The Brussels Post, 1977-12-21, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST, DECEMBER 21, 19787 —6
RoberivGone, y enjoys
91st birthday party
After suffering a broken hip Tom and. Harriet Miller, Sheila,
late in February of this year and David, Michael and Suzanne
convalescing in Brookhaven MacPherson and Ronald Stokes
Nursing Home for two months all of the sixth line of Morris,.
then returning home, Robert Glenn, Joyce, Sharon, Sandra,
Golley of the second line of Sheila and Donald Swartzen-
. Morris Township was pleased to truber, Leonard and Evelyn,
celebrate his 91st birthday on James, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wednesday,' the 14th of Robinson all of Wingham area.
December, in his own home iTwo card games were in progress
where he resides with his son land Dwayne entertained with a
Clarence. 'few numbers on the accordian.
Those who attended were his Mr. Golley enjoyed visiting
sons Clarence, James and Glenn with his friends and neighbours.
and grandson, Dwayne Golley.
tree won
in draw
A TIRED CREW — These participants in the bed race Saturday found the effort
involved made even this battered old bed look inviting, and couldn't resist taking a
rest following the race. (Photo by Langlois)
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The winners in the Rebekah
and Odd Fellows draw made on
December 17 were: Money Tree-
Scott Cardiff; Pink Doll-Violet
Machan; Yellow Doll-Kathy
n as
rs. Le
"And, lo, the star, which • ,,
they saw iri the east, went
before them, till it came
and stood over where the
young child was".
This description by Mat-
thew of the Wise 'Men's.
visit to the Christ Child has
caused specula.tion for cen-
turies aboutpahire
that star. •• •
While some believe that
there is no natural explana-'
tion for this star seen "in the
east" by the Wise Men,
others have atteniAiredi' to
find an astron'o'mical 4pla-
nation for the
It is important to,'.•i0440 .:
how- much the .peOpleil..'of ;••,
Christ's time 'depended
astrology,rcscientists.„:' have
pointed, out. -
A configuration of Jp.Pi-
ter, Saturn and Mars f..that•••;:IP'<"-ti-:,,q.'
occurred „ , February; of 6
B,C. :considered as a 1)os-; * •
sibility in searching for-the
star of Bethlehem. It is be-
lieved that such. a 'massing,
of planets must_ have . been
quite spectacular, and of
sufficient import to have-
caused the Magi to travel
great distances. Since the,
exact year of Christ's birth'
is not known, (the year
A. D. was selected by
Dionysius in the mistaken
idea that Jesus was'born in
the 28th year of the reign of
Emperor Augustus) this
date is a distinct possibility:
Another eXplanaticiri is
that the "star" was in fact
the gloW caused by Jupiter
passing Saturn in the year
6 B. C.
Whatever the explana-,
tion for the star of Bethle
hem — natural pr super
natural — the faithful will
continue to follow its guid-
ing light to trid the Infant
Jesus, even as the Wise
Men did two thousand
Years agOs
Happy holidays,'
friends and _neighbors.
Thanks .for letting us serve yo