is flattering to
every woman, and their low-
keyed elegance never goes
out of style. They can be
worn at any time of day,
with almost any outfit,
tailored or dressy.
Although pearls are
classified as precious stones,
they are really not stones at
Shower her with kitchen gifts
Pegnoir Sets
Nylon, Polyester
or Cotton
Ypur best friend is getting
married and you want' tb
give a bridal shower to re-
flect your special friendship
— a unique party different
from others she might be
given, but practical, too.
Why not consider a
kitchen shower? Gifts _ are
simple, useful, and generally
First kitchen items most
often include: cutting board,
utility knife, paring knife,
and a set of hanging utensils.
You'll also want to in-
clude a basic set of cooking
and baking pans. Experts
recommend as a general set
a nine-inch skillet, a one-
quart saucepan, and a three-
quart covered casserole.
For "wash day", deter-
gent, bar soap, and small
items placed .in a laundry
For baking needs, a small
roasting pan, loaf pan,
cookie sheet, and two-quart
covered glass casserole are
basket make a most useful
and imaginative gift.
A large, inverted, paper
umbrella filled with decora-
tive small accessories is a
welcome present for any
bride. Wrap rubber scraper,
strainer, grater, ladle, pan-
cake turner, measuring
cups, and similar articles in-
dividually in decorative
paper before placing in the
umbrella for a "shower of
good wishes" and a "colored
rainbow of surprises".
Assorted kitchen gadgets
can be combined to compli-
ment a "Broom Doll" your
friend will love! Mop hair,
barbeque-mitt hands, and
apron skirt transform an or-
dinary broom into an amus-
ing and useful gift. Don't
forget to stuff the apron
pockets with thread and but-
Cake to
Enchant your
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From Bartliff's Bakery
in Clinton. Let our
specialists create a
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We also specialize in Birthday Cakes,
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