HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1978-02-22, Page 1616—THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY .22, 1978 \ '''VVVe ?CM Ready to ride, Sunday at the Optimist poker rally • Whelan speaks to CF OPP lays charges One charge was, laid Under the Also on Sunday, ,Rebruary 10 Criminal Code. Murray .1. Ducharme of During the week, there were Brussels was driving a sno-jet oil nine motor vehicle collisions sideroad 10 11, south of which caused an estimated' concession 10 4 11, Grey $7200.001n property damage and Township, and-in attempting to injuries to two persons, clime• a snowbank, broke his On Sunday, February 19 , ankle. During the week Februatay 13 - David B. Heger of R.R.1, 19, officers at Wingham Wingham and John Renwick of Detachment con ducted 29 R.R. 1, Clifford, both driving snow investigations. vehicles were involved in a 14 chtarges were laid under the collision on concession road 18, Highway Traffic Act and Twenty- East of Huron County road 12, five warnings were issued. HoWiek Township, David B. Five chargeSWerelaid under the *ft suffered Minor injuries as a Liquor Licence Act: result of the collision. The farmer is paying a lot more for the privilege of feeding the country, Canada's agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan • told farmers at the Canadian Feder- ation of ' Agriculture's annual Meeting-File cited a dr'Op in net income to thelfarmer of 11% and an expected drop this year of six percent. Part of this could be remedied, he sajd, if farmers took advantage of legislation that is in place now for their protection. "All of you know my position on marketing boards..." " He went on to compare the prices paid by consumers for products that are regulated • by supply management marketing boards to prices on the free market. In all cases, he said, that the regulated product, changed little in price, gave the producer a decent income and the consumer a reasonable price, while in the U.Sv,) without the benefit of a regulatory agency the prices fluctuated wildly, from sky high to depressingly low. Over there neither the consumer nor the farmer was happy, he said. Right now Mr. Whelan said, consumers see beef prices up and figure the farmer is making a profit at their • expense. He complained bitterly that the stabilization program was being abused in some provinces. "I heard of a case where apple - producers were told they would only get paid a feW cents a bushel for their produce. They were 'told not to worry. Why? Because Whelan would y. make up the difference.:" He went 'on to say" that theSe are dollars out of our pockets and that he would not allow the stabilizationfund tebe abused. He called on hog. prodiger organizations to have their people produce` more hogs, for in 1977 . Peter Hannam; President of the' Ontario Federation. of Agriculture, will speak at the Clinton High School on Monday, February 27 at 8:30 p.m. on the subject of the O.F.A. policyontthe property tax reforms being proposed by the Ontario govern- ment. This special meeting has, been called by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture in order to give all interested persons an opportunity to discuss with Peter how the proposed property tax reforms will affect the farming community and what the O.F.A. policy is towards these -reforms. Charles Munro of Embro did not, stand • for re-election as president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture at its annual meeting last week. He had come full circle, he said, and it - was fitting that he would end his presidency where it has begun, in. Quebec City, nine years earlier. On food prices, he presented statistics compiled by U.S. agri- cultural attaches, that showed that almost every food item costs less in minutes worked than anywhere else in the world. "Canadian consumers take it much too much for granted that they will continuously have avail- able to them an adequate supply of high quality cheap food. I doubt if it ever crosses the mind of Canadians at all that unless they are prepared to pay the price, the farmers will -simply cease to produce," Mr. Munro said. He challenged every farmer acid every farm organization to better acquaint consumers with the real cost of producing food. Exports of agricultural products outrun imports by $800 million to one billion dollars every year. The contribution to our trade balance has been an important factor in the nation's economy, "We have Seen large imports of U.S. pork this year. Our fanners are 'Competitive with the American farmer, - but otir pork is untorripetitive at the wholesale level,' Mr. Munro said. 'Parrners should. not have to, and they Will not, tolerate the pressure for more and more efficiency in production if the inefficiencies are' elsewhere inthe SyStent,'' Mr. Munro also cOniniented on the upcoming feed Strategy Conference and' expressed years, he said with heavy irony, "I think I got my point across. We may see them meeting a bit more frequently in the future." Mr. Whelan also said he would like to see the agricultural countries organized on the same basis ' as the —oil producing countries, for food is ultimately the currency of the world. concern over indications of the government's thinking. It seems that the thrust of the food strategy is aimed at higher efficiency, improved productivity, and a lowering of the level of protection, he said. Then, if necessary, stabilization plans in order to give farmers a stable return and consumers fair prices. A possible two „price ;system and even export embargoes are also in the thinking of the minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. He pointed out that every country in 'the world 'has higher tariff protection for its farmers than Canada, and unilateral lowering of protection would hurt the Canadian farmer. As an example of some , non- tariff barriers he cited the case of Canadian wheat sales to Japan. lit order to bolster. the Japanese grain farmer, the government of that country buys Canadian wheat at $2.97 a bushel, delivered, and sells it to the millers for $6.53 per bushel. The profit is used to' support the Japanese farmer. As far as protection for agriculture is concerned, Mr. Munro said, that primary agriculture has an average tariff of 2.05%, This compares with mannfacItirecl food 7,96%, textile 17%, clothing 21%, furniture 15%, paper products 6%, and so On. • He praised the government for the leadership given in the international trading community on a grains agreement. He reiterated his conviction that the family farin is the only Way farming in this country will survive, but he had, some criticism too. He urged More consideration of shared labour and machinery and other capitl costs. Short Shots. (Continued from Page 1) the local Brussels area students are in the play so watch for the date of Fiddler On The Roof" and plan to attend. ** * * * Students of F. E. Madill. Secondary School got an unexpected' holiday last Thursday. The teachers were out -on strike. Huron County Secondary teachers are rotating strikes to enforcelheir demands regarding the two issues on which• negotiations broke down, sick leave credit gratuity and how many pupils a teacher will handle, during a teaching day. Salaries have been settled. No doubt some students welcomed the holiday but if this strike continues for a long period of time what damage are they going to do to the students progress? It could cost them their year. It will particularly concern those who anticipate entering university this fall. It could be a long drawn out deadlock between teachers and the board for E. C. Hill, chairman of the negotiating team said it is a question now of who is running the education system and the board cannot afford to give in.. * * * * *•* It is amazing to read, or hear,. so many complaints about mothers-in-law. Complaining, interfering, nosy, fault-finding ones and those who hold tight the apron strings, all of these cause trouble and estrangement in families. Mothers of sons seem to be the most , often • mentioned offenders. None of this was true as far as my mother-in-law Was concerned. She was a gracieus lady, kind and understanding and certainly set an example for me. Early in the life of our two sons, I determined to mind my own business, when they married and to keep my, mouth shut. Having no daughters ()Piny sown, alai ..happy to have two daughters-in- law, who along with our sons and grandchildren, are a' great source of comfort to me at this time. If they have any complaints about their mother-in-law, I have not heard them. (They are much too nice to mention them anyway.) I try girls! I try! ****** High school (Continued from Page 1) by the board he agreed is "always possible." Two issues divide the sides. One concerns sick leave credit gratuity which currently provides payment of up to half a year's salary when a, teacher resigns or retires without having used up sick leave_entitlements. The board feels the teachers .Must be 50 years, old and have 12 years of service before being 'eligible • for the payment. Teachers oppose this stipulation . ' Another ' problem in negotiations appears to be a clause which stipulates how many pupils a teacher will handle during a teaching day. The teachers had the clause in the last contract and want it renewed but the board says if isn't workable. The board argues the teachers are already protected by a pupil-teacher ratio ranging front 16.8-students to one staff to 17.2 students. to one staff, including guidance counsellors, principals, vice-principals and other support staff. Salaries have been settled.The teachers have agreed to a 7.5 percent increase, resulting ill an average salary of $23,200, including a cost-of-living payment, up $1,550 froth the previous average salary. The minimum saslary for a teacher with no experience and mini/110M qualifiCations will increase from $10,73046 $12,50. The it Axiiintrn salary Will be $25,55(1 FA pres Hannam Clinton Canada bought $100,000,000. in United States poik, which he • strongly condemned as inferior in quality. On the GATT negotiation he, had. some strong Comments also. The agriculture ministers of the different countries found their; agriculture so important that they had decided to meet every five CFA head retires