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6 — THE BRVS$ELS POST; APRIL 19, '1978
Prov ince has student jobs
By Debbie Ranney
Summer employment always
seems to be a problem for the
young and the restless and local
employers don't always have the'
job opportunities that young
people require.
But never fear. Bill Davis and
the Ontario government have
come to the rescue with their
Ontario Experience 78 program
and as well as offering some
practical job opportunities, it
offers some unusual ones. For
high school students, the
deadline for applications is May
For example, one job
opportunity listed but only, for
post-secondary students age 18
and over is the job of handing out
Age of Majority cards. Number
0501, in the Ontario Experience
'78 guide, the program has 21
positions for four teams of five
students who will be sent to
selected areas of the province to
issue age of majority cards, One
university student enrolled in
business administration will act
as the group leader. Employment
lasts for 10 'weeks.
For high school students the
guide lists a few interesting and
unusual programs too. One of
these is a chance to see the local
police force in operation. The
student will not he involved in
actual police work but, depending
on training and experience and
the type of work available, will do
clerical, research or other non-
cunfrontat ive types of work.The
location is with local police forces
across Ontario for a period of 12
weeks. The positions are for
secondary or post-secondary
Program 0322 employ students
with the academic and adminis-
trative departments of various
universities and college in
Ontario. It doesn't describe what
the job entails but merely
suggests that the program is
intended to provide "an indoc-
trination into the campus environ-
ment" and thus encourage native
secondary students to continue
their education.
A position with the Ministry of
Correctional Services offers-
young people with a clerical
background in typing, filing, etc.
the opportunity to becothe
familiar with the operation of
ammuunity programs and to gain
insight into the care of young
offenders while providing clerical
assistance to some of the
correctional institutions
throughout Ontario. There arc
238 positions in this program
which operates throughout
Ontario for a period of 12 weeks.
Historic Sites
For the more adventurous
person eager to get far away frotti
home. opportunity awaits 'at
Huronia Historical Parks.
According to the pamphlet
opportunities exist in the area of
information services, visitor
services end artifact conserva-
tion. MI, positions relate to the
historic sites of Ste. Marie among
the Hurons, Midland and the
Historical, Naval and Military
Establishtherits of Pertetangui,
The locations are Midland and
Penetanguishene With a period of
employinetit for 10 - 12 weeks for
lutist secondaryand Senior
secondary studetris., For applica-
tions and information send to
Hurottia Histor icalParks;
Ministry of Culture And
•Iiirintto: Ontario., The program
has 21) posit iOlis available:
'then in Thunder tlay-
s,,condary seli001, participants will
.11ntlitet historieal development
on filth Vort William, The
cnAploinent period is 12 Weeks
.niki there are 2. positions
available. Students should send
applications to Old Fort William,
Ministry of Culture and
Recreation, Vickers Heights P.O,,
Thunder B ay, POT 2Z9.
For those wishing to stay closer
to home, a program operated by
the Ministry of Culture 'and
Recreation is 'designed to employ
youth on a variety of community-
based projects. The programs arc
funded jointly by the Provincial
Government arid by local
These programs which are
operated throughout Ontario for
secondary and post-secondary
students could be in the areas of
general recreation, sports,
fitness, therapeutic recreation,
leadership development, heritage
conservation, archaeology,
history, community inforthation,
multiculturalism, race relations,
newcomer services, arts, 'craf ts,
drama, music, dance, literature
and photography.
3000 Jobs
There are 3,000 to 3,100
positions in this program and the
period of employment could be up
to 16 weeks. Because the program
is operated on a cost-sharing
basis. hiring is carried out by the
local . organii;ations beginning
May 12, 1978. Employment
positions will he publicized locally
for example at Canada Manpower
Offices and applications for
The windier employment sit-
uation for students in the
Brussels area isn't yoking too
hopeful at the Moment but Donna
Wheeler. student co-ordinator' of
Suident Manpower in Listowel,
thinks things should lbok better in
She said that right now most of
(he calls they have received about
jobs in the Brussels area have
come from farmers who are
interested in post-secondary sin-
dents who could start working in
She said she expected to get
more calk from employers and
have more in lOrmation about jobs
when more high school students
become available.
She said that , some of the
progyams funded by the govern-
ment do not require that they get
their staff through ma n power.
Applications for the Ontario Fx-
perience '78 program as well as a
booklet on the programs involved
are available at F.E. Madill
Secondary School in Wingham.
Although she said she can't say
a lot about how the employment
situation looks till May; Donna
said she is expecting things to
look as good as last year on the
whole and that she was expecting
the same sort of participation
fronL the employer's:
Last year their offices had 750
students register with them and
they referred about 680 :students
to job:;„ They ended up getting
jobs for a total of 311 students.
She'said that ‘‘'hen she says she's
hoping to experience the same
employer participation and the
same nunther of jobs this year as
last; she's actually aiming higher
than that.
There have been. mote calls
from employers 'looking for help
than at this time last year
probably as a result of the Ontario
program which subsidi zes
einployets for wages,eneouraging
them to hire - students. The
Oatatio Youth Employpent Pro,,
grata subsidizes employers S
an hour lot additional jobs in
which they place students: There
is an application -procedure for
this though it's not an automatic
subsidy, Donna said,
Donna said that Brussels stip
positions should go to the local
organizations, not the Ministry of
Culture and Recreation:
For those. ,tnoro artistically
inclined students program 0713
provides an. opportunity for
students to gain "internship"
experience in technical,
performance and administrative
..activities with professional ar ts
organizations and individual
artists in the field of dance, film
and photography, literature,
music, theatre, and visual. arts.
Arts Interest
The program operates
throughout Ontario for post-
secondary and senior secondary
students with, demonstrated
interest in any of those arts, or
business and arts administration.
There are 285 positions available
in this program and. the period of
employment could be .from 8 - 16
When applying for these
positions applicants are to specify
art discipline, types of jobs and
name particular organizations
and/or artists ,in order of
preference' and a list of participa-
ting- sponsors will be mailed back
to them . with their acknowledge-
ment receipt. Applications should
go to the Ontario Arts Council,
151 Blom' Street West, Toronto,
Ontario, M5S 1T6.
For those who lean toward .
helping others, there's a program
dents were very aware of the
manpower offices in Listowel and
did tend to Make the effort to
cr -ne in and apply.
.;he pointed out that students
who lived, i4i,n Brussels,, the rural
areas around Brussels„and closer-
to and Bluevale could
also apply at the Student' Man-
power offices in. Goderich because
of jobs that office might have in
Wingharn or Blyth.
"Why not give yourself two
chances?" Donna pointed out.
.leanette Finnigan , student
placement counsellor for the
Student Manpower Offices in
CkKlerich„ said they had been
.r*ing to contact as many em-
ployers as possible but that it was
really difficult at this point to say
how inany . jobs there arc going to
"We've got a lot of post-
seconda my students that are going
to be available in a couple of
weeks. It's really hard to general-
ize although there don't seem to
be. any jobs at the moment,—
Jeannette said,
Jeannette said that starting,
around Max 8. CKNX radio in
Winghain will be having little five
minute spots on their 4 o'clock
tuck program on "How .to Get a
Summer Job." Starting May 16,
the station will also be running an
employment up-date.
She said their office had been
hoping to generate jobs in
Witigitani through the Plowing
Match but that didn't work out
because nothing happens until
the last two weeks in August and
then the tents ate put up alMost
Donna Wheeler said she has
had students who becattse of the
teache.t's strike Ohre in and
sUggest they'd like a foil-time job
starting AS soon as possible:
She tells these students they
should da'a lot of footwork and job
searching on their own because as
ia rule she didn't think Wingham
employers understood that these
students were- out looking for
full-time jobs,
"1 think in the long run, those
students lookin g now will gobble
tip any jobs;''Doit'oa said, She
added that the first ones there'
usually had a better chance:
operated in co-operatiOn with
local school, boards. Secondary
students and post-secondary
students will be expected to
undertake a wide variety of
projects of an educational nature
that also provide a direct benefit
to the community. The pamphlet
lists as examples: Development of
Multi-media Resource Kits,
Student Assistants (Monitors) for
children with learning disabili-
ties, second language programs,
tutors, building "adventure
playgrounds", developing
inventories of community and
school resources and many other
types of projects with an
educational element.
Positions will be with various'
boards of education throughout
the province with secondary
students being employed for 7
weeks, and post-secondary
students being employed for
10-14 weeks. The exact locations
will be announced in April. There
are 1,225 positions available.
Post-secondary students should
send their applications to
Program 0801, P.O.Box 2201,
Postal Station P, Toronto,
Ontariao Mss 2T8. Secondary
school students are to mail their
application to Program 0801 c/o
the regional office. The high
school guidance officers will have
its exact address. Schools in
Central Ontario should mail their
Donna says she has had over
330 students registered with her
"office who range all the way from
Grade 8 students to highly
qualified post-secondary stu-
At least some Brussels stu-,
dents, those involved in the Leo
Club, will have part-time summer
jobs. Mrs. Peggy Cudmorc
secretary-treasurer of the
Hortictiltural Society said mem-
bers of the Leo Club will look after
the flower beds around town the
same as they did last year.
Financed through a municipal
or an Ontario government grant,
the Leos will once again be.
application to the same post office
box as post-secondary students.
Another program where
students can help other people is
tun in co-operation, with the
Ontario Housing Corporation,
planning recreational opportuni-
ties for children, youth and adults
in various Ontario Housing
Projects throughout the province.
Program 1201 is in Ontario
Housing Projects throughout
Metropolitan Toronto and
Program 1202 is in selected
centres throughout the province
including Thunder Bay, Sudbury,
Sault. Ste Marie, Kenora, North.
Bay, Kingston,. Ottawa,
Peterborough, Oshawa,
Hamilton, Cambridge, Guelph.
Secondary and post-secondary
students with some experience in
recreational leadership and
programming are eligible and the
period, of employment is 10-12
weeks. Applications should be
sent to Manager, Recreational
Programming, Community
Relations Branch, Ontario
Housing Corporation, 101 Bloom
Street West, Toronto, Ontario,
MSS 1 P8.
Applications for jobs and the
Ontario Experience '78 pamph-
lets can be picked up at the
Central Huron Secondary School
in Clinton, F.E. Madill Secondary
School in Wingham and the
Seaforth District High School.
planting weeding, watering
flower beds and then cleaning
them out in the fall.
- The student Manpower office
changed its location on March 31
from InkerMan Streetto 201 Main
Street in Listowel which is the old
post office building beside 'the
Bank of Montreal.
The father said to his small son,
"Junior, one more bite like that
and you'll be leaving the dinner
The lad responded quickly,
"One more bite like that and I'll
be through."
More summer jobs for Brusssels kids