The Brussels Post, 1977-12-14, Page 23tic association. He said if the
association backed up the request
with facts and figurs regarding an
alarming number of serious
injuries the board would have to
take a second look at the subject.
The resolution from the
association recommended the
phasing out of high school
football because of a potential
danger to adolescents. The letter
said adolescent bodies are not
sufficiently developed to be safe
from spinal and neck injuries as a
result of heavy body contact in
Superintendent of education
Jim. Coulter said he had kept a list
of injuires to students at school
and during the last three years
and that he has n of had a football
injury reported to him. He said
children have broken arms falling
of swings but he has not been
made aware of serious football
injuries. He added that it was
possible any injuries received in
the game may not have been
reported to him.
Walk a block a day.—
It's the first step.
Walk :I iliOck:filday:
Contact football stays.
matter should be "Tossed in the
playing body ' contact ' sports
adding that she didn't think the
physical hazards of a teenager
that". She said the board had to
make its decision considering the
should be dismissed "Just like
that she didn't think the matter
protests of Goderich trustee
Dorothy Wallace.
chiropractic association at its
Monday meeting despite the
chose to file a letter from the
football or some other potentially
less dangerous sport. The, board
rep l ace it with non-contact
Association to phase out high
school contact football and
the Ontario Chiropractic
Education ignored a request from
Ms. Wallace told the board
The Huron County Board of
1 equipment which lessened the
that hockey programs were not
offered by schools and that the
schools were not responsible for
youngsters played hockey they
the only difference between
hockey and , football was that
programs. He said the body
contact is the same.
rather than out of one.
did so with parent's approval and
injuries to students playing
hockey after school hours. •
schools did not sponsor hockey
youngsters were going to play
football she felt it was better they
play in a high school program
chance of injury. She said that if
programs the athletes were
provided with protective
Ms. Wallace pointed out that if
Mr. Turkheim pointed out that
trash basket". Wingham trustee J.P. Alex-
Board chairman Herb ander told the board that high
Turkheim asked Wallace if she school football 'programs were
`though football was any rougher offered to students iwanting to
than hockey, a sport almost every play the sport. He said •football
youngster plays (luring childhood was not mandatory and that if a
and usually with his parents'
student's parents didn't want him
support. • to play the game they could stop
"I don't think you can stop him from doing so.
young people from playing at
"Girls are wanting to get in
sports," said Mr. Turkheim. "If football programs now," said
the board barred it ,in the schools Brussels trustee D. McDonald.
it would just start up on its own in, Separate school trustee Eugene
parks and empty lots."
Frayne, the trustee responsible
Clinton trustee Dorothy for the motion to file the letter,
Williams supported the
chairman's theory pointing out
that at least in the high school
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said he felt the board didn't have
enough information to comply
with the request of the chiroprac-
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"Is it true
now have to work
onger to colle
Parliament has decided that the qualification
e should be longer everywhere, and that
ple who live in areas of high unemployment
uld be given certain advandges over those
live in areas where jobs are more plentiful.
Which means that you'now need more
ble work weeks to qualify for
employment Insurance benefits.
"I can see why. But just
long would I have to work to
From 10 to 14weeks, depending on where •
In regions of low unemployment, claimants
up to 14 weeks of insurable employment to
UI benefits. This will only happen in places
reit's easier to get and keep a job.
In regions of high unemployment, claimants
heed as little as 10 weeks to qualify.
"Does this mean
get less or that the payments
uldn't last as long?"
No change in
payment amounts. The
efit rate stays two-thirds of your average
kly insurable earnings,
.The maximum is $147, less tax.
The maximum time for which anyone may
ive benefits has changed slightly, however.
old, maximum was 51 weeks. Now it's 50 weeks.
But since September 11, the total
ber of weeks for which a claimant qualifies
more closely reflected the =employment rate
is or her region.
Right now, we measure unemployment by
'ding Canada into 16 economic regions.
Later in 1978, we will fine-tune the program to
54 regions so that UI will be even more closely
related to local labour market conditions.
"What else is changing
about UI?"
Not much.
The basic two week waiting period.
remains the same everywhere. And so do
the rules on the waiting period when a
claimant has left his or her job for no good
reason or been fired for misconduct. In,
such cases, a claimant may have to wait up
to eight weeks from when employment
ends until benefits start.
Then there's maternity, sickness and
age 65 benefits.
Previously, sickness benefits were only
payable during the first 39 weeks of the claim.
Now they're payable at any time during the entire
benefit period.
Maternity benefits of 15 weeks and the
special one-time benefit (equal to three weeks'
benefits) at age 65 remain the same.
The same people still pay for the program in
the same proportions, and the types of employ-
ment insurable for UI remain the same, too.
"Would I still go to the
same UI office to claim?"
As explained in the box below, you still go to
the familiar locations for both UI offices and
Canada Manpower Centres. Watch for changes in
your area.
Unemployment Insurance has changed for
everyone's benefit, including yours. All we ask is
that you remember your obligations as well as
your rights.
If the need should ever arise for you to come
to us, we'll make sure you get all the UI benefits
to which you are entitled by law. But you must
keep up the search for a new job all the time
you're getting those benefits.
The Unemployment Insurance Commission and Me
Department of Manpower and Immigration have become
the Canada Empbyment and Irnmigrationrommission.
For a time, you'll still see our local offices identified as
UneMployment Insurance offices or Canada Manpower
Centres. When they're together in one location, they'll he
called Canada Employment Centres.
Working with people
who want to work.
Employment and
ImMigration Canada
ptid Cullen
Ernplbi et
Immigration Canada
Bud Cullen
ou can
and on
le pure
9. Wall
t a par-