The Brussels Post, 1977-12-07, Page 17LET US :MAKE YOUR OLD FIJRNITURF: BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at our newest samples of materials — CALL COOK UPHOLSTERY "Put Your Upholstering • ' Needs In Our Hands" Ph. 523-4272 R. Cook, Prop. Blyth, Ont. WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE • THE BRUSSELS POST, DECEMBER 7, 1977 u.m,,17 Skilled .workers seem scarce Unemployment in Huron County is running at a comparatively low figure stacked against provincial or even federal unemployment averages. Specific statistics are not available for Huron ToUnty but regional figures indicate an average unemployment rate of. 4,1 per cent in the Lake Erie region. The region takes in the area of London, : Si. Thomas, Woodstock, . Tillsonburg, Goderich and surrounding area. In the region unemployment was 4.4 per cent in August, rose to 4.5 per cent in September and has dropped to 3.9 per. cent in October, The figures are not surprisingly low for an agricultural based region but the only other regional statistic to compare comes from Midwestern, Ontario in the Oshawa area where the October average was 4.3 per cent. Ben Hey, m tanager of the Canada Manpower Centre in Goderich, said the. economic picture in the' area is not gloomy but more probably reflects the general economic picture across the country, The Huron County area is served by the main Goderich Manpower office and a branch. in Exeter, Hey said that county unemployment figures rose to 967 at the end of October as compared with 905 at the same time last year. "The figures don't mean that much since month by month figures differ," he said. "You have to look at the yearly figure, The Goderich area is holding up well and the figures are good compared to other years or compared toother provinces." He also indicated that .the winter months were notoriously slow for employment mainly due to the absence of construction. But a sagging construction industry has had little to offer at any time this. year. Hey explained that the unemployed are willing to work at any job and the bulk of the opportunities in the Goclerich office generally call for waitresses and other, related jobs. "What we can't get right now are skilled mechanics," Hey remarked. "You need a skill right now to find a job and we have had requests for welders, mechanics and carpenters." '',•• The job market has been especially depressing for young people and. even more so for young people without a skill. And training' programs have been especially helpful in this area. The Canada Manpower Industrial Training' Program, a cost sharing program between Manpower and private employers, has filled positions for which skilled workers were not available, filled vacancies that have resulted from expansion or provided skilled jobs for employees who. may have been • laid off. otherwise, Last year in. Huron County 120 people were trained throught he the industrial training program and the number of people involved in the program this year is expected to reach 200. The training program mainly deals with skilled trades in the 'metal working industry, such as welders and machinists but in this area has expanded to farm and auto parts trades. The. Canada Employment and Emigration Commission has also announced a new program (JET) aimed at providing jobs for young people and expanding the labor force to meet skilled requirements. Under the program employers are subsidized 50 per cent of an employee's wage for a period of 26 weeks and prospective employees are selected for jobs to suit their interests and aptitudes and given an orientation course to prepare them for the work force. Also in the County11.6 men have been employed through a provincial rur al beautijfic' a.trion project. The men will be employed in the provincially funded program until next March. Huron County Development officer Spence Cummings said that although there is a need for more industry in the county • people here are not feeling the effects of unemployment as compared to other regions or provinces. He cited the fact that the base of the jobs in the county are -related to agriculture as the major contributing factor to high employment. VVingham Memorial Shop QUALITY SERVICE • CRAFFMANSHIP Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTERING Box 158, WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK K, December 4 is the Tell me agrainhoW Ummploppent urance qualification are"c New legislation has changed some of the d rules of our UI prograrn. Parliament has decided that people who live eas of high unemployment will be given ain advantages over those who live where jobs more plentiful. Which means that, as of December 4, you'll more insurable work weeks to qualify for mployment Insurance benefits, • "10 to 14 weeks, depending here you live, right?" Right again. In regions of:low unemployment, claimants need up to 14 weeks of insurable employment et UI benefits. This will only happen in es where it's easier to get and keep a job. In regions of high unemployment, claimants need as little as 10 weeks to qualify: But until December 4, the entrance frement remains at eight weeks wherever you "How about the two week tingperiod?''' No change, The basic two week waiting remains the same everywhere. And so do the rules on the Waiting period a claimant has left his or her job for no reason or been fired for misconduct. en cases; a claimant mAy have to -Wait up ht weeks from, when employment ends benefits start. "Has the amount of the benefits changed?" Absolutely not. The UI benefit rate stays at two-thirds of your average weekly insurable earnings. The maximum is $147, less tax. "Anything else I should know?" The maximum time for which anyone may receive benefits has changed slightly. The old maximum was 51 weeks. Now it's 50 weeks. But since September 11, the total number of weeks for which a' claimant qualifies has more closely reflected the unemployment rate in his.or her Kgron, Right now, we measure unemployment by dividing Canada into 16 economic regions. Later, in 1978, we will fine-tune the program to 54 regions so that UI will be even more closely related to the local labour market conditions. Also, there's maternity, sickness and age 65 benefits. Previously, sickness benefits were only payable during the first 39 weeks of the claim. Now therare payable at any time during the entire benefit period. Maternity benefits of 15 weeks and the special one-time benefit (equal to three weeks' benefits) at age 65 remains the same. The same people still pay for the program in the same proportions, and the types of employment insurable for UI remain the same, too. And; as explained in the box below, you still go to the familiar locations for both UI offices and Canada Manpower Centres. Watch for changes in your area. The Unemployment Insurance Commission and the Department of anpower and Immigration have become the Canada Employment and immigration Commission. For a tim e you'll still see our local offices identified as Unemployment Insurance offices or Canada Manpower Centres. When they're together in one location, they'll b called Canada Employment Centres. with people who want to work. 4110 Employment and imMigratibn Canada tehmoi et Inimigration Canada Bud Cullen Sud Cullen Minimer Whittre