HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-04-12, Page 1ESTABLISHED
NEW ,REPORTER AT POST.; Debbie Ilarihey- will
be 'covering Brussels and area news
wh o,.
the Post-
begthhihg.. this week. Debbie,. WhO„ hat been
reporting _Brussels'' COUricit meetings for several
months, it a native of Milverton and a journalism
graduate. Of. Conestoga 8he hopes to Write. •
a variety of feature Mitiries.. about local people.. and
a&<6.anyehe'intith--etoryUggettiOnS to call her at the •
Post ati887-6641 , (Staff Photo),
uture of hamlets 14otop
urnbetlypiahnieeting •
voillieWor.40 Arta
• 4.-Biljtsseis.
107th Year — Issue No. 15
Vote light as
Only 295 people voted on
Morris Township's liquor
question Monday but they voted
to keep the township dry.
Of a possible 1230 voters only
295 people• went to the polls,
including the advance polls.
Residents voted 55 per cent
'overall to making Morris' a "wet"
township but a 60 per cent vote
was required in order for it to go
through. •
Voters were asked to answeiv•
eight questions on their ballots.
The first question asked voters
whether they were in favor of the
establilshing of government
stores. for beer and wine with resigns
The second question asked iffthe-y Edythe Cardiff, clerk-treasurer
55.93 per cent voting favor:"
were in favor of /goverhment of Grey Township resigned her
stores for beer onlyiVith 50.51 per position at the regular meeting of
cen voting in faVor. Grey Township council held April
Question three asked about the 3
authorization of Ontario Wine Mrs. Cardiffstated as her
stores with 50.6 8 voting in favor; reason 'for retiring .that -she had
question 4 asked whether they worked long enough. She has
were in favor of a beverago house • been the clerk-treasurer since
with 54 per ceht voting in favor. 1951. ' Council accepted her
Question 5 tasked if they were in, resignation and asked her to stay
favor of the sale of beer and wine on until they could find someone
under dining room facilities with
Morris stays
Mervin Jones, owner of the
Walton Inn who had beep;
planning a, dining lounge for hiss ,
establishment if the vote had P."
gone wet said:
"It's a little bit ridiculous. It
makes you wonder what people
are thinking about. I think that
(Continued on Page 7)
Hockey League champs in Brussels this year were
this Optimist team who beat out the Crushers, the
Untouchables and Bluevale. Players of various ages
and abilities had a good time all season playing
closely matched games but the Optimissiles came
out on top. Team members are, from left, front, Don
McCall, Kevin Carter, Gerry Lee, Don Carter, Gary
Elston, Gord Findh, back - Don Higgins, Scott
Wheeler, Laurie Campbell, George Langlois, Danny
Pearson, Brian ,Huether, Larry Bray, Greg Wilson
and Jim Fritz. (Photo _by Langlois)•
54.15 per cent voting in favor,
Question 6 asked if they were in
favor of the sale of spirits, beer
and wine in a dining lounge with
58.53 per cent voting in favor..
Question 7 asked if they were in
favor of lounge licence for spirits,
beer and wine with food optional
with 58.97 per cent in favor.
Question 8 asked if they were in
favor of spirits, wine and beer
under an entertainment lounge,
with live entertainment with
57.24 voting in favor of it.
Grey clerk
This is "Barefoot In The Park"
week at Grey Central School. It is
much too cold as yet to go
barefoot anywhere outdoors but
you could go barefoot to Grey
Central School and never feel a
chill. You will be kept warm with
laughter provoked by the comedy
situations that abound in this'
* *** *
The skate board craze has
. reached Brussels: There is no
doubt that it is great fun for those
who go zooming along on their
boards. It can also be dangerous.
There are frequent reports from
elsewhere of youngsterS being
seriously injured. Concussion and
broken innbs have been coma on
to say nothing of numerous
painful scrapes • and braises
suffered by inept perfotmers.
Skate boards are something for
pedestrians to be wary of, If the
operator loses control, or the
board runs free it can be a hazard
to anyone oh foot, Skate Boarders
take tare! See that you escape
injury to yourself and others,
* * * oit
The Maitland tan 'swift and
Gary Davidson head of the
planning division for Huron
County asked 'whether growth
should be permitted in hamlets.
Bev. Brown said there was a
need for services in a strictly
rural area such as a machine
shop. She said it would be nice if
13luevale served the community
as well as Belmore does.
"I suspect there is possibly a
young people prob lem • here
because there's no place for them
to go", she said.
Another resident, Michael
Marriott said "I feel until
Now that the federal budget
has been brought down, the
federal political parties are
preparing themselves for the
possibility of an early election.
On the local scene, all three
political' patties are starting the
machinery rolling for the
expected election.
• Robert McKinley, M.P. for
Huron - Middlesex will be
seeking re-election as the
Progressive ConSetvative
candidate in the tiding of Anton
Bruce. The P.C. nomination
meeting will be held Wednesday,
April 19 at the Ripley Community
Centre at 7:30.
Paul larroll, of the local New
Democratic Party (NDP) said that
party party wilt be holding a meeting
g at
Wingham develops
better facilities hamlets like
Belgrave and Bluevale should be
developed to promote community
Bev I3r6wri said she wasn't sure
she wanted her tax money being
spent on another community
centre in Bluevale like the one
they had in Belmore. She thought
they should have something
smaller in Bluevale such as
badminton courts or card meeting
places. ' She
thought people should be
(Continued on Page 7)
following sunny periods, with
little rain, slowed drainage into
the Maitlandft-Om melting snow.
It also prevented severe flooding
of basements with the messy
problems that brings.
on Tuesday, April 18 in Hensall
The guest speaker for the
meeting is Donald McDonald,
MPP for York South. The purpose
of Tuesday's meeting is to elect a
new executive for the local NDP
and establish a candidate sea rch
Mr. Carroll • said there are no
declared candidates to date.
The Huron-Bruce Liberal
Association is holding their
nomination meeting in Clinton
Legion Hall On Wednesday, April
19. The guest speaker will be
'thigh Faulkner, Federal Minister
of Iridiati Affairs and Northern
Three candidates have
announced they are sdekitig the
(Continued on liage
else, Mrs. Cardiff said.
The hamlets of Bluevale and
Belmore in Turnberry Township
and the kinds of services people
would like to see them provide in
the future was the main topic
when urban developnient was
discussed at the Turnberry.
Township. Secondary Plan
meeting on Monday night.
Rev. Wilena Brown, a resident,
pointed out that one of the effects
of the larger communities around
the hamlets isthat a place like
Bluevale. loses some of its
centeredness. She thought
Bluevale should have a
community centre.
Short Shots
by Evelyn Kennedy
high on the weekend. Swirlirig
,beyond its normal boundaries it
flooded the low lying areas within
our village. Monday morning he
muddied waters had reseeded,
but barely, within the confines of
the river's channel. Cold nights,
Nominations set