The Brussels Post, 1978-02-08, Page 15corn proposals signed so that a
vote can be called for in March.
"It is important to get something
in order about a marketing
organization" Mr. Hazlitt
Members passed a resolution
that a wbikhing factor be used in
the calculation of the Consumer
Price Index. It is assumed that
Canadians spend 27% of their
income on food purchases but in
reality the figures vary from
13.8% (Organization for
Economic and Co-operative
development) to 16% (Noel
McNaughton, Agrologist,
University of Alberta). This
distoration leads to inflation, the
resolution said.
The F of A resolved that
domestic and imported foods be
reported separately in the
Consumer Price Index. Too often
the high cost of imported goods
force up the consumer price Index
beyond what is in demand, it
Members decided to form a
roster of speakers to be provided
with proper training for public
speaking, and media interviews
on consumer concerns. The
speakers would be available to
speak to all non-farm organiza-
tions. The Ontario F of A will be
asked for financial support.
Plans are to be initiated for a
Media Bus Tour of ',various farms
in Turnberry Township. The
Huron County Consumer liaison
and public relations committees
are organizing the tour of various
farm operations so that the media.
can be aware of what is going on)
on the farms.
The meeting broke into groups
and discussed how townships and
counties could work better
together, and how to get more
members: joining and getting
involved with the Federation,
Groups reported that good
ideas were pulled out which will
be discussed at the next executive
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Huron F of A to THE BRUSSELS POST, FEBRUARY 8, 1978 —15,,
Boycott food -conference
The upcoming National Food
Conference is to be boycotted by
the Huron County Federation of
Agriculture it was decided
Thursday night at the
Federation's monthly, meeting.
The conference is sponsored by
the federal government
(consumer division). The
Federation of Agriculture is
disatisfied with the poor
representation of agriculture
community and sa s !the food
conference is planning for future
reserves of food yet only a token
10 percent of the input is
agriculturaly oriented.
The Canadian F of A is sending
a report to the conference and is
also planning a conference of
their own in Ottawa on the same
day in order to protest their
disatisfaction with the national
Food Conference.
Ex OFA President Gordon Hill
will be speaking to as many
farmers who make it to the
conference. Peter Hannam,
Ontario president of F of A will
also make a presentation.
Of the 400 invitations sent out
to the conference only 41 were
agriculturally oriented. -"The
Federation sees the government
as not being concerned about
forming a good policy and the
farmers arebeing ignored" said
HFA' past president Adrian Vos.
The 35 members at the meeting
were called upon to support the
boycotting by going to Ottawa on
the February 22 for the F of A
Merle Gunby and Maurice
Bean weredesignated to organize
a delegation. -
A one day workshop is being
sponsored by Conestoga College
to, aid F of A members in effective
letter writing. On, March 31 Karl
Schuessler will be heading the
seminar and anyone interested is
to contact Bev Brown. Lunch and
supplies are required as well as
an advance sample of a letter that
you have written in order to have
a more effective learning session.
The Huron Federation rejected
a Middlesex F. of A. proposal for
members to pressure for the
abolition of coupon promotions.
They claim advertising gimmicks
are costly and constitute an
unjust and unnecessary expense
which broadens the gap between
consumers and farmers. Huron
people felt that those gimmicks
move products, especially when
there is an over production.
John Hazlitt, grain committee
man, approached the meeting to
encourage the farmers to get their
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson
and Mrs. Georgina Bosman have
returned to Florida after visiting
with their families during the last
two weeks.
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