HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-03-01, Page 12limmimminiromemis ksi -.mummy LET US MAItE YOUR OLD FURNITURE' BETTER THAN NEW! Fora free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials — CALL COOK UPHOLSTERY Ph. 523-4272 R. Cook, Prep- ' "Put Your Upholstering _Needs In Our Hands" Blyth, Ont. WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE penalty. Or, you could be charged in a court of law under the Uneniployment Insurance Act or the Criminal Code of Canada. Conviction means a criminal record. And benefits wrongly ob- tained must be paid back in full. In 'any case) it's not very pleasant. We're not in business to prosecute people. Avoid this by dealing with us as fairly as we try to deal with you. The people of Canada should not be cheated by an irresponsible few. ness of your offence, you. may For your sake, please play it Immlgratibn Canada have to pay an administrative straight with.us. Bud Cullen, Minister Employment with claim records. The claims investigator may be alerted by an agent at the Unemployment. Insurance office, or by our central fact-finding computer system. If there's evidence of abuse or fraud, the investigators will make a recommendation for action to .either the UI agent or legal counsel. "Well, what are you going to do with us?" Depending on the serious- • Employment and: Emplel et ImMigration Canada Bud Cullen; Ministre The Unemployment Insurance Commission and the Department of Manpower and Immigration have become the Canada Employment and Immign2tion Commission. , time; you'll still see our local offices identified as Unemployment Insurance offices or Canada Manpower Centres. When.they're together in one location, they'll be called Canada Employment Centres. Canada's Unemployment Insurance Program Working with people who want to work. 12—THE BRUSSELS POST, MARCH 1, 1978 Walton wl aebates women's lace Correspondent Mrs. Allan /WOW 887-0677 The resolution meeting of the Walton Women's Institute was held in the community hall on Wednesday evening, Febraury 15. The president Mrs. Bill Humphries opened with a poem "Winter". Mrs. Ron Bennet was, nominated to act as secretary in the absence of Mr. Ken McDonald, Nineteen members answered the roll call, "What I would dbif I could do as I please". Mrs. Don McDonald reportea as the Public Relations officer regarding the planning of the bus trip for May 31st where an appointment has been made to tour the Sara Lee Cake Plant .n1 Bramalee then to spend time at the large shopping centre' at Brathalea. . A letter was read from the new provincial president, Mrs. Clarence Diamond, New Hamburg. For the training schools, short course, ne edlepoints. for beginners was first choice with second contemporary tailoring. The regular collection and the pennies for friendship was taken up. The garden club , for the 4-H project will be available this summer with Mrs. Harold Hudie offering to be leader, it being left with her to get an assistant. Mrs. B. Humphries ga.re the results of the vote on the fixing of the hall. Since then the ceiling has been Aowered, insulating has been done and joists repairs in the basement. It was voted to leave further fixing of the stage, painting of windowsjinew curtains and cleaning floor till a later date. The quilt that has been made by the Institute has been completed and was on display Tickets on sale from any Institute member, are to be handed into Mrs. Ron Bennett or Mrs. L hvern Godkin. The draw will be made at the Institute special meeting with guests on June 21st. It was also decided to make;.-.1p the other piece of material that was purchased with Mrs. E. Stevens and Mrs. H. Craig to do the marking. A cushion was donated by Mrs. Earl Mills , draw to be made at a Court Whist Party. It was decided to go to the Callander Nursing Home in 'Brussels; on Thursday, March 23 with Mrs. Herb Traviss; Mrs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs. Lavern Godkin in charge of program. A vote was passed to have the annual meeting in April at the hall with a pot luck supper and donate the money to the hall. Nominating committee to bring in the new slate of officers will be Mrs. Herb Traviss; Mrs. Stewart Humphries and Mrs. Bill Humphries. The Institute will cater to a wedding in August and is avilable • . for a ny further catering. It 'was decided there would' be two carloads go to the Bluevale Institute March 8th meeting when Jim Armstrong will be speaking onthe Plowing Match on his farm in September. There will be a St. Patrick's Court Whist party in the community hall on Friday, March 10th at 2 p.m. Men and, women are both welcome. Several offered to make posters to be taken to the different towns. Committee in, charge of lunch will be Mrs. Mac Sholdice; Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs. Allan McCall. The conveners on resolutions, Mrs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs, Lavern Godkin had a very interes- ting debate on "Resolve that the women's place is in the home." Taking the affirmative side were Mrs. Bill Humphries and Mrs. L. Godkin while Mrs. J. Axtmann and Mrs. G. Watson spoke for the negative side. It brought up subjects on everyday lives, giving us much food for thought, This brought the meeting to a close, with lunch served by Mrs. Herb Traviss; Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and Mrs. Ray Huether. 4-H Meetings Walton 1, • 4-H Club met on February 15th for its second meeting for the spring project "Focus on Living". They gathered at the hall when Mrs. N. Reid and Mrs. H. Bolger showed the girls the techniques of quilting. Then the girls with their leaders, Margaret Shortreecl and Lin Stealer returned to Peggy Humphries' home for the rest of the meeting. Julie Blake presided for the opening. Minutes were read by J eanne McDonald. The roll 'call was answered by naming one or more articles you have in your home, whether quilted by machine or hand and whether they were pieced or appliqued. Members were given Material to be made into a quilting sample. Following the 4-H motto, Peggy served lunch. They met again on Tuesday, February 2,1st, at Lhit Steffer's home for a work meeting. Personals Alisson and Lesley Traviss of Waterloo spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Herb Traviss while their parents were holidaying in Arizona. The World Day of Prayer service will be held at Duff's United Church, Walton, on Friday, March 3 at 2 P.M. when all ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. There will be a pane discussion on Community Spirit and Modern Living. Mrs. Viola Kirkby returned home last Thursday after a few weeks spen holidaying in Florida with Rev. and Mrs.Q. Hazelwood of Brussesls. On Monday morning the Walton Unit quilt committee put in another quilt at the Thamer home, so a nu in bar of ladies will, be busy for a day or so the first of the week. Correction - It was Mrs. Jim Axratann who accompanied Mrs. G. Watson to the Senior training school in Wingham for two days not Mr.. H. Hudie, so anyone in the community wishing to take the course P ersonalizing y our pattern" get in touch with Mrs. Axtmann or Mrs. Watson A message about those who think they can cheat Ul: "We're not really dishonest: Unfortunately that's not true. It seems that some people like you think there's nothing wrong with ripping off Canada's Unemployment Insurance pro- gram. "All we did was fail to report a little extra income while getting UIP With that sort of behaviour you could be charged with a criminal offence. Isn't it just like shoplifting or theft? Clieatingbn Unemployment Insurance is stealing from your neighbours, friends, fellow employees, employers, and the Government of Canada, all at the same time. And not being avail- able for work when you're getting III is abuse, pure and simple. "How did you ever find out?" Unemployment Insurance has almost 500 full-time trained claims investigators on staff And, like any modern organization, we're using new data-handling techniques to their best advan- tage, We match up RecOrds of •'•*044 , • 2579-A